Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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YOU ARE ON! I think we will both be there in plenty of time! :thumbsup2

I am really excited because I found another race to enter! DH and I will do a 10 mile run and then almost immediately get in line for the 5K run that our kids want to do. I think it is great that the organization set it up so that people who want to do the long run can then do the 5K with the family. So essentially, it will be another 1/2 marathon for us. We have to complete the 10 miles in under 2 hours to qualify for the 5K after but I think we can do it. The race is October 30th and we are excited to race as a family!

Sounds like a WONDERFUL day!!!
Anyone feeling they're walking/running slow at 16m or more miles -- You are moving and you will only get faster! Don't worry about the speed, that will come naturally as you get more comfortable and lose a bit. Honestly, deciding you are going to move on a regular basis is the hardest part. Now you just have to keep going and let those endorphins kick in! :cool1:
Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

Hope you're all having a nice evening.

Enjoy those Celtics, Tracey. I'll check out how they did in the am. I can't stay up that late.
Pamela--I have a luna bar when I really need a big snack. I don't know how many points, but most are 180 calories. You can get them at Target and most groceries, so not much worse than stopping for fast food. I also like string cheese for a snack, nuts, and sometimes soy nuts. (Not all at once obviously). I don't usually have fruit for a snack, unless I have peanut butter or cheese with it. I do eat fruit with my meals.

The run is over. It was brutal. It's thunderstorming now. We went at 7:00pm and it was still 92.:scared1: We went out too fast (we really need to work on that) and I had to walk for a bit at around mile 3. Was able to run again and finished the 4 miles with a time of 46:33. Went 6 total with the warm up and cool down walk included. I am incredibly stiff and sore, some leftover from strength yesterday. Mike said I was running a bit hunched up. The heat just really zaps the life out of you. Anyhow, it's over. I'm glad I went.:goodvibes

Kind of going along with the discussions that were going on today, I found myself thinking--if I walk I'll never run again, I won't be able to do the long run again, etc. It was quite the eye openeer. I was "catastrophizing" (I don't think this is a word, but use it to describe that type of thinking) the situation and making everything all or nothing and worst case scenario. Same thing I do sometimes with weight. Anyhow, I learned two things: 1. walking a little bit really is ok, and sometimes if you walk you are then able to finish with a strong run and 2. one hard day is just one hard day. Period. That's all it is. Nothing more. Oh, and by the end of the run, we realized that almost all the runners were stopping to walk some today. It was just miserable.

Taryn--Be careful running on a sore knee. Stop right away if you feel anything weird. My husband has a lot of knee problems. He read Chi Running and it really helped with his form, and his knees are so much better. Doesn't need to ice after every run anymore. Do you have a video you could do instead to get a good sweat going?

Have a nice evening everyone.:goodvibes
Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

YOU CAN DO THIS! I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about the race. I will tell you that I have seen many people wear their race t-shirt during the race at each race I have done. Most people do not wear them though and I never do because I like my outfits! :rotfl2: I think you should wear whatever YOU are most comfortable in and not even think about what others think of you or your outfit!

YOU GO GIRL!!!!:thumbsup2
I really have to get going, but I had to respond to you first, Pamela. I wish I was half as productive as you've been on a regular day, much less a "free-day"! Way to go on getting all that stuff done. Oh how I wish I had time to scrap again, I still have to finish our 2008 trip book :guilty:!

"See" you guys tomorrow!


Oh, don't worry... there are PLENTY of much less productive days in my life! But scrapping is my desire... my passion, so I work hard to fit it in. And I am waaaay far behind (I scrap chronologically), but just like this healthier lifestyle, I consider my scrapping a "journey" and I don't need to rush to the finish line!

Wow you make me tired just reading all the stuff you got done today. I miss scrapbooking too, I stopped shortly after having my first son. I just dont get the time anymore and its also quite an expense. I am hoping as the kids get older and we are not paying for daycare-$1800/mth. I will have plently of money to do fun things like this again.

I also dont know how you only eat 18 points a day. I was upset this week because I just went under 200 and had to drop from 26 to 24 points.:rotfl2: I guess I shouldnt complain. Great job at choosing the a good snack even at mcd's. That would be my temptation, I would justify how its ok to use 6 points for a hamburger....:rotfl2: You have great will power.

