My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

Several years ago our family was at DLR for the 50th celebration. DH and our one daughter were beyond excited when they saw that they were going to get to ride in the golden Dumbo. :banana: Our other daughter and I climbed into a Dumbo behind the golden one. Before the ride started, DH wanted to get a picture that would include the one daughter in the golden Dumbo and the other daughter and me sitting in the other Dumbo. Kinda tricky to do when you're seated on the ride, so he turned around in a crouched position and tried to get all of us in one picture.

All of a sudden, an announcement came over the loudspeaker: :mic: "Will the man in the golden Dumbo turn around and sit down please?" My husband doesn't hear so well, so I started gesturing at my husband to sit down. He was getting exasperated at ME, wondering why I'm waving my arm at him and not posing nice for the picture! Then the announcement was made a SECOND time, with just a hint of impatience: :mic: "Will the man in the golden Dumbo pllleeeaasse turn around and sit down so we can start the ride?" At this point, everyone on the ride is craning their necks to see "the man in the golden Dumbo." (Except for me-- I'm trying to act like I DON'T KNOW the man in the golden Dumbo! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:) DH heard the message this time, got his picture and gave his best apologetic smile to the CM ride operator. :blush:

Our family still laughs about that story and will reference it if we're trying to get DH's attention and he's not listening to us. In our best announcer voice we'll say, "Will the man in the golden Dumbo..." Works like a charm every time! :rotfl2:
Our family still laughs about that story and will reference it if we're trying to get DH's attention and he's not listening to us. In our best announcer voice we'll say, "Will the man in the golden Dumbo..." Works like a charm every time! :rotfl2:

:lmao: We had a situation like that too, at Epcot. My mom is deathly afraid of any ride that is big, scary or has a drop. We all went on Maelstrom, which she had avoided for years due to the fact that it's a water-based ride, but after much persuasion and the CM reassuring her, she agreed to go on it. So we're going around the ride and got to the part where it goes along towards the very small drop, and in the dark she saw the beginning of the drop and started freaking out. We all caught each other's eye and played along, telling her surprise!, it was actually bigger than Splash Mountain, she'd better sit still so the safety bar could come down, not to worry because the boat would only be flying through the air for about 20 seconds etc. My mom is a very quiet, meek little lady, but she completely freaked out, STOOD UP just as we were about to go down the drop, and I think she planned on climbing out before my Dad grabbed her. The ride stopped and over the speakers came a rather irritated CM voice saying "Will the woman who is standing up in the boat PLEASE sit back down so we can restart the ride??" :rotfl2:

Now whenever we go on anything, even the teacups, we say "are you ready for the big drop?" and get a glare in response. We joke that whenever she swipes her ticket, the CM's can see on the screen that she's been marked as Troublemaker after getting a warning on Maelstrom :rotfl2:
We took a family trip when my youngest was 16 months old. We were eating dinner at Coral Reef, towards to end I start to realize my little guy has a full diaper. I pick him up to go change him, it was then I saw it.....he had a side blow out in the seat, poop everywhere! He managed to get very little on himself. My DH scooped him up and took him to change. Me and my handy antibacterial wipes frantically cleaned the seat.
I was so embarrassed I did not want to tell the waiter. I also did not want to hand him the "garbage" to head to the kitchen area. Luckily I had a shopping bag I put everything in and made sure the seat was sanitized. I then RAN out of that place. We joke there is probably an alert if we were to eat there again! We bought him new PJS and stayed for illuminations!
OMGGGG I'm crying laughing so hard at these stories!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:

I've got one. I've told it on the DIS before so sorry if you've already heard it.

This was 10 years ago I took my friend and my then 8yo DGD. We went to AK and got on Kali and needless to say I got totally soaked. Wasn't wearing white but was wearing some jeans shorts that did not dry fast. I got totally bad bad chaffed on my upper inside thighs from walking and the wet shorts. It was horrible. I could barely walk by the time we left. I was wide stepping ok.

