My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

Too funny!! There was a " bug" in the butter it was t frozen! That or you were on Candid Camera!! Lol

Hey at least your hubby yelped my Disney loving husband would have yelled some words that would make Minnie blush! Lol. He works with construction workers so...

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If we're sharing "other parks" moments we had a cracker at SeaWorld. We were riding Journey to Atlantis - there was a HUGE Brazilian tour group in front of us, behind us & on top of us. There were just everywhere, in their defense they were not a problem at all & we queued next to the group "leader" who was an incredibly funny guy when we were talking to him. Because of the Brazilians josling for boats the 4 of us ended up in our own boat.

My Dad went to board first & was getting into row 3, he reached to steady himself to get in by grabbing the handrail in the boat but instead grabbed the lap bar which, you guessed it, immediately dropped. Sensing himself in trouble he grabbed for the back of the chair & actually grabbed the lap bar of the row behind which immediately dropped.

So with nothing to support him he fell face first into the boat with the 3 of us just standing doubled over in laughter. The attendant helped him up & was laughing herself. We were laughing so hard we were told off by her for taking so long to board the boat. We eventually did & turned to the dock to see all of the Brazilian tour group laughing at the show.

He escaped with just some bruising & I actually emailed SeaWorld to ask if they keep CCTV footage but heard nothing back, they probably just assumed I was a weirdo.
Too funny!! There was a " bug" in the butter it was t frozen! That or you were on Candid Camera!! Lol

Hey at least your hubby yelped my Disney loving husband would have yelled some words that would make Minnie blush! Lol. He works with construction workers so...

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There were a few non-Disney words spoken. Thankfully they were under his breath and not yelled LOL!

He was fine about an hour after it happened but he did sort of this little Flamenco dance sort of dealie when he opened the door for me from then on so that I couldn't run over his feet. LOL
We are a family of five. Many of the rides leave one person riding alone or with a stranger. I'm friendly and a good sport, so I usually volunteer to be that person.

While getting onto Expedition Everest, I lost my footing and fell on top of a very attractive young man that would be sitting beside me. My husband, kids and people standing nearby all had a good laugh at my expense. Needless to say, it was a very awkward ride from that point.
We are a family of five. Many of the rides leave one person riding alone or with a stranger. I'm friendly and a good sport, so I usually volunteer to be that person.

While getting onto Expedition Everest, I lost my footing and fell on top of a very attractive young man that would be sitting beside me. My husband, kids and people standing nearby all had a good laugh at my expense. Needless to say, it was a very awkward ride from that point.

Sounds like something I would do!
Too funny!! There was a " bug" in the butter it was t frozen! That or you were on Candid Camera!! Lol

Hey at least your hubby yelped my Disney loving husband would have yelled some words that would make Minnie blush! Lol. He works with construction workers so...

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So THAT'S why it clinked when we tapped it on the plate!! ROFL!!
My then 3 year old DS got scared meeting Goofy. He tried to hide behind my elastic waist skirt. He managed to somehow pull the enter skirt to the ground in front of the Photopass photographer and a long line of people.

Omg!!! Hopefully you weren't wearing a thong or underwear with holes!!! Jk! Lol

Sept 2013 Poly, 2012 Disney Fantasy, BC CL, GF CL, POR, 2011 Poly CL, CR, Poly CL, AKL, 2010 Poly CL, ASMu 2009, SSR 2008, Pop 2006, POR , Asmo 2005, Asmo 2003, offsite 2000, 1999,1989, Poly 1980, offsite 1979

Or going Commando and I don't mean moving quickly through a park. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Love this thread!

I will share mine.

We were on a Keys to the Kingdom tour about a dozen years ago, ad came to the part were you go out the back of a store, go in an elevator, and go dow to the Utilidors. It was a full tour, it seemed like there were about 30 of us. My husband and I got seperated entering the elevator, and the CM was trying to fit the whole tour in. I saw what I thought was my husband, and in an effort to help the CM get everyone in, came up behind him in a full-body hug. Suddenly noticed he seemed thinner than what I was used to. I let go and backed off, trying to get as far away as possible (not easy in a packed elevator). The rest of the tour I stayed as far away for the gentleman as possible.:blush:
Or going Commando and I don't mean moving quickly through a park. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:


Ouch could you imagine the chaffing in the heat!!! Lmao

Sept 2013 Poly, 2012 Disney Fantasy, BC CL, GF CL, POR, 2011 Poly CL, CR, Poly CL, AKL, 2010 Poly CL, ASMu 2009, SSR 2008, Pop 2006, POR , Asmo 2005, Asmo 2003, offsite 2000, 1999,1989, Poly 1980, offsite 1979
karriealex said:
I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL

I can soooo see this happening to me.
Reading the stories to my wife. Can't help but laugh at them.
Keep them coming. Great thread.
I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL


My Dad went to board first & was getting into row 3, he reached to steady himself to get in by grabbing the handrail in the boat but instead grabbed the lap bar which, you guessed it, immediately dropped. Sensing himself in trouble he grabbed for the back of the chair & actually grabbed the lap bar of the row behind which immediately dropped.

