Things that gross you out in WDW!

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Add me to the list of people who are grossed out by the turkey legs. Sitting at a table or walking around gnawing on it, it makes me want to gag just the same. They're just so greasy and slimy looking.

On our trip two years ago, we were in the standby line at TSM, just inside the building. There was a family in line on the outside of the building, just on the opposite side of the glass from us. The little boy with them, probably around 4 years old or so, was licking all over the glass. I got the mother's attention and pointed down to him. She was horrified!
Sorry if this has already been said.

People who walk out of the restrooms without washing their hands. Eeew.

Also, people who "wash" their hands without any effort - just using water, or washing with soap for 2 seconds. A LOT of people do this. May as well not even bother!
Ignoring the TROLL.....

I once saw someone, at a water park, with and obviously infected eyebrow piercing. It was red, swollen, puss filled, and gross. I almost got sick:sick:

oh God, i'm gonna hurl...that is NASTY!!!
lots of the previously mentioned things gross me out but what really makes my gag reflex go into hyperdrive is when we're stuck eating near someone who eats like a hog. shoving food into their mouths, slopping at their condiments, dripping soda down their chin, chewing with their mouths open.
eww, makes me want to throw up just typing it.
and it's like anything bad or gross, you can't NOT look!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets grossed out by people walking around gnawing on turkey legs. :crazy2: What's wrong with sitting down to eat? Those things are messy! There's something about seeing someone walk by with a big 'ole hunk a meat hanging out of their mouths that just turns my stomach.
You would have loved the couples in line in front of us at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 2 years ago. They were very drunk, and even tho' the line was short they decided they had to have a turkey leg RIGHT NOW. We tried to explain they wouldn't have time to finish it (and food is not allowed in the haunted houses) but they were beyond understanding. So the guy runs and buys one, but they get to the head of the line before they've taken more than a few bites. The girl decides to sneak it in by shoving it down the front of her white pants!!! :scared1: That was truly the defining moment of Halloween Horror Nights 2008 for me. She danced around, whimpering in pain, before finally pulling it out. I wonder if she remembered where she got the burns and grease stains the next day. They finally stowed it in a pocket of the guy's cargo shorts.
People sampling the items in a buffet line instead of putting some on their plate, and trying it at their table.
I really don't want to handle the tongs after you slobber all over them with your wet fingers thanks.

Seen this more than digging up thier nose and eating it or touching the handrails afterwards. That's why I try not to touch handrails.

Anyways, besides breathing in the disgusting smell of smoke. Some things that gross me out are people changing their babies on the tables outside where myself and other people eat.

Oh Boy... I have to forget all about this thread before my next trip to Disney or I won't be able to touch anything or eat anywhere.:scared1:

I'd better stock up on the purell :)
Stinky people!! Two years ago we were waiting for a bus to go to MK. It was 8:30a.m. A man walked by us that was quite smelly. It was like a Seinfeld episode, the BO lingered after he was gone for a good 5mins. Other people walked up and were all smelling each other to find out where the smell was coming from. How could someone smell this bad at 8:30a.m.? Totally gross!! My girls still laugh about it 2 years later.
I am with the others on wet strands of hair laying or floating around. Creeps me out so much. Especially when you're swimming and it hits you square in the face or wraps around your fingers. Had a bad experience with a big chunk (not single strand) of hair in a cookie I bought at the mall one time so hair is just gross to me now.

Also, people who make that nasty hacking sound when they are about to spit out a big wad of "something". They seem to think nothing of doing it anywhere, anytime even near people eating. Lose my appetite immediately.
Sorry if this has already been said.

People who walk out of the restrooms without washing their hands. Eeew.

Also, people who "wash" their hands without any effort - just using water, or washing with soap for 2 seconds. A LOT of people do this. May as well not even bother!

