Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

always drink lots and alots of water instead of soft drinks, when we want a pastry or something similar we will get it for breakfast so we can sweat it out during the day and hopefully flush it out with all the water we drink, most places serve veggies or fruit instead of fries so we try to substiute, i normally feel better when eatting veggies vs grease, but it sure is good lol
Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien
Stanley is adorable! lol. I think if I had gotten a pet after teh WIngs won, I may have vcome up with somethign similar. Glad you are still basking in teh vicotory! Ending on such a high makes it hard to go until October without houckey, doesn't it?
I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's really hard to adjust to changes in your body, at least it is for me. I keep thinking how it "was" is how it "will be." I used to lose quickly but now...not so much. :headache: I feel like a big fat failure sometimes but then have to remind myself I am not the same person anymore - mentally or physically. I now this sounds trite and I don't mean it to, but hang in there!! :banana: And keep on posting.:banana:

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.


Congrats to all the losers and a big congrats to Shanan who got the number 1 spot and Jennzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz who is number 2! You ladies are AWESOME! Congrats everyone!

I am getting ready to go for a run and then the kids and I are going to run out to get some stuff for Stanley.... and a I have a ton of laundry to do.

Today my oldest son turn 22. I can't believe I have a 22 year old. It is crazy. How can I have a 22 year old when I am only 29? :lmao:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Hmmmmm.... I don't know. LOL

More pictures of Stan please. :dogdance: You had your son when you were 7? :scared1: My momma warned me about girls like you!:lmao:

I'm waiting for some healthy choices from your new WDW book. ;)
QOTD: Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Honestly I do not eat healthy AT all on any vacations, maybe that is bad but a big part of what i enjoy about vacations is the food! That is probably partly why I need to lose weight though...:rotfl:

So I went to Red Robin last night and read through their nutritional guide and was shocked! The BBQ Wrap was over 1100 calories, while the Crossaint Sandwich (with bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) was just under 800 calories. I always ordered the wrap thinking it was a better choice than burgers, etc. Boy was I wrong!

Too bad I read that after I ordered! :scared1:
I just decided to eat only half of it and didn't feel too badly about myslef, plus I subbed out fries for a salad with light ranch and only had one mozzerella stick when my DBF ordered it as an appie! All in all I think I did pretty well, compared to how I normally eat when I dine out! :)
QOTD: Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Honestly I do not eat healthy AT all on any vacations, maybe that is bad but a big part of what i enjoy about vacations is the food! That is probably partly why I need to lose weight though...:rotfl:

So I went to Red Robin last night and read through their nutritional guide and was shocked! The BBQ Wrap was over 1100 calories, while the Crossaint Sandwich (with bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) was just under 800 calories. I always ordered the wrap thinking it was a better choice than burgers, etc. Boy was I wrong!

Too bad I read that after I ordered! :scared1:
I just decided to eat only half of it and didn't feel too badly about myslef, plus I subbed out fries for a salad with light ranch and only had one mozzerella stick when my DBF ordered it as an appie! All in all I think I did pretty well, compared to how I normally eat when I dine out! :)

:scared1: That's what I get at Red Robin too, thinking wrap = healthy. Yikes! I would never have thought a crossiant was a better choice. Wow. Great job eating 1/2!:woohoo:
I was seriously under on points yesterday (in too much pain to eat more than very light dinner and fell asleep without a snack or dessert). I think it has caught up with me --I've been voracious all day. DH sent me a text picture of his cheeseburger onion rings and soda at Hardee's. That about set me off (he doesn't normally do that). Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to go pop microwave popcorn and won't impose on anyone to do it for me. So, what did I do? I ate 1/2 a bag of frito's corn chips. UGH!! They were delicious but I know better.

I definitely was craving something salty. Since I'd eaten so few points today, it puts me right at my 50% mark, so I guess it's not too terrible. But I just have to resist eating the other half of the bag. And I will hold out on eating anything else except my "free" jello until I go home for dinner.

I think I can still eat Indian for dinner and it won't be too bad.
Happy Wednesday everyone!

Wednesday QOTD : Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?
The only things I could think of are the fresh fruit and the water. I tried the salads when we were there in May, but the ones I had at QS places consisted of bagged lettuce, mostly iceberg (really bland, with that chemical/metal taste), and processed chicken “meat”. The one I had at Pinocchio’s was especially bad – I couldn’t even finish it:crazy2:. I was so looking forward to having some good salads because it was too hot for hot food, but I didn’t find any at the QS places :sad1:.

pinkle – I have to agree with Lisa on the protein. Eggs are great and not a lot of calories. I, personally, eat Kashi Go Lean Crunch with 1% milk – it comes to 300 calories for one cup of each, 190 for the cereal and 110 for the milk – but it has a lot of protein and fiber so it keeps me full until lunch even though I work out (usually:rolleyes:) in between. And it’s yummy! It seems like a lot of calories, but the most important thing is that it keeps you full until your next meal (or snack) so you don’t get too hungry and get out of control.

