Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!


DIS Veteran
Jun 9, 2004
Hi All!

Like everyone else we are stuck in and doing our best. I wanted somewhere that is just for fun talk. It can be recipes we are making, things we are watching/reading, or family driving us crazy. I'm also happy to post a thought question every so often to keep conversation flowing. Feel free to share whatever but PLEASE keep this fun, easy and kind. Agree or not we are in it now.

So about me: I'm Tina and married to my darling Matt. I joined the DIS years and years ago when I was planning my first trip on a delayed honeymoon while my husband was doing his first deployment. It is just us at home and two plants named Herman and Sister. Yeah, we are weird people. I made shredded beef sandwiches in the crockpot last night with asparagus and sweet potato fries. Tonight is quiche and green beans.
We started AJ and the Queen on Netflix last night. I don't have the attention span for binge watching and tend to jump around on shows. I'm currently reading a mystery by Kay Hooper.

I hope some of you join for place of just kindness and sharing respite from all going on. In the end we are in this together.

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Hi Tina!
Believe it or not, I remember when you first started posting on the DIS, and have followed you through Matt's deployments, all of your moves and most of your health issues. I am glad to see you posting something lighthearted, as we all need that right now!

I joined the DIS when I was planning our honeymoon also! We honeymoon's at Dixie Landings. I met my second husband online, moved from MA to MD, got married, and it will be 20 years this coming Sept. It is just us and all of our furbabies, (too many to mention, lol).
Last nite I made a rack pork roast, with fresh asparagus and baby red potatoes. That will be leftovers for tonite and Wed, as tomorrow has to be corned beef and cabbage, no matter what else is going on!
We are watching a lot of the things we have stored on the Tivo right now. Have plenty of unopened movies to watch after we run out of shows there.
I hope more DIS'ers spot this post and join in. Lets keep it fun, kind, and as worry free as possible!
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Hi Tina. I’ve been a member here for years but rarely post. I joined when we were planning our son’s first Disney trip when he was 5 years old. He’s now a senior in college. My husband and I are both teachers (public school/college) and we’re home along with our son who is finishing his term online.

I’m not sure what we’re going to do for the next month or so, the reality hasn’t set in yet. We’ve been busy getting our son home and planning for our classes. I’m sure we will be watching a lot of Netflix and hopefully doing a lot of the things around the house that get put off all the time.
oops..I forgot the rule on my first response to Tina's post--quoting the first post, lol!

Hi All!

Like everyone else we are stuck in and doing our best. I wanted somewhere that is just for fun talk. It can be recipes we are making, things we are watching/reading, or family driving us crazy. I'm also happy to post a thought question every so often to keep conversation flowing. Feel free to share whatever but PLEASE keep this fun, easy and kind. Agree or not we are in it now.

So about me: I'm Tina and married to my darling Matt. I joined the DIS years and years ago when I was planning my first trip on a delayed honeymoon while my husband was doing his first deployment. It is just us at home and two plants named Herman and Sister. Yeah, we are weird people. I made shredded beef sandwiches in the crockpot last night with asparagus and sweet potato fries. Tonight is quiche and green beans.
We started AJ and the Queen on Netflix last night. I don't have the attention span for binge watching and tend to jump around on shows. I'm currently reading a mystery by Kay Hooper.

I hope some of you join for place of just kindness and sharing respite from all going on. In the end we are in this together.


Let's keep this going DIS'ers!
barkley here. i'm binge watching stuff that's piled up on the dvr and newer movies as they are released (seems like allot of release dates have been moved up-dh was jazzed that the most recent star wars comes out 3/31). i will suggest that if anyone has the new epix miniseries 'war of the worlds' recorded that they might want to hold off watching it-little too heavy for what's going on in the world right now (though anything is better than all the old reruns of college sports they have running on our local channels:crazy2:).

no special recipes-just working my way through the freezer and pantry. cooking a corned beef tomorrow (ruebens :thumbsup2).

ds WILL be driving me crazy no doubt once our internet starts slowing down b/c of all the school kids and college students using it for classes.
My DH and I resorted to discussing how our sewage gets out to the street and to the waste water treatment plant yesterday.