I do try to scrap on a budget, but lately that budget has been out the window!

Between Flex points and the occasional activity point (I only count them and use them when I get in more than 60 minutes of exercise or when I am desperate!), I usually eat about 20-22 points about 3 or 4 days a week and try to stick to 18 or less just once or two days (usually Monday or Tuesday, and Thursday)..... although if I make really smart choices and plan well, I can easily stay full all day with just 18 points... or sometimes even a bit less.

I've pretty much written most fast food off of my radar. Honestly, it wouldn't occur to me to eat a burger or fries any longer. I will occasionally pick a few fries from DS's meal, but that's about it. And I rarely miss them.

Actually, as I stopped to think, I realized that when we go to the movies and out to eat on Friday, it will be a new Weight Watchers week for me, so I will have a whole new batch of Flex points to use, so I can feel a bit free-er to use this week's! I splurged with about 6 almonds after my salad (1 point) and then a WW ice cream sandwich (2 points) after my walk, so I ended the day about 21 points.

I did sit down to do some scrapbooking and I decided to do a bit of cleaning up and reorganizing. I got (free on the side of the road) a wooden medicine chest that I want to clean up and paint and hang on the wall to store some of my scrapping supplies, so I decided to get that project started. I got the cabinet washed up, removed the doors and hardware, and did the first coat of paint (and, of course, ended up cleaning up the paint shelf in the basement as I was trying to find the right can of paint! :laughing:). Hopefully just two coats of paint will do it and that will mean I can finish it tomorrow.

After a week off from No more trouble zones, I decided to get back on it to try to add some tone for those sleeveless shirts next week. Man, I am sore!!!!! It's amazing how much strength I lost in just 1-1.5 weeks.

I'm going to try to do the arm and ab segments at least once a day for the next 3 days, I'd love to get in 2.

I am thinking about doing my ab video now, and then maybe a little yoga. I really should be cleaning! I did have my mail held, got dinner for everyone else, gave DH his early Father's Day...

Still haven't decided on my photopass and whether or not to do online check in. I HAVE to make those decisions and do them tomorrow. DD has gymnastics, MIL is keeping DD2. I'm going to hit a few stores while she is in gymnastics to look for any possible sales, and then finish all my assignments for class. (She's there from 9:30-1, so I have time, if I use it wisely!) Need to transfer what I have started onto a jump drive so I can use my laptop!

My knee started hurting a bit while I was running Monday, and it feels... crunchy? Almost like it needs to pop, achy. I REALLY want to run in the am to get the exercise, but there is a part of me that wonders if I should hold off since I have WDW next week. I could always start, and see if it bothers me, and if it does, try to walk, or maybe swim some at MIL's when I pick up DD, although I know neither will give me the burn. What do you all think?

I would SO skip the run.... the last thing you need right now is a busted up knee before you head to Disney. REST it, ice it (if it is sore)... maybe even wrap it. I bought just a standard OTC soft knee wrap last year when my knee was sore from too much Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and it really helped! You DON'T want to be limping around Disney. SKIP IT.... maybe walk if you feel you MUST. FEEL BETTER!!

Busy day again tomorrow. Will run in the morning, then get DS off on the bus for the LAST DAY of school! Then I will shower and run to Concord to drop off some bags at the Goodwill and then drop my car off for a new windshield. I'll walk back to the Goodwill to shop while the car is being fixed. Then home to get DD and drive her to school for her final at 1 pm. Will run the last of the stuff to the dump (couldn't fit it all today) and home to do some housework, paint that cabinet, make dinner, do laundry. Out again in the evening to take DD to swim and I will drive back to Concord to pick up DS's medicine (it had to be ordered and won't be ready until after 3pm tomorrow). Then back to pick up DD after swim and home by about 8:45 pm.

I found a GREAT buy at the bread store today on Bagel thins and Sandwich thins.... $3/3! I stocked up and bought a few extra packages for the freezer.

Talk to you all tomorrow!.............P
I'm living life in the fast lane this week with end of year activities for my kids leading up to 8th grade graduation. I don't have time to read the 5 pages that were posted today, but I will answer the question of the day.