So with nothing to support him he fell face first into the boat with the 3 of us just standing doubled over in laughter. The attendant helped him up & was laughing herself. We were laughing so hard we were told off by her for taking so long to board the boat. We eventually did & turned to the dock to see all of the Brazilian tour group laughing at the show.

He escaped with just some bruising & I actually emailed SeaWorld to ask if they keep CCTV footage but heard nothing back, they probably just assumed I was a weirdo.


These are both Three Stooges worthy.
This is very entertaining and will keep me busy reading for a while. I will share my most embarrassing moment. I was still married on this trip and we were at MGM at the time, it was 2001. We got there when it first opened, and I went the entire day wearing this white shirt and pair of red shorts. It was later on in the day, dinner time, and were at the Brown Derby, getting ready to go to Fantasmic! This was the first bathroom break I'd taken all day. Apparently the light in the bathroom in the morning was not adequate enough to reveal the fact that the rather thin bra I wore under my white shirt did not give me adequate coverage. You could clearly see :rotfl::rotfl: the girls through my shirt. I was absolutely mortified. I had gone the whole day like that! I came out of that bathroom and wanted to kill my husband! (Now ex-husband) I asked him why the heck he didn't say anything, and how could he let me run around like that all day???! I went and bought a sweatshirt immediately. I wanted to die.
Dw and I were at Epcot in the summer of 2009. Very Hot, Very Sunny. Was strolling around the Ws and after about 3 hours of wondering around, we were taking a break in the American Pavilion and DW looks at me and just starts laughing like crazy. I asked her what she was laughing at and she said "Are you trying to start a new fashion trend?" I could not for the life of me figure out what she was talking about until she told me to take off my glasses. Apparently somewhere during our stroll, one of the lenses of my sunglasses fell out and I was walking around with one lens. I have no idea how I didnt notice that. I got to thinking that some of the CM at the various drink stops especially Germany were looking at me funny but never really put two and two together until my DW pointed it out. I just figured what the heck and just proceeded with one lens until we got to the gift shop between Canada and Mexico where I bought a new pair.
Yay! My first post on the Disboards :)!

Short version of my story: I fainted on It's a Small World

Precursor to the longer version: My doctor isn't a jerk (like he'd come off if I didn't say this) it's just the way we talk to each other

Long version:

So it was really hot out. It's a Small World had no line so myself and the person I was with blasted through the queue and into a boat. Not sure what happened, but going into the first bit of the ride I blacked out. Came to near the end. Since it was just me and the person I was with (who was oblivious) nobody noticed.

It could have been the heat outside, and the quick switch to the freezing cold that is It's a Small world. I may have been a bit dehydrated. Whatever it was I lost consciousness.

Wanting to make sure I'm not dying (I did faint on Small World after all) I decide to go see my doctor when I get home after my trip, which leads to:

Doctor: Why are you here?
Me: I fainted on It's a Small World

Doctor: Hold on, I've got a medical student here from Germany. Do you mind if she comes in?
Me: Sure thing
Doctor: Ok... tell her the story
*I tell story*
Doctor (to med student): Do you know what it's a small world is?
Med Student: Nope

*Doctor proceeds to use his doctor's stool to pantomime riding It's a Small World across the office singing the song while swinging side to side doing jazz hands to mimic the characters*

*Doctor points at me*
Doctor: And this idiot fainted on it!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And in text that story makes my doctor sound like a jerk, but it was actually pretty hilarious. To give context to our usual conversations, last time I went in for a throat infection:

*doctor comes in and shakes my hand*
Me: You might not have wanted to do that, my hand is covered in germs
Him: You might not have wanted to do that. You don't know how many butts my fingers have been in today... three... it was three.

I just peed my pants bahahaha. You know what would make this even better? If he was totally sexy. Unless he is. Then this story is perfect.

Military Wife & Disney Lover. be there December 15-18.
OMGGGG I'm crying laughing so hard at these stories!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:

I've got one. I've told it on the DIS before so sorry if you've already heard it.

This was 10 years ago I took my friend and my then 8yo DGD. We went to AK and got on Kali and needless to say I got totally soaked. Wasn't wearing white but was wearing some jeans shorts that did not dry fast. I got totally bad bad chaffed on my upper inside thighs from walking and the wet shorts. It was horrible. I could barely walk by the time we left. I was wide stepping ok.

