Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I have started to do a few things that will help me remember these great moments in my are things I do that you might want to think about....

1. I write down everything I can remember about the race.
2. I put all my photos together (be sure to get one with your race shirt and/or medal).
3. Take after pictures - close up of just the shirt, close up of just the medal, close up of your bib.
4. Keep your bib.
5. Print outs of official times and other things about the race that I have on paper.

I am then putting everything together in a memory book.

I just recently decided to do some kind of running scrapbook too. I'm not really a scrapbook person, but I have started collecting a few items - bibs, newspaper clippings and I do plan to buy the official photos too, when available. Speaking of which... here is my finish line photo from the Susan G Komen 5K back in April: :)
In last week's episode of Losing It with Jillian, Jillian mentioned that exercise can be fun and family time. How do you get in exercise that meets either or both?

Well, my mom has recently started riding her bike with me during my runs. My neice is determined to run with me on weekends when she can. And, my DD does a little Shred with me. A 3yo with 1lb weights. That is QUITE amusing!:rotfl:

Speaking of Shred... I had every intention of doing level 1 again today, but got a wild hair and did level 2 instead. :scared: OMG! I'm glad i did it, but my muscles were actually shaking when I finished. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hurt tomorrow... :rolleyes:
I did it!!! I ran my first 5K!!!!!!
It was really so amazing. A friend of mine did it too, and we met a few other women we knew, so when we got to the park it was nice to chat with them. My sister came with her two kids and watched Michael for me. This was a womans run for a scholarship fund for this woman Louise Rossetti who's daughter was brutally killed in 1981 at the age of 26. Louise started running to deal with her loss, so on the way up to the starting line, I met her and said hello, and then I started to cry (for the first time). Of note, I am a cry-er. The death of my mom is a year ago the 26th, and I've really tried to focus on the running to help keep me from turning to food, so I got it together, and we laughed because my sister and friend are also cry-ers, and Karen my friend said, oh, you must be irish.

We went to the back of the starting line, and the race began, and we ran by Michael and gang, and I was going a little faster than I should, and getting very short of breath, so I slowed down, and walked for a bit, and thought, what was I thinking to even attempt this, but I plugged away, walking and jogging, and when I hit one mile there was a man there telling us our times, and I was at 13.30 seconds, which is faster than I usually go, so that really pumped me up to keep at it, and mile 2 I was at 28 something. My goal was to finish, but I really wanted to finish below 45 minutes since I usually average 15-16 minutes per mile, so when I had one mile left and it was only 28 min gone, I was so excited, and thought I was going to make it in less than 45.

The last 100 yards or so, is down the driveway of the park and to the finish line, and I could hear everyone cheering, and I started to get teary again before I even got down there, but I kept it together, and ran the rest through the crowd, and saw Michael and the others who had finished, but once I went past them, I saw 43 min on the time clock, and was psyched. I went through and got some water, and composed myself, and went caught up with them. My time was 43:19 with a pace of 13.57 min/miles. I came in 357th out of probably 367 runners, but I don't care. I finished what I set out to do, did better than I thought I could, and am so proud of myself. I went faster than I have ever gone. I set my first PR, and am so excited.

Now, that feeling in the first mile of "what was I thinking?" is now completely gone and replaced with, "when can I do another race?"

I guess I rambled, but want to thank all of you here for all the support, encouragement, and inspiration you have given me. :hug:


:woohoo:I am so proud of you!!!! You are amazing and I knew you could do it all along! :woohoo:

As I read about it, I just felt so happy for you. Be sure you write all this down someplace so you can always remember how great it was.

I have started to do a few things that will help me remember these great moments in my are things I do that you might want to think about....

1. I write down everything I can remember about the race.
2. I put all my photos together (be sure to get one with your race shirt and/or medal).
3. Take after pictures - close up of just the shirt, close up of just the medal, close up of your bib.
4. Keep your bib.
5. Print outs of official times and other things about the race that I have on paper.

I am then putting everything together in a memory book.


These are GREAT ideas!!!

:lmao: I LOVE IT!! I'd like to introduce you to our Lord Stanley!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! You have a Lord Stanley too! I love it! How old is your Stanley?

I just recently decided to do some kind of running scrapbook too. I'm not really a scrapbook person, but I have started collecting a few items - bibs, newspaper clippings and I do plan to buy the official photos too, when available. Speaking of which... here is my finish line photo from the Susan G Komen 5K back in April: :)

Great picture!!! You look like a runner!
Ann's right, killer quads, Connie! :thumbsup2

Well, it's 4:24. I had some sort of Disney dream, can't remember it. Tried to go back to sleep, couldn't. So here I am! :surfweb: I guess I need some extra time in this day.....soooo much to do!