DVC is amazing. DH and I like to end our day in the whirlpool tub in our master bedroom while the kiddos are in their own rooms sleeping soundly. Alone time is even better at WDW :love:
I'm going on DS's 8th grade class trip tomorrow and Thursday. It is an overnight camping trip (in the rain no less). I won't be back on until Thursday night. Keep your chin up ladies. Just keep swimming.
Evening everybody

Been skimming the thread the past few days, but haven't posted. Mostly since the Aunt Flo has come to visit she's rendered me tired and lazy this month:rotfl: So other than walking Onslow, no real exercise in the past several days for me. I should feel guilty but i just don't care right now. its actually a nice change from the past couple of months where she insisted on having me wide awake. Oh joy. Like sleep better. The good news is she should be on her way shortly and I should be back into my routine in the next day or 2.

Gotta try and catch up withe the past few pages and QOTDs that I've missed.

1 good thing i can say is that i did a little bit searching and I think i'm gonna pick a Marathoning For Mortals and use that as my training program. Friend of mine sent me info on a 10k that takes place Oct. 30th. Looks like fun, still trying to decide whether to actually sign up for it:rotfl:

And we booked our vacation this week. We are heading to Gettysburg for a few days in the first week of Oct. staying at KOA Kabin. This will be a first for me.

I have to go back and check but somebody mentioned doing a Yogaworx video i think:confused: If i have it right which 1 was it?
Are you going back to DL again? If you are going to be there Wednesday afternoon please join us for the wine tasting at Wine Country Trattoria. :goodvibes
That would be so cool! Unfortunately, I'll have meetings in Anaheim all day. One of our colleagues is supposed to be getting us reserved seating for World of Color one night next week, but I'm not sure.

Hopefully, I can come back from my trip so full I don't care if I ever eat again!

Thanks so much for your encouragement everyone. I have had so much water my eyeballs are floating, trying to stay away from the buffalo wing pieces, and stay busy!!!

Thanks again!:hug:
LOL - I hope you enjoy all the fun eats on vacation and come back ready to lose the pounds to get down to 150. Have an amazing trip!

Jen, I was "coasting" too for a while and now have kind of hunkered down and told myself to JUST STOP. However, I am not sure that my mouth is listening yet...but it's trying too! I've been bringing grapes and apples to the office for my snack, and desperately trying to avoid our secretaries desk, which right now is piled full with all the snacks certain members of our office brought back from the last Yankees game - M&Ms, Twizzlers, etc etc. It's like an obstacle course when I venture back there!!l

I am back in the exercise frame of mind, which is good. Although I need to up my miles for my runs. I've been trying to cross train with spin classes and then figure out how to fit some yoga or pilates in there too - I really need more hours in the day or week.
JenA & Jude - I know what you mean about coasting when nearing goal. That happened to me somewhere in between 5 and 10 pounds to lose. I eventually made it, and I know you can too! I totally agree that we need more hours in a day/week - especially with all the great exercise we are fitting into our schedule.

Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

Hope you're all having a nice evening.
You can do it!
I prefer to wear an outfit that I've worn before in a race, so I do not wear the shirt during the race.

The run is over. It was brutal. It's thunderstorming now. We went at 7:00pm and it was still 92.:scared1: We went out too fast (we really need to work on that) and I had to walk for a bit at around mile 3. Was able to run again and finished the 4 miles with a time of 46:33. Went 6 total with the warm up and cool down walk included. I am incredibly stiff and sore, some leftover from strength yesterday. Mike said I was running a bit hunched up. The heat just really zaps the life out of you. Anyhow, it's over. I'm glad I went.:goodvibes

