I loved your last update! Last days are always sad days for us :-( ewww Tgat steak at NBC grill sounds lije a nightmare. If it's not right the first time, are usually realize that person just can't make a rare steak! I tend to like mine still mooing..,
I normally call my "orlando" a guide dog or my service dog. (Yes his name is Orlando, and no I didn't name him that! He came already named
how appropriate) For clarity if I'm speaking to someone who doesn't know my disability I call him a seeing eye dog. Words don't matter but what he does is amazing
I really wish he could be a singing Eye dog! If my dog could sing that would be absolutely amazing. Then he could tell me how he was feeling all the time in song...what could be better. As a disabled person using a dog I always feel it's my job to educate. I would much prefer people ask questions and understand disabilities rather than being not understanding causing fear. Especially with my young guy Luke! I think it comes a point when you've just accepted who you are and you're willing to laugh about it make fun of yourself and as long as people aren't doing it in a mean way, I don't really care what people say! We're not very easily offended in our house.
We sure are getting excited for our trip and horror nights. My son, being the teenager he is, is most excited about stranger things. I think I'm excited about scary tales! But I definitely want to see Halloween 4 and Mr. Mike Myers. In the past my favorite was probably when they did The Freddy Krueger versus house in Halloween 25! That was our first year and I can vividly remember following my son Noah and having him get scared and taking off like a shot and leaving me alone in the middle of the house! Talk about being frightening. Luckily my husband was behind me and he was able to shuffle me out. We never let Noah live that one down! In my mind it's pretty hard to compete with the 25th year. Using all of the icons down the middle of the street and stages with their live shows was just so cool.
We probably won't attend opening night on Friday night. It takes about 24 hours to drive down there and we usually pretty wiped out on our first day. Saturday night will probably be at Finnegans for stay and scream. We hope to run into you and Tom, or any fun peeps who love to chat!!