There’s no way I could consistently do 1200 either. I started off that way too and I was so miserable, always starving hungry, lethargic, and headaches every day. It only took me a week or so to figure out that my body needs more than 1200 calories to function properly. I did some research on the numbers side of things and discovered that I could get away with eating more calories and still be on track to lose weight. I suggest “Winning by Losing” (Jillian Michaels book) and the online calculators like SparkPeople to get a basic range, but there are even more scientific/mathematical ways to get to your “ideal” calorie range, if you’re so inclined.

Ann – Stan is too cute! I :love: doxies. I’ve only seen a doxie/mix at our shelter one time and he was a mean little guy so I had to pass him up. I would love, love, love to get a pair of doxies (a pair so they’ll have each other for company while we’re at work and school) but I just can’t stomach the thought of paying $600 or more per pup! That doesn’t even include the neutering, the rest of their shots, or any of the supplies. It’s just too much money for me. If I could find a nice little pup (or two!) at the shelter though, I’d scoop him up in a heartbeat.

:scared1: That's what I get at Red Robin too, thinking wrap = healthy. Yikes! I would never have thought a crossiant was a better choice. Wow. Great job eating 1/2!:woohoo:
Have you guys ever heard of the Eat This, Not That books? I think it was the restaurant one that got into how somehow the wrap became thought of as a “healthy” food but that they’re usually worse than the sandwiches they’re replacing. I was pretty surprised at that bit of info myself. I have all four of the current books - the 2010 edition (which is like an overview), the restaurant one, the supermarket one, and the Cook This, Not That. I’m making my way through them, slowly. There is a lot of overlap between the four, some of the stuff in there is common sense, but some of it is pretty eye opening (like the suggestions for what to eat at the different restaurants), and some of it is really helpful (particularly the sections on what brands to choose in the supermarket). I definitely recommend checking one out of the library to take a look (if you can do that sort of thing:rolleyes1). If I know that I’m going to be eating out, I’ll go to the restaurant book and figure out what I should have ahead of time, or at least what I should definitely avoid!

Having a pretty good day, until I walk into the kitchen at work to get a spoon for my yogurt and see that my boss brought in a *whole* box of the Reese's Cup Chips Ahoy cookies:scared1:! What on earth was he thinking?!? I know exactly what he was thinking, "I better take these to work so I don't eat them all"! Thanks a lot! I figured everything out and since I will only be having a salad for dinner, I may break down and have two cookies for my afternoon snack. Not too bad, except two measly little cookies is 160 calories :eek:! I'll still be well within my range for today, if I can stick with just two... Bad, bad boss, he's getting the what for from me when he gets back from lunch ;)! Oh well, at least they aren't at my house where I could devour the whole box without any one else seeing me - I do have to maintain a little decorum at work!

Congrats to all of us for being here and making the effort, especially to all the losers, maintainers, and COW participants last week! Keep up the great work everyone!

Have a great rest of the day!

:Here's is today's QOTD:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?


Well... you do have to look around, but there is some healthy food to be found.

I managed to find fruit vendors in many places around the parks... and the fruit was amazingly good. Even if you think you might want something a bit more "fun", it isn't a bad idea to have a piece of fruit first to fill you up.

I had the chicken wrap at Pecos Bills on our last trip and it didn't seem terribly "fatty".... It wasn't dry, but it wasn't coated in mayo, like chicken salad would be.... plus I was able to add lettuce and tomato and pickles from their awesome toppings bar.... and I kind of "picked off" the excess wrap and mostly ate the chicken. You can also get sliced apple instead of chips or fries for a side.

There are decent salads available all over the place. And almost any item can be purchased alone.... fries are NOT a required side dish!

I enjoyed a side of couscous salad from the Moroccan restaurant in WS and it was yummy and didn't feel at all fatty or greasy in my mouth. Couscous, raisins, chick peas, chopped green pepper... a bit spicy and sweet and very delicious.

We didn't do any buffets this last trip, but when I have done them in the past, I try very hard to first take a full look at everything that is offered, so I can sort of make a game plan. Then I try to fill up with something low cal, like a salad or broth based soup. From there I take a small portion of just the things that look FABULOUS (like prime rib), and then taste them. If they are truly fabulous and worth the calories, I will eat my entire portion (and maybe even go back for more!), but if they aren't great, I leave them on my plate. I do the same with desserts. That way I have enjoyed some truly wonderful and memorable foods, but haven't wasted calories on stuff that is just okay.

You CAN eat healthy and delicious foods at Disney... it just takes a bit of work.

