Meghan and Harry in "near catastrophic" car chase

So far most reporting does not match up with their PR team's story. Surprise.

We can speculate, but none of us know all the facts. Guess I’m a little surprised (though I shouldn’t be) at the level of animosity towards H&M. I have mixed feelings about them. I haven’t read Harry’s book, but watched him grow up and think it’s sad that he’s estranged from his family, even if it’s his fault, if that makes sense. I certainly don’t wish him and his wife any harm.
Why not change the name of thread to Let's Bash Meghan and have done with it?

You don't know her. You don't know Harry. You have no idea what motivates either of them, but are pretty quick to assign blame and be cynical. Honestly. I'm out of here, so don't bother calling me out.
We can speculate, but none of us know all the facts. Guess I’m a little surprised (though I shouldn’t be) at the level of animosity towards H&M. I have mixed feelings about them. I haven’t read Harry’s book, but watched him grow up and think it’s sad that he’s estranged from his family, even if it’s his fault, if that makes sense. I certainly don’t wish him and his wife any harm.
Very true and that is the point ......... their PR team put out quite the story and as more and more reporting comes in from police, taxi driver, actual video .......... seems they "exaggerated" a bit.
That's exactly what happened to me. I flashed back to Princess Diana and how her life ended because of photographers She got on a car with someone that was drunk and couldn't be bothered with a seatbelt.and I started to cry. No one deserves to have that happen to him. Harry must have been in a panic.

Fixed that for you.

I don't care about any of them but if they really wanted anonymity they'd have it. Plenty of much more famous people find a way not to be in the public eye all the time. Two things you don't do are write a book and hire a publicist. Neither of this things says "I just want to live a quiet life".
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I just saw the coverage on TMZ Live. They say the incident did take two hours from start to finish. The Sussexes actually had hired FOUR cars for themselves, one for them, two of them were their own security cars, and the fourth was used to block as many paparazzi as possible from following them. So they KNEW they would be followed.

They supposedly stopped at a few police precincts along their drive. Before hopping into a yellow cab, thinking they could use that to get lost in the crowd of yellow cabs. Except, that cab ended up just circling the block back to the precinct, maybe as the driver didn't want to get involved in that drama. And they didn't know if the driver can drive any better than the driver that killed Diana.

When the Sussexes were asked why they didn't just go directly to their destination, they said they were staying with a friend and didn't want to involve them.

Why does it just not occur to them to decide at the moment they are being chased to just stay at a posh hotel and tell their friends they were now going to leave them out of it by going there? One with a back exit. One used to protecting high end guests? And one they can check into and stay for several hours or overnight? Or at least, until they can gather more and better security? It never occurs to them to just STOP and stay in place. Their ONLY option was to get into a car, then a taxi, and back to their car, and do a high speed chase in between???? 🤷‍♀️

Because that would make too much sense. And then you have the obvious, you can't get headline news that way.

For people who beg and plead they want privacy, they never disappear. :rolleyes2 Honestly, I don't dislike either of them, but they are annoying. They are hypocrites.

Totally deserved to die.

Ouch. Seems a tad harsh. Deserve is a brazen word. Did they make a bad choice? Most definitely. But did they deserve to die because of it? IMHO, no.

We all make stupid mistakes. Most of us are lucky we didn't suffer the consequences because of it.
Fixed that for you.

I don't care about any of them but if they really wanted anonymity they'd have it. Plenty of much more famous people find a way not to be in the public eye all the time. Two things you don't do are write a book and hire a publicist. Neither of this things says "I just want to live a quiet life".

Anne, the Princess Royal, lives a relatively quiet, private life & still manages to conduct myriads of engagements in service to the Crown.

Likewise with Sophie.

They do their jobs.

One reason I don’t I like Meghan? She wanted all the pomp & fanfare & “celebrity” of being royal without any of the responsibility & duties.
Local NYC ABC news has a clip interviewing the taxi driver. It's not up on their website yet. I'll post it once it's up.

