My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!
It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!

:rotfl2: Please post the video! :rotfl2:
It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!

That is a great one!
It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!
We went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap......which became an afternoon intimate moment.
The housekeeping supervisor came in to check that our room was done right at the most inopportune time!!!!

Made our honeymoon a little more exciting. Lol.
This was 10 years ago I took my friend and my then 8yo DGD. We went to AK and got on Kali and needless to say I got totally soaked. Wasn't wearing white but was wearing some jeans shorts that did not dry fast. I got totally bad bad chaffed on my upper inside thighs from walking and the wet shorts. It was horrible. I could barely walk by the time we left. I was wide stepping ok.

I can SOOO relate to this story! Last trip (May 2012) we rode Kali for the first time ever, and it was our first ride on arrival day. As first timers the CM loaded the raft so there was no way around us getting drenched...the large family surrounding us was wearing rain gear.

The exact same thing happened to my thighs...raw meat is a perfect explanation. I literally spend the remainder of our 4-night trip walking & sitting with my legs spread as far apart as possible. At night I had to prop several pillows between my knees to keep my skin from touching and sticking together. It was so incredibly painful, and pus actually formed on the very large sores. I bought some moleskin at the gift shop (I only had cut-up squares with me) but couldn't bring myself to apply to my raw my sores were actually larger than the full sheets.

It quite honestly ruined our vacation and since it was DD14 and I traveling alone, I had to endure the pain and try to keep going. Shorts were out of the question (it was in the 90's our entire trip). The only thing that remotely didn't rub was to wear the brown yoga pants I'd worn on the plane. Nothing else I brought matched, so I looked like a colorblind cowboy walking bowlegged around Disney. Every step I took felt like fire.

Two days after returning home I finally "scabbed over". I never thought I'd be so grateful for 6" scabs on my inner thighs!

I actually took on a second job this year to earn enough money so we could have a "do-over" this October because our last trip was so awful!
Back in the 70's, DH and I visited the World for the first time together and MK was the only theme park at that time.

We were in line to pay for some t-shirts and DH throws them at me and says, "I've got to find a bathroom!" He was having a severe gastrointestinal episode and if you recall, shorts were REALLY short back then. :faint:::yes::

Now we know where everything is but back then, NO IDEA where the restrooms were. DH practically tackled Chip & Dale begging for directions. They can easily see his distress and start to frantically point in the direction of the nearest restroom. Crisis averted(narrowly, whew!). Meanwhile, I'm still in line to pay for the t-shirts and imagining every possible disastrous outcome.

To this day, DH will seek out Chip&Dale and thank them for their help in avoiding what could have been a MESS. They pat him on the back and give him the thumbs up:thumbsup2like they actually remember.

HOW COULD THEY FORGET???? :laughing::surfweb:

Hahaha at Chip and Dale. Too funny.
i was on a solo trip.

being half naked, another guest went to the front desk to tell the CM a naked woman was sobbing outside her door.

and of course they sent two males to come help me. :blush:

(half the towel caught in the door, didn't give me much coverage)

i have never been so humiliated in my life.

I am so sorry for you but let me wipe off the tears of laughter before I help you.
I am diabetic and last trip my blood sugar level was no being very cooperative. It was low and I was very nauseous.
Well we are at AK and sitting on a bench waiting for DS to ride EE. I get sick in the bushes over and over agian. maybe 5 before I feel well enough to stand and go to the restroom. I know that lots of nice people walked by while I was leaning into the bushes.
I am sorry if I ruined your day. From then on I carried hard candy to combact the lows.
Ok - so it was Universal, not Disney; and I wasn't the one embarrassed, I was the one who enabled the embarrassing moment:

When my nephew was 2 (may have been 3?) years old, the whole family went to Orlando during Christmas break. While at Universal, everyone wanted to ride something - I think maybe Jaws - that my nephew wouldn't or couldn't go on. I volunteered to keep him, and I pushed him around some of the shops in his stroller.

