Wk of Mar 2 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Craig - Woo hoo! :banana: That is awesome!! Funny, Scott adn I were discussing CDC after watching Spirit of teh MArathon. Now we both hated teh rac eitself. We are not city runners. It was funny, though. He said, "Well, teh course adn race were bad, but I'd do it agin if our friends were there." So funny from one so anti-social. I just love what WISH has done for him!

Jeff - Coll that dd is following in your footsteps!

Maura - :thumbsup2 Way to go on signing up! If you can do a 10K in APril, you wil be fine for the half!

Jeff - OMG, she can't eb five. I still think of her as the Wild Todd! Inkow, she's not Wild Thing, but that's just not what stickes for me.

Rest day for me last night. Proabbly 60 minutes tonight, as we missed it Monday.
Kristen: I'm so with you--I'm even impatient trying to practice patience. (And don't ask me about moderation.) Good job on sticking with your plan, though.
Thanks! But what is this "moderation" you speak of? (She askes putting another Hershey Kiss in her mouth...:rotfl: )
Kristen - I'm great with bweing patient. Just as long as I get what I want NOW! :lmbo:.
I can SO relate!:rolleyes1

Today, I cranked out 6 miles in 57 minutes. Sorry so slow, it was 85 degrees hot out, so we cruised. (LOL, I know you're all hating me right now.) :rotfl2: I ran on the sand of Waikiki Beach, making the workout a little more strenuous.

When I got home, with very little prodding on my part, Princess #1 signed up for a May kid's tri-athalon. Her very first tri! (She did 1/2 of the 2007 Great Aloha Run).
6miles in 57 minutes is slow?? Oy. I'm not going to tell you how, um, (not) fast I run. Congrats to your DD! :cheer2:
To My Training Partners:

THANK YOU :worship: !
Your post was such an encouragement to me to really do my best today. Thanks!
Even after a rather uninspired 3 mile run today, I came into work and signed up for the 2009 half-marathon.
Congratulations!!!:banana: I'll see you then!

Hope you all have a great Thursday!! Happy training!
That's it. I need new socks, lots of them, just to test all your recommendations. And I'm telling DOOD my WISH teammates agree I should never cook again, that my burned fingers aren't worth it. More good advice I owe you all for! :thumbsup2

Lily: I can't believe how quickly you're recovering! I'm glad you're following at least some of the doctor's orders, by resisting the urge to run on the TM! :rotfl: Thanks for sharing the link on the 101 yo marathoner. Maybe I should take up drinking (more), smoking, and join a band? They seem to be the keys to his success.

CarolA: Good run and good luck with the XT!

Carrie: I love the "look at your posture" exercise in CHI Running much better than the pole-walking thing. At least I feel I get it right. I'm glad to hear you're liking the gentle yoga.

AlohaJeff: What a great time, esp. under those conditions. I'd be dying! Like father, like daughter, huh? She's gonna rock that tri! And thank you for volunteering to guide newbies like me into the joys of training. :goodvibes

Kelley: I consider your miles very noteworthy! It sound like you're doing well mixing the running in with the walking.

Amy: I'm so sorry to hear about the hip, but glad you're now IR. I just know you'll come back stronger than ever because you ARE being smart. And your chiro can only be the best if you're an excellent patient, which he know you are. Although I do have to admit I'm kind of surprised that you can cut cold turkey like that, even for a day--not that this exercising thing is addictive, or anything....:rolleyes1

Liz: Ouch. Shin pain. You have my sympathies. I'm impressed that you persevered on the TM, adjusting your pace, to get your miles in.

Heather: Oh, come on. You know you just want to nibble your dentist a little, just to keep him/her aware that you're paying attention. ;)

Shan: You've got the ice, you're feeling better, and I've got the PD for your ankle and its continuing recovery! pixiedust: Here's hoping you're 100% for your 1/2!

Craig: That's incredible, your training run! :worship: You deserve as much champagne as you want.