I have to admit that I do this.. BUT! I use purrell like its going out of style I generally go through at least 2 mid-size bottles on a weeks vacation.. I have wicked touches of purrell OCD when i am at WDW or really any where on vacation for that matter

On splash mountain the people that put their hands in the water and /or splash other people with that water or like splash themselves with the water... dont they realize that that water is not filtered .... ewww gross
I love these threads. :goodvibes Now I'm not at all implying that these behaviors should be condoned in WDW, but I have a different perspective since coming to Liberia. Let's see, people not wearing deodorant?:eek: Check. :thumbsup2 Deodorant is really not going to help me at this point and, of course, showering out of a bucket has its own problems. Breastfeeding in public? Check. Most women here are pregnant or breastfeeding and have no problem bringing a child under two to meetings and breastfeeding there or anywhere else (which we encourage). Children running around without clothes? Check. Adults do it too, and when kids are wearing clothes it's usually something Goodwill wouldn't take, like that girl in the ripped princess costume I saw the other day. Bodily functions, peeing, picking your nose, etc, in public? Check. Not every village has a latrine. Walking on trash with barefeet? Check. There being trash around? Check. Children screaming in my office, misbehaving and almost being run over by a motorbike because parents aren't watching them? Check. The taste of water in the water fountains in WDW has nothing on the water I drink here. :sick:

But the best thing I learned over here is how to have a great experience even with all this, even with the heat and my wooden bed and no decent food...:rotfl:

it's interesting to hear your perspective becuase most people don't take the time to think of of comforatable most of us have it.

that said, while what is norm in one country, it's offensive in others.
When I travel I try to be respective to their customs, I would hope others would do the same when visiting mine.

Your absolutely right about enjoying your trip.
Let Disney worry about what's allowed and what to stop or how people act, just enjoy your time when your there.
Bringing food into the bathroom disgusts me so much. Bathrooms are havens for everything gross.. can you imagine what lands on your food?!?!?

Another thing that grosses me out is walking barefoot in hotel rooms. I guess this isn't Disney specific, but even with how clean those rooms are it gives me the willies.

Also, overall poor hygiene is always gross..
You would have loved the couples in line in front of us at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 2 years ago. They were very drunk, and even tho' the line was short they decided they had to have a turkey leg RIGHT NOW. We tried to explain they wouldn't have time to finish it (and food is not allowed in the haunted houses) but they were beyond understanding. So the guy runs and buys one, but they get to the head of the line before they've taken more than a few bites. The girl decides to sneak it in by shoving it down the front of her white pants!!! :scared1: That was truly the defining moment of Halloween Horror Nights 2008 for me. She danced around, whimpering in pain, before finally pulling it out. I wonder if she remembered where she got the burns and grease stains the next day. They finally stowed it in a pocket of the guy's cargo shorts.

:eek: There are no words for this. None.
The only thing that grosses me out is a woman with hairy armpits, not wearing any deodorant, while smoking, eating a turkey leg, and breastfeeding a baby in public after not washing her hands and licking the handrails. But that's just me. :rotfl2:
The only thing that grosses me out is a woman with hairy armpits, not wearing any deodorant, while smoking, eating a turkey leg, and breastfeeding a baby in public after not washing her hands and licking the handrails. But that's just me. :rotfl2:

The smell of mouse gears. No word of a lie, I just can't walk in there without the place assaulting my noes.
I must be a strangely tolerant person - I'm not really grossed out by anything at Disney. Not that some odd situations wouldn't be undesirable - just not what I'd consider 'gross'. Temporarily less than pleasant, but not enough to overcome my good mood.

I might join Yubbie though - a smoking, spitting, unwashed-handed, vomiting, infected-wound bearing, bared-midriff on the wrong bodied, breast-feeding, hairy, turkey-leg eating, smelly, handrail-licking, uncovered-mouth-coughing person might cross the line to grossness for me.
I must be a strangely tolerant person - I'm not really grossed out by anything at Disney. Not that some odd situations wouldn't be undesirable - just not what I'd consider 'gross'. Temporarily less than pleasant, but not enough to overcome my good mood.

I might join Yubbie though - a smoking, spitting, unwashed-handed, vomiting, infected-wound bearing, bared-midriff on the wrong bodied, breast-feeding, hairy, turkey-leg eating, smelly, handrail-licking, uncovered-mouth-coughing, littering, person might cross the line to grossness for me.
:sad2:mothers changing their childs dipers on main street U.S.A and leaving the dirty diper on a table is a pretty gross thing to see happen
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