One of the shops was a shop with all the discounted merchandise. He found a toy in there he liked - a dinosaur head on a long stick, the kind where you squeeze the handle and it makes the mouth open and close. After amusing him with it for a little while in the store, he really wanted it, it was cheap, and so I got it for him. And we went merrily along, him playing with his dinosaur.. chomp, chomp, chomp!

Eventually, I met back up with the rest of the family. My SIL took back over the stroller duty. And we proceeded to leave the park, at closing time, with what seemed like about 50,000 other people. Given the crowds, we all got kind of separated, and didn't meet back up until we were all back at the car.

At which point my SIL, very red-faced, comes over and says, "Thanks, thanks a lot for getting that thing for him." I asked what was wrong. She tells me that as she was pushing him out of the park, she noticed that a lot of the people she passed were kind of scowling and seemed to be giving her dirty looks. She didn't think too much of it at first... then she noticed that (you guessed it) her DS was using the dino toy to "bite" people on the butt as they went by.

But only women.... yep, he was using the snapping dino toy to goose women as they walked by. At 2. :eek: :rotfl2:
I have another that I forgot that happened a few years ago. Dh and both my ds's were in line for the teacups. I never go on because they make me sick. Well I am sitting there watching and I see this young girl get off. I noticed that she was stark white. With that she promptly ran right at me and started puking in the bushes beside my head. I nearly killed myself trying to get out of her way and not get puked on. Happens every time too. Not once have I sat outside that ride and not seen at least one person get sick. Somehow not my idea of fun. Ride the ride, puke up your shoes. Nope not fun.
I bought an ice cream cone at the little place in front of the American Adventure. I had my ice cream in hand and started to walk away; as I brought it up to my mouth to take a bite, all the ice cream scoops fell on my white shirt. :rolleyes: I scooped it up, stuck it back on the cone and asked the guy for a new one. Thank goodness I had time to run back to BLT and change but on the way back, I had to wear my backpack on the front of my body. Plus it was a hot and nasty day outside. :headache: As irritated as I was, I laughed about it. :lmao:
luvmyredheadboys said:
It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!

LMAO, this is classic!!!! They are off to a good "trip", hahaha. I could so see myself doing something like that.

osxgirl said:
Ok - so it was Universal, not Disney; and I wasn't the one embarrassed, I was the one who enabled the embarrassing moment:

When my nephew was 2 (may have been 3?) years old, the whole family went to Orlando during Christmas break. While at Universal, everyone wanted to ride something - I think maybe Jaws - that my nephew wouldn't or couldn't go on. I volunteered to keep him, and I pushed him around some of the shops in his stroller.

One of the shops was a shop with all the discounted merchandise. He found a toy in there he liked - a dinosaur head on a long stick, the kind where you squeeze the handle and it makes the mouth open and close. After amusing him with it for a little while in the store, he really wanted it, it was cheap, and so I got it for him. And we went merrily along, him playing with his dinosaur.. chomp, chomp, chomp!

Eventually, I met back up with the rest of the family. My SIL took back over the stroller duty. And we proceeded to leave the park, at closing time, with what seemed like about 50,000 other people. Given the crowds, we all got kind of separated, and didn't meet back up until we were all back at the car.

At which point my SIL, very red-faced, comes over and says, "Thanks, thanks a lot for getting that thing for him." I asked what was wrong. She tells me that as she was pushing him out of the park, she noticed that a lot of the people she passed were kind of scowling and seemed to be giving her dirty looks. She didn't think too much of it at first... then she noticed that (you guessed it) her DS was using the dino toy to "bite" people on the butt as they went by.

But only women.... yep, he was using the snapping dino toy to goose women as they walked by. At 2. :eek: :rotfl2:

LOL, too funny!!!

Sent from my Galaxy SII
We went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap......which became an afternoon intimate moment.
The housekeeping supervisor came in to check that our room was done right at the most inopportune time!!!!

Made our honeymoon a little more exciting. Lol.