You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! My weigh ins are on tuesday and last night was flat out awful! I went out to dinner almost every night last week and then went to wenatchee and went hog wild literally! I gained.....7.8 lbs in one week. I hope like anything some of it's water but I honestly don't know. I am recommitted and even though I had to give up my 105 and my 100 lb clippies, I know that this is a journey and I am willing to keep trying. I realized I haven't been traking what I have been eating as well as I was originally so I am going to try to better that this week.

Thanks everyone for the motivation you provide.


I promise you, one good week on plan and most, if not all, of those pounds will disappear! I'm sure it is partly bloat and water. Don't beat yourself up too badly. Get out your "map" and continue on your journey! Go back to week one thinking... back to tracking your foods, eating lots of fruit and veggies, lots of water, and back to that determination that you started with. You can do it!

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... don't cry yet! It will happen.... but you're right... things like hormone changes (either surgically induced or as a result of age) certainly throws a monkey wrench into things!

And this might make you feel better.... I've been on this journey for over two years now... and I am closer than ever to my goal weight... but I hit the high 130's for the first time in March 2009.... and my goal is an even 130 and I haven't reach it YET!!! So I've been working over a year just to lose these last 8-10 pounds. But I'm almost there and it is totally worth it. It WILL happen for you... but probably not as quickly and easily as it has in the past. But anything worth having, is worth working for, right??

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.

I am getting ready to go for a run and then the kids and I are going to run out to get some stuff for Stanley.... and a I have a ton of laundry to do.

Today my oldest son turn 22. I can't believe I have a 22 year old. It is crazy. How can I have a 22 year old when I am only 29? :lmao:


Congrats on the new family member. I'm sure you will enjoy him.

Happy Wednesday everyone! Just throwing this out there.... I had a sneak peek at the scale this morning and if I can hold onto this number (or improve on it) until Friday, I will be one VERY HAPPY lady!! It is certainly making me motivated.

Well... I don't have much else to share today. Maybe I'll hop on later tonight. Enjoy your afternoon!...............P
Congrats to all our COW participants and to our COW winners, connie96 and pjlla! And a big thank you to jenanderson for being our COW keeper! :love:

You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! My weigh ins are on tuesday and last night was flat out awful! I went out to dinner almost every night last week and then went to wenatchee and went hog wild literally! I gained.....7.8 lbs in one week. I hope like anything some of it's water but I honestly don't know. I am recommitted and even though I had to give up my 105 and my 100 lb clippies, I know that this is a journey and I am willing to keep trying. I realized I haven't been traking what I have been eating as well as I was originally so I am going to try to better that this week.

:hug: That is a bummer about your clippies, SarahMay. Sounds like you are already back on track and those pounds will go away quicker than you think! :thumbsup2

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hug: You aren't giving up so you will get to where you want to be sooner or later. That is important! I've heard that it is bad to compare your current self with your former self -- it's actually worse than comparing yourself to others. That' why we are supposed to get rid of those clothes we wore when we were younger and concentrate on appreciating the way we are now. :goodvibes

:hug: I bet it was hard for you to give up your clippies but I am sure that you will get them back in no time. You have done an incredible job to this point and you know what you have to do to lose those pounds again. I have realized that while I am tracking, I am not doing a good job of it either and tracking is SO important. The important part is you recognize how important it is for you to track and you will get back to where you want to be in no time! :thumbsup2

Yep, that tracking is a big one! ::yes::

Goofy says "Garwsh, this thread moves fast!"

Yep this thread has been :jumping1:

Well, I thought I had things under control yesterday, but I was a bottomles pit all day. In the pm, I realized it's just a pre-TOM thing. So, I just let yesterday go. Not thrilled, but today is a new day, right? So, besides getting extra motivaiton here, I found soemthing else great. I got so caught up in reading all posts since yesterday adn replying ot them that I missed my morning snack! :goodvibes Then again, I'm probably still feeeding off aof yesterday's cals a bit. :p Still, I will make it to lunch without needing a snack. That's huge for me!

Way to put it behind you and move on! :thumbsup2

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.

Ann, your dog is adorable! Bless his little doggie heart! :love:

It's really hard to adjust to changes in your body, at least it is for me. I keep thinking how it "was" is how it "will be." I used to lose quickly but now...not so much. :headache: I feel like a big fat failure sometimes but then have to remind myself I am not the same person anymore - mentally or physically. I now this sounds trite and I don't mean it to, but hang in there!! :banana: And keep on posting.:banana:

You are the last person I would describe as a "failure," jennz! If you wouldn't say it to a friend, then you shouldn't say it to yourself! :flower3:

So I went to Red Robin last night and read through their nutritional guide and was shocked! The BBQ Wrap was over 1100 calories, while the Crossaint Sandwich (with bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) was just under 800 calories. I always ordered the wrap thinking it was a better choice than burgers, etc. Boy was I wrong!