Kind of going along with the discussions that were going on today, I found myself thinking--if I walk I'll never run again, I won't be able to do the long run again, etc. It was quite the eye openeer. I was "catastrophizing" (I don't think this is a word, but use it to describe that type of thinking) the situation and making everything all or nothing and worst case scenario. Same thing I do sometimes with weight. Anyhow, I learned two things: 1. walking a little bit really is ok, and sometimes if you walk you are then able to finish with a strong run and 2. one hard day is just one hard day. Period. That's all it is. Nothing more. Oh, and by the end of the run, we realized that almost all the runners were stopping to walk some today. It was just miserable.
Absolutely! I love your new word: catastrophizing. I think I do that too (and not just with running).
I can't believe how hot it was - and you ran that far! Wow.
Also, I'm really big on the interval running. I like the "break" mentally of walking after each running segment. And I think my runs are definitely faster because of it. So whether you keep going with all running or find that you like run/walk - you'll be a successful runner either way. :goodvibes

I'm going on DS's 8th grade class trip tomorrow and Thursday. It is an overnight camping trip (in the rain no less). I won't be back on until Thursday night. Keep your chin up ladies. Just keep swimming.
Have a great trip. Thanks for the motivational parting words! ;)
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused :goodvibes

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: (congrats PrincessBride6205 & 50sjayne & Corrinak)

Current Participants-------------102!
not reporting in for 1 week------ 13
not reporting in for 2 weeks------ 5
not reporting in for 3 weeks------ 8
Excused------------------------- 1
weigh ins----------------------- 75
gains---------------------------- 17
maintains------------------------ 10
losses-------------------------- 46
new members --------------- 2

Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 2!
This week’s group loss = 65.9 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.47 %
Total group weight loss so far 192.5 pounds!
Let’s see how fast we can reach 500 pounds!
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: AWESOME!

Retention Rate (compared to the 78 weighins for our start weigh-in on May 28th)
(75+3+2)/ 78 = 99% :goodvibes (this includes the Losers and Maintainer and Excused people!)

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 2? This time I’ve done a TOP 10 LIST! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl: (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 2 Superstars!!

#10- 1.26% - MushyMushy
#9- 1.34% - aamomma
#8- 1.58% - lecach
#7- 1.80% - redwalker
#6- 1.83% - Tinker’n’Fun
#5- 2.32% - tiki23
#4- 2.40% - flipflopmom
#3- 2.41% - sahbushka
#2- 2.59% - jennz

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 2 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.72% - A.Mickey

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations A.Mickey!!!
What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :goodvibes:

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great! ::yes::

NOTE: this list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.
How this works: you set your goal for what to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.
Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.
Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. :goodvibes

We have done 2 out of 13 weeks, so the challenge is 15% complete.
aamomma 8
acename 10
bellaphia 15
BernardandMissBianca 19
bouldertcr 0
brinalyn530 0
buzz5985 16
carmiedog 18
cclovesdis -5
Connie96 38
Dahly 6
DisCanCan 15
disneymom2one 44
flipflopmom 50
Graciesmom77 -23
Greenfield1984 13
happysmyly 2
hmonkeyruns 22
Illini Disney Girl 7
Illini Disney Guy 18
jbm02 10
jenanderson 8
jennz 23
keenercam 32
kimara 32
Kimkimba 0
Leleluvsdis 0
lisah0711 20
LMDisneygirl 25
lovedvc 41
LuvBaloo 31
maiziezoe 3
MinnieMouseMom 20
mommyof2Pirates 20
N&B'smom 14
NCRedding -5
njcarita 8
nunzia -5
OctoberBride03 5
Piglet18 2
planaholic -11
redwalker 29
RENThead09 3
Rose&Mike 22
sahbushka 12
sherry 11
tigger813 0
Tinker'n'Fun 13
uptown girl44 -6
Worfiedoodles 44
wtpclc 20
Yunchman 0

I think everyone on this thread is making a commitment to better themselves, their lives and showing good examples to those around us. It doesn't matter if you have over 100lbs to loose or 10lbs. The fact is that we are all making the wouldn't be here if you weren't making the effort! You recognize that a change must happen, and are working toward that change. We all must look to the future, the future of ourselves. Let go of any shame or bad feelings of ourselves. Focus on what is going to come next, how we are going to better ourselves. We are doing this for ourselves-first and foremost. Then for our families and that we can enjoy life with them as long as we can. You all have no idea how many lives we touch, and becoming a healthy active person is not just good for ourselves, but for everyone around us.
by Redwalker
Almost caught up, and feeling motivated!