6am update. I'm giggling now. Forgot to mention that when I got up, I almost stepped on DD1 (10). She bunkered down beside my bed at some point during the night. When DH got up at 4:45, DD2 came pitter pattering, and I finally got her back to bed. DH came downstairs smiling. HE NEVER DOES this, so not a morning person! Our chihuahua, that's usually really chill in the mornings, is even acting like he had one tequila shot too many! Yep, it's almost WDW time!

30-45 more minutes should see my class work done, provided the pixie dust stops flying! I've got some stuff printing now, so I had to check in! Once that's done, my mind can totally focus on getting ready. I'm also one of those obsessive people that HAS to have a clean house when I leave. I can't stand to come home sad from a trip to a messy house. I'll be popping in and out all day, just to help me focus!

Week 2 COW Results

A big congratulations to everyone on the list and thanks to everyone who sent in their numbers!

Again, congratulations to everyone who participated in the COW last week. I hope to have as many participants report in with both points and new exercising they tried out this week!

Congrats to all our participants!

I think everyone on this thread is making a commitment to better themselves, their lives and showing good examples to those around us. It doesn't matter if you have over 100lbs to loose or 10lbs. The fact is that we are all making the wouldn't be here if you weren't making the effort! You recognize that a change must happen, and are working toward that change. We all must look to the future, the future of ourselves. Let go of any shame or bad feelings of ourselves. Focus on what is going to come next, how we are going to better ourselves. We are doing this for ourselves-first and foremost. Then for our families and that we can enjoy life with them as long as we can. You all have no idea how many lives we touch, and becoming a healthy active person is not just good for ourselves, but for everyone around us.
by Redwalker

You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! My weigh ins are on tuesday and last night was flat out awful! I went out to dinner almost every night last week and then went to wenatchee and went hog wild literally! I gained.....7.8 lbs in one week. I hope like anything some of it's water but I honestly don't know. I am recommitted and even though I had to give up my 105 and my 100 lb clippies, I know that this is a journey and I am willing to keep trying. I realized I haven't been traking what I have been eating as well as I was originally so I am going to try to better that this week.

Thanks everyone for the motivation you provide.


You'll have your 105 lb clippie back in no time! :goodvibes

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:thumbsup2 You can and will reach goal! :goodvibes

Honestly, when I am on vacation I tend to just have whatever catches my eye. I enjoy food more than any sane person should and that is part of what I enjoy on vacation - trying foods I don't normally have access to. One thing that I have done is try to reign in the portion sizes. During one trip to WDW, DH and I had just lost a few pounds (just for vacation) and we tried to keep it in check. Our biggest ally? The HEAT! We couldn't eat too much or we'd be sick in that killer heat.

Portion sizes and control-great points!

Goofy says "Garwsh, this thread moves fast!"

I missed yesterday totally, in all senses of the up with a terrible case of the sneezes, and by midafternoon, felt as if my head was exploring. went to lay down at 5p after work, "for just a little while" and didn't wake up until after 9! when DS asked if I wanted something to eat! Oops.

Went back to sleep around 11p and got a good nights sleep with the help of some nyquil. Feeling much better this morning! Took a while to go through all of the pages I missed yesterday. Lots of great discussions!

My eating was way off yesterday, ate breakfast and a little lunch, but no dinner, and I didn't do any exercise at all. Today is a new day!

Congrats to all of the losers for week 2. Congrats A.Mickey!


Hope you feel better soon!

Ugh. Don't think I do well with this one at all. :guilty: My big WDW trips are post-marathon, so I pretty much let myself eat whatever I want. However, I sometimes convinmce myself that next year's marahon woul dbe much easier if I was carrying less pounds. Then, I will try to drink more water and have a slad and lite dressing with grilled chicken avaiable at many CS.

Water is your/our friend!

Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.

Your new dog is absolutely adorable!

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

always drink lots and alots of water instead of soft drinks, when we want a pastry or something similar we will get it for breakfast so we can sweat it out during the day and hopefully flush it out with all the water we drink, most places serve veggies or fruit instead of fries so we try to substiute, i normally feel better when eatting veggies vs grease, but it sure is good lol

Gotta love the veggies!

Too bad I read that after I ordered! :scared1:
I just decided to eat only half of it and didn't feel too badly about myslef, plus I subbed out fries for a salad with light ranch and only had one mozzerella stick when my DBF ordered it as an appie! All in all I think I did pretty well, compared to how I normally eat when I dine out! :)

:thumbsup2 You made some great choices!
I was seriously under on points yesterday (in too much pain to eat more than very light dinner and fell asleep without a snack or dessert). I think it has caught up with me --I've been voracious all day. DH sent me a text picture of his cheeseburger onion rings and soda at Hardee's. That about set me off (he doesn't normally do that). Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to go pop microwave popcorn and won't impose on anyone to do it for me. So, what did I do? I ate 1/2 a bag of frito's corn chips. UGH!! They were delicious but I know better.

I definitely was craving something salty. Since I'd eaten so few points today, it puts me right at my 50% mark, so I guess it's not too terrible. But I just have to resist eating the other half of the bag. And I will hold out on eating anything else except my "free" jello until I go home for dinner.