The local NYC ABC news is now saying there seems to be <cough> two conflicting reports of events. The local news went from saying earlier how the Sussexes spokeperson said it was a 2 hour near catastrophic ordeal, to new "facts" emerging after the taxi driver was interviewed. HE says it wasn't really that chaotic. That the paparazzi photogs stayed the respectful distance away from the cab while shooting photos, as he knows the NYC paparazzi do. :rolleyes1 He didn't really look like he was hungry for attention and embellished so he could talk to media. Maybe they didn't tip him well when they got out? :eek: ;)

The news reporter also said they made their way to the 19th police precinct where they DID spend some time there UNTIL the hubbub died down, and that's when they got into a taxi.

TMZ had shown footage of the Sussexes & her mom in the cab and the shot was from about a 4-6 foot distance, which corresponds with the taxi driver. There were no photographers pressed right up against the car windows shooting in, there were no photogs directly blocking the taxi, they would have been in the shot. Their security guard jumped out of the front of the taxi to shoo the pap further away. Then HE didn't get back in the taxi. If they were in that much danger, why wouldn't he have stayed with the taxi?

Also, backtracking, they originally got into a car on W 55th St, which would have taken them west into the HEART of Broadway theatre traffic. Us lowly peasants have to wait quite a while for our car to crawl down 7th Ave and back around the block to a block heading east there is so much traffic at that time. I've spent a good deal of time staring at the fare rack up on the taxi meter when I've had to loop around a block.

So, "two hours" seems to suggest the whole time from start to finish (including waiting in the precinct) that they were in the "near catastrophic ordeal." Not that they were in the car being chased the whole time.

Also, if they DID get on the FDR Drive highway, there are exits about every 10 blocks. I can't imagine that Harry would have just sat back and not said, "Get off this highway! Don't speed!" So, they got on the FDR at 54th St, to loop back down on at 63rd or 71st St exits. They go back 4 avenues (with street lights) to end up at the police precinct at 67th and 3rd Ave before hopping in the and out of the cab.
The Meg always has a "different" point of view.
Anne, the Princess Royal, lives a relatively quiet, private life & still manages to conduct myriads of engagements in service to the Crown.

Likewise with Sophie.

They do their jobs.

One reason I don’t I like Meghan? She wanted all the pomp & fanfare & “celebrity” of being royal without any of the responsibility & duties.
Yeah I still remember her kidnapping attempt.
I do like H and M. If the media were hounding them yesterday they should be called out for it.

My only point above was that you couldn’t blame everything on the media. The driver and not wearing seatbelts were also factors in the fatalities in the 1997 crash.

Harry is justified to be wary of the press.
We can speculate, but none of us know all the facts. Guess I’m a little surprised (though I shouldn’t be) at the level of animosity towards H&M. I have mixed feelings about them. I haven’t read Harry’s book, but watched him grow up and think it’s sad that he’s estranged from his family, even if it’s his fault, if that makes sense. I certainly don’t wish him and his wife any harm.
Nobody here has wished harm to him or his wife.
Nobody here has wished harm to him or his wife.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that anyone did. Just stating my own thoughts.

Paparazzi have been known to drive recklessly and create potentially dangerous situations. Perhaps they felt threatened and their perception of what transpired was worse than it actually was, but I can’t imagine having to worry about security every time you go out in public.
I don't care for the pair but I don't wish them ill will. But you have to admit...this seems a little SUSex...(pardon the pun)

Harry was inside the taxi filming the whole thing. Hardly looked terrified or he wouldn't have been holding the phone up. Probably gathering more evidence for the next book deal, Netflix series, or court proceeding.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that anyone did. Just stating my own thoughts.

Paparazzi have been known to drive recklessly and create potentially dangerous situations. Perhaps they felt threatened and their perception of what transpired was worse than it actually was, but I can’t imagine having to worry about security every time you go out in public.
It's not the 1980's or 90's. Plenty of actual celebrities move around NYC without problems. Ultra high end hotel, underground garage to venue and back. Easy peasy.
Somehow the sussex seem to search out the most complicated way to travel. They upped their game with the yellow taxi cab, I will give them that. And it's not unusual for them to roll down windows. You can have privacy or notoriety. They seem to want the latter.
It's not the 1980's or 90's. Plenty of actual celebrities move around NYC without problems. Ultra high end hotel, underground garage to venue and back. Easy peasy.
Somehow the sussex seem to search out the most complicated way to travel. They upped their game with the yellow taxi cab, I will give them that. And it's not unusual for them to roll down windows. You can have privacy or notoriety. They seem to want the latter.
I’m quite familiar with NYC, I’ve lived in the area my whole life and have seen plenty of famous people in Manhattan. I don’t bother them. I’m not criticizing or defending everything Prince Harry does, however because of who he is, I believe he has a legitimate need for security. That may change over time as the attention on him dies down in the future, but for now, it is, IMO, a real concern. You can disagree.
TWO local NYC news shows, both ABC and NBC, are now disputing the <cough> details given by the spokesperson of the Sussexes.

