WISH Check in Week of June 15

Well I lost 2 pounds for my first week and I'm pretty happy with that considering the celebrating I've done this weekend for passing my driving test.

However I'm off to Disneyland Paris this week for a couple of days and then a wedding on Saturday but I'm hoping all the rushing around I'll be doing will help me at least maintain that 2lb loss :)
I reached 30 pounds last Friday and for some reason took it as a ticket to eat this weekend!! :rolleyes: I really hate when that happens and am going to skip weighing in for a few days! The good part is I'm NOT beating myself up over it...I'm just moving on.

So, getting back on track today and still aiming for 35 pounds by July 4th. I will do this! :)

Everyone is doing so great! Have a wonderful week :)
I am so happy to see all my WISH buddies doing so well! With all of these great losses lately there is so much to be thankful for!

I am still in a plateau! It's the third week of no weight loss for me. I know that the pounds will drop, just as long as I continue to do what I know needs to be done. So, I will continue to eat healthy, drink my water, and exercise my behind off!

I lost one pound :) Unfortunately, my last 3 days were not exactly "on program", so I will be working extra hard this week.

Congrats to everyone!

Mary Liz
Ok, I'm calling this a maintained week. Managed to get that excess sodium holding bounce back off and MAYBE another half pound. But since my scale isn't digital I'm not getting greedy.

Will call it a no loss/no gain week. That is a good thing as plateus happen along the way. Didn't measure but as I've been packing for our cruise (Check the counter we leave FRIDAY to fly down to Orlando and then on to the ship Saturday) I know everything is fitting beautifully - and those are 12s and 14s when back in January I was wearing 20s and 22s!

So I am VERY HAPPY about where I'm at. The plan for the next couple of weeks is to watch what I eat, take the stairs on the ship when it makes sense, walk deck 4 on the mornings we don't have an early excursion, and not stress about it. Then when I'm back home I'll get back on the strict regime. This is not a short term project - but a lifestyle change. If I can't relax now and again I will simply burn out and give up. That would be worse than a POSSIBLE temporary set back on the scale.

You won't see me for a couple weeks - at least not to weigh in. :eek: My next official weigh in will be July 7th.

I'm heading for DISNEY!!!!!!!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

There - some bouncing Katholyn!

Congratulations Everyone! What an inspiration to read the way you all have perservered and, a little at a time, have met such awesome goals! 150 pounds, 55 pounds, 4 lbs, onederland, you are all soo awesome!!!:bounce: :bounce:

My first week is over and I have lost 2 pounds, I think. My scale needs updating..I'm afraid it bounces around a bit! I'm thankful that with God's strength, I made the goals I set for myself!
I drank 64 oz of water each day, exercised 4 days this week, including a 3 mile walk on Saturday, and stayed within my WW points! Yesterday, the whole family went out for dinner at an italian restaurant. Though I ate well for breakfast and lunch, dinner was a bust, so I have to start over on the cheat free star.:( But today is another day! Goals this week - buy a new scale, take measurements and walk 10 miles this week! I'll continue with the water and the WW points, of course. Onward and downward!!:D
I have been dreading posting this all morning - but I gained a pound!! I went a little overboard this weekend and am paying the price. I'm trying to bounce back though - I'm going to be extra good this week and finally get back on the wagon from a few weeks ago. Congrats to everyone though - keep up the good work!
Well it has taken me a bit to post but here goes....I gained 4 pounds this week. I have realized that I just can't eat!!!! :D Well...maybe not that but we were gone this weekend and I did it to myself. We snacked quite a bit despite all the walking we did and the swimming I did on Friday night with dd. But it made the weekend more enjoyable and I will just get right back on this week and start using that treadmill!

Nice job to everyone!!!!! Have a great week!
Like a few others here, I was really afraid to get on the scale this morning .....
..... but I am happy to report that the numbers are moving again! YEAH!!!!
I have entered ONEderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I weighed myself 3 times to make sure)

Thanks to every WISHer!!!
Without this board, I wouldn't have been able to do this!!!!
(First a HUGE thankyou to Katholyn for providing the link- my server can't find Disboards! :( Katholyn is the Lone Ranger for Losers around here! Thanks!!)
Okay I'm bad with remembering- but I think it's Debbie and Geetey!! WOW_ ONEDERLAND:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I think we need a special clippie for those that reach onederland!! I know I'd LOVE one! Maybe a picture of Mickey holding up his number one finger! I'm sooo thrilled for you guys- and geetey I'm right behind ya!!!

And Party of Six (aka Tammy) 55 pound clippie!!! Oh my- it looks sensational on you!! You're an inspiration for all of us who are following in your footsteps....

And sweet TNTink! 3 miles your first week at WISH- outstanding!!! Let me know if you find a user friendly scale! :)

Now for my weigh-in I'm at 214.5 so that's down 1 pound since last week. I'm very THRILLED- because two nights in a row we celebrated father's day and let me just say that two nights of blooming onions were threatening my loss this week. So I'm shooting for a 2 pound loss next week- thank goodness no more celebratory dinners until July 4th!