A late thanks to Taryn for coaching last week!:thumbsup2
And thanks to this week's coach

Way to many things to comment on when I just read 20 pages, but must say:
Thanks to everyone who shared pictures!
Congrats to all the runners who have been running races!

I'm still only up to page 80, but tomorrow is another quiet evening to get caught up!

update on me. frustrated with head cold, and splurged on a piece of cheesecake tonight, but it fits into my plan for the week. I was down another pound for last week's weigh in, and I am hoping for a 3rd loss in a row this week. Haven't had any desire for junk food which is great (except for my coke zero which tastes so good with a sore throat).

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!

Promised my girls we'd go swimming one night next week.
and now I'm off to a solid nights sleep.:goodvibes
Mostly since the Aunt Flo has come to visit she's rendered me tired and lazy this month:rotfl: So other than walking Onslow, no real exercise in the past several days for me. I should feel guilty but i just don't care right now. its actually a nice change from the past couple of months where she insisted on having me wide awake. Oh joy. Like sleep better. 1 good thing i can say is that i did a little bit searching and I think i'm gonna pick a Marathoning For Mortals and use that as my training program. And we booked our vacation this week. We are heading to Gettysburg for a few days in the first week of Oct. staying at KOA Kabin. This will be a first for me.

Sounds like a fun vacation, and glad you are catching up on sleep! And, sign up for that race! You'll be more motivated with a goal to train for!

LOL - I hope you enjoy all the fun eats on vacation and come back ready to lose the pounds to get down to 150. Have an amazing trip!

JenA & Jude - I know what you mean about coasting when nearing goal. That happened to me somewhere in between 5 and 10 pounds to lose. I eventually made it, and I know you can too! I totally agree that we need more hours in a day/week - especially with all the great exercise we are fitting into our schedule.

You can do it!

Thanks! I am determined!

update on me. frustrated with head cold, and splurged on a piece of cheesecake tonight, but it fits into my plan for the week. I was down another pound for last week's weigh in, and I am hoping for a 3rd loss in a row this week. Haven't had any desire for junk food which is great (except for my coke zero which tastes so good with a sore throat).

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!
You are on a roll Shannon! Hoping your cold gets better really quickly, summer colds are the pits!

I feel like a new woman today. Weight was down, (still not to last Friday's, but close enough that I think I'll be able to pull at least a maintain out of this miserable week, which is exciting!) I seem to have a better hold on my emotions, and I actually feel ready to tackle this day.

I should have clarified w/ my knee that it felt achy at that moment, but it hadn't been bothering me up to that point since my run. I wonder if it was all the trips I made up and down the steps yesterday. It's not hurting at all this am, so I am at least going to the track to run. I might walk the hills, especially downhills, and at the first twinge I am going to stop running. Instead of my planned 4M, only going for 3.

I'll probably check back in afterwards, but here is the rundown of my day, for my mental health:

Already had a banana, will eat some lowfat yogurt and raspberries when I get back. Pay a few bills when I get back, then we have to be out the door by 8:30 for gymnastics. Make sure I have our lunches/snacks packed. (kashi bar and apple) Dropping DD2 off at MIL on way, drop DD1 off at the gym, and shop from 9:30-11, looking for shorts, tops, skorts, sundresses, just a few SOMETHINGS that I like to take. I really want some skorts, but our options for shopping are so limited. Might hit up Goodwill, too. 11-1 - back at the gym to work on stuff for class.

Pick up dd2, get in the pool if the heavy rain and storms aren't here yet. Home by 5 at the latest. Dinner, (um.... dunno yet. Grilled chicken or salmon, new potatoes, probably) clean out dog crate, laundry, finalize all the docs for planning I made and transfer to ipod, finish charging electronics, and I will not go to bed until my class work is complete and ready to hand in Friday.
WHEW! Gotta run - literally.
Good morning, friends! Congrats to all the losers.

I did it! I held off weighing myself until this morning and it was a good experience! I am back to what I was on Friday! I'm thrilled since I was WAY UP after the weekend! I really focused on my eating more than the exercise and it helped and I didn't feel as stressed! I'm going to continue what I'm doing for the rest of the week. I will probably walk some more later today if it doesn't rain. I will also be mowing the lawn so as long as I watch my calories and drink my water I will be good. DH and I had some hummus and pita bread last night and that didn't hurt me.