Sounds like you did a great job! :goodvibes

I was seriously under on points yesterday (in too much pain to eat more than very light dinner and fell asleep without a snack or dessert). I think it has caught up with me --I've been voracious all day. DH sent me a text picture of his cheeseburger onion rings and soda at Hardee's. That about set me off (he doesn't normally do that). Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to go pop microwave popcorn and won't impose on anyone to do it for me. So, what did I do? I ate 1/2 a bag of frito's corn chips. UGH!! They were delicious but I know better.

I definitely was craving something salty. Since I'd eaten so few points today, it puts me right at my 50% mark, so I guess it's not too terrible. But I just have to resist eating the other half of the bag. And I will hold out on eating anything else except my "free" jello until I go home for dinner.

I think I can still eat Indian for dinner and it won't be too bad.

Not too terrible, Cam, but maybe you'd better chase that Fritos fairy away next time she shows up? ;)

Have a great afternoon all!
From there I take a small portion of just the things that look FABULOUS (like prime rib), and then taste them. If they are truly fabulous and worth the calories, I will eat my entire portion (and maybe even go back for more!), but if they aren't great, I leave them on my plate. I do the same with desserts. That way I have enjoyed some truly wonderful and memorable foods, but haven't wasted calories on stuff that is just okay.

:headache:Okay. This one hit me like a slap to the back of the head (you know, Gibbs style on NCIS). I am SUCH a "clean plate" kinda girl. Seriously. It doesn't seem to matter if I really like it or if it's just okay. I mean I don't eat things that I genuinely dislike, but seriously - if it's just *meh* then go get something that's actually worth it! Big fat DUH moment for me there. Thanks, P! :thumbsup2
Congrats to all of us for being here and making the effort, especially to all the losers, maintainers, and COW participants last week! Keep up the great work everyone!

Is there something else you could have for a snack besides the cookies? Maybe a fat free latte? You are right that we all deserve a pat on the back for sticking this out! :flower3:

Happy Wednesday everyone! Just throwing this out there.... I had a sneak peek at the scale this morning and if I can hold onto this number (or improve on it) until Friday, I will be one VERY HAPPY lady!! It is certainly making me motivated.

pixiedust: for your scale numbers, pjlla!

Better go make sure nothing is going on the DL boards since I checked them an hour or two ago! :rotfl2:
Hello. Thanks for all who shared what you wear at races and for all the well wishes. I'm just spending a little time dis-ing while I wait for time to go to the park for my race. We're going to head down a little early and meet my sister at the playground as long as the rain holds off. I'll be back later to share how I do.
Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.

Congratulations. He is adorable.

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?
We will often split a counter service meal, and I try to stay away from the fried foods. Maybe not healthy, but a Dole whip is pretty low calorie, and fat free, I believe, and almost as good as a mickey bar. The salad bar at all star movies was awesome, if it hasn't changed. It wasn't a salad bar, but the cm would make your salad for you using whatever you chose, and there were lots of choices. I'll check it out in august.

So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3
Most often I have egg beaters, with salsa and ff cheese, sometimes on a bagel thin to make a sandwich, or instead of salsa I'll put a little ham in the sandwich. I too find the higher protein keeps me satisfied longer.

:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.

4 lbs to go until I am no longer in the overweight BMI!!!! :dance3: Back to my goal weight/what is possible ramblings: When I started in January, I said I wanted to be at 175 by WDW. I'll be at least 163! ;)
Whoo hoo!! Nice job getting back on track, Taryn.

DVC is amazing. DH and I like to end our day in the whirlpool tub in our master bedroom while the kiddos are in their own rooms sleeping soundly. Alone time is even better at WDW :love:

I'm going on DS's 8th grade class trip tomorrow and Thursday. It is an overnight camping trip (in the rain no less). I won't be back on until Thursday night. Keep your chin up ladies. Just keep swimming.
Now, Dvc sounds heavenly, camping in the rain, not so much. ;) Just close your eyes when you hear the raindrops coming down and dream of that hot tub. Have a great time!!

update on me. frustrated with head cold, and splurged on a piece of cheesecake tonight, but it fits into my plan for the week. I was down another pound for last week's weigh in, and I am hoping for a 3rd loss in a row this week. Haven't had any desire for junk food which is great (except for my coke zero which tastes so good with a sore throat).

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!
Hope you are feeling better soon, Shannon. Thank you for all your hard work as weightkeeper.

Good morning, friends! Congrats to all the losers.

