Meghan and Harry in "near catastrophic" car chase

Why not change the name of thread to Let's Bash Meghan and have done with it?

You don't know her. You don't know Harry. You have no idea what motivates either of them, but are pretty quick to assign blame and be cynical. Honestly. I'm out of here, so don't bother calling me out.
No calling out here. You’re right.

The people who say they’re tired of all the H&M news and wish they’d go away are the same ones who salivate over any tidbit about them.
I think the dumb decisions start with deciding to stay with friends and yet wanting to keep their location private. When you're in that position, you have to tell the friends, "Look, we'd love to stay with you, but you're likely to get dragged into our garbage and it's not safe. Why don't you just come visit us at XYZ." Then you stay in a high end hotel that's used to dealing with celebs, has security, and managed exits and entrances. If you're that paranoid about your security and safety, it's really the only way to go. You can't have a "normal" life with friends, etc. if you're constantly calling attention to yourself.

The whole thing is nuts. I saw an article the other day about "rare sighting of Amal Clooney." She'd gone to some event and people were excited to see her. But I'd argue she and George are more famous than M&H, and yet they seem to live quietly under the radar unless they turn up for a certain event. Then they're photographed and go home. They don't court attention beyond managed events. They go about their business, run their humanitarian efforts and make movies, but manage to do it without a lot of craziness.

If you want a quiet life, live a quiet life.
I'm sure bigger celebrities who are actually hunted, like Taylor Swift, have gross paparazzi encounters all the time, but I've never seen anyone issue a press release like this that it was ALMOST bad.

What's the point of the press release? Throw NYPD under the bus? Seems like a very bad idea...
I worked in midtown almost 30 years. High speed chases for 2 hours are just not possible with traffic lights and construction. even if it did, the NYPD would have been all over it. More important, it is impossible for someone to be pursued in a high speed chase unless you, in the lead car, are speeding. Yes they were probably being followed. Yes the paparazzi were trying to take pictures. They could have driven safely to a luxury hotel where staff is used to keeping the press out. Instead they get into a cab. I call this an example of their ongoing melodramatics.
TWO local NYC news shows, both ABC and NBC, are now disputing the <cough> details given by the spokesperson of the Sussexes.

Here is one of the latest local news video updates with the interview with the taxi driver:

(It may get updated again later. They seem to keep the same link.)

In addition to the linked video, according to the briefing the NYC Mayor was given, he said it would have been horrible had any innocent pedestrian lost their lives due to the actions of the paparazzi as they were reckless. Yet, even he eventually said, "I would find it hard to believe there was a two hour high speed chase," the mayor said. Logistically it's not possible on the streets here. "But if it's 10 minutes, a 10-minute chase is extremely dangerous."

The two NYPD that were on the Sussex' detail, were interviewed today and they said they were FOLLOWED, not CHASED. And as for the aggressive group of paparazzi, it was about 6 people. And the Sussexes and security tried to lose the paparazzi by meandering (their description not mine,) along the streets in the upper east side, until they eventually went to the 19th police precinct.

Even the taxi driver, Sunny Singh, said that they only were in the car for about 10 minutes when a garbage truck pulled in front of them on street, blocking their way. Paparazzi moved around to shoot photos again, that's when Harry told him to simply go around the block back to the police precinct, and they would find another way home. The fare was $17 and Harry gave him $50. :thumbsup2

And as for the Sussexes going INSIDE the 19th police precinct? They never did. They pulled up to a driveway in front and waited out there for about 15 minutes until some other car pulled up and eventually finally took them home.

NBC NY News4 here, noted the difference in descriptions the spokesperson said: "multiple near collisions happened" and a near catastrophic car chase happened, versus what the NYPD said really did (or actually DIDN'T) happen. Only that: "It was a chaotic trip. . . There were several short stops with paparazzi vehicles driving backwards and on sidewalks. . . Yet there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests."