I think I can still eat Indian for dinner and it won't be too bad.

How is Indian food? Is it salty or spicy? I've always avoided it fearing it for those reasons. Do tell!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Have you guys ever heard of the Eat This, Not That books? I think it was the restaurant one that got into how somehow the wrap became thought of as a “healthy” food but that they’re usually worse than the sandwiches they’re replacing. I was pretty surprised at that bit of info myself. I have all four of the current books - the 2010 edition (which is like an overview), the restaurant one, the supermarket one, and the Cook This, Not That. I’m making my way through them, slowly. There is a lot of overlap between the four, some of the stuff in there is common sense, but some of it is pretty eye opening (like the suggestions for what to eat at the different restaurants), and some of it is really helpful (particularly the sections on what brands to choose in the supermarket). I definitely recommend checking one out of the library to take a look (if you can do that sort of thing:rolleyes1). If I know that I’m going to be eating out, I’ll go to the restaurant book and figure out what I should have ahead of time, or at least what I should definitely avoid!

I'll have to check those books out! They sound great!

Well... you do have to look around, but there is some healthy food to be found.

I managed to find fruit vendors in many places around the parks... and the fruit was amazingly good. Even if you think you might want something a bit more "fun", it isn't a bad idea to have a piece of fruit first to fill you up.

I had the chicken wrap at Pecos Bills on our last trip and it didn't seem terribly "fatty".... It wasn't dry, but it wasn't coated in mayo, like chicken salad would be.... plus I was able to add lettuce and tomato and pickles from their awesome toppings bar.... and I kind of "picked off" the excess wrap and mostly ate the chicken. You can also get sliced apple instead of chips or fries for a side.

There are decent salads available all over the place. And almost any item can be purchased alone.... fries are NOT a required side dish!

I enjoyed a side of couscous salad from the Moroccan restaurant in WS and it was yummy and didn't feel at all fatty or greasy in my mouth. Couscous, raisins, chick peas, chopped green pepper... a bit spicy and sweet and very delicious.

We didn't do any buffets this last trip, but when I have done them in the past, I try very hard to first take a full look at everything that is offered, so I can sort of make a game plan. Then I try to fill up with something low cal, like a salad or broth based soup. From there I take a small portion of just the things that look FABULOUS (like prime rib), and then taste them. If they are truly fabulous and worth the calories, I will eat my entire portion (and maybe even go back for more!), but if they aren't great, I leave them on my plate. I do the same with desserts. That way I have enjoyed some truly wonderful and memorable foods, but haven't wasted calories on stuff that is just okay.

You CAN eat healthy and delicious foods at Disney... it just takes a bit of work.

Thanks pjlla for sharing your plan for Disney!

:headache:Okay. This one hit me like a slap to the back of the head (you know, Gibbs style on NCIS). I am SUCH a "clean plate" kinda girl. Seriously. It doesn't seem to matter if I really like it or if it's just okay. I mean I don't eat things that I genuinely dislike, but seriously - if it's just *meh* then go get something that's actually worth it! Big fat DUH moment for me there. Thanks, P! :thumbsup2

I was one of those "clean plate" girls too. Now, I'm better about it and not afraid to either order smaller portions or take some home. The only time I won't take some home is when I got to something last night's retirement dinner. It was actually a reasonable portion, but lots of people took food home. :goodvibes

The salad bar at all star movies was awesome, if it hasn't changed. It wasn't a salad bar, but the cm would make your salad for you using whatever you chose, and there were lots of choices. I'll check it out in august.

Yes, please do. That sounds great!

I enjoyed ordering kids meals last time we were there. Dh loves the pineapple spears you can get. I have liked the oatmeal at some of the food courts.

Crazy week since we are getting ready for the end of the school year. Graduation next Wednesday, exams start on tomorrow for seniors and Friday for underclassmen. Just trying to get my grades finished and my classrooom cleaned. I saw the general schedule for next year in guidance this afternoon. It has me teaching 2 new classes. It is the best schedule anyone could have. All honors classes but I really don't want 2 new classes but I will take whatever I get.

Was supposed to go mow filaw's lawn but dh had a bad day at schooll so we are not going today. I guess it will get pushed off until Monday. Tomorrow night I have to go out to an Eagle ceremony for a student. Friday we are having a lunch after exams to celebrate a friend's retirement. A lot of friends who have retired are coming so it should be fun. Sat I am going into the city to see Mary Poppins with ds2 and dsis. Sunday back up to north jersey for a father's day barbeque at another dsis's house. then we have to fit in Toy Story 3 on Friday night. Too much going on.

I love the fruit WDW offers. I usually buy at least 1 piece a day. We bring our own cereal and oatmeal, but we love that they offer both.

Enjoy your last few days of school! You sound so busy! :goodvibes

Well, I better get ready to go to this picnic. Hopefully I'll get all filled up on good, healthy salad. I should probably say... Hopefully there's a good, healthy salad there for me to fill up on, otherwise I'll be starving all evening!