Jeff & Kristi: Thanks for your traveling-resources ideas. That's generous of you both. I may take you up on the offers, depending on my success with Interlibrary Loan and my local libraries.

Kristi: Yea for the 7 milers--you did it. And thanks for the reminder that spring cleaning awaits me. (Wait? Should I be thanking you for that?)

Stephanie: Silly, silly work! That's two hours you could have been working out & becoming healthier. And isn't that supposed to make you more productive??

Allie: "Evolving into a real runner." Love it! :rotfl2:

Bill: I'm sorry to hear about Timmy's never-ending ear infection. :sad1:

Maura: Awww, Maura, you haven't lost it. You've found...us! Crazy always needs company, you know.

Cecilia: What kind of computer did you end up with?

NEPats Bill: And don't forget the beer. Marathons, Disney, limping, and beer. Now, did I forget anything?

Tigger Jeff: We call Stop-and-Go stores Stop-and-Robs. Does that count?

Kristen: Hershey's Kisses...mmmmm. They're so small, so delicate. One more can't hurt, can it? Of course, then I need to add a few more crunches, and they might. Ah, the trade-offs we make for chocolate!

As for me: Today's a rest day, after having another good (short) run yesterday. I'm midway through week 8 of C25K and have been feeling I could run longer than the program calls for the last week or so. But I've decided not to push things, keep it to the 10% rule. I'm not in a rush--at my pace, I can't pretend to be! :rotfl2:
You might want to hold off on telling your husband too much about "us guys." Break him in slowly. I know my wife has been slow to accept that I have a lot of friends "on the internet" (many of whom I haven't met yet) who are crazy/have lost it (they're like me:upsidedow ). Oh, and these crazy people I've never met say I can do this marathon thing and we'll all have fun at WDW limping around after.

Bill-I love this. My wife looks at me like I'm Kip off Napolean Dynamite everytime I get on the computer. "Honey trust me. I'm not chatting with babes. Just some new friends at DIS!"

I really should be working but I am tired of missing out on all the fun around here:
Lily It sounds like you are making WONDERFUL progress!! :love:
Jeff I will be at the front of the line for that CHI running video. With the major back issues between me an DH sounds like just what we need.
Kristi AWESOME on the 7 miles. I would be interested in any books you have, I have not read any. I will PM you.
Stephanie I HATE how work cuts into workout time :headache: Are you guys planning on TOT again this year?
Shan Awesome run and I'm soooo glad your ankle is good. :yay:
Debra I hear ya on not pushing it and the 10% thing, I'm soo anxious to jump back out there for 5 miles a day.
Maura CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have nothing to be afraid of, with the WISH team behind you, you will ROCK!!!! It's gauranteed :goodvibes
Bill I hope Timmy is better soon, :lovestruc I SOOOO remember those days
Amy I'm glad the chiro helped you and you aren't like some of us and don't do what they say :rolleyes:
Craig That is an amazing run :woohoo: and thanks for giving me just the inspiration I needed.

So DH has not scheduled MRI yet, did I ever mention how stubborn he is :confused: But he has been stretching, hitting his core really hard, and not running and he swears that it is helping -- A LOT. WE WILL SEE!!

As for me: training is coming along

Did 4 on Tuesday, yesterday did Body Pump and 3 miles at about 9.5 pace. Today looking to do 3 and Bodyflow (yoga/pilates)

OK caught up for now, back to work.