Really. :rolleyes2 :scared: :sad2: :p:laughing::rotfl:

My DH is prone to tech talking us to death. Early in our dating life we were out for the evening and he actually began discussing with me the various types of lights we encountered -- now those are sodium vapor lights, etc. I often tell him I have no idea how he thought that was possibly going to woo me ... or how it's possible I said yes to the next date, and the next.

That type of tech talk gets him many, many responses of no, Dad, just no from our daughters. I have active resentment for the show How It's Made.
What a nice idea.

I have been a member here for years, live in N Florida. When my kids were little we had annual passes for a few years and would do Disney a lot. Now my oldest is graduating College in May and my youngest is a Sophomore at the same University, where I have also worked for going on 21 years.

So I made a bread pudding with bourbon sauce today, so all is well!!
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It is nice to talk about something different!!

Just got off a cruise Saturday and then they stopped cruising.
So DH is out today getting wood and supplies to keep him busy for awhile. He is in quarantine (family mandated) since he has lung issues.
We are retired. I have lots of things to keep me busy since I am way behind on crafting, etc.
Since we were gone for over a week, we have lots of recorded shows to watch.......and then some movies.

I finished a book on a plane coming home so will hopefully start a new one today or tomorrow.
My only outings will be grocery store runs.

Joined the Dis when a friend on another Disney board was talking about it.

We're having chicken fajitas for dinner tonight
Hi Tina

Found these boards when my daughter was planning her Disney wedding over 12 years ago.
Addicted to the cruise board and over here too.

Sitting here today with my 2 yr old grandson just hanging out. I have been watching him daily since his Mommy went back to work 5 months after he was born.
He's a joy!

Tonight we are having Taco's minus tomatoes, since we can't find them, :rotfl2:
Tomorrow chicken, I would make corned beef and cabbage, but no one else here will eat it, so chicken it is!
Like everyone else we are stuck in and doing our best. I wanted somewhere that is just for fun talk. It can be recipes we are making, things we are watching/reading, or family driving us crazy. I'm also happy to post a thought question every so often to keep conversation flowing. Feel free to share whatever but PLEASE keep this fun, easy and kind. Agree or not we are in it now.

Hi Tina,
Nice thread.
Recipes, well I'll have to think. My daughter and I got hooked into the Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin novels (Master and Commander) a while back which evolved into a love of 18th to early 19th century cooking. There's a great youtube channel on the subject that is a blast to binge. It's called Townsends. We spent last weekend rendering suet that our local grocer was good enough to sell us at offal prices. Once rendered, the suet is shelf stable for a year or more and makes the very greatest french fries and popcorn. I plan on making a 'plum duff' tonight and if it goes well I'll post the recipe.

I don't generally do 'light and fun', so when times get complicated I try to drop myself into a world even worse than reality. There's actually several studies comparing zombies to vampires in popular media that find zombie stories dominate during economic boom times while vampires show up more when the economy is slumping. I'm not sure just what to call being stuck in my house with my 2 kids for 4 weeks, but my escapism du jeure is a third or fourth reading of K.J. Parker's Engineer Trilogy. Book 1, Devices and Desires, is a 670 page romp set in a charming Byzantine Empire like fantasy world where there is no magic to speak of but true-love does exist and it drives people to be truely evil to each other. There are very few books I bother to read twice, this one is worth the effort.

Killing time... We started a fun game in the Bright house. I printed up a zillion or so Plague Inc. DNA Bubbles, and before I go to bed I'll hide 20 or 30 of them around the house. Then when the kids get up ... well it's just an easter egg hunt with a contagion theme, but I come up with a petty reward for whomever gather the most. I can link a SVG version of the file if anyone feels like putting their cricut to work.

I always thought it would be great to have some super excuse to just stay home for weeks at a time... Ah well...

Stay safe everyone,


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My DH and I resorted to discussing how our sewage gets out to the street and to the waste water treatment plant yesterday.

Really. :rolleyes2 :scared: :sad2: :p:laughing::rotfl:

My husband likes to discuss curbs, parking spots, parking lots, drainage ditches, sidewalks and gutters while we are driving or at places we are at.