Great news on the exercise front- walked 20 miles last week and did nautilus once- I feel stronger and less sluggish- hoping to keep it up through this muggy summer weather! :)

I'm down 1 pound this week.:bounce: :Pinkbounc (I only put those bounces in there for Katholyn. I'll save her the bouncing!)

A loss is a loss!! That brings me to 12 pounds in 4 weeks on Atkins. I'm really happy with the program.

That's 21 pounds total since 1/1!! My clothes are fitting great (they're loose) and my mother has mentioned at least 5 times in the last 3 days how great I look. This is especially important because she did not approve of Atkins.

Congratualtions to all you other losers. And to the gainers, congratulations for sticking with it. It will pay off in the end!
<b>Sue & Co.</b> You <i>are</i> going to be good this week...we all are going to <i>help</i> you be good. Be sure and visit WISH everyday, it really does help keep you motivated and on track.

Congratulations on that pretty new clipart. I can't see it right now, I think because of server issues but I know how pretty that 10 pound loss clippie is, I used to have one myself :)

You have lost another pound and that is excellent. You are focused on your goal and newly determined this week and that is terrific. You are a success and I'm proud of you. Be proud of yourself.

<b>Fantasia Sam</b> Way to go! Two pounds gone--good job!

Enjoy your trip to DLP and make the best food choices you can. Be sure to have as much fun as possible and lots of <b>magical</b> memories, too.

<b>Kelsie</b> Well, we learn as we go, don't we? You get a pass on weigh in this week :)

I have no doubt that you will make that goal you've set by 7/4. You know you can do it and so does every other WISHER. You've got the grit and determination to do it.

Have a great week. I'm proud of you for not feeling guilty about "celebrating" your success with food and moving forward toward your goal.

<b>blanq</b> Plateaus can be frustrating, can't they? Are you checking your measurements as well as the scale? Sometimes we get smaller even when we don't get lighter. You might want to measure yourself this week.

I am so proud of your determination despite the fact that you have had 3 weeks showing no loss. What strength of character you have. What a great example you are for all of us. I hope you realize how strong you are and are feeling proud of yourself.

<b>maryliz</b> Another pound gone forever! Great progress considering your last 3 days were "off program". You are slowly working your way to goal. Good job!

You sound like you have a renewed determination and that is a very good thing. Remember that you can call on your fellow WISHers if you need a little extra strength. We're always here for you.

You are on your way to goal--losing slowly is the very best way to get there successfully, too. See how great you are doing? I'm really proud of you. Be proud of yourself.

<b>FantasticDisFamily</b> May I tell you how proud of you I am? Just reading your plan for your cruise has motivated me and reminded me that my eating plan is for life, not just a short term fix. Thank you for that...you are amazing.

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this past week. You have made so much progress so far, I know you are going to succeed at reaching goal and maintaining it the rest of your life. You are just too determined and motivated for that not to happen. Good for you!

Have a <b>magical</b> cruise. Your plan sounds perfect to me, good luck with it. I did the 7 day western cruise with KarenNY last September and I learned one thing: they will feed you until you die if you let them. I don't think you're going to let them, though, are you?

Bon voyage ma cher!

<b>TennesseeTink</b> Two pounds gone forever! You are doing great, Jennifer. You are on your way to goal, for sure.

One little thing though...is that a sad smilie I see? Yes, that one right there...right after you say that you have to start over on the cheat free challenge? <i>That's</i> the one. No sad smilies allowed on WISH, unless you break your leg or something.

Here's the deal, Jennifer, we don't feel sad or guilty about anything that happened in the past. Why? Because we can't change the past, we have no control over the past, we can only control what we do <i>right now</i>. Feeling bad and guilty about something we can't change is a waste of our precious life, seriously. Right now you are newly determined and back on track, so 86 that sad smilie. Put a smile on your face and everything is easier, truly it is :)

You should be feeling proud of yourself for drinking all of that water, working out 4 days and staying within your point range. That is great progress and wonderful success. <i>I'm</i> proud <i>of</i> you.

Hang in there, you're doing great!

<b>CrzyforPiglet</b> I imagine that pound you gained isn't all fat. I imagine that the Bloat Fairy just took advantage of your eating off program foods and paid you a little visit. I, personally, think you got off easy. I've never been lucky enough to just get one pound of fluid from BF, the stinker.

Okay, you're back on track. You are back on the road to goal, with or without a wagon. You are going to do great! I'm really proud of you for posting here even though you dreaded it. It wasn't all that bad, was it? No lashes with wet noodles--just support from all of your WISH friends.

We know you can do this and so do you. Be proud of yourself for sticking with your goal even after you took a little detour. Just keep on keeping on and you are going to succeed even more than you already have.

