Things that gross you out in WDW!

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OH GAH... You basically lived my worst fear whenever I ride a roller coaster. I'm ridiculously phobic about people getting sick. :guilty:

(Sidebar: How does a person make it to adulthood without knowing whether they have motion sickness?)

The weird thing was that it was an older gentleman that was getting sick. He looked VERY PALE when he got off. My wife has a real weak stomach and she started gagging when I just TOLD her about it.:sick:
Note to self: NEVER visit France.

Men wear Speedos in most European countries. When my husband 1st came here he had this little Speedo. We went to the beach. He put that thing and I almost laughed my a** off. I said don't even think of wearing that in public in the US. You will be vilified. Men here wear long shorts. Now he would never go out in public even in Greece in a Speedo. It feels too weird. And thank goodness for conditioning!
nevah gonna happen. Don't like it? Don't go near the smoking areas

Wish it was always that easy. I cannot count how many times I've been strolling through the Non-Smoking areas and encountered people smoking.

Anyways, besides breathing in the disgusting smell of smoke. Some things that gross me out are people changing their babies on the tables outside where myself and other people eat. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouth. And parents that let their kids dress like hookers. On our last trip DW and I were appalled at this one girl who couldn't have been any older then 7 or 8 decked out in full make up, was dressed in a super short mini skirt, a halter top with suggestive writing on it and heels. Yes heels, in the Magic Kingdom. We even overheard her parents talk about how cute they thought she looked trying to be "grown up". :sad2:
Wish it was always that easy. I cannot count how many times I've been strolling through the Non-Smoking areas and encountered people smoking.

Anyways, besides breathing in the disgusting smell of smoke. Some things that gross me out are people changing their babies on the tables outside where myself and other people eat. People coughing and sneezing without covering their mouth. And parents that let their kids dress like hookers. On our last trip DW and I were appalled at this one girl who couldn't have been any older then 7 or 8 decked out in full make up, was dressed in a super short mini skirt, a halter top with suggestive writing on it and heels. Yes heels, in the Magic Kingdom. We even overheard her parents talk about how cute they thought she looked trying to be "grown up". :sad2:

I just cannot put enough of these there to express my sentiments!
People who can't clean up after themselves. They leave a huge mess after eating at quick service restaurants and just walk away not even attempting to clean up after themselves. That is just gross we may be on vacation but we are still responsible for ourselves regardless....
Handrails, the burp in Stitch, and the horrible skunk smell in Figment!!
A woman past childhood (possible 20's) wearing a child size Alice in Wonderland dress (I don't know if she was wearing leggings or tights) :scared1: Seriously it looked bad and there were people with her. And it was not Halloween.

My sister and I stared at her in shock for a good few minutes.
Adults on their bad behavior

1. yelling at anyone

2. cursing so loud I can hear you across Main St.

3. knocking into people, or encouraging your kids to mow over people in a rush to complete your touring plan

4. people who try to get on the wheelchair ramp, on the buses, so they don't have to wait for 10 people ahead of them to load, then being told 3x they were not allowed on that, by the bus driver (and why didn't the bus driver just call security/forbid that trash from entering the bus).

5. People who walk up to the outdoor bars in Epcot, inquire about the price of a draft, then loudly complain about the cost, in the middle of the street. That's trashy. It's Disney, were you expecting $2.00 drafts?

6. And actually along the lines of gross, the drink refill stations. They are usually full of gnats, have a sickening old sweet odor, not to mention tacky surfaces. I can't bring myself to let my cup touch that bar in the back. Yuck.
Men with Moobs that wear tank tops. One of them is my husband and I try to get him to avoid the look but he insists.
Men with Moobs that wear tank tops. One of them is my husband and I try to get him to avoid the look but he insists.

Could be worse! Could be a man with moobs breastfeeding!
The 'chilli dog' burp in Stitch :sick:

Oh that is SO gross!!!!!! I completely agree. Along with that would be the person who had just bought a drink....sat down on a bench....picked the drink up....drank was HOT...then looked at her hubby and noticed HE was holding their drink and SHE had drank someone else's that had left it there....Yep it was me and I just about vomited then and there...YUCK@!!!!
People who can't clean up after themselves. They leave a huge mess after eating at quick service restaurants and just walk away not even attempting to clean up after themselves. That is just gross we may be on vacation but we are still responsible for ourselves regardless....

I totally agree! The worst ones are the ones who SHOVE their garbage in tiny crevices of ride queues. Do you THINK Disney Imagineers designed the Toy Story Mania queue to look like this detailed recreation of a kid's bedroom filled with oversized toys just for you to spoil the show by cramming foil wrapped turkey leg bones or a greasy popcorn cup into the spaces between the "crayons"?? There are SEVERAL garbage cans within the queue! I have to admit, I have been known to pick up garbage and toss it into the cans as I go through the ride. My husband hates that I clean up after these animals, but I feel like I am helping keep Disney my magical place! Thank God I keep hand sanitizer around, though! Ugh.
I love these threads. :goodvibes Now I'm not at all implying that these behaviors should be condoned in WDW, but I have a different perspective since coming to Liberia. Let's see, people not wearing deodorant?:eek: Check. :thumbsup2 Deodorant is really not going to help me at this point and, of course, showering out of a bucket has its own problems. Breastfeeding in public? Check. Most women here are pregnant or breastfeeding and have no problem bringing a child under two to meetings and breastfeeding there or anywhere else (which we encourage). Children running around without clothes? Check. Adults do it too, and when kids are wearing clothes it's usually something Goodwill wouldn't take, like that girl in the ripped princess costume I saw the other day. Bodily functions, peeing, picking your nose, etc, in public? Check. Not every village has a latrine. Walking on trash with barefeet? Check. There being trash around? Check. Children screaming in my office, misbehaving and almost being run over by a motorbike because parents aren't watching them? Check. The taste of water in the water fountains in WDW has nothing on the water I drink here. :sick:

But the best thing I learned over here is how to have a great experience even with all this, even with the heat and my wooden bed and no decent food...:rotfl:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets grossed out by people walking around gnawing on turkey legs. :crazy2: What's wrong with sitting down to eat? Those things are messy! There's something about seeing someone walk by with a big 'ole hunk a meat hanging out of their mouths that just turns my stomach.
This Spring Break we were in line for Stitch, in the "holding area" outside. A woman was squatting w/ her son who was probably 5-6 years old and her daughter was standing next to him. It looked odd so I looked closer, she had his "thing" stuck into the opening of a Coke bottle (which wasn't empty) and he was peeing into it. It totally turned me off of drinking bottled soda. :eek: (The Dad was standing like 10 feet away trying to look like he wasn't with them.)

Seen this in June 2009, we were waiting in line for The little Mermaid Autograph and the line was long. There was a family about 5 turns in front of us and they were next for Ariel. So they decided to have their three year old go potty in a coffee cup. It was gross.

These gross-outs are not Disney specific, they're disgusting everywhere!

"The" monorail funk - You either know the smell I'm talking about, or you don't. Apparently some people just don't smell it :confused3

I have to agree on the Monorail Funk!! :eek:

* The smell of smoke as I am eating a Dole Whip
* Lack of personal hygeine from others

Agree with the Smoke and the personal hygeine issues! :sick:

I actually have a problem with anything that smells bad, that is about my only problem that and dirty bathrooms with pee or poo on the toilet seat!!!

I have nightmares about this!
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