I did it! I held off weighing myself until this morning and it was a good experience! I am back to what I was on Friday! I'm thrilled since I was WAY UP after the weekend! I really focused on my eating more than the exercise and it helped and I didn't feel as stressed! I'm going to continue what I'm doing for the rest of the week. I will probably walk some more later today if it doesn't rain. I will also be mowing the lawn so as long as I watch my calories and drink my water I will be good. DH and I had some hummus and pita bread last night and that didn't hurt me.
Yay!!! Good job sticking to your guns and staying off the scale.

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 2 Superstars!!

#10- 1.26% - MushyMushy
#9- 1.34% - aamomma
#8- 1.58% - lecach
#7- 1.80% - redwalker
#6- 1.83% - Tinker’n’Fun
#5- 2.32% - tiki23
#4- 2.40% - flipflopmom
#3- 2.41% - sahbushka
#2- 2.59% - jennz

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 2 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.72% - A.Mickey
Whoo hoo!!! Congratulations too all the top 10 losers,:cheer2: And also to all who took part in the cow!!

Lisah- I think I'm following you around again, but this isn't our usual time.:rotfl: Are you on the dis at work???? Nice to be the boss, huh?
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

I love cereal as long as it is high in fiber. I do have cheerioes this week with low fat milk.

I also enjoy my take on an mcmuffin. I buy soy sausage(80 calories each) , heat it up in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then I split is into 2 thin pieces and finish hheating it in a frying pan. I then use egg beaters or egg whites and cook that in the same pan. I put this on top of a 100 calorrie sandwich thins or a 100 calorie english muffin. This makes a great breakfast. for about 220 calories.

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.


Congrats to all the losers and a big congrats to Shanan who got the number 1 spot and Jennzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz who is number 2! You ladies are AWESOME! Congrats everyone!

I am getting ready to go for a run and then the kids and I are going to run out to get some stuff for Stanley.... and a I have a ton of laundry to do.

Today my oldest son turn 22. I can't believe I have a 22 year old. It is crazy. How can I have a 22 year old when I am only 29? :lmao:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Hmmmmm.... I don't know. LOL

Buster looks cute Good luck with him.

I know how you feel about a 22 year old. My oldest turned 25 this year.

I just remember my grandmother never admitted to being over 29 until some of her grandkids came close. Then she admitted to 39.

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

I enjoyed ordering kids meals last time we were there. Dh loves the pineapple spears you can get. I have liked the oatmeal at some of the food courts.

Crazy week since we are getting ready for the end of the school year. Graduation next Wednesday, exams start on tomorrow for seniors and Friday for underclassmen. Just trying to get my grades finished and my classrooom cleaned. I saw the general schedule for next year in guidance this afternoon. It has me teaching 2 new classes. It is the best schedule anyone could have. All honors classes but I really don't want 2 new classes but I will take whatever I get.

Was supposed to go mow filaw's lawn but dh had a bad day at schooll so we are not going today. I guess it will get pushed off until Monday. Tomorrow night I have to go out to an Eagle ceremony for a student. Friday we are having a lunch after exams to celebrate a friend's retirement. A lot of friends who have retired are coming so it should be fun. Sat I am going into the city to see Mary Poppins with ds2 and dsis. Sunday back up to north jersey for a father's day barbeque at another dsis's house. then we have to fit in Toy Story 3 on Friday night. Too much going on.

Kathy good luck on your race today. Hope it went well.

Have a nice evening everyone. I will try to skim the thread but I may not be posting.
Is there something else you could have for a snack besides the cookies? Maybe a fat free latte? You are right that we all deserve a pat on the back for sticking this out! :flower3:

I don't drink coffee, never have, and the hot chocolate in our machine here is 140 calories, so not much of a savings there and not nearly as satisfying as peanut butter cup cookies ;). We really don't have anything else here to eat. I ran out of apples yesterday, that's my usual afternoon snack, but even if I had one I don't think that could keep me away from the cookies...

Actually I went to the kitchen to get one, tried it and it's not as good as I thought it would be so I'm skipping the second one. I don't care for "crunchy" cookies, I'm a chewy cookie gal :thumbsup2, so I only "wasted" 80 calories. Regardless, I'm still well within my range and may even end up under today depending on how things go at the picnic later. One cookie isn't the end of the world. I made the decision to eat one, then I made the decision to stop at one. I'm fine with that and I'm still happy about my day so far. Baby steps...

Connie - I know what you mean about the clean plate club. I used to feel bad for leaving things on my plate, especially at a restaurant where I've paid for the food - I should get my money's worth right:rolleyes:! It really is a conscious effort when eating out. If I get distracted by conversation, or if they have TVs I can lose my concentration and eat whatever's in front of me (even if they're showing something I don't like - why is that:confused3). But I try to keep thinking about what I'm eating, take breaks, and stop when I feel full, I can always take the rest home for tomorrow's lunch or dinner. It's harder at a buffet (I imagine, I only do breakfast buffets at WDW - because you know, everything's clean at WDW :rolleyes1) but maybe just put little bits on your plate at a time, like a bite or two of the most tempting things, then you have to physically get back up to get more so you can use that time to decide if you really want it? And the all knowing "they" say, never face the buffet, always sit with your back to it so you don't have the food in your face the whole time. Out of sight, out of mind you know...