Have a great evening everybody!


Hope the picnic went well!

I have created a Excel spreadsheet that includes a place to weigh-in each week of this challenge and uses that to calculate the change in pounds and by percent. If anyone would like a copy of it, PM me your email address and I will send it out.

I'm within 20 pounds of goal, so I'm losing fairly slow (but steady!!). Because of where I am on my journey, the chances of me making it into the top 10 losers is pretty darn small, but after seeing the results posted today I thought I might like to see my percentages as I go. So, I created this spreadsheet.

Let me know if interested and I'll forward it to you.

Thanks for offering!

Have a great, on-plan evening, everyone!

Hope you had one too!
Way to go Kathy on your race! I know that once I lose some weight I want to try a 5K and I'm seriously thinking about the Princess 1/2.
Well my sore throat is now a full blown cold and I broke a tooth. I have a dentist appt for this am, tooth doesn't hurt but I am going on vacation to Reno on Tuesday and am afraid it would bother me when I am there. It's in the back so at least you can't see it. I hate going to the dentist when I'm feeling fine, never mind when I feel horrible.
My eating has been better but I haven't been walking as I just feel so tired. I have alot to do to get ready for vacation and no energy. I also need to try and post enough today so I can officially weigh in.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Was I looking for any? :lmao:


Evening all! Change of plans and DD has decided that she CANNOT fit in a swim practice tonight since she has TWO finals tomorrow. I think she made the right decision, but I'm a bit bummed because I was going to go to Macy's and pick out my birthday present! I decided I want to start collecting some Fiestaware and DH told me to go pick out six place settings and that would be my present from him! Now I'm excited. But it can wait until tomorrow.

For those of you who eat cold cereal for breakfast (or for anyone, of course), have you ever tried almond milk? Honestly, on cereal, I'm not sure I can tell the difference from cow's milk. One cup of the Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, unsweetened vanilla is 40 calories/1 point (I believe the sweetened vanilla is 60 calories) versus 110 calories for a cup of 1% milk. Big calorie savings there. You might want to give it a try.

What a great birthday present! Sorry, no almond milk for me. Not a nut person.

Well, I am off. My hour got cut short due to a computer problem. For some reason my computer shut down improperly last night (strange, because I shut it down like I usually do), so it took a while to start up. Oh well. I promise I will catch up with all of you. I have a party to go again tonight, so it might be late. Last night's was a complete surprse. I was told it would be on Saturday. Oh well to that too.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Back from a 3 mile walk with my mom! Beautiful day today! Love walking by the lake every morning! Just so peaceful!

Congrats Kathy on the 5K! I need to get training for one if I'm going to do a 1/2 with Redwalker in October.

Feel asleep with the remote in my hand last night. DH got home at 10:30. Hoping to get in another walk this afternoon or tonight. I was up a bit this morning but that was from the pizza last night. That's what you get when you eat 4 pieces! I'll do better today! Hopefully there will be lots of fruit at DD2s preschool graduation.

Tomorrow we're going over to DD1s best friend's house for a cookout after school. They are out at 11:30 so we'll come back here and get stuff together to go over for the cookout. Swimming all afternoon will be great since it will be so hot! DH is off tomorrow so he can join us!

I'll check in again later. After I put DD1 on the bus I will come back and grind up veggies for the meatloaf we are having for supper tonight! YUMMY!
LOL I don't wear makeup so I'm good there. Just need to make sure I bring a whole box of tissues for the blubbering mom section!

I got a great comment today from one of the other moms too. Her DS was in a lot of trouble this year, like big HUGE trouble and he told his mom that through it all I never gave him a hard time or judged him on his mistakes. I almost lost it right there! He was a kid I didn't think I could reach, but I always acknowledged him and tried to draw him in.
I told his mom that it takes 30 seconds to do something that alters the course of your life but I wouldn't judge him on those 30 seconds. I judge him on the merits of how he's acted the last 8 years I've known him and he's always been respectful and kind to me and DS13. He's a good kid, he just got a little off course.

That's great that his mom shared that with you!

Wonder how many calories blubbering burns? :goodvibes

I did it!!! I ran my first 5K!!!!!!
It was really so amazing. A friend of mine did it too, and we met a few other women we knew, so when we got to the park it was nice to chat with them. My sister came with her two kids and watched Michael for me. This was a womans run for a scholarship fund for this woman Louise Rossetti who's daughter was brutally killed in 1981 at the age of 26. Louise started running to deal with her loss, so on the way up to the starting line, I met her and said hello, and then I started to cry (for the first time). Of note, I am a cry-er. The death of my mom is a year ago the 26th, and I've really tried to focus on the running to help keep me from turning to food, so I got it together, and we laughed because my sister and friend are also cry-ers, and Karen my friend said, oh, you must be irish.

