Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.

4 lbs to go until I am no longer in the overweight BMI!!!! :dance3: Back to my goal weight/what is possible ramblings: When I started in January, I said I wanted to be at 175 by WDW. I'll be at least 163!

Watched Losing It with Jillian last night, and a lady lost 76 in 8 weeks. At least that's what I think I heard. I went back and checked the website, and couldn't find the numbers anywhere. THAT IS HUGE! It just doesn't sound really healthy to me, either. ALmost 10 pounds a week?

Anyway! Off to pay bills and shower! Thanks for your support yesterday! I am determined to make this a good day! ;)
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

I had a banana, 1/2 c. yogurt, and 1/3 c. of raspberries. About 215. Other days, I eat a Kashi bar. They are all under 200, and I have calories left for an apple a few hours later to keep metabolism revving!
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

I know what you mean about breakfast being a lot of calories! I usually have a bagel thin w/1 tbsp of whipped cream cheese and a cup of watermelon or strawberries and coffee...that's around 210 calories. This keeps me going until a snack a few hours later, and I've started having cottage cheese for that, 80 calories. It adds up quick!

Taryn :cheer2::cheer2:

I have gotten SO BAD about writing down my food :sad2: That is my goal today.
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3
I vary breakfast, but today I had nonfat, plain greek yogurt with a banana and some kashi go lean mixed in. It is definitely an acquired taste ;), but I look at it as fuel.
:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.

4 lbs to go until I am no longer in the overweight BMI!!!! :dance3: Back to my goal weight/what is possible ramblings: When I started in January, I said I wanted to be at 175 by WDW. I'll be at least 163!

Watched Losing It with Jillian last night, and a lady lost 76 in 8 weeks. At least that's what I think I heard. I went back and checked the website, and couldn't find the numbers anywhere. THAT IS HUGE! It just doesn't sound really healthy to me, either. ALmost 10 pounds a week?

Anyway! Off to pay bills and shower! Thanks for your support yesterday! I am determined to make this a good day! ;)

Getting to a normal bmi is very cool. Such an exciting milestone to aim for.

Kathy--have a great race!:cool1::cool1:

Good morning! Congrats to all the losers!

I'm off to work in a bit, then going to do group strength after work. We are having leftover veggie lasagna for dinner. I love leftovers. So easy. We froze half the lasagna for another time when I don't feel like cooking from scratch. I feel like I am slowly but surely getting back on track with the cooking at home.

Have a great day everyone!
I forgot to add my QOTD: umm.... water? That's about all I can think of other than salads and fruits. I am pretty sure :mickeybar isn't on the list. Can't wait for ideas, though!

Have a great day!
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

I will usually have 1 of 3 things 3 scrambled egg whites with a tiny bit of cheese, a south beach protein bar or raisin brain crunch with skim milk. I find that the egg whites sustain me more than any other choice. With the cereal I am hungry 2 hrs later especially if I throw a work out in the middle.

Last night I went out with the girls from work for a baby shower for one of them. It was just something small with the office staff at a local restaurant. I was in a panic as to what I was going to eat. I had no wine only water, 1 dinner roll, about 3/4 cup of penne ala vodka that wasn't even good, I tried the salad but hated the dressing so I didn't eat it and it came soaked in the dressing and I ordered the chicken sorrentino which is chicken with eggplant, prosciutto and mozzerella. I took off the prosciutto and ate my veggies first to fill me and then ate 3/4 of the chicken I don't think I did that horrible but we will see what the scale says. This morning the scale was 1/2 lb up but that can also be the sodium. My body reacts to sodium terribly. I actually take prescription water pills on a daily basis because of it. I had actually contemplated not going just to avoid the food, but I had all ready backed out of 2 other things this week because of the same reason "The Food". I don't feel I am strong enough yet to say "NO". I will get there but right now goal is looking too good.

QOTD: One of my favorite snacks at WDW is the apple slices with the caramel. You have the healthiness of the apple with a little sweet on the side. It's not the best choice but its also not the worst.
update on me. frustrated with head cold, and splurged on a piece of cheesecake tonight, but it fits into my plan for the week. I was down another pound for last week's weigh in, and I am hoping for a 3rd loss in a row this week. Haven't had any desire for junk food which is great (except for my coke zero which tastes so good with a sore throat).

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!