BTW - I need some of that motivation and encouragement that you guys are so good at handing out. I have entertained the thought of doing the Irongirl 10k first weekend in April, but I am afraid that it will be a very fast tough crowd out there and I'm not so quick anymore. Plus it's over a bridge toward the beach that is at a pretty decent incline. This is FL I don't train on hills :laughing:
Bill-I love this. My wife looks at me like I'm Kip off Napolean Dynamite everytime I get on the computer. "Honey trust me. I'm not chatting with babes. Just some new friends at DIS!"

lol. DH looked at me strange at first too. By teh end of training for our first marathon, though, he'd be asking, "So, have WISHers said anytihgn about this? What about that?" I took him to one WISH meet adn he was hooked. He'll never post and only reads over my should on teh rarest of occasion, but WISH meets are the only social events that I odn't have to drag him to. Did you catch my commetn to Craig? He will run races he didn't like if there will be a group of WISHers there. Give her time. SHe'll see what we mean to you. A WISH race really helps that.
OK, nevermind!! Not running tonight. Ran 2 days in row thinking three would not be smart!! Going to go home and work core and stretch.
Oh, so very true, Carrie. My family calls WISH "Mom's Cult." My DD has been to Minnie and ToT now and tells her brothers that they have to come and experience the "group" at least once. Now youngest DS is signed up for WDW 1/2! DH is the quiet, intellectual one who was VERY skeptical of WISH until he was dragged to a pre race meeting. Now, he's ok with attending them (thanks, Craig, Howard, Jim, Scott!!). We will never get him into a WISH shirt, however :rotfl: !

Well, I had a really nice, long post go out into the void yesterday.

Calcio/Craig, so hoping that I see you before the Minnie as there is no way I'll be seeing you during! You were ssssmmmmokin' :teleport: How's the bod today? Didn't occur to you to do an ice bath??
lenshanem/Shan you hear a "Pop," ice it, then go out and do six miles the next day??? :faint: Glad everything is working fine!
Kristi1357/Kristi, PROUD of ya!! Great job on the seven miler...you got out there and did it!! I'll be bringing books to Minnie to give away.
(at a frigid 4am).
Where?? 3 years ago...not the last two!! :rotfl:
angietuck2/Angie, Good for you! Your supposed to rest in between workout days! Even Irongirl material people!! Sheesh, Angie, just entertaining the idea is more than I could ever do. You know your abilities, the WISH team will back you all the way whatever you decide!
deekaypee/Debra, good job listening to your "coach!" You are going to be in fine shape come race time!

So, I guess this wouldn't be a real good time to say that my five miler turned into four.:( It was totally mental, and I gave in. siiiggghhhhh. However, tomorrow is a NEW day, a New weekend approaches, the sun is shining and I will not go gently into that dark night, but fight against the evil forces that attempt to deter me from the prize! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Bill-I love this. My wife looks at me like I'm Kip off Napolean Dynamite everytime I get on the computer. "Honey trust me. I'm not chatting with babes. Just some new friends at DIS!"

And what may I ask is worng with chatting with the babes of the WISH? We have the best looking, smartest and most mischevious pretty princesses on the boards.:worship:

Most of our Babes are half and full marathoners. Of course we do have some that have gone Goofy.:thumbsup2

Walking Panda:hippie:
Bill/Shan/Jeff/Carrie/Kristen/Debra/Angie Thanks for your support on my half marathon decision! There are so many WISH team members of all abilities, that it's good to know I fit in, no matter how I do.

And Bill, I think I'll keep the news from DH until after I do the Minnie (if I can keep it secret til then). He will probably be supportive--he is actually a real runner (I'm still a wannabe), and he certainly has his own online buddies in the wonderful world of cyclocross (it's a bike thing). It really is the Disney thing he doesn't get, and I have given up on that. BUt if I couple it with running, you never know. Maybe I can even get him to come with me one of these times (oh god, I'm speaking in plural now)

Well I took today off and did some gardening. I sure am loving living in SC - this weather is fantastic!! But I did get 3 miles in on sun, mon, tues and wed. So I am doing well this week. Oh! I also signed my DH up for the half in Jan. We'll see if he actually does it this year :laughing:

Maura - Yay on signing up for the half!!

Bill - Hope Timmy's ears are better soon :wizard:

Shan - Glad your ankle is feeling better! ING wil be here soon!! Wish I could go - but I don't think I can talk DH into a 5 hour drive.

Liz - Good job on the 2 miles- glad you were able to relieve the shin splints

Lily - Hope you're doing ok!!

