Thinking of joining The Disney Club?


DIS Veteran
Oct 5, 2000
I just got an email from The Disney Club, saying my friends and family could get new Disney Club memberships at a $10 discount by referencing source code: HGEM. The email said to do this at or by calling (800) 654-6347.

The message said I could feel free to forward that email, so I feel pretty okay about announcing it here.


I was going to post on the board that I have received an email from DC to go ahead and forward the email to "friends and family." I reasoned that since everyone at DIS board are "friends and extended family" it was okay to do so. However, I guess someone beat me and posted the link and the "code".
I was going to wait until summer to join. When I saw the code Jeff showed us I joined today and saved the $10. Hey thats 3 bottles of water at WDW.:)

Thank YOU!!!!! I just got the membership! I was debating about getting it until I saw the code you posted! Now I just hope it gets here before we leave in 2 1/2 weeks! Yikes! I know I cut it close....but even if I can't use it for my passes, etc. I know I'll use it at the Disney Store.

Thanks again!



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