We went to the back of the starting line, and the race began, and we ran by Michael and gang, and I was going a little faster than I should, and getting very short of breath, so I slowed down, and walked for a bit, and thought, what was I thinking to even attempt this, but I plugged away, walking and jogging, and when I hit one mile there was a man there telling us our times, and I was at 13.30 seconds, which is faster than I usually go, so that really pumped me up to keep at it, and mile 2 I was at 28 something. My goal was to finish, but I really wanted to finish below 45 minutes since I usually average 15-16 minutes per mile, so when I had one mile left and it was only 28 min gone, I was so excited, and thought I was going to make it in less than 45.

The last 100 yards or so, is down the driveway of the park and to the finish line, and I could hear everyone cheering, and I started to get teary again before I even got down there, but I kept it together, and ran the rest through the crowd, and saw Michael and the others who had finished, but once I went past them, I saw 43 min on the time clock, and was psyched. I went through and got some water, and composed myself, and went caught up with them. My time was 43:19 with a pace of 13.57 min/miles. I came in 357th out of probably 367 runners, but I don't care. I finished what I set out to do, did better than I thought I could, and am so proud of myself. I went faster than I have ever gone. I set my first PR, and am so excited.

Now, that feeling in the first mile of "what was I thinking?" is now completely gone and replaced with, "when can I do another race?"

I guess I rambled, but want to thank all of you here for all the support, encouragement, and inspiration you have given me. :hug:

Your are AWESOME!!!! I felt the same way when I started mine "what was I thinking?!" What a great accomplishment Kathy!:banana:

Well, I am back from a new potential client for photographing their daughters Bar Mitzvah in November. This will help pay for half of our new puppy that is coming in early September. I am so excited! I can't wait to get back to the love of walking again. I have to say that doing push-ups every night/weights and watching my calorie intake has been doing the trick, even though I haven't been power walking like I use to. Lots of garden and yard work as well. I hope everyone is having a good day, and wakes with to a fantastic tomorrow!

Hooray getting closer to the new puppy! :hug:

Ann's right, killer quads, Connie! :thumbsup2

Well, it's 4:24. I had some sort of Disney dream, can't remember it. Tried to go back to sleep, couldn't. So here I am! :surfweb: I guess I need some extra time in this day.....soooo much to do!

6am update. I'm giggling now. Forgot to mention that when I got up, I almost stepped on DD1 (10). She bunkered down beside my bed at some point during the night. When DH got up at 4:45, DD2 came pitter pattering, and I finally got her back to bed. DH came downstairs smiling. HE NEVER DOES this, so not a morning person! Our chihuahua, that's usually really chill in the mornings, is even acting like he had one tequila shot too many! Yep, it's almost WDW time!

30-45 more minutes should see my class work done, provided the pixie dust stops flying! I've got some stuff printing now, so I had to check in! Once that's done, my mind can totally focus on getting ready. I'm also one of those obsessive people that HAS to have a clean house when I leave. I can't stand to come home sad from a trip to a messy house. I'll be popping in and out all day, just to help me focus!


I have to have a clean house when I get home too. Very fun that everyone is getting so excited - you definitely need this break!

Way to go Kathy on your race! I know that once I lose some weight I want to try a 5K and I'm seriously thinking about the Princess 1/2.
Well my sore throat is now a full blown cold and I broke a tooth. I have a dentist appt for this am, tooth doesn't hurt but I am going on vacation to Reno on Tuesday and am afraid it would bother me when I am there. It's in the back so at least you can't see it. I hate going to the dentist when I'm feeling fine, never mind when I feel horrible.
My eating has been better but I haven't been walking as I just feel so tired. I have alot to do to get ready for vacation and no energy. I also need to try and post enough today so I can officially weigh in.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Yuck the dentist when you have a cold - not fun! Hopefully this cold will pass quickly for you and you'll get your energy back.
Thanks for all the congrats. I feel like I am still on a high, and very motivated to stick to ww and lose some more weight so I will be able to run faster and longer.

Jen, I like your ideas to help me remember all the details. It is amazing how quickly the good feelings can fade from your memory, and I don't want to forget this. I Love making scrapbooks for Michael so that the pictures and memories stay alive within him. I think I should start a running scrapbook. Michael took my camera and took some pictures last night, and I'll have to take one of me in the shirt.

Taryn- Hope you dd is feeling better soon. Better this week than next week.

I'm off to work early today.

Have a happy, healthy, active day everyone. Drink all that water today to flush those pounds away from the scale tomorrow!!!!
I've completely fallen off the wagon this week. :guilty: Last week, I decided to try to wean myself off of sleeping pills (don't believe anyone who says Ambien is "non habit forming"! it's as addictive as anything else). My sleep is so messed up and I just want to do nothing, I have no motivation, and no ambition.