I hear ya on that. Disney has a way of wanting to join in the magic it seems in and out of the parks.
It has taken me days to get thru these! They are all great!
So heres mine! Not at Disney but on the Disney Dream
I am a planner and a dreamer and after having 3 boys I finally had a girl and since she was a surprise and we had already booked our cruise a year in advance and had to add our baby and so I was so excited to take my princess on a cruise tho she would only be 4 months old! Well I had read about how when you enter the ship the ask your name and then announce "the Disney Dream Welcomes the Nix family" I was so excited for that moment! I could not wait to enter the boat with my DH and 3 sons and new daughter! We had coordinating outfits and the works! I had my parents go first so they could record us getting on the ship and announcing our family! I told my DH to carry our daughter and I would push the stroller. So the cruise director asks our a name and I was all smiles for our grand entrance! And we go to walk off the gangway thru the entrance as they announce our name and my stroller which was carrying a million bags and baby stuff hit the threshold and flipped over and all our things went flying in a million directions! paci's sippy cups, toys, make up everything! 5 different cast members went running to help pick up everything! And the cruise director says after announcing our family says "and they are already off to a good "trip"! I was so embarrassed! we held up about 4 other families while trying pick up all our things! Well I did my DH kept walking and was laughing with my parents about my "grand entrance" I had dreamed of! Oh and of course my dad got it all recorded so I can remember my entrance forever!

That's really funny. Kinda wish I saw it because I would have been laughing for days ;)
My story is from my last visit in October 2010.. me and my girlfriend had just come out of Plaza Ice Cream Parlour in magic kingdom, she had ice cream in a container but i went for a double scoop on a cone.. a few steps out of the store, just before the fireworks began so the street was packed! the cone snaps halfway down and splats all over the floor lol the embarrassment i just looked around did a fake laugh and walked back in to tell them :( A kind man who worked there had noticed someone had dropped it and said he would clean up, i told him it was my accident and i didn't mind cleaning, he jokingly handed me some tissues but said he would clean and got me a free ice cream! this time in a pot :)
OK since WDW can sometimes be a good place to people watch with so much just standing around, it came back to bite me. Sorry folks this one is PG-13.
There was a very endowed woman in a see through lace top and a bra easily to see that also did not leave much to the imagination. It was cut mid drift and about 2 sized too small. And the shorts!?! Maybe 3 sizes too small and a little too much hanging out her backside. I would guess not a lot of thought went into this since she knew she was going to be around kids all day. We were on main street but was thinking she was walking the wrong main street! I know its a woman thing to not be seen wearing the same thing in public so I jokingly said to my wife,
"How embarrassing would that of been, I was going to ask you to dress like a hooker today too!"

Well I said it a little too loud since a girl about 10 was walking by us at that precise moment and looked at me when I said it......she was walking towards her mom and guess who that happened to be!
OK since WDW can sometimes be a good place to people watch with so much just standing around, it came back to bite me. Sorry folks this one is PG-13.
There was a very endowed woman in a see through lace top and a bra easily to see that also did not leave much to the imagination. It was cut mid drift and about 2 sized too small. And the shorts!?! Maybe 3 sizes too small and a little too much hanging out her backside. I would guess not a lot of thought went into this since she knew she was going to be around kids all day. We were on main street but was thinking she was walking the wrong main street! I know its a woman thing to not be seen wearing the same thing in public so I jokingly said to my wife,
"How embarrassing would that of been, I was going to ask you to dress like a hooker today too!"

Well I said it a little too loud since a girl about 10 was walking by us at that precise moment and looked at me when I said it......she was walking towards her mom and guess who that happened to be!


We were at Disneyland a few years ago and my family and I were waiting in line for Indiana Jones. I noticed two women just in front of us in line. At first I thought one of them was a man because she had on a tank top with naked women tatooed all over her arms. I have small 4 kids that really didn't need to see that so I spent most of the time in line pointing out things for the kids to look at in the other direction.


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