Wk of Mar 4--WISH Walking/Running Club

DW is back on her feet so tonight should be my last night for the gym run. I have to do drop off tomorrow afternoon, but that is okay because I'm picking up my new bike.

Tonight I did 5 miles again using r3/w1. Ended up with a 10:03 pace and enough left over to go shopping for paint.

I bought the paint, but I'm not putting it on. I'll leave that to others. I would rather spend time playing with DS16 and DD12 over painting.

BTW - this is painting the outside of the house. Want to get it done before it gets to warm. Maybe I should offer an exchange program. I'll provide sunshine and you provide painting services!:lmao:
Anne--I am sorry to hear about your mom

I need to catch up on all of the rest of the days posts.

I am soo happy to say that I am down 3.5 pounds this week and I just finished my first ever 3 mile run. I feel really good and this running thing is really starting to be part of my life!!!
DW is back on her feet so tonight should be my last night for the gym run. I have to do drop off tomorrow afternoon, but that is okay because I'm picking up my new bike.

Tonight I did 5 miles again using r3/w1. Ended up with a 10:03 pace and enough left over to go shopping for paint.

I bought the paint, but I'm not putting it on. I'll leave that to others. I would rather spend time playing with DS16 and DD12 over painting.

BTW - this is painting the outside of the house. Want to get it done before it gets to warm. Maybe I should offer an exchange program. I'll provide sunshine and you provide painting services!

What do you mean before it gets warm? :sunny: Considering I am going to spend the weekend laying out while I do "research" for my 15 page paper I have to do on Global Warming. So I am spending my spring break from school - working - welcome to real life HUH?:confused3 That's ok at least they pay me at my job!:woohoo:

Will catch up with everyone else in a little bit. No training today, celebrated my first paycheck at Outback!!

Anne -- I hope your mom is doing better! pixiedust:

I did 30 minutes on the TM again tonight. Mileage -- 2:33!! One night this week it was 2:22, then 2:27. Not sure I can sustain that pace for my LR on Saturday morning, but I am going to try. It was nice to think of being 1/3 of a mile ahead of the Minnie sweepers after 2 miles!

Off to do my 100 crunches and 50 push-ups!
no training to report here today, just too many things going on. But I wanted to catch up on all the posts.

Jackie--Hang in there, maybe a few days rest will make a difference.
Mel--so far I like the Hal Higdon plan, It only has running 4 days a week, with another day of XT...so I like it. I am going to reevaluate after my half in April and decide if I will stick with his plan or find something new.
Leana--I noticed you keep a shoe profile on nikerunning.com...I have an account on there, and I can't find a shoe profile...where do you find that?
TxAng-- i couldn't agree with you more, running outside is so much better than the TM!! Although, I have better times on the TM, I would much prefer hitting the pavement!
Angie--sounds like you had a great workout...glad the knee is ok now after icing it.
Dave----I hope you and your DD are feeling better soon. :wizard:
Jen--16 laps per mile! YIKES! I would definetely lose track if I was running on that track.
Dave--Hang in there!! Spring is right around the corner.
Stacey--WTG on your workout!
Anne-Sorry to hear about your mom....the race would have been the last thing on my mind if I knew my mom was not feeling well. There will always be other races.
KristiRed--:wizard: Hope the toe is feeling better soon!
Martha--Keep up the good work and good luck with your 60 min run this weekend.

Sorry if I missed anyone else...I am exhausted and really need to get some sleep! I hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!!
Good morning everyone!

Just wanted to catch up with everybody.

Cam - Great job on you ever quickening pace and your dedication to the cross training. My DD3 hit me in the face with a beach ball yesterday. How does that equate to a balance ball workout?

Jim - Yes, I do believe cole slaw wrestling would shake the winter doldrums out of just about everyone. I can't help but wonder how long it takes those bikers to comb the cabbage out of their ZZ-Top beards! :lmao:

Kristi - Best of luck with your toe issues. Don't get discouraged!

Anne - I hope your mom is doing well. There are plenty of other races.

Stacey - Excellent run. You gotta watch out for those evil stopping TM's. Quite a shock the first time.

Dave - Think of the winter blahs this way; in a month you'll be wishing the grass was still dormant when it needs cut twice a week.

Krista and Steve - Well, the Browns signed Jamal Lewis. I guess they figured if they couldn't win any games in the division at least they could compete with the Bungals in arrests, warrants, and jail time!

A quick shout-out to DW momoftwogirls. She never posts her training but has been working really hard to get ready for Minnie. My crazy work and training schedule has really messed up her/our routine but she has been doing great! I'm very proud of you! :love:

I did my 15 mile LR yesterday morning. My longest ever and finished at a 8.33 mpm pace. I need to slow my long runs down but I'm fundamentally lazy and figure the faster I go the sooner I'll be done. Just a little sore so far.