We were going to MK that night to the (heck, can't remember the name. Like EMH but back then you paid extra.) I'd already bought the tickets to go so we were going no matter what. We got back to BWV and I was trying to figure out something to bandage my thighs so I could walk properly. Nothing was big enough. Then I got the idea to put moleskin on it. Not cut or anything the big full sheets on each It felt great and I felt sooooo smart for thinking of it!:rolleyes:

We get to MK before the extra hours started and found a spot near Pecos Bills to sit and watch the parade. We watch the parade and as I was standing up I felt pulling, you know, down there. I'm like what the heck. I tell my DGD and friend I need to go to the restroom. So I duck into the ones by Pecos and get in the stall and pull my shorts down and discover that moleskin had curled up around the edges and kinda scooted up too and my, um hair was all tangled up in it!!! :scared1:

I started trying to pull it out and yes it did hurt! lol Finally I had such a mess going on down there I decide to just pull the moleskin off altogether. OMG the whole top layer of my skin came off with it!!!! :headache:

I had raw meat inside thighs!!!! I couldn't walk. It was horrible!!! I had to go tell my friend and DGD to carry on without me as I walked wide stepping out of the park and back to BWV.

I get back to the villa and found some clean sheets in the closet and placed it between my legs and cried myself to sleep. lmao

The next morning we had EPCOT planned. I didn't know how I was going to do it. My friend said she'd go down to the gift shop and get some bandages. When she came back up she said she told the CM at the shop and they were sending a medical person up. I'm like omg really? You told this? lol

Well, I was back in the bedroom and still had my nightgown on and was sitting the only way I could which was with my legs spread when I hear a knock on our door out in the living room area. Next thing I look up and see this gorgeous LIFEGUARD standing there with a little bandaid in his hand. He took one look at me and said, "Oh, I don't think this will help." and made a very fast exit! omg

I ended up renting a scooter for the rest of the trip as I could not WALK. The nice nurses at EPCOT first aid station gave me a bunch of gauze and these sleeve like things that sorta kept the gauze and everything in place.

And I never ever ever showed my face at the pool for the rest of the trip for fear I'd see the lifeguard.

Moral of the story is do not under any circumstances put moleskin any place other than your feet!:sad2:

This story also made me pee! I am so sorry this had to happen to you. I felt as though my inner thighs were burning as I was reading this. Oh how horrible!

Military Wife & Disney Lover. be there December 15-18.
Both of these happened to my sister when we were just at wdw in July. We were in line at HM near the loading area and the ride was stopped so we had been in there for maybe 15 mins. My sister decides to sit down on the chain between the lines and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see her crash down to the floor. Apparently the loop that attaches it to the pole are not fully closed lol

Then a few days later we were leaving ak and again out of the corner of my eye I see her on the ground. A woman using an evc lost control and ran into my sister. The woman felt terrible and my sister totally understood but for the rest of the trip we told my sister to make sure she stays away from chains and evcs.
This happened a few years back. 6 weeks out from our first trip with the in-laws, fil injured his foot and wound up in a cast. Therefore, we rented a wheelchair in the parks and mil pushed him around. Now, you've got to understand my in laws relationship, I call them The Bickersons (an old radio program we love on XM radio). So, mil is pushing fil and stops at the crest of a hill bc she got something in her eye. (I honestly can't remember which park we were in, might have been SeaWorld). Fil, irritated that she stopped, begins to push himself, unaware that she's not holding the wheelchair. Suddenly, he's zipping down this hill hollering at her to slow the heck down, and she's frantically chasing after him trying to catch him hollering for him to slow down. OMG, my husband and I were laughing so hard we were crying, my stomach hurt for hours. We still giggle over it.
This happened a few years back. 6 weeks out from our first trip with the in-laws, fil injured his foot and wound up in a cast. Therefore, we rented a wheelchair in the parks and mil pushed him around. Now, you've got to understand my in laws relationship, I call them The Bickersons (an old radio program we love on XM radio). So, mil is pushing fil and stops at the crest of a hill bc she got something in her eye. (I honestly can't remember which park we were in, might have been SeaWorld). Fil, irritated that she stopped, begins to push himself, unaware that she's not holding the wheelchair. Suddenly, he's zipping down this hill hollering at her to slow the heck down, and she's frantically chasing after him trying to catch him hollering for him to slow down. OMG, my husband and I were laughing so hard we were crying, my stomach hurt for hours. We still giggle over it.
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I got a visual on this one. My parents too were the Bickersons so I know where you are coming from. They weren't happy unless they were sniping each other.


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