Craig - WOW!! You are fast!! Congrats on the PR!!

Kristi - WTG on 7 miles!! :banana:

Angie - So glad to hear that you are back to your speedy self (even if you are not completely back - you are still super speedy to me!)

Have a good night all!! I am off to watch Survivor...

Craig, Way to Go! An over 40/50 PR! :worship: No! not Minnie this weekend…I’m not ready. Be strong, hold your PR and I just KNOW you will breeze through. I’m jealous; not of your time, I will never be able to make that, I’m jealous you got outside.

Jeff, that is very generous to share that DVD. It might be a good idea to send that “library” into a new thread so the DVD can be shared easier. Do you think?

Kristi, thanks for offering to share your books too. Same thing I said to Jeff, do you think it might be a good idea to have a “library thread” that we could share our stash with each other. Good job on your run.

Amy, I’m sorry that you are IR. Yup, sucks to be there. I WISH you can get it back together soon.

Stephanie, maybe that extra work time is a good excuse for RnR then you can be charged for the next time.

Allie, oh yeah you’re one of us now look out. running socks, Garmin…what next.

Bill, sorry about Timmy and the ears. It sure brings back memories. When ours had those problems they were painful and we walked a lot of floors at night trying to soothe them. Then it came to the tubes and it was a miracle. We all got to sleep! I WISH those meds do the trick this time.

Maura, yup, there are quite a few of us who have lost it here. Welcome to the team! From what you’ve described, I’m sure your DH will be thrilled that you will be doing the half. Do you think you want to ask him earlier as in before it sells out completely, if he wants to do the event in January with you?

Debra, you can never have too many socks apparently! And you are in training now. You cannot be injured. Not even while cooking. Isn’t WISH Team great!

Kristen, Hershey Kisses, I don’t see anything wrong with Hershey Kisses a girl’s gotta have her chocolate.

Angie, strength to you. Good luck on the decision to do that event. The name of it scares me! PD for DH and getting that MRI scheduled. Smart for knowing to back off the running 3Xs in a row. Enjoy the XT.

Anne, funny “Mom’s Cult.” Good advice to Craig for that ice bath. How'd getting in those steps go tonight?

Craig didja think of that ice bath thing?

WWDave, I represent that :goofy: Hope you are feeling good today.

Becky, sounds like a heavenly XT day to me.

As far as the WISH Team and our Internet friends go. DH really thought that at first I had left the planet. Then we had our first meet and he’s been hooked ever since. He calls this a life changing moment and definitely for the better when I found the DIS and especially the WISH Team! Now my friends here at home though…they just don’t “get it.”

I had doc apt today, not w/surgical doc though. This doc (GP) was impressed with my walking ability just 3 weeks out of surgery. She did remind me to not get too confident and make sure I stay within the limits I was given. I promised her I am not going beyond walking as instructed. I told her I must make the Minnie and so I’m staying inside the lines right now. I plan on doing TM here if I can get near it later tonight. DS is in the area relaxing after a difficult work week, so I said when he hits the bed, I’m hitting the TM. I know he’ll be in bed really early tonight. (I hope)
Angie, I know you're talking about Irongirl, but your 9.5 pace is very speedy to me! :thumbsup2

Ankle feels fine tonight! Thanks for all the pixie WISH dust everyone! :wizard:
And what may I ask is worng with chatting with the babes of the WISH? We have the best looking, smartest and most mischevious pretty princesses on the boards.:worship:

Most of our Babes are half and full marathoners. Of course we do have some that have gone Goofy.:thumbsup2

Walking Panda:hippie:

Absolutely . As I said this is just what I tell my wife. :rotfl: At least until I can get her ‘hooked’. She will never touch a computer but I know she would love the family feel of you W.I.S.H.’ers! Y’all are the nicest board people I have ever been around. And great motivators. :cheer2:

I am working this week (a 12hr swing shifter and run when I can:surfweb: ) and longing for a good run! Can't wait to report.