Have any of you gone through something like this? It's almost not worth it! Anyway, I'm still here, still want to do weigh ins, but it's going to be difficult for a little while until I get myself straightened out.
Hope that all of you with headaches, colds and sick kiddos get to feeling better soon! :flower3:

A big thank you to cclovesdis for being our coach this week and a big welcome to maiziezoe our new coach tomorrow. We couldn't do a challenge without you! :love:

Drive by post

:wave2: Waving as you drive by . . .

I cant wait to hear how you did and Im sure you are going to be ready to sign up for your next one right away. They become addicting!

There speaks the voice of experience! :thumbsup2

And I'm with you on the not believing you have a child that age. I got carded last week, so I can't possible have an almost 19 y.o.:thumbsup2

::yes:: Neither one of you are old enough to have kids that age! ;)

Now, that feeling in the first mile of "what was I thinking?" is now completely gone and replaced with, "when can I do another race?"

I guess I rambled, but want to thank all of you here for all the support, encouragement, and inspiration you have given me.

:yay: You did it! You ran your first 5K and set your first PR! :yay: Sounds like a great time and a great race. Next stop Princess 2011! princess: I'm so proud of you! :hug:

Well, I am back from a new potential client for photographing their daughters Bar Mitzvah in November. This will help pay for half of our new puppy that is coming in early September. I am so excited! I can't wait to get back to the love of walking again. I have to say that doing push-ups every night/weights and watching my calorie intake has been doing the trick, even though I haven't been power walking like I use to. Lots of garden and yard work as well. I hope everyone is having a good day, and wakes with to a fantastic tomorrow!

:hug:, redwalker, I know you miss your four footed family member. A new puppy will be fun and it will bring back lots of memories of your other dog because I think we kind of forget those puppy days -- sort of like how those toddler days fade. ;)

:woohoo:I am so proud of you!!!! You are amazing and I knew you could do it all along! :woohoo:

As I read about it, I just felt so happy for you. Be sure you write all this down someplace so you can always remember how great it was.

I have started to do a few things that will help me remember these great moments in my are things I do that you might want to think about....

1. I write down everything I can remember about the race.
2. I put all my photos together (be sure to get one with your race shirt and/or medal).
3. Take after pictures - close up of just the shirt, close up of just the medal, close up of your bib.
4. Keep your bib.
5. Print outs of official times and other things about the race that I have on paper.

I am then putting everything together in a memory book.


This is a great idea, jen, I am going to remember this for my races. :yay:

:lmao: I LOVE IT!! I'd like to introduce you to our Lord Stanley!

Shelby, your Lord Stanley is adorable, too. I love dogs with gray muzzles -- it makes them distinguished and shows they have humans who care for them even as they age. :goodvibes

I just recently decided to do some kind of running scrapbook too. I'm not really a scrapbook person, but I have started collecting a few items - bibs, newspaper clippings and I do plan to buy the official photos too, when available. Speaking of which... here is my finish line photo from the Susan G Komen 5K back in April:

Connie, you look great! Like an experienced runner and not even looking like it was the end of the race! :thumbsup2

Ann's right, killer quads, Connie! :thumbsup2

Well, it's 4:24. I had some sort of Disney dream, can't remember it. Tried to go back to sleep, couldn't. So here I am! :surfweb: I guess I need some extra time in this day.....soooo much to do!

I've heard that pixie dust makes it hard to sleep, Taryn. ;) Too bad you guys can't just get in the car and go now!

Way to go Kathy on your race! I know that once I lose some weight I want to try a 5K and I'm seriously thinking about the Princess 1/2.
Well my sore throat is now a full blown cold and I broke a tooth. I have a dentist appt for this am, tooth doesn't hurt but I am going on vacation to Reno on Tuesday and am afraid it would bother me when I am there. It's in the back so at least you can't see it. I hate going to the dentist when I'm feeling fine, never mind when I feel horrible.
My eating has been better but I haven't been walking as I just feel so tired. I have alot to do to get ready for vacation and no energy. I also need to try and post enough today so I can officially weigh in.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Hope that you get to feeling better soon! :flower3:

Well, I am off. My hour got cut short due to a computer problem. For some reason my computer shut down improperly last night (strange, because I shut it down like I usually do), so it took a while to start up. Oh well. I promise I will catch up with all of you. I have a party to go again tonight, so it might be late. Last night's was a complete surprse. I was told it would be on Saturday. Oh well to that too.

Hope the computer gets better soon, CC. :flower3: There have been a lot of Windows updates lately. Ever since we got caught in the McAfee update debacle I cringe when I see those update message.

Have a great day all!
I've heard that pixie dust makes it hard to sleep, Taryn. ;) Too bad you guys can't just get in the car and go now!

Too bad I'm not ready to!! Hopefully I can be soon!!!! :mickeyjum

Well, I grossely underestimated how long it would take to finish up for class. 45 minutes turned into almost 3 hours :scared1: But I think I am DONE!, unless the 2 questions I emailed the professor at 6 get answered in a way I have to change something!!!!!!