I am so sorry to hear that you still are not feeling well. I hope you get better soon!!!

I feel like a new woman today. Weight was down, (still not to last Friday's, but close enough that I think I'll be able to pull at least a maintain out of this miserable week, which is exciting!) I seem to have a better hold on my emotions, and I actually feel ready to tackle this day.

Taryn - Yeah! It sounds like you are back on track. I am using everything these past couple of days to help me get back on track as well and I am happy to report that I feel pretty good today as well. I will be working so hard to have a day where I make ALL healthy choices.

I did it! I held off weighing myself until this morning and it was a good experience! I am back to what I was on Friday! I'm thrilled since I was WAY UP after the weekend! I really focused on my eating more than the exercise and it helped and I didn't feel as stressed!

Tracey - Great job! I am impressed that you were able to stay away from the scale for a few days and am glad to see you were rewarded with losing those pounds you wanted to. You are always so focused.

:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.

I was happy to read that you were back down to where you started - that clippie will not be going anywhere (until you get an even better one). I bet if you really focus, you can have the loss you want. Think about your trip and all the good times there, keep busy with packing and exercising and drink water! You can do it!

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

I don't know if I really ate "healthy" while I was at WDW this spring but here are some of the things I did do to watch my weight while I was there:
1. Eat the kids size meals. For breakfast, I would get the kids scrambled eggs.
2. Split the adult meals. DH and I would get the burger at the CS restaurant and then split it. We really loved Cosmic Ray's and Liberty Inn. When we went there, we would order an extra bun with our burger (it had 2 patties), throw away all the fries and then get enough lettuce at the toppings bar to have a salad with our burger. At Pizza Planet, we got one adult meal and one extra salad. That way we both could have 1/2 the pizza and a good salad for our meal.
3. We ALWAYS asked for a LARGE cup of water. It was rare that we did not have a cup of water in our hands as we were walking around. Some places would try to give us little cups for a glass of water but I always just asked politely for the large size.
4. Eat the Mickey bar if you want it. We did not want to feel like we missed out while we were there. We just decided if we were going to eat it, we were going to help work it off. This meant that we walked around the loop of whatever park it was one time briskly without riding anything. We kind of enjoyed our walk and taking in the sites.
Thanks everyone off to have some breakie, i need to get some yogurt in the house. i think will have some watermelon! Maybe a few almonds for protein;)
Congratulations to all our superstars this week and especially to our Biggest Loser, A. Mickey!

I can't believe that we have already lost almost 200 pounds! I'm seeing some great numbers on the goals progress, too. Thank you, Shannon, for keeping track of us all! :love:

Thanks for the motivation:goodvibesI also dont know how you only eat 18 points a day. I was upset this week because I just went under 200 and had to drop from 26 to 24 points.:rotfl2: I guess I shouldnt complain. Great job at choosing the a good snack even at mcd's. That would be my temptation, I would justify how its ok to use 6 points for a hamburger....:rotfl2: You have great will power.

I think that it is good to know that even when you get way down in your weight numbers that your points numbers aren't going to drop down too much more from where they are now -- from 24 to 18 plus your flex points. That's not too bad really.

Ok, for whatever reason, I couldn't step away from those crazy buffalo wing pretzel bites. But I entered it each time into spark, and I am NOT eating dinner. I'll have a banana just to help w/ nutrition and metabolism, but I fixed stuff for the family and walked away. I can't go over calories again.

Do you think those pretzel bites would freeze? :confused3 Sounds like you are doing a good job dealing with them.

Still haven't decided on my photopass and whether or not to do online check in.

We had great success with online check in at both VWL and AKV Jambo in December. It was a great time saver. I believe that you can use the DVC photopass discount code after you return -- we didn't have any good pictures so I skipped it last round. I am glad I hadn't prepaid before. I know it is hard to relax while you are getting ready but just think in a few days you will be at WDW! :yay:

I am really excited because I found another race to enter! DH and I will do a 10 mile run and then almost immediately get in line for the 5K run that our kids want to do. I think it is great that the organization set it up so that people who want to do the long run can then do the 5K with the family. So essentially, it will be another 1/2 marathon for us. We have to complete the 10 miles in under 2 hours to qualify for the 5K after but I think we can do it. The race is October 30th and we are excited to race as a family!