I also went ALL DAY yesterday without my M&Ms! Every time I went to grab a handful I got distracted! I, of course, know that doesn't mean I can have 2 handfuls today!

I'm hoping I can jump start my weight loss with some WATP later if I can't go out walking. Mom and I are going to pick some strawberries this morning for our smoothies. Clean them and freeze them. Gotta stock up on my Greek yogurt too!

Time to wake up DD1 for school. Only 3 days left of 4th grade!
Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

Hi Kathy!

I'm one of the ones who does not wear the race shirt that day. I like to know where and how things will rub, etc., so I wear something I'm familiar with. I think it should actually be a good day for a race, and I predict you are going to have a wonderful time and sign up for your next one before you know it! Your first race means this will be a PR (Personal Record!), so you will have something to brag about -- you are going to set a PR! :goodvibes

I'll be thinking of you while I'm having dinner with my scary SIL...ok, gotta get the guys moving!

Congratulations to everyone who is working hard this summer -- lose, maintain or gain -- we can all move forward in this new week!

Maria :upsidedow
I feel like a new woman today. Weight was down, (still not to last Friday's, but close enough that I think I'll be able to pull at least a maintain out of this miserable week, which is exciting!) I seem to have a better hold on my emotions, and I actually feel ready to tackle this day.

I should have clarified w/ my knee that it felt achy at that moment, but it hadn't been bothering me up to that point since my run. I wonder if it was all the trips I made up and down the steps yesterday. It's not hurting at all this am, so I am at least going to the track to run. I might walk the hills, especially downhills, and at the first twinge I am going to stop running. Instead of my planned 4M, only going for 3.

I'll probably check back in afterwards, but here is the rundown of my day, for my mental health:

Already had a banana, will eat some lowfat yogurt and raspberries when I get back. Pay a few bills when I get back, then we have to be out the door by 8:30 for gymnastics. Make sure I have our lunches/snacks packed. (kashi bar and apple) Dropping DD2 off at MIL on way, drop DD1 off at the gym, and shop from 9:30-11, looking for shorts, tops, skorts, sundresses, just a few SOMETHINGS that I like to take. I really want some skorts, but our options for shopping are so limited. Might hit up Goodwill, too. 11-1 - back at the gym to work on stuff for class.

Pick up dd2, get in the pool if the heavy rain and storms aren't here yet. Home by 5 at the latest. Dinner, (um.... dunno yet. Grilled chicken or salmon, new potatoes, probably) clean out dog crate, laundry, finalize all the docs for planning I made and transfer to ipod, finish charging electronics, and I will not go to bed until my class work is complete and ready to hand in Friday.
WHEW! Gotta run - literally.

Whew.... busy day! You sound like you are in a good place, mentally. Glad you were able to shake yourself out of that "funk".

I hit the snooze a few too many times this morning (not like me at all) and finally decided to shorten my run so I could fit it in AFTER DS leaves on the bus. It felt SO GOOD to snuggle back under the covers after I made that decision! I'll be doing plenty of moving and walking and lifting and such during the day, so shortening my run by 15 minutes hopefully won't be a huge deal in the grand scheme of things.

Gotta get DS off for his LAST DAY of school!........................P
Ok, for whatever reason, I couldn't step away from those crazy buffalo wing pretzel bites. But I entered it each time into spark, and I am NOT eating dinner. I'll have a banana just to help w/ nutrition and metabolism, but I fixed stuff for the family and walked away. I can't go over calories again.


Will walk at 5:30 in the morning. I have a bunch of errands to do tomorrow and Mom and I are going to pick some strawberries to freeze for our smoothies!

Sounds like fun!

My knee started hurting a bit while I was running Monday, and it feels... crunchy? Almost like it needs to pop, achy. I REALLY want to run in the am to get the exercise, but there is a part of me that wonders if I should hold off since I have WDW next week. I could always start, and see if it bothers me, and if it does, try to walk, or maybe swim some at MIL's when I pick up DD, although I know neither will give me the burn. What do you all think?