The best part of it was that I was greeted at home by DW with a steak and fettucci lunch. Yum!!

XT for a bit today.

Have a great day!

Jim - Yes, I do believe cole slaw wrestling would shake the winter doldrums out of just about everyone. I can't help but wonder how long it takes those bikers to comb the cabbage out of their ZZ-Top beards! :lmao:

I did my 15 mile LR yesterday morning. My longest ever and finished at a 8.33 mpm pace. I need to slow my long runs down but I'm fundamentally lazy and figure the faster I go the sooner I'll be done. Just a little sore so far.

This is Bike Week so the people in the cole slaw don't have to worry about getting it out of the ZZ-top beards. They need to worry about getting it out of their "tops", if you know what i mean. :cool2: The three B's of bike week: Bikes, Beer, and B***s.

Great run, but just don't over do it on the LR. Fast pace on LR equals injury.
BTW - this is painting the outside of the house. Want to get it done before it gets to warm. Maybe I should offer an exchange program. I'll provide sunshine and you provide painting services!:lmao:

This is why we built a brick house. No outside painting. :lmao: :thumbsup2

I am soo happy to say that I am down 3.5 pounds this week and I just finished my first ever 3 mile run. I feel really good and this running thing is really starting to be part of my life!!!
Christy - WOO HOO! :banana:

I think I may have been a bit too freaked out over my toe. It hurt alot last night, but now feels much better. I am thinking I sprained it instead of breaking it. I have broken the other baby toe three times, so breaking this one wouldn't have been surprising.:rolleyes: I am going to tape it to it's neighbor and see how my 5 miles goes today. If it bothers me, I will switch to biking or something with less impact.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Training report - yesterday I did 5 miles on the TM in 47:17 min 9:27 mpm pace. It's getting so the ~9:30 mpm pace on the TM feels very comfortable. I wasn't really breathing hard at all. Thanks for all the support in me dealing with my case of the winter blahs. I appreciate it. At least I have the Flying Pig 1/2 Marathon to look forward to, right? Less than 2 months away now!

Vic- Thanks for the offer to run away to Niceville. Oooh, the weather looks nice there. You better be careful or you may find me showing up on your doorstep.

Kristi- Sorry to hear about your toe problems. I really hope you don't have to stop running 1/2 marathons. Aaah, you just broke your pinky toe? Oh nooooooo.... what race do you have scheduled in 3 weeks? Maybe you can just tape it up really, really well. Good luck on your 5 miler today.

Kevin- Great workout. You pushed the TM pace to 9.4 mph!!!! Wow, I would definitely be flying off the back of that one. Hey, did you notice there was a little blurb on the TM video in Runner's World this month?

Stacey- WTG on the longest run ever! That's AWESOME!

Cam- wow, you say no workout and then it's followed by 100 crunches? You rock! Yes, spring is coming soon. Maybe I need to schedule a trip to my parents and get a little dose of the beach. Give my best to Howard. Congrats on the 30 min TM run.

Carrie- Thanks for the PD regarding my winter blahs. I appreciate it. Boy, the Mackinac Bridge run sounds fun (although driving over that bridge always gave me the willys), but that's the same weekend as my anniversary. I think I'm going to have other plans...

Jen- Thanks for the :flower3:. You can definitely do the full marathon! You can do anything you put your mind to. I bet this time last year you didn't think you could do the half. Yes, sign up for the full you can do it! And hopefully, we can meet up at the pool at WL again and tell stories of how we both finished the full marathon.

Anne- I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's illness. I WISH you all the best in dealing with it, and also having your first DNS. You have so much to deal with right now, and I want to send you strength. :wizard: I have to agree with Sunny, that that wasn't a DNS but a LTO (Life Took Over). A DNS is when you don't get up off the couch, and no one would ever accuse you of that.

Leana- Yay! I'm so glad to hear that it's 45 degrees in Canada. Yes, spring must be on the way soon.

Martha- Uuugh, PT, good luck with putting up with the pain of that. Yes, it's amazing what we go through for our sport isn't it. You keep going back for more pain and you pay money for it too.

Jim- Coleslaw wrestling! LOL! :lmao: Hah, that made me laugh, thanks! Great job on the 5 miler.

Christy- Congratulations on the weight loss and on your first 3 miler. WTG! :thumbsup2

Angie- Congrats on your first paycheck. Hope you had fun at Outback! Mmmmm, Outback....

Laurie- I hope you get some rest.

Mike/Optimator- Wow, that was an awesome 15 mile LR. 8:33 mpm pace! You rock. Congrats to your DW too. Sounds like she's doing great in her training for the Minnie.

Hi Sunny:wave2:

Colleen- Just wanted to say hi if you're out there.