Hang in there, my friend, you are back on the road to goal and you are going to do just great!

<b>December99</b> What a great attitude you have! Way to go. Do you think you really gained 4 whole pounds of fat over the weekend? I don't know if that is physically possible, just imagine how many calories you would have had to eat over two days to do that. So, most likely most of that gain is fluid.

Hop on that new treadmill of yours and use it and drink your water and I'll bet you get rid of those 4 pounds and more by next weigh-in.

I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend and I hope you made some wonderful memories with your dh and dd. Welcome back to the real world now. You are back on the road to goal and you are going to do just great.

Be proud of your strength and determination, I'm sure proud of you.

<b>geetey</b> Congratulations! Reaching "onederland" is quite a milestone. Don't you just feel proud of yourself? <i>I'm</i> sure feeling proud <i>of</i> you.

Without this board, I wouldn't have been able to do this!!!!

Now, see, this is the part of WISH that I just adore. The truth is that <i>we</i> wouldn't be able to this without <i>you</i>! That is the secret of WISH :)

Good job this week, sweetie. Thank you for celebrating your success, you have made me smile :)

<b>lmhall2000</b> Another pound gone forever <i>and</i> you were not true to plan? Amazing. You are on the way to goal and nothing is going to stop you now, not evening a "blooming onion". I wouldn't dare eat something like that it would set me off on a carbohydrate binge such has never been seen before ;)

walked 20 miles last week and did nautilus once

Way to go! I'm so proud of you for working so hard. Your determination and motivation is shining through, sweetie. Be proud of yourself.

I have no doubt that you will lose that two pounds this week

<i>I think all of us learn new things about ourselves everyday, don't you? Reading the check in thread teaches me something new every week. That's one of the reasons I love reading it. The other reason I love reading it is that it is my way of staying "in touch" with my fellow WISHers.</i>

Whether you lost, maintained or even gained this week, the fact that you posted here tells me that you are all still determined and I find that to be very motivating.

Onward and downward, my friends.

<b>PAdisMOM</b> I should have refreshed the page before I submitted my reply, I almost missed you. So glad that I didn't miss you, though.

Thank you for celebrating your success! It's just fun to do that, isn't it? Another pound gone forever, you're doing great!

You are averaging a 3 pound loss each week. That is wonderful progress. I hope you are feeling very proud of yourself. I know that I'm feeling proud <i>of</i> you.

It's sort of fun when people who disapprove of Atkins have to break down and tell us how great we are looking, isn't it? I know your mother was worried for your health. The fact that you are looking great probably eases her mind too, and that's a good thing, don't you think?

Way to go this week--keep this up and you will reach goal before you know it.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Yeah me! I got it going. Lost 2 more pounds! My mini goal is that next week I WILL collect my 10 pound clippie for sure.

Now I have even greater news! My DH is doing it too! He saw me eating (or not) eating my way through our New Orleans trip and admired my drive I guess. He decided if I could do it he could too.

Also, I am CERTAIN DH was inspired by BIG LOSER John's story. I made sure to tell DH about John and his Atkins success, with blood pressure and cholesterol report. (Thanks again John for posting it).

DH is not a DISer, I DIS for the both of us when time permits. We are working on an Atkins-type, low carb thing. The reason I say Atkins-type is because I haven't been able to read through it all just yet.

As I have mentnioned before--I do love the part in the old book where it says the goal is that you have to ration your poison (carbs). It connected in me and DH. This is truly a new life style choice and it works!--if you give it a chance.

Everyone, remember to keep at it. Even if there is no loss to report, keep going until you find your way. Something is out there for you, you just might have to wander around to find it is all.
Sorry I'm late reporting in! I weigh in on Saturdays life just gets so busy sometimes! :eek:

Good news this week! :) I lost a pound of the 3 I gained so I am very happy. :teeth:

This week has started out very well so I am confident that those other 2 will be gone at my next check in.

To everyone who lost this week, GOOD JOB!!!

To those who stayed the same or gained a little, come bounce with me so we can get those metabolisms moving again!
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I think I was at 165 when I started the challenge, and I'm 157 now. Two more for my first ten pounds loss--woohoo!

(happy ferret dance)
This is my first time checking in. I am down four pounds this week, with a total of sixteen pounds lost since May 26. Only 100 more pounds to go! Really though, I am happy and proud of myself.
for details see my post WI weirdness but the short of it all is today I proudly report in that the pound the BF left last week is gone, and with it went a pound of unwanted fat!! yippppeeeee!!
I'm down another pound - yeah I can claim my 15lb clippie (if I can get to my member profile :rolleyes: )

Not too bad for almost 2 months (though only dieting for 1 month)!!!

I get measured at Curves on Saturday and will post the results :D
Yes, another one gone, hooray!!!! Down a pound - love the sound of those words!!!

I am always amazed.........finally feeling a little thinner and think I need to go buy some new pants or least that what some of my fellow employees are saying :D


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