I say, play it safe, but then again, I'm much slower than you, so FWIW. Enjoy your day!

YOU ARE ON! I think we will both be there in plenty of time! :thumbsup2

Went to Zumba with DD and had a blast. It was a really good workout and I am sure I earned some serious activity points today with the biking and Zumba! :thumbsup2

I will be swimming and running tomorrow. I plan on doing some laps i the pool either at DSIL's house or the Y. My DBIL and DSIL have a beautiful pool - they will be going out of town for over a month and have asked us to take care of it so we will be able to swim whenever we want. I will have to see what the temperature is like.

DH wants to run tomorrow again and then we plan on doing a couple of long runs at the cabin this weekend.

I am really excited because I found another race to enter! DH and I will do a 10 mile run and then almost immediately get in line for the 5K run that our kids want to do. I think it is great that the organization set it up so that people who want to do the long run can then do the 5K with the family. So essentially, it will be another 1/2 marathon for us. We have to complete the 10 miles in under 2 hours to qualify for the 5K after but I think we can do it. The race is October 30th and we are excited to race as a family!

Time to have a healthy smoothie and settle in for the night! Wishing everyone a great night!

Enjoy your race and your time at the cabin! I love Zumba!

Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

Hope you're all having a nice evening.

Enjoy those Celtics, Tracey. I'll check out how they did in the am. I can't stay up that late.

Good luck with your race! :goodvibes

I need to get goin this morning. I will get on and catch up tonight after the retirement party I am attending. It shouldn't be too long.

Here's is today's QOTD:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

I rarely eat at a TS restaurant because I am one of those who likes to spend as much time in the parks as possible. However, I do know you can buy whole fruit it lots of places, including the resort quick-service locations. My sister and I have done that many times.

Got to run! I WILL, WILL catch up!

After a week off from No more trouble zones, I decided to get back on it to try to add some tone for those sleeveless shirts next week. Man, I am sore!!!!! It's amazing how much strength I lost in just 1-1.5 weeks.

I'm going to try to do the arm and ab segments at least once a day for the next 3 days, I'd love to get in 2.

I am thinking about doing my ab video now, and then maybe a little yoga. I really should be cleaning! I did have my mail held, got dinner for everyone else, gave DH his early Father's Day...

Still haven't decided on my photopass and whether or not to do online check in. I HAVE to make those decisions and do them tomorrow. DD has gymnastics, MIL is keeping DD2. I'm going to hit a few stores while she is in gymnastics to look for any possible sales, and then finish all my assignments for class. (She's there from 9:30-1, so I have time, if I use it wisely!) Need to transfer what I have started onto a jump drive so I can use my laptop!

My knee started hurting a bit while I was running Monday, and it feels... crunchy? Almost like it needs to pop, achy. I REALLY want to run in the am to get the exercise, but there is a part of me that wonders if I should hold off since I have WDW next week. I could always start, and see if it bothers me, and if it does, try to walk, or maybe swim some at MIL's when I pick up DD, although I know neither will give me the burn. What do you all think?

Definitely do online check-in! It really speeds up your check in time and you get to use the online check-in line. It only takes 5 minutes.:goodvibes
Almost caught up, and feeling motivated!

A late thanks to Taryn for coaching last week!:thumbsup2
And thanks to this week's coach

Way to many things to comment on when I just read 20 pages, but must say:
Thanks to everyone who shared pictures!
Congrats to all the runners who have been running races!

I'm still only up to page 80, but tomorrow is another quiet evening to get caught up!

update on me. frustrated with head cold, and splurged on a piece of cheesecake tonight, but it fits into my plan for the week. I was down another pound for last week's weigh in, and I am hoping for a 3rd loss in a row this week. Haven't had any desire for junk food which is great (except for my coke zero which tastes so good with a sore throat).

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!

Promised my girls we'd go swimming one night next week.
and now I'm off to a solid nights sleep.:goodvibes

Ugh - hope your are feeling better today!!

Just skimmed through yesterday's posts...busy group!

Mikamah GOOD LUCK on your 5k today!!!:cheer2:
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3
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