Well, I better get ready to go to this picnic. Hopefully I'll get all filled up on good, healthy salad. I should probably say... Hopefully there's a good, healthy salad there for me to fill up on, otherwise I'll be starving all evening!

Have a great evening everybody!

I have created a Excel spreadsheet that includes a place to weigh-in each week of this challenge and uses that to calculate the change in pounds and by percent. If anyone would like a copy of it, PM me your email address and I will send it out.

I'm within 20 pounds of goal, so I'm losing fairly slow (but steady!!). Because of where I am on my journey, the chances of me making it into the top 10 losers is pretty darn small, but after seeing the results posted today I thought I might like to see my percentages as I go. So, I created this spreadsheet.

Let me know if interested and I'll forward it to you.
Bree - GREAT job not just eating the second cookie because it was there. I have really been working on not eating something if I don't love it.

Lisa-- The bad thing is the frito's have been in my office snack drawer since the week before my surgery and I've resisted them that long. I don't think I'll have any problem avoiding them going forward. Now that I've said it here I feel accountable!

Maizie -- Your new furbaby is so handsome!! I can't wait to hear how much he loves his new home!

Connie -- Thank you so much for offering to share your excel spreadsheet. Even though you may not see huge percentages of loss compared to your current body weight, every fraction of a pound you lose will be so impressive, since we all know how stubborn those final pounds are. Maybe you should be comparing what you lose to what you want to lose, instead, to motivate yourself (i.e., 1 pound lost of the final 10 pounds is a 10% significance) Congratulations, again, on being so close. :hug:

Have a great, on-plan evening, everyone!
The run is over. It was brutal. It's thunderstorming now. We went at 7:00pm and it was still 92.:scared1: We went out too fast (we really need to work on that) and I had to walk for a bit at around mile 3. Was able to run again and finished the 4 miles with a time of 46:33. Went 6 total with the warm up and cool down walk included. I am incredibly stiff and sore, some leftover from strength yesterday. Mike said I was running a bit hunched up. The heat just really zaps the life out of you. Anyhow, it's over. I'm glad I went.:goodvibes

Kind of going along with the discussions that were going on today, I found myself thinking--if I walk I'll never run again, I won't be able to do the long run again, etc. It was quite the eye openeer. I was "catastrophizing" (I don't think this is a word, but use it to describe that type of thinking) the situation and making everything all or nothing and worst case scenario. Same thing I do sometimes with weight. Anyhow, I learned two things: 1. walking a little bit really is ok, and sometimes if you walk you are then able to finish with a strong run and 2. one hard day is just one hard day. Period. That's all it is. Nothing more. Oh, and by the end of the run, we realized that almost all the runners were stopping to walk some today. It was just miserable.

Great job on getting out there and running despite the heat!

:thumbsup2 to the part in bold!

I did sit down to do some scrapbooking and I decided to do a bit of cleaning up and reorganizing. I got (free on the side of the road) a wooden medicine chest that I want to clean up and paint and hang on the wall to store some of my scrapping supplies, so I decided to get that project started. I got the cabinet washed up, removed the doors and hardware, and did the first coat of paint (and, of course, ended up cleaning up the paint shelf in the basement as I was trying to find the right can of paint! :laughing:). Hopefully just two coats of paint will do it and that will mean I can finish it tomorrow.

Busy day again tomorrow. Will run in the morning, then get DS off on the bus for the LAST DAY of school! Then I will shower and run to Concord to drop off some bags at the Goodwill and then drop my car off for a new windshield. I'll walk back to the Goodwill to shop while the car is being fixed. Then home to get DD and drive her to school for her final at 1 pm. Will run the last of the stuff to the dump (couldn't fit it all today) and home to do some housework, paint that cabinet, make dinner, do laundry. Out again in the evening to take DD to swim and I will drive back to Concord to pick up DS's medicine (it had to be ordered and won't be ready until after 3pm tomorrow). Then back to pick up DD after swim and home by about 8:45 pm.

That was one busy day yesterday and another busy day today!

I'm living life in the fast lane this week with end of year activities for my kids leading up to 8th grade graduation. I don't have time to read the 5 pages that were posted today, but I will answer the question of the day.

DVC is amazing. DH and I like to end our day in the whirlpool tub in our master bedroom while the kiddos are in their own rooms sleeping soundly. Alone time is even better at WDW :love:

That also sounds like pure bliss!