How fun to do one run with DH and another with the family! :goodvibes

Thanks, Maria, I needed this tonight. I picked up my race packet!!!! Came with a hot pink t-shirt and I thought of you JenAnderson and your pink toenails and fingernails for your race. Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?

I'm a nervous, but excited. I know I can do it, and it's all women, so that will be fun, and I'll feel more comfortable. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a chance of showers, but that's better than hot and humid.

Go, Kathy, go! :cheer2: Enjoy that race and tell us all about it tonight!

I'm going on DS's 8th grade class trip tomorrow and Thursday. It is an overnight camping trip (in the rain no less). I won't be back on until Thursday night. Keep your chin up ladies. Just keep swimming.

Have a great time! :goodvibes

1 good thing i can say is that i did a little bit searching and I think i'm gonna pick a Marathoning For Mortals and use that as my training program. Friend of mine sent me info on a 10k that takes place Oct. 30th. Looks like fun, still trying to decide whether to actually sign up for it:rotfl:

That is a great book and they have several different training plans so you will be able to choose the one that works best for you. :cool2:

That would be so cool! Unfortunately, I'll have meetings in Anaheim all day. One of our colleagues is supposed to be getting us reserved seating for World of Color one night next week, but I'm not sure.

Is your company the one that did GlowFest? I've heard it is fabulous! A word of warning, there is a Grad Nite on Thursday so no World of Color that night. Have a great time! Sorry that we will miss you. :flower3:

Exercise has been abandoned until I can breathe easier, but I'll jump back into the C25K at week 2 and see what happens. By next week, the cottonwood should be done shedding pollen, which will be excellent. Its been horrible for a week now, with white fluff everywhere, I'd rather see snow that pollen!

Hope that you are feeling better soon! :flower3: The cottonwoods are the pits for allergies.

I did it! I held off weighing myself until this morning and it was a good experience! I am back to what I was on Friday! I'm thrilled since I was WAY UP after the weekend! I really focused on my eating more than the exercise and it helped and I didn't feel as stressed! I'm going to continue what I'm doing for the rest of the week. I will probably walk some more later today if it doesn't rain. I will also be mowing the lawn so as long as I watch my calories and drink my water I will be good. DH and I had some hummus and pita bread last night and that didn't hurt me.

Nice job on the weigh-in! :goodvibes

Congratulations to everyone who is working hard this summer -- lose, maintain or gain -- we can all move forward in this new week!


I hit the snooze a few too many times this morning (not like me at all) and finally decided to shorten my run so I could fit it in AFTER DS leaves on the bus. It felt SO GOOD to snuggle back under the covers after I made that decision! I'll be doing plenty of moving and walking and lifting and such during the day, so shortening my run by 15 minutes hopefully won't be a huge deal in the grand scheme of things.

Sometimes your body needs rest more than it needs exercise! :hippie:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Honestly the food at DL isn't as good as it is at WDW and there are way fewer choices. I will do what I did at WDW which was be aware of what I am eating not be afraid to leave food on my plate. I have a mentality going on right now that I've waited 50 years for this DL trip so I will probably have a tendency to splurge more. ;) What really does me in on any trip is the water retention from flying and the extra calories for alcohol. I just make sure I am right back OP when I return and that takes care of any extra pounds I manage to pick up.

So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

I think you need some better protein for breakfast, an egg, some low fat cheese, sliced turkey breast. You can have a whole egg for 80 calories and they really stay with you all day. The flax seed is good for you -- do you grind it or buy it ground?

Lovedvc, good job on getting through the social occassion with "The Food!"

Have a great day all!
Wednesday QOTD: Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

I have found sugar free or no sugar added strawberry bars at some of the ice cream carts and really enjoy that. Unfortunately, I really LOVE the popcorn, so when I get it I make sure my family is willing to share.

Someone asked about breakfast -- I, too, have found that I really need protein in the morning. When I can prepare my own meals, I try to do egg whites with salsa and fat free cheese on the weekend. During the week - usuallly a light english muffin or a sandwich thin with 99% fat free turkey or fat free cheese or a piece of chicken breast. Unfortunately, for more than 3 weeks I haven't really been making my own meals and my breakfast typically is packed in a cooler with lunch. So, lately it has been a light yogurt with some sliced almonds and an apple.