Steve- Hello to you too. I hope you aren't too busy with work. BTW: I head that your wife, Krista, misses you too.

Hi Krista :wave2:

Melissa- How you doin'? What have you been up to this week?

Christa- Just wanted to say hello to you as well.

Judy- Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. We miss you posting around here.
I'm sorry I havent been posting much. I've been lurking but having alot of LTO of my own. Nothing bad, just really busy. My training is going ok, I am thrilled at this wonderful weather we are having. I love running outside!!!!

I freaked out when I saw someone post the 1/2 was full :scared1: I have not registered yet, I am planning on waiting to see how the Minnie goes. I would love to do the full just this one time & get that special medal. I just dont know if I can go that far, that long:confused3 or if I can designate the proper time to training. But everyone else is doing it ..........

Anne-I have been thinking about you this week. Do not worry about the race. There will be other races and your mom's well being is far too important. We all know you are NOT a DNS!!!!!! I can't wait to see you in 8 weeks :cool1:

Cam-you are rockin with your training!!!!! I am so impressed with all you are doing & with your busy life. You are going to fly at Minnie!

Kristi-I'm so sorry about your toe. How have you managed to break a toe so many times:confused: You must be as coordinated at I am ;)

Christy-WTG!! You are doing awesome!:thumbsup2

Sorry for those I missed! Have a great day everyone!
Hey All!
Real quick post!

I am alive! Doing better. May run a 1/2 marathon tomorrow.
DH is also doing better..on Leviquin (sp?). I was like WHAT! They put you on WHAT?!?!?!:scared1: But he is doing fine on it...I won't let him do anything while on it though. He is out of town right now so I have no control.

Anne - So sorry about all that is going on. That is not a DNS at all. Sometimes life takes us places that we do not want to go.

Kristi - I am sorry about your toe issues! Lotts of :wizard: :wizard:

Dave - I was telling DH that I was just so BLAH this winter and do not know why. It really isn't that bad here weather wise.:confused3 I think I am just ready for spring/summer. :wizard: :wizard: to feel better.

Stacey- WTG on your longest run ever! :yay:

Cam - 100 crunches is (or is it are?) a workout in itself!;)

Angie - WTG on the paycheck! How cool is that!!!!!:hippie:

I know I missed ALOT! So sorry but I have some friends who are just starting out running and I am going to go run 1 mile with them. :cutie: I did let them know I was the evil queen, but I do not think they believe me.:eek: Bless their hearts!
Sorry guys, didn't mean to freak anyone out:eek: but I swear I read that the half was closed. Oops:rolleyes1

Wish me luck tomorrow with my "Romp to stomp" 5k snowshoe walk for breast cancer. We're suppose to get more snow tonight, so hopefully we'll get a major dump so that the course will be smoother. Gotta love the Rockies!:goodvibes
Morning all! Well, last night I headed to our Women Can Run clinic to give it a go--first actual run post-marathon. Went really well--But I have a hard time taking it "slow and easy" I was ave. sub-9:00 miles for the 3 miles I did--I was planning on 10:00+. I think my main prob is I don't have anyone to pace with--I'm kinda out there by myself--no one else wants to run with me (guess I look pretty intimidating--yeah right!;) ) A little sore this morning--mostly the hip flexor area, so a little hard getting up and down. Also got killed at my Gliding Harmony class yesterday! My gluteus max. is screaming this morning!

Sounds like everyone's training is going great!

Kristi-sorry to hear about your toe. I hope it's not broken!

Anne--sorry to hear about your mom. How is she doing now? And like Sunny said, that definitely was not a DNS!

To all those having the winter blues--sending some sun and warmth thoughts your way!:beach:

Well, a day off for me! At least from any training! I have to babysit soon, so I'll have to run. The whole family is doing a fun run/walk tomorrow--it's only a mile-But after last weekend DD is sooooo excited to do a "race"! Have a great friday all! And good luck to all those racing and those with LRs this weekend!
Good morning, TEAM!!! Happy Friday!! :cool1: Sorry I have been MIA, I have been sick! :sick: Nothing major, just a sinus infection, but I have been sidelined to the couch for most of the past 2 days. I skipped my run on Wednesday, but I did 3 miles last night and then about 5 minutes of walking backwards on the TM. Knock on wood, still no pain! :wizard: I have a whopping 6 miles tomorrow for my LR, I love training for half marathons! :thumbsup2

Anne--:hug: I am so sorry about your Mom. I'm hoping that she is doing better and some of the stress has been lifted off your shoulders. I agree with everyone else, your half was definitely NOT a DNS, so get that thought out of your head right this minute. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kristi--:wizard: for your toe!! I hope this doesn't effect your training too much! If it hurts--STOP immediately, you don't want to do any further damage to your feet!