It's scary to think I've been up for 5 hours, and it's not even 9:00 yet.

When I said DD was ill, I meant in the Southern terms of "ill as a hornet" cranky, grumpy, angry. She's not sick, just got overtired and overstimulated, as 3 year olds do best! :lmao: Sorry for the incorrect use of the word! ;)

Mushymushy - we all have those times. Sounds like you are fighting a withdrawal and getting your body back on it's own patterns. Even though you are sleepy, try to get some exercise in early in the day to see if it will wake you up. Make the best choices you can, as you can. Keep posting, you'll get motivated again. TRUST ME! I had a give up day Tuesday, and the support here got me going again. You can do this!!!!
Well, my mom has recently started riding her bike with me during my runs. My neice is determined to run with me on weekends when she can. And, my DD does a little Shred with me. A 3yo with 1lb weights. That is QUITE amusing!:rotfl:

My 3 year old tries to do things with my 5lb weights! :scared1: She can lift them over her head at the same time, but I am scared to death she'll drop them or hurt herself. I discourage this as much as possible, I see a torn rotator cuff in that precious little clutz's future!

QOTD: Well, I'm gonna be mean. For exercise, I want to be ALONE! No comments from the peanut gallery, no one stealing my weights. I have to focus! Now, for active family time, we play ball, chase, dance, games, hopscotch, chase fireflies, take walks, etc.
What an inspiring 5K story!!! I can't wait to run my first in October...if my ankle ever heals!!

Its getting better so I thought I would try to run this morning and I couldn't. It wasn't even the pain in my ankle, it was weird, it was like my right leg (where the sprain is) was limping and I couldn't get it to catch up with the other leg -- very strange. I'm going to try again tomorrow and see if its any better, because even a slight improvement may mean I just need to work myself back into it!
Pam I'll do your walk for you tonight. :) It's actually sunny here right now! I headed out this morning with my dogs and it rained on us about 1/4 mile out. At least it was cooler! DH wants to go for a family walk tonight so.

We ended up heading out for a walk, but just did one lap around the neighborhood (7/10 mi). DD was stressed over finals and a bit grumpy, my headache was nasty, and I had to pee! So we ended early. oh well, at least we moved a bit. But thanks for the offer!! :thumbsup2

Go P!!!!!! And that is EXACTLY the plan I have created for buffets, which we do have a lot of. Who knew I was thinking of a pjilla plan?:thumbsup2 At our TS meals, there is something I am looking forward to at each meal, sometimes an app, sometimes an entree, and even a few desserts, even though they usually aren't my weakness. I am planning to taste the other things I order, or have a salad if it's not the app I want, and then eat the thing I really want only until I am satisfied!

Next, does almond milk have any calcium? May be a STUPID question, but I have to make sure I get bunches to keep my leg bones fused and strong!

Well, I did a bit of shopping myself today. Got some new running shorts and a tank on sale, tried on a bunch of stuff, but didn't like something about ALL of it. My Goodwill trip was successful - I was looking for skorts and sleeveless tops. I found one skort, and a Mickey tank with the tags still on! Got DD a $50 leotard that they had hanging with the swimsuits :laughing:, a skort, and an AE shirt, and DD2 2 Gap dresses and gymboree dress. I might start going there more often, especially since I basically need a new wardrobe!


Nice job, having a plan in place to help you deal with buffets in a SMART, HEALTHY way!

Not sure if the almond milk that I buy has any calcium... but I know that several of them are calcium-enriched. (Sorry... too lazy to walk downstairs and check the container right now! :laughing:) I get most of my calcium from yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, and veggies, so I don't worry too much about the milk... I usually only have two or three servings per week of the almond milk... not a big cereal eater and even though I LOVE real milk, I gave up drinking it with meals a few years ago to save calories. I'd rather eat my calcium than drink it.

Don't you LOVE the Goodwill?? I would say that 80% of my new wardrobe that I have collected as I have lost weight has come from the Goodwill. If I can take the time, I can usually find plenty of good name brand stuff in good shape. As I shrink, the stuff can go back to the Goodwill and I get a tax break. Then I buy a few new things.

I'm not really picky about brand names, but I have found that there are a few brands that fit me better than others and that hold up better. I love Gap pants, but I am too cheap to pay mall prices, so I have been happy to find Gap khakis and jeans at the Goodwill. I love "accent" pieces (like jackets and scarves) from Coldwater Creek and Chicos and have again been lucky to find a few.

I did it!!! I ran my first 5K!!!!!!
It was really so amazing. Now, that feeling in the first mile of "what was I thinking?" is now completely gone and replaced with, "when can I do another race?"
I guess I rambled, but want to thank all of you here for all the support, encouragement, and inspiration you have given me. :hug:

I am so VERY, VERY proud of you!! I haven't had the nerve to sign up for a real race, so I am truly impressed! Glad you were able to share all of the race memories with us... it will help you remember the feelings! Wish I could give you a REAL hug, but here is a virtual one....:hug: Wear your new race shirt PROUDLY!!