I'm going on DS's 8th grade class trip tomorrow and Thursday. It is an overnight camping trip (in the rain no less). I won't be back on until Thursday night. Keep your chin up ladies. Just keep swimming.

Hope you enjoying your trip!

We are heading to Gettysburg for a few days in the first week of Oct. staying at KOA Kabin. This will be a first for me.

Enjoy your vacation!

Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 2 Superstars!!

#10- 1.26% - MushyMushy
#9- 1.34% - aamomma
#8- 1.58% - lecach
#7- 1.80% - redwalker
#6- 1.83% - Tinker’n’Fun
#5- 2.32% - tiki23
#4- 2.40% - flipflopmom
#3- 2.41% - sahbushka
#2- 2.59% - jennz

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 2 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.72% - A.Mickey

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations A.Mickey!!!

Congratulations to all our losers and maintainers and especially A.Mickey!

I just had a few minutes to catch up with the thread! I'll be back on later!

So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

On work days I have 3/4 cups of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal with a cup of V8. I pour milk in but don't measure it. Figure somewhere around 300 calories for the whole ball of wax.

1 of my work friends told me that breakfast should be the highest calorie meal of the day and then we should go lower after that. makes it easier to burn it off. Love the theory, but doubt I'll ever practice it.

As for 1200 calories, God Bless You. Anyone sticks me on 1200 calories a day and I might get charged with murder:rotfl: Since i don't really measure dinner I think my total daily take is in the neighborhood of 2000 calories. I just try and go lower as my body demands.

:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.

4 lbs to go until I am no longer in the overweight BMI!!!! :dance3: Back to my goal weight/what is possible ramblings: When I started in January, I said I wanted to be at 175 by WDW. I'll be at least 163!

Watched Losing It with Jillian last night, and a lady lost 76 in 8 weeks. At least that's what I think I heard. I went back and checked the website, and couldn't find the numbers anywhere. THAT IS HUGE! It just doesn't sound really healthy to me, either. ALmost 10 pounds a week?

Anyway! Off to pay bills and shower! Thanks for your support yesterday! I am determined to make this a good day! ;)

Good job at keeping the clippie:thumbsup2
I don't watch the Jillian show. I actually don't care for her so i tend to stay away, but unless that woman weighs 400lbs i can't see how 76lbs in 8 weeks could possibly be healthy. I wonder if she ate anything.

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hug: You'll get there. And the weight will come off, maybe not as quick or as easy but keep working and itt'll come off and stay off:thumbsup2

My favorite! DH and I live by it!

Ordered a copy from a bookseller on Amazon this morning:thumbsup2 Hopefully it'll be here early next week. The couple of pages i read on the site were just what I was looking for i think.

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.


Congrats to all the losers and a big congrats to Shanan who got the number 1 spot and Jennzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz who is number 2! You ladies are AWESOME! Congrats everyone!

I am getting ready to go for a run and then the kids and I are going to run out to get some stuff for Stanley.... and a I have a ton of laundry to do.

Today my oldest son turn 22. I can't believe I have a 22 year old. It is crazy. How can I have a 22 year old when I am only 29? :lmao:

YAY FOR SHELTER DOGGIES:worship::worship:

Got my Onslow from a shelter last Nov. met him on halloween and brought him home a few days later. Best decision I've made in years other than going on DCL. Ordered a new spring collar for him the other day that says adopted too. Can't wait for it to get here. I hope Stanley works out for you:thumbsup2

I was seriously under on points yesterday (in too much pain to eat more than very light dinner and fell asleep without a snack or dessert). I think it has caught up with me --I've been voracious all day. DH sent me a text picture of his cheeseburger onion rings and soda at Hardee's. That about set me off (he doesn't normally do that). Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to go pop microwave popcorn and won't impose on anyone to do it for me. So, what did I do? I ate 1/2 a bag of frito's corn chips. UGH!! They were delicious but I know better.

I definitely was craving something salty. Since I'd eaten so few points today, it puts me right at my 50% mark, so I guess it's not too terrible. But I just have to resist eating the other half of the bag. And I will hold out on eating anything else except my "free" jello until I go home for dinner.

I think I can still eat Indian for dinner and it won't be too bad.

I hear ya on the something salty. AF has been here since monday and she seems to need all the salt on the planet this go round.