Jen--Trust me, if I can do a full marathon, anyone can do a full marathon!!! To be perfectly honest with you, if you can train for a half, you can train for a full. The only thing that takes longer is the long run on the weekend. I used MfM's plan for the full and I think the longest weekly run I ever did was 6 miles and that wasn't until late November/December. It does take a level of commitment, but you already know how to balance your time as you successfully trained for the half.

Mike/Optimator--I guess Ohio wants to get a reputation as a punk state. :mad: Next the Bungels will sign Ray Lewis. I'm mad about Joey Porter getting cut by the Steelers. I know it wasn't entirely Mike Tomlin's decision, but I still don't think I'm going to like this new guy very much. I miss Coach Cowher. :sad1: By the way, you are a very sweet husband!!!

Angie--How ironic that you are doing a paper on Global Warming while you are laying out and working on your tan!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I'm getting ready to start going to the tanning bed, as it isn't quite warm enough here to lay out and I hate being pasty white! Congrats on your first paycheck! Did you buy yourself a pair of shoes? ;)

Stephanie--You are making me feel bad!! I certainly wasn't running 4 days after my marathon!!! You rock! Have fun at your race tomorrow!

Dave--Stephen was actually home by 7:00 last night!!! :dance3: He has been training for the Pig, he just hasn't had time to post. But he says :wave2: to everyone!

Christa--:wizard: for hubby!!! I hope the Levaquin works for him!!!

Lynnda--The nursery sounds very cute!!! Stephen and I want to paint our kitchen, can we borrow Bill?? We'll wait until after the baby is born! :goodvibes

I heard something interesting on the radio yesterday on what time of the day to exercise. Of course there are benefits to both morning or afternoon exercising, but the one I found most interesting was they think exercising in the afternoon can cause less injuries to the body because the muscles are loosened up, where as in the morning your muscles are tighter from sleeping all night. Interesting......
Good morning,

I got a 30 min walk in yesterday while the boys were at baseball class. It's cool, I can walk the track that overlooks the gym where they play. The class if for 3 and 4 year olds. Way too cute!

The sun is starting to shine around here and is in the 40's. It is so therapeutic!

Now if I could just find a way to leave the midwest from Jan-March every year, I would be golden!!:) I just don't think I could sell the kids teachers on the idea. :rotfl2: Guess I will have to wait until we are retired... he he

Take care,
Hi all! only time fo a drive -by this am.

Krista - Hope you're feeling better! "Only a sinus infection?" Those are awful!

Kristi - Hope the toe's better!!!!

I did my 40 min outside last night! :banana: It was :cold:, but at elast I was outside. I can still "feel" my hip and knee when I run on uneven pavement. That makes me nervous. I hope the bike path is thawed soon. Hopefully Monday. Scott adn I were thinking that if we did occasional SR trail runs, that might help our legs handle this better. ANy thoughts? It worries me that I started to feel something after less than 20 minutes. Switching sides ont eh way back helped some, but it still has me a bit scare.
Hi all! only time fo a drive -by this am.

Anne - Been thinking of you. :grouphug: I agree that no one should eb alone in the hospital. Nurses are wayyyy too overworked. Let's face it. I ahev a hard time after 10 hours and no one's life is in my hands. Who teh heck decided that nurses should do threee 12s in a row? Hope your mom's doing better!

Krista - Hope you're feeling better! "Only a sinus infection?" Those are awful!

Kristi - Hope the toe's better!!!!

I did my 40 min outside last night! :banana: It was :cold:, but at elast I was outside. I can still "feel" my hip and knee when I run on uneven pavement. That makes me nervous. I hope the bike path is thawed soon. Hopefully Monday. Scott adn I were thinking that if we did occasional SR trail runs, that might help our legs handle this better. ANy thoughts? It worries me that I started to feel something after less than 20 minutes. Switching sides ont eh way back helped some, but it still has me a bit scare.
Morning folks,
I got my 2 miler in last night, and it was definitely a stonker. I felt so heavy on my feet and felt like I couldn't get into a good rhythm. As I result my right ankle felt funny - not really painful, but I could "feel" it. Weird. It went away on my last 3/4 of a mile when I started the uphill slog back home. Maybe my body likes uphill better than downhill? Anyhow, here's hoping it isn't a sign of more problems to come with my ankle and that it was just me having an off day. On the plus side I got those 2 miles in at an 11:53 min/mi pace.

Laurie - I keep a training log on nikerunning.com. When you keep track of your runs you can designate which shoe you ran in. When you are entering all the details of your run at that point you can add a new shoe. Then to see distance logs on each shoe go to "My Info" then to "Shoes." Hope this helps. The website sets the lifespan at 300 mi and will give you an alert when you get close.

Have a great Friday everyone!!


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