Congratulations to all of our awesome losers and maintainers this week. A.Mickey -- you are awesome!!! :cheer2: :woohoo:

Hoping to join your ranks again this week, though I am not upset that I gained .2 last week. Hoping for a significant loss when I weigh in this Friday.
Week 2 COW Results

Please know that you do not have to participate but the COW is here to help you build good habits and have fun as you focus on your health and fitness for the challenge.

I also feel I need to state that please let me know if I make any mistakes. I am only human and it is a bunch of data to keep organized. :goodvibes I try my hardest to be sure I accurately record all the postings and PM messages.

We had 30 people try the COW this week.
28 people reported their points for Part I (water, vegetables & exercising)
16 people reported about a new exercise they tried in Part II

Here are the top numbers for the COW

19 points

20 points

21 points

A big congratulations to everyone on the list and thanks to everyone who sent in their numbers!

New to the COW….PRIZES!
Now, I printed out all the names of those who participated and drew one name from Part 1 (reporting your points) and one name from Part 2 (chatting about your new exercise). If your name is selected as the winner for one of our prizes, please send me a PM with your address information so I can send your prize!

PART 1 WINNER = connie96
PART 2 WINNER = pjilla

Again, congratulations to everyone who participated in the COW last week. I hope to have as many participants report in with both points and new exercising they tried out this week!

Stay tuned for the COW Week 4 information to be posted tomorrow night!
I think everyone on this thread is making a commitment to better themselves, their lives and showing good examples to those around us. It doesn't matter if you have over 100lbs to loose or 10lbs. The fact is that we are all making the wouldn't be here if you weren't making the effort! You recognize that a change must happen, and are working toward that change. We all must look to the future, the future of ourselves. Let go of any shame or bad feelings of ourselves. Focus on what is going to come next, how we are going to better ourselves. We are doing this for ourselves-first and foremost. Then for our families and that we can enjoy life with them as long as we can. You all have no idea how many lives we touch, and becoming a healthy active person is not just good for ourselves, but for everyone around us.
by Redwalker

You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! My weigh ins are on tuesday and last night was flat out awful! I went out to dinner almost every night last week and then went to wenatchee and went hog wild literally! I gained.....7.8 lbs in one week. I hope like anything some of it's water but I honestly don't know. I am recommitted and even though I had to give up my 105 and my 100 lb clippies, I know that this is a journey and I am willing to keep trying. I realized I haven't been traking what I have been eating as well as I was originally so I am going to try to better that this week.

Thanks everyone for the motivation you provide.

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no idea how much I needed to read this right now! My weigh ins are on tuesday and last night was flat out awful! I went out to dinner almost every night last week and then went to wenatchee and went hog wild literally! I gained.....7.8 lbs in one week. I hope like anything some of it's water but I honestly don't know. I am recommitted and even though I had to give up my 105 and my 100 lb clippies, I know that this is a journey and I am willing to keep trying. I realized I haven't been traking what I have been eating as well as I was originally so I am going to try to better that this week.

:hug: I bet it was hard for you to give up your clippies but I am sure that you will get them back in no time. You have done an incredible job to this point and you know what you have to do to lose those pounds again. I have realized that while I am tracking, I am not doing a good job of it either and tracking is SO important. The important part is you recognize how important it is for you to track and you will get back to where you want to be in no time! :thumbsup2

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More :hug: I think there has been a lot of frustration for a lot of people. I am sorry that things are not going as you expected right now - it is so hard when that happens. While it might feel like it is never going to happen no matter how hard you will happen. Just keep going and you will see the results. It might be slower then you want, but you will see the positive changes. :hug:
Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Honestly, when I am on vacation I tend to just have whatever catches my eye. I enjoy food more than any sane person should and that is part of what I enjoy on vacation - trying foods I don't normally have access to. One thing that I have done is try to reign in the portion sizes. During one trip to WDW, DH and I had just lost a few pounds (just for vacation) and we tried to keep it in check. Our biggest ally? The HEAT! We couldn't eat too much or we'd be sick in that killer heat.

So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

Breakfast stays simple for me just as a time saver. Kashi Go Lean (1.25 servings - 65g - measured on food scale), skim milk and my daily supplements (NatureMade multi, calcium, fish oil). 250 calories.