I'm playing World of Warcraft and binge watching shows on the 2nd monitor. I'm going between SWAT on Hulu and Grey's Anatomy on Netflix....I've already rewatched all of NCIS, The West Wing (my favorite), The Newsroom (on Amazon, 2nd favorite), and so many comedy specials...

Tonight we are having leftover chicken made into some sort of stirfry. We did our corned beef and cabbage yesterday (as I didn't want to risk the potatoes going down any further) and we'll have leftovers from that tomorrow night.

And I bought 2 containers of Tillamook ice cream. That stuff is sooo good.
Glad to have anything not politic or virus related. I limit the news to 1/2 hour a day.

I've been posting for close to 20 years but not as much now as in the past. We honeymooned in WDW in 1984 and took our kids in 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004. DD went there on her honeymoon in 2014.

Just DH and I at home now. Both kids are married now but don't live too far away. DD has a 3 yo daughter and expecting a new addition in May. Our last dog passed in January. I am retired and I expect DH to be soon so hopefully traveling.

My freezer was pretty empty last week so I have made and frozen chili, chicken fiesta soup, and turkey burgers. I am watching far too many Hallmark genre movies but did stock up on books from the library.

I did attend the infamous DISCon in 2003 which was great fun. I got to meet a lot of DISsers there.

Staying inside causes me to bake
Me too. It is a throw back to blizzards when we'd be struck at home. I made Toll House cookies Thursday and shared with my kids this weekend. I do WW so don't bake often.
Thank you for this...I was getting to the point where ALL.THE.POSTS were making me more anxious and was thinking I would need to stay away for awhile. Everything makes me nervous and anxious on a regular day :scared: so I'm trying to avoid going beyond right now. :sad2::laughing:

I'm a married momma to one adult daughter and two giant German Shepard's.🥰 We all live in Southern California. We're all still working regular...hubby is in the trash industry(everyone still making trash...lol), daughter works in a medical office and I'm in childcare, so far we're still open until county tells us otherwise. We're staying home as much as possible aside from work but we're all homebodies anyway so it's not a big deal for us. 😊

Thanks again for starting this, I'm looking forward to reading.
I have some leftover zucchini and I think some carrots from a soup I made. Going to see if I can find some sort of muffin recipe that looks good. The issue with baking is the eating, especially when we are being a bit more sedentary. Gotta up those yoga apps considering it is pouring here in right now.
Fun idea Tina!
I'm a Army Mom myself.
New to Dis (within the last year I think about two years now), charter member of the Dixie Landings Honeymoon Club.
Oddly enough our discussion was about WTP & WWTP's last night as well - but it's our business (build them, we don't hook residences up-) so sometimes we bring work home ha ha!
At the moment the entire office smells like Lysol, as someone was very liberal with it and it has permeated the hallways and the smell is turning my stomach.
Not sure what I'm making for dinner tonight, but one of us needs to hit the beer store on the way home. MD just announced a bunch of public space closing and we are out of wine...EMERGENCY EMERGENCY!:rolleyes::scared:
We've got two pups, plus a foster pup who came to us yesterday, so a bit of a full house at moment. We'll be enjoying a walk with all the dogs down to the duck pond after work this evening.
It's going to be really nice at the end of the week here, which is nice as we have a lot of bush hogging to get to this weekend.
My son's girlfriend graduates college in two months, it's looking like they'll be getting engaged. We've met her folks a few times, and her sister. The whole family is just as nice as could be and she's just delightful.
Hi Everyone!

I'm currently trying to find motivation to put away a mountain of laundry. That's a normal Monday for me, so I have that going for me! :rotfl2:

Husband is in his office working with headphones on.

9 year old daughter is in her bedroom on her new school computer with headphones on.

Maybe I need to put mine on and get moving?
Hi Everyone!

I'm currently trying to find motivation to put away a mountain of laundry. That's a normal Monday for me, so I have that going for me! :rotfl2:

Husband is in his office working with headphones on.

9 year old daughter is in her bedroom on her new school computer with headphones on.

Maybe I need to put mine on and get moving?

Our headphones have been so useful, I am so thankful for them. I needed some time yesterday away from my husband in our small house, so I just put my headphones on and started up my audio book and folded some laundry and washed up some dishes and enjoyed my book.


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