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Was I looking for any? :lmao:
Connie -- Thank you so much for offering to share your excel spreadsheet. Even though you may not see huge percentages of loss compared to your current body weight, every fraction of a pound you lose will be so impressive, since we all know how stubborn those final pounds are. Maybe you should be comparing what you lose to what you want to lose, instead, to motivate yourself (i.e., 1 pound lost of the final 10 pounds is a 10% significance) Congratulations, again, on being so close. :hug:

Thanks, Cam. Oh, I don't expect big percentages. I just thought it'd be nice to SEE my percentages no matter what they are. My weekly goal is really only to lose about 1/2 a pound. If I do more, that's awesome, and if not, fine. I have just crossed into "healthy" BMI range, so although I do have a set goal (the midpoint of the healthy BMI range), I have not put myself on any kind of aggressive time table to get there. I'm happy just making progress and sticking to my planned training runs and races.
:headache:Okay. This one hit me like a slap to the back of the head (you know, Gibbs style on NCIS). I am SUCH a "clean plate" kinda girl. Seriously. It doesn't seem to matter if I really like it or if it's just okay. I mean I don't eat things that I genuinely dislike, but seriously - if it's just *meh* then go get something that's actually worth it! Big fat DUH moment for me there. Thanks, P! :thumbsup2

You're welcome! Believe me, it is something that I truly have to THINK about (leaving food on the plate), but it makes for much less "morning after" regret... and I'm finally at a point where if it isn't yummy/satisfying (especially with high calorie foods) then WHY BOTHER!?

pixiedust: for your scale numbers, pjlla!
Thanks! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Crazy week since we are getting ready for the end of the school year. Graduation next Wednesday, exams start on tomorrow for seniors and Friday for underclassmen. Just trying to get my grades finished and my classrooom cleaned. I saw the general schedule for next year in guidance this afternoon. It has me teaching 2 new classes. It is the best schedule anyone could have. All honors classes but I really don't want 2 new classes but I will take whatever I get.

Was supposed to go mow filaw's lawn but dh had a bad day at schooll so we are not going today. I guess it will get pushed off until Monday. Tomorrow night I have to go out to an Eagle ceremony for a student. Friday we are having a lunch after exams to celebrate a friend's retirement. A lot of friends who have retired are coming so it should be fun. Sat I am going into the city to see Mary Poppins with ds2 and dsis. Sunday back up to north jersey for a father's day barbeque at another dsis's house. then we have to fit in Toy Story 3 on Friday night. Too much going on.

Have a nice evening everyone. I will try to skim the thread but I may not be posting.

As usual, your schedule makes me....:eek: and :faint: Glad you had a chance to check in with us!

Evening all! Change of plans and DD has decided that she CANNOT fit in a swim practice tonight since she has TWO finals tomorrow. I think she made the right decision, but I'm a bit bummed because I was going to go to Macy's and pick out my birthday present! I decided I want to start collecting some Fiestaware and DH told me to go pick out six place settings and that would be my present from him! Now I'm excited. But it can wait until tomorrow.

For those of you who eat cold cereal for breakfast (or for anyone, of course), have you ever tried almond milk? Honestly, on cereal, I'm not sure I can tell the difference from cow's milk. One cup of the Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, unsweetened vanilla is 40 calories/1 point (I believe the sweetened vanilla is 60 calories) versus 110 calories for a cup of 1% milk. Big calorie savings there. You might want to give it a try.

DH decided to head to the driving range to warm up for a work-related golf game tomorrow. I sent DS along with him and they will grab a hamburger while they are out, so DD and I are just kind of picking here. DD had some plain whole wheat pasta and fruit. I had some great soup I had in the freezer... Tabatchnick brand.... from the frozen foods department/healthy foods area. I bought three kinds a while ago and this was the first time I tried it. One serving of the Minestrone (they come in individual serving boil in bag pouches) was just one point/100 calories and very yummy. I usually try not to heat anything up in plastic, but I made an exception tonight due to laziness! I've been kind of chilly all day, so it was a nice night for a cup of soup.

I had a GREAT trip to the Goodwill today (two hours while I was waiting for a new windshield for my car)..... that said, I think I am suffering from some body distortion issues. EVERY SINGLE pair of pants, except for one, that I tried on, was TOO BIG! I know, nice problem to have, huh? But it was frustrating to spend so much time fishing through the racks one piece at a time.... plus I had picked out some great stuff.... Gap, Banana Republic, Talbots, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Levis.

I ended up leaving with one pair of Gap jeans.... a bit loose in the waist but great everywhere else. I figured for $5 I'd deal with it. I did also manage to find two pairs of warm up pants (I only needed one, but one was on sale for $2.49 so why not), three knit Gap tops for school this fall, a Mickey Mouse tie for DH (I figure DS can give it to him for Father's Day), and a sleeveless denim Disney shirt for me (embroidered with the fab 5 peeking out of the front button placket.... a bit large but I couldn't pass it up!) and of course, a few assorted odds and ends. Overall it was two hours well spent!

I think I'll wash the Disney shirt tonight and wear it for my special day tomorrow (I try to wear a bit of Disney everyday, but most definitely on special days!).

I was contemplating a nice brisk walk tonight, but it has started raining, so maybe not. If it clears by 8 I might go anyhow.

Well...'nuf said! TTYL...................P
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