Take care of yourself and get off the IR. I am counting on seeing you in the starting corrals on May 4.


Smart to take a day off, I mean really off. Rest is critical when you are stressing your body. I hope Bobby is feeling better.


It is so great to hear you getting stronger every day. You are certainly someone I am looking forward to seeing in May. For you I am willing to wait 59 days for the Minnie 15K. I am so glad that Ted has shared time and dinner with us. He's a great addition, plus another male for me to hang with.


When 5 turns into 4, it is always mental, or at least 95% of the time. We all get mentally tired, and sometimes the smart thing to do is step off and come back fresh tomorrow. Paraphrasing John Cleese in Silverado, "today my workout ends here." Having dined with you and Robert, I suspect Robert, being naturally outward and gregarious, lets you, being naturally quiet and shy, take the lead in conversations so you can become more comfortable with people :rolleyes: . We men need to step in and let him be heard.


Good luck on January 10. By the way, there are 2 overpasses in the last 2 miles, 1 of which was a complete surprise to me. Beware!


Just like with Angie, those rest days are a key part of the plan.


Yes, I knew Scott enjoyed us, or at least everyone but me :) . I actually got a couple of sentences out of him past January. Back to another great film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Scott is "naturally blabby, I guess."

Okay, yes, that 5K yesterday took a lot more out of me than I thought. I didn't think I had that pace in my body, and last night my body returned the favor. I forgot to take anti-inflammatories when I finished, and I was so sore last night that I couldn't get comfortable and sleep. My legs, particularly my knees and ankles, just flat out hurt. I suspect if I was 10 pounds lighter this wouldn't be so much of a problem.

And sorry ladies, going back to my high school post-soccer and track practice time in the ice whirlpool, I am never going to do that again. You see, unlike women, we men have our "package" outside our body. When we sit down in ice water the coldest parts are always the delicate parts. I'm happy to wrap ice on almost every part of my legs, but I'm not sitting in it.


I was SO excited to get re-started on the C25K, but I'm having a heck of a time even getting three short little workouts in. Managed to get two days done last week, and nothing since then. :sad2:

I'm having a hard time figuring out a good time to take baby out without messing with his schedule too much. This whole life/child/workout balance does get easier, right?

We were hoping to be ready to run a 5K in mid-April, but I'm afraid that's not going to be as feasible as we hoped.
Craig, now all the pretty princesses are gonna know that we don't really do the ice bath thing. (There are parts that a guy really doesn't want to get frost bit). But we don't want them to know we whimper at the very thought.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hi team...

Craig: Oh no! Speed induced pain...was it worth it though? ;) Take care of yourself...I'll say the same to you...expect you there in the corrals at Minnie. Take care of yourself!!!!

Angie: You ARE fast girl. The Iron girl is a perfect race for you...I say GO FOR IT! You will do awesome. My guess is you'd finish with a pretty darn fast pace! As for you DH...I'm glad he's doing lots of core work and taking care of himself...even if he won't go for that MRI. Sounds to me like he's taken charge of the situation! :goodvibes

Lily: :hug: Glad you had a good Dr. Appointment. Your recovery is pretty amazing girl. Keep it up and make sure you take care of yourself too!!! I'm so proud of you...your positive attitude has been very inspiring to me :).

Anne: We all have those days. You still got 4 miles in!!! For me...the weekday runs are sooo tough to get over the 4 mile mark. I know it's a mental thing for me too. But I do understand where you're coming from!

So my ability to be smart and patient lasted 24 hours ;). The weather was warm AND sunny...both of which I've not seen lately..and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to run. So I headed out for a 3 mile tempo run. Shhhh..no telling the doc ;). I managed to maintain a consistent pace with splits 8:55/8:56/8:44...then finished with a nice mile run/walk at a slow pace to loosen up the legs. Tonight I did a yogalates class then taught my fusion flow class. So now I'm icing the hip :headache: (yeahhhh I know). thanks for all the well wishes guys.


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