Here is tomorrow's QOTD:

In last week's episode of Losing It with Jillian, Jillian mentioned that exercise can be fun and family time. How do you get in exercise that meets either or both?

Well... here is an area where I fail miserably. My exercise is NOT fun.... I run, but I don't love it. I do WATP, but I only "tolerate" them. I do circuit training, but I have to force myself through it. I have YET to find an exercise that is at all FUN for me.

We will occasionally take a family walk (maybe two or three times a YEAR), but that's about it. DD gets all the exercise she needs at swim. DS isn't a high energy kid, but he does play soccer and basketball. DH is a true couch potato. He does love golf, but only plays maybe 4-5 times a year.

I have mentioned taking a family walk/hike type of thing on the occasional weekend, but it is usually met with groans, so it either gets skipped or I do it alone. DS took tennis lessons this year and liked it, so I mentioned maybe we could play once or twice a week at the town court, but he didn't seem too enthusiastic... but I'm going to pursue it.

It looks like this is a part of my life that needs some work!!

6am update. I'm giggling now. Forgot to mention that when I got up, I almost stepped on DD1 (10). She bunkered down beside my bed at some point during the night. When DH got up at 4:45, DD2 came pitter pattering, and I finally got her back to bed. DH came downstairs smiling. HE NEVER DOES this, so not a morning person! Our chihuahua, that's usually really chill in the mornings, is even acting like he had one tequila shot too many! Yep, it's almost WDW time!

30-45 more minutes should see my class work done, provided the pixie dust stops flying! I've got some stuff printing now, so I had to check in! Once that's done, my mind can totally focus on getting ready. I'm also one of those obsessive people that HAS to have a clean house when I leave. I can't stand to come home sad from a trip to a messy house. I'll be popping in and out all day, just to help me focus!


Count me as another person who can't STAND leaving a messy house behind when I go on vacation. You already come home sad and usually with suitcases full of laundry... why compound the problem and come home to a mess?? DSIL usually has a relative who has a cleaning service come in and clean while she is gone... she leaves a messy house, goes on vacation, and comes home to a clean house.... IDEAL!!! I gotta see if I can swing a situation like that this year!!

Way to go Kathy on your race! I know that once I lose some weight I want to try a 5K and I'm seriously thinking about the Princess 1/2.
Well my sore throat is now a full blown cold and I broke a tooth. I have a dentist appt for this am, tooth doesn't hurt but I am going on vacation to Reno on Tuesday and am afraid it would bother me when I am there. It's in the back so at least you can't see it. I hate going to the dentist when I'm feeling fine, never mind when I feel horrible.
My eating has been better but I haven't been walking as I just feel so tired. I have alot to do to get ready for vacation and no energy. I also need to try and post enough today so I can officially weigh in.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Feel better! Enjoy Reno!!

I've completely fallen off the wagon this week. :guilty: Last week, I decided to try to wean myself off of sleeping pills (don't believe anyone who says Ambien is "non habit forming"! it's as addictive as anything else). My sleep is so messed up and I just want to do nothing, I have no motivation, and no ambition.

Insomnia can definitely cause STRESS...which of course, can easily turn into stress eating!

I can sympathize a bit. I sleep well, but when I am tired that is when I am MOST VULNERABLE to making bad choices about food and exercise. I have discovered this over the last two years and it was a bit of an eye-opener. I can resist almost anything of temptation.... EXCEPT when I am tired!

Get the sleeping situation under control. That will make you feel better. THEN you can work on getting the food and exercise under control. One step at a time! Before you know it, your life will feel more in control, you will have more motivation and ambition, and maybe you will even be sleeping better! Good job getting off the meds!

Happy Thursday morning all! DD is off to her last two finals. DS is home for his first full day of summer vacation. I wasn't feeling like a run this morning, so I did a 45 minute WATP video (haven't done that in ages!). I use 5 lb ankle weights, a 2 lb. weight belt, and 1 lb. wrist weights.... I put my all into it and it felt like a GREAT workout! Plus I used 3 lb. hand weights instead of the 1 lb wapt weighted balls.... I was huffing, puffing, and sweating! Nice for a change from the running.

I've had breakfast and my shower and now I am going to treat myself to a few hours at the scrapping table. Been trying to get there for a few days, but I keep getting side tracked with real life stuff! But not today.... the basket of laundry will NOT call my name today! (But I will make my bed. :thumbsup2)

Can't wait for TS3 tomorrow!!! I'm going to look around today and figure out what theater and show time we will head to. DH has a hard time with 3-D so we need to find a theater showing it "regular". Plus we figure it will be PACKED and we need to arrive at least an hour ahead, so we need to plan our day. DH bought Twizzlers and Junior Mints at Target today, so I guess we just need M&Ms and popcorn and we are ready!!:lmao: popcorn::

I'll be back later to chat!................P
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