We were going to MK that night to the (heck, can't remember the name. Like EMH but back then you paid extra.) I'd already bought the tickets to go so we were going no matter what. We got back to BWV and I was trying to figure out something to bandage my thighs so I could walk properly. Nothing was big enough. Then I got the idea to put moleskin on it. Not cut or anything the big full sheets on each It felt great and I felt sooooo smart for thinking of it!:rolleyes:

We get to MK before the extra hours started and found a spot near Pecos Bills to sit and watch the parade. We watch the parade and as I was standing up I felt pulling, you know, down there. I'm like what the heck. I tell my DGD and friend I need to go to the restroom. So I duck into the ones by Pecos and get in the stall and pull my shorts down and discover that moleskin had curled up around the edges and kinda scooted up too and my, um hair was all tangled up in it!!! :scared1:

I started trying to pull it out and yes it did hurt! lol Finally I had such a mess going on down there I decide to just pull the moleskin off altogether. OMG the whole top layer of my skin came off with it!!!! :headache:

I had raw meat inside thighs!!!! I couldn't walk. It was horrible!!! I had to go tell my friend and DGD to carry on without me as I walked wide stepping out of the park and back to BWV.

I get back to the villa and found some clean sheets in the closet and placed it between my legs and cried myself to sleep. lmao

The next morning we had EPCOT planned. I didn't know how I was going to do it. My friend said she'd go down to the gift shop and get some bandages. When she came back up she said she told the CM at the shop and they were sending a medical person up. I'm like omg really? You told this? lol

Well, I was back in the bedroom and still had my nightgown on and was sitting the only way I could which was with my legs spread when I hear a knock on our door out in the living room area. Next thing I look up and see this gorgeous LIFEGUARD standing there with a little bandaid in his hand. He took one look at me and said, "Oh, I don't think this will help." and made a very fast exit! omg

I ended up renting a scooter for the rest of the trip as I could not WALK. The nice nurses at EPCOT first aid station gave me a bunch of gauze and these sleeve like things that sorta kept the gauze and everything in place.

And I never ever ever showed my face at the pool for the rest of the trip for fear I'd see the lifeguard.

Moral of the story is do not under any circumstances put moleskin any place other than your feet!:sad2:

OMG I laughed so hard at that. That is a tough one!
My most embarrassing moment happened to me the first time I went to Disney when I was 13. I went to the Bakery and France and had ordered quite a few items. I am not sure why it never occurred to me to either look for the prices or ask someone but when they rung me up I was mortified to find out that I owed way more money than I had brought with me.

I told the cashier I didn't have enough money and she just stared at me. Finally a really nice couple behind me offered to pay the difference. I remember finding my Mom outside afterwards and just crying because not only was I embarrassed but I had no more souvenir money!

I always remember that nice couple and try to help out anyone in need after that!
This is my aunt's favorite story-

A few years ago, she moved from Michigan to LA with a friend, and she had AP's to DL. One day as they waited in line to get in, she got hit with nasty stomach cramps, so she ran to the first bathrooms, which were empty still.

After a rather long bathroom break, the door opened and a woman and a little girl of maybe 3-4 walked in. The little girl laughed and said "Mommy, it smells like candy canes in here!"

The mom replied rather hushed and quickly, "That is NOT what candy canes smell like, let's try another bathroom." They left very quick.

Needless to say, my aunt was mortified, and waited a bit longer to leave, so she wouldn't come across the little girl who thought her upset belly smelled like candy. ;)
Okay here goes. We were standing on the dock for the boat to DTD from OKW. Just standing there enjoying the breeze. I'm holding the stroller and my DH is standing next to dd in the stroller. All of a sudden a grackle (like a crow) lands on my head and starts pecking me! I was so startled I didn't move at first then I shoo'd it away. My DH just stood there at first then he lost it laughing so hard. I was hurt and embarrassed but I don't think anyone saw. That's the second time a bird at Disney has attacked my head! Lol
reminds me of the time I got my son (4 at the time) chicken nuggets and fries from the Mc D's stand in TWSC. There were some gulls hovering about and I decided to throw a fry in the air to see if they could catch it. After that the birds saw anything as fair game. Each time my son would take a fry or nugget a bird would swoop in and snatch it from his hand before it got to his mouth. By the third time he's crying and I'm laughing hysterically. Not to worry, I cleaned him up got him fresh food and calmed him down.

Now, the story doesn't end here. A few days later we're on Castaway Key walking back to the ship. I'm pushing the stroller with all our stuff in it and my son is a few steps ahead. I see a white crane perched on one of the posts and he's eyeing my son. The bird flies directly for him swoops down and snatches a lizard off the ground about 6 inches in front of him. Now this time my wife's laughing at me as my son looks back at us like did this really just happen again
All of these bird stories reminded me of another one!