Here is one of the latest local news video updates with the interview with the taxi driver:

(It may get updated again later. They seem to keep the same link.)

In addition to the linked video, according to the briefing the NYC Mayor was given, he said it would have been horrible had any innocent pedestrian lost their lives due to the actions of the paparazzi as they were reckless. Yet, even he eventually said, "I would find it hard to believe there was a two hour high speed chase," the mayor said. Logistically it's not possible on the streets here. "But if it's 10 minutes, a 10-minute chase is extremely dangerous."

The two NYPD that were on the Sussex' detail, were interviewed today and they said they were FOLLOWED, not CHASED. And as for the aggressive group of paparazzi, it was about 6 people. And the Sussexes and security tried to lose the paparazzi by meandering (their description not mine,) along the streets in the upper east side, until they eventually went to the 19th police precinct.

Even the taxi driver, Sunny Singh, said that they only were in the car for about 10 minutes when a garbage truck pulled in front of them on street, blocking their way. Paparazzi moved around to shoot photos again, that's when Harry told him to simply go around the block back to the police precinct, and they would find another way home. The fare was $17 and Harry gave him $50. :thumbsup2

And as for the Sussexes going INSIDE the 19th police precinct? They never did. They pulled up to a driveway in front and waited out there for about 15 minutes until some other car pulled up and eventually finally took them home.

NBC NY News4 here, noted the difference in descriptions the spokesperson said: "multiple near collisions happened" and a near catastrophic car chase happened, versus what the NYPD said really did (or actually DIDN'T) happen. Only that: "It was a chaotic trip. . . There were several short stops with paparazzi vehicles driving backwards and on sidewalks. . . Yet there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests."

In fact, it wasn't even a blip in the report for the NYPD, as it only lasted a few minutes and nothing happened, UNTIL the Sussexes spokesperson came out the next day with the statement of the near catastrophic car chase, etc. :rolleyes1 Were the Sussexes looking out the car the whole time, counting the many near collisions? Their spokesperson could say dozens of near collisions almost happened and that a near catastrophic car chase also almost happened. But, the fact is they didn't happen. NOT ONE according to NYPD.
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I’m quite familiar with NYC, I’ve lived in the area my whole life and have seen plenty of famous people in Manhattan. I don’t bother them. I’m not criticizing or defending everything Prince Harry does, however because of who he is, I believe he has a legitimate need for security. That may change over time as the attention on him dies down in the future, but for now, it is, IMO, a real concern. You can disagree.

I agree they need security. But, I have a problem with the way they had to make this the focus.

Without anyone going to an article to look for the info, Meghan received an award at the Ziegfeld last night. Can anyone state by name what the award is called and what it's for?

Their spokesperson could have focused on the award she won. What it's about. What it means. Instead, it's a buried afterthought and the "near catastrophic car chase" is the focus.

And for any other women who might have also received the same award last night, that news is now buried and overshadowed by the Sussexes story. What a shame for them. And how selfish of Harry and Meghan in their need to always whine and complain about always being victims. Even when they get an award, somehow they are also victims at the same time! That's incredible.
I agree they need security. But, I have a problem with the way they had to make this the focus.

Without anyone going to an article to look for the info, Meghan received an award at the Ziegfeld last night. Can anyone state by name what the award is called and what it's for?

Their spokesperson could have focused on the award she won. What it's about. What it means. Instead, it's a buried afterthought and the "near catastrophic car chase" is the focus.

And for any other women who might have also received the same award last night, that news is now buried and overshadowed by the Sussexes story. What a shame for them. And how selfish of Harry and Meghan in their need to always whine and complain about always being victims. Even when they get an award, somehow they are also victims at the same time! That's incredible.
It was for allegedly being a feminist, philanthropist and role model. According to a recent tax filing MM only dedicated an hour a week to their foundation. Supposedly only a fraction of donations to Archewell are doled out as grants.


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