If you can stick to 1200 on a regular basis, then God bless you! I couldn't do it. When I did, I was starving and miserable all the time. I found that just sticking between 1200 and 1500 gave me enough wiggle room to eat good meals and a snack without starving. Some days I do only have 1200, and some days I have the full 1500, but most days are really in the 1300's. I hope you can find the right balance of daily calories to fit you the way you need.

I vary breakfast, but today I had nonfat, plain greek yogurt with a banana and some kashi go lean mixed in. It is definitely an acquired taste ;), but I look at it as fuel.

When I first started eating Greek yogurt, I stirred in a packet (or 1/2 packet) of Truvia. It took some of that twangy taste away. After I did that for awhile, I got to where I could eat it plain, but I usually mix in berries.

PART 1 WINNER = connie96
PART 2 WINNER = pjilla

:cool1: Super cool! Will PM info shortly. Thanks!!
Goofy says "Garwsh, this thread moves fast!"

I missed yesterday totally, in all senses of the up with a terrible case of the sneezes, and by midafternoon, felt as if my head was exploring. went to lay down at 5p after work, "for just a little while" and didn't wake up until after 9! when DS asked if I wanted something to eat! Oops.

Went back to sleep around 11p and got a good nights sleep with the help of some nyquil. Feeling much better this morning! Took a while to go through all of the pages I missed yesterday. Lots of great discussions!

My eating was way off yesterday, ate breakfast and a little lunch, but no dinner, and I didn't do any exercise at all. Today is a new day!

Congrats to all of the losers for week 2. Congrats A.Mickey!

I think someone mentioned a few days ago about the importance of being able to walk for at least 30 minutes before adding in jogging, but I could be mistaken. Was it Ann? Would anyone like to add to this? TIA!
Marathonign for Mortals will tell you that before you start to train for a half marathon or marathon you should be able to "move" for 30 min three times a week. In general, it'd be good if you were able to do some kind of exercise for teh amount o ftime you intend to jog before you started. So, if you do aerobics for 30 min, it shoudl not hurt you to try a 30 min run. However, a great way to train is to start by walking for 4 min and Running for 1 and repeat. Slowly upping teh run intervals. HTH!

My knee started hurting a bit while I was running Monday, and it feels... crunchy? Almost like it needs to pop, achy. I REALLY want to run in the am to get the exercise, but there is a part of me that wonders if I should hold off since I have WDW next week. I could always start, and see if it bothers me, and if it does, try to walk, or maybe swim some at MIL's when I pick up DD, although I know neither will give me the burn. What do you all think?

Crunching sound bad to me. A good rule of thumb is that if somethign hurts, take 3 days off, try again. If it still hurts, take a nother 3 days off. If it still hurts, see a doc. In your case, you coudl see what it does today. if it hurts at all, though, I would stop adn not take any risk of really hurting myself before vacation. JMO.

Do people wear the t-shirt for races they're doing, or is it usually a souvenir? I read online that if your superstitious, it shouldn't be worn til after the race. What do you think?
I never run in a race shirt. Part of it is superstistion adn part of it is that fact that you never know how it will fit or if it would chafe. MAny epople do, though, adn it's completely up to you. Have agreat race!

Kind of going along with the discussions that were going on today, I found myself thinking--if I walk I'll never run again, I won't be able to do the long run again, etc. It was quite the eye openeer. I was "catastrophizing" (I don't think this is a word, but use it to describe that type of thinking) the situation and making everything all or nothing and worst case scenario. Same thing I do sometimes with weight. Anyhow, I learned two things: 1. walking a little bit really is ok, and sometimes if you walk you are then able to finish with a strong run and 2. one hard day is just one hard day. Period. That's all it is. Nothing more. Oh, and by the end of the run, we realized that almost all the runners were stopping to walk some today. It was just miserable.
I always feel like a whimp if I want to stop. Howevr, if there's any chance that I coudl injure myself or overheat, I stop adn walk. nothing is worth permamneent damage. Sorry you had a tough run. On teh events side, we spend a lot of time takling about how you have to have those bad runs to make those good ones feel better. I hope you gavea grat one soon!
1 good thing i can say is that i did a little bit searching and I think i'm gonna pick a Marathoning For Mortals and use that as my training program.
My favorite! DH and I live by it!

Almost caught up, and feeling motivated!
:worship: Thanks fro all you do! GSorry you haven't been feeling well!