I was about 12 or 13. My family and I had just sat down at a picnic table under a tree at Typhoon Lagoon to eat lunch. I just had a big order of fries I was about to dig into when I heard some chirping. There was a large bird directly above me in the tree, so I said to my family, "I'm going to scoot over before this bird poops in my food! Haha!" like that would ever happen, right? Well, I scooted about a foot and a half down the seat, and the bird followed me. As soon as it settled in its new spot, it let a big one go right into my fries. It looked like ranch dressing.

A bird also pooped into my ice cream when I was walking through Cedar Point once. Apparently word is out in the avian community to target my food! :crazy2:
My then 3 year old DS got scared meeting Goofy. He tried to hide behind my elastic waist skirt. He managed to somehow pull the enter skirt to the ground in front of the Photopass photographer and a long line of people.
My then 3 year old DS got scared meeting Goofy. He tried to hide behind my elastic waist skirt. He managed to somehow pull the enter skirt to the ground in front of the Photopass photographer and a long line of people.

Omg!!! Hopefully you weren't wearing a thong or underwear with holes!!! Jk! Lol

Sept 2013 Poly, 2012 Disney Fantasy, BC CL, GF CL, POR, 2011 Poly CL, CR, Poly CL, AKL, 2010 Poly CL, ASMu 2009, SSR 2008, Pop 2006, POR , Asmo 2005, Asmo 2003, offsite 2000, 1999,1989, Poly 1980, offsite 1979
Surpassed that 40k mark! Thinking more and more about turning this into a book.
We just got back from a trip that included Universal and these happened at Universal. We were in line waiting for the boat to take us back to the resort. A little girl next to me was very very whiny. Well her dad picked her up and I hear her cough and I shoved my wheelchair into forward. At that moment she pukes up everything I think she has eaten in three days all over her father, the ground AND the lady next to my dh who had moved up into the spot I had been in. I was never so glad I moved. I did feel bad for the little girl. It was blistering hot and I think she was suffering heat exhaustion.

Second one was we were having dinner at a restaurant at our hotel. Well they served the bread and the butter. Only problem was the butter was frozen solid. I mean it clinked when you tapped it on the plate. It was impossible to spread. Well the kids, dh, and I were very very quietly joking around about it. All of a sudden the head waiter walks over with a plate of melting butter and says "Here this should be better than the frozen butter". We cannot figure out how the heck they heard what we were saying. I swear I think our table was bugged because we were exceedingly quiet about it. What was funnier is my ds wanted to comment about something that had to do with the food after this and he TEXTED me from across the table.
I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL
karriealex said:
I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL

I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL

I'm so sorry....but my daughter and I had a good laugh with your story. Hope your DH's foot was OK the rest of the vacation.
karriealex said:
I have one that happened at Disney. I have a walking disability and this year I was forced to use my electric wheelchair to get around. Well I am still not really good with the controls yet. We were leaving to go to a park and dh opened the door. I move forward at a little too fast a clip. Poor dh could not get his foot out of the way fast enough and I ran right over it. He howls grabs his foot and lets go of the door, which slams into me and the chair trapping me in-between the door and the door frame. I am trying to make sure my dh is okay and calling for my kids to grab the door and untrap me. These would be the same kids who were just about rolling all over the floor laughing at this point. Poor dh limped for about an hour after that and was paranoid the whole rest of the trip every time we went out a door. LOL

These are the kind of memories that are not on a touring plan!!!! They sort-of just happen and it is great that you can look back on it, have a chuckle, and then share it later with all of us on the disBoards.
karriealex said:
Second one was we were having dinner at a restaurant at our hotel. Well they served the bread and the butter. Only problem was the butter was frozen solid. I mean it clinked when you tapped it on the plate. It was impossible to spread. Well the kids, dh, and I were very very quietly joking around about it. All of a sudden the head waiter walks over with a plate of melting butter and says "Here this should be better than the frozen butter". We cannot figure out how the heck they heard what we were saying. I swear I think our table was bugged because we were exceedingly quiet about it. What was funnier is my ds wanted to comment about something that had to do with the food after this and he TEXTED me from across the table.

That is what makes it so magical....they seem to just know everything. I picture a guy sitting in a room full of monitors and suddenly up comes a picture of a family tapping their butter and it makes a clinking noise.... out goes the alert about the butter.


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