I feel like a new woman today. Weight was down, (still not to last Friday's, but close enough that I think I'll be able to pull at least a maintain out of this miserable week, which is exciting!) I seem to have a better hold on my emotions, and I actually feel ready to tackle this day.
Wonderful!!! That sounds like a huge victory!!!!

I did it! I held off weighing myself until this morning and it was a good experience! I am back to what I was on Friday! I'm thrilled since I was WAY UP after the weekend! I really focused on my eating more than the exercise and it helped and I didn't feel as stressed! I'm going to continue what I'm doing for the rest of the week.
Great job! That's awesome!

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?
Ugh. Don't think I do well with this one at all. :guilty: My big WDW trips are post-marathon, so I pretty much let myself eat whatever I want. However, I sometimes convinmce myself that next year's marahon woul dbe much easier if I was carrying less pounds. Then, I will try to drink more water and have a slad and lite dressing with grilled chicken avaiable at many CS.

So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3
I use a lot of cals on breakfast. Usually, it's PB on toast. I find that it fills me liek nothing, else, though, so it's worth it for me. :confused3

:banana::yay::woohoo: After my run, I am now officially back to Friday's weight!!!!! I get to keep my clippie for one more week! That is wonderful for my ego! ;) Maybe I should just say mental health! I have 2 days to make GREAT choices, and end up with a loss for the week! I would :lovestruc to really knock these two out, to give myself a little wiggle room before leaving.
Love it!

QOTD: One of my favorite snacks at WDW is the apple slices with the caramel. You have the healthiness of the apple with a little sweet on the side. It's not the best choice but its also not the worst.
I'll have ot look for those. I tend to do that instead of fries at McD's for the same reasoning.

Hoping to join your ranks again this week, though I am not upset that I gained .2 last week. Hoping for a significant loss when I weigh in this Friday.
You are doing awesoem under very hard circumstances. And you know that a change int eh direction of teh wind could pretty much change your weight 0.2 pounds. HAng in there! You will be flyig once you can move again!

I am getting so discouraged. :sad1: I am one of those that can usually lose 7lbs the first week of changing my eating habits. This just isn't happening this time around. (thank you hysterectomy for making my body not function like it used to do!) :sad1: I just feel like it's never going to happen no matter how hard I try!

I'm not giving up though, I'm going to keep going until I see results but gosh, right now I just want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been like this all my life, so I can't imagine how frustrating that sudden change would be, along with all teh otehr wlovely changes you have to deal with. :hug: HAng in there. you will eventually see the results and that will help you keep going when you do. :grouphug:

Feeling much better this morning!
Glad to hear it! Hope you continue to feel good today! And, yes, this thread flies!

Well, I thought I had things under control yesterday, but I was a bottomles pit all day. In the pm, I realized it's just a pre-TOM thing. So, I just let yesterday go. Not thrilled, but today is a new day, right? So, besides getting extra motivaiton here, I found soemthing else great. I got so caught up in reading all posts since yesterday adn replying ot them that I missed my morning snack! :goodvibes Then again, I'm probably still feeeding off aof yesterday's cals a bit. :p Still, I will make it to lunch without needing a snack. That's huge for me!
So, I'm wondering what everyone eats for breakfast??? I try not to eat more than 1200 calories. I have been eating 1/2oatmeal with 1Tflax seed and skim still is around 300 calories (1/4 of what i get)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused3 It doesn't feel worth the trade off.
Anyone got some filling, low cal ideas:confused3:confused3

Usually a Fiber Plus bar and a banana (and coffee).
Hello Losers!

Last night we adopted a dog from a shelter. His name is Stanley (Lord Stanley Byfuglien)... he is a dachshund/beagle mix... 1 year old and as sweet as can be. He is getting neutered today and we are picking him up tomorrow.


Congrats to all the losers and a big congrats to Shanan who got the number 1 spot and Jennzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz who is number 2! You ladies are AWESOME! Congrats everyone!

I am getting ready to go for a run and then the kids and I are going to run out to get some stuff for Stanley.... and a I have a ton of laundry to do.

Today my oldest son turn 22. I can't believe I have a 22 year old. It is crazy. How can I have a 22 year old when I am only 29? :lmao:

Some of us are heading to WDW and DL soon and would love to make healthy choices. What is one (or more) healthy snack, meal, etc. you have found at a Disney park?

Hmmmmm.... I don't know. LOL
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