In fact, it wasn't even a blip in the report for the NYPD, as it only lasted a few minutes and nothing happened, UNTIL the Sussexes spokesperson came out the next day with the statement of the near catastrophic car chase, etc. :rolleyes1 Were the Sussexes looking out the car the whole time, counting the many near collisions? Their spokesperson could say dozens of near collisions almost happened and that a near catastrophic car chase also almost happened. But, the fact is they didn't happen. NOT ONE according to NYPD.
ALL OF THIS ^ As the night went on more and more solid reports were coming out that pretty much broke their story down to a little bit of nothing. Had THEY made better choices, had THEIR team done a better job, had THEIR driver not played games ......... there would have been no story. :scratchin

Now that there is more coming in from the police department - including that they were with them from the moment they left Ziegler ... no way I think the police allowed a car chase to happen.

I agree they need security. But, I have a problem with the way they had to make this the focus.
I watched a PR specialist who said they conferenced with other specialists to see how they all felt about this current story. It was interesting

- With social media, cameras in hand and on dash boards ........ where are the videos and photos of this event that supposedly took place over 2 hours. Surely if it was that catastrophic there would be lots of film at different points. So far there was nothing. Something this big, this public and in a very very busy city but no one got anything? They concluded the event wasn't even close to what the PR team put out.

- What was point? They discussed how Harry has several lawsuits currently to force UK/Royal family to provide him security or allow him to pay their professionals for security. He doesn't look to be gaining on those lawsuits so perhaps they need some ammunition to bolter their claims. Not that they set it up but they took a benign situation and blew it up, perhaps not thinking through that the real story would eventually filter through.

I think the dumb decisions start with deciding to stay with friends and yet wanting to keep their location private. When you're in that position, you have to tell the friends, "Look, we'd love to stay with you, but you're likely to get dragged into our garbage and it's not safe. Why don't you just come visit us at XYZ." Then you stay in a high end hotel that's used to dealing with celebs, has security, and managed exits and entrances. If you're that paranoid about your security and safety, it's really the only way to go. You can't have a "normal" life with friends, etc. if you're constantly calling attention to yourself.

The whole thing is nuts. I saw an article the other day about "rare sighting of Amal Clooney." She'd gone to some event and people were excited to see her. But I'd argue she and George are more famous than M&H, and yet they seem to live quietly under the radar unless they turn up for a certain event. Then they're photographed and go home. They don't court attention beyond managed events. They go about their business, run their humanitarian efforts and make movies, but manage to do it without a lot of craziness.

If you want a quiet life, live a quiet life.
Poor choice for sure.

They are not oblivious to the world they move in, I think their decisions are deliberate at times but perhaps without thinking much past the initial wants. COMMON SENSE in NYC is to stay in a hotel. That creates extra barriers of security and does not bring the friends into the fold. They brought the chaos on themselves by not paying for a hotel. :scratchin

The event took place in the center of many hotels with a 5 star literally 30 feet next door. BUT I am sure what was wanted was the grand entrance exiting the car and going inside. Grand exit. They could have still gotten that and only driven a few blocks away to a hotel .. at a slow speed, exit and go inside. Safe for everyone.

:scratchin When I typed that line I instantly thought about "Inventing Anna". Now there is no Inventing Harry, he is a Prince BUT he is a Prince without an allowance. He has to make his own way. In NYC, it simply makes no sense to bunk with friends in this situation unless ... maybe a hotel was out of budget?
I agree they need security. But, I have a problem with the way they had to make this the focus.

Without anyone going to an article to look for the info, Meghan received an award at the Ziegfeld last night. Can anyone state by name what the award is called and what it's for?

Their spokesperson could have focused on the award she won. What it's about. What it means. Instead, it's a buried afterthought and the "near catastrophic car chase" is the focus.

And for any other women who might have also received the same award last night, that news is now buried and overshadowed by the Sussexes story. What a shame for them. And how selfish of Harry and Meghan in their need to always whine and complain about always being victims. Even when they get an award, somehow they are also victims at the same time! That's incredible.

Re the bolded, not the specific name, but I saw it on the news, so did know she received an award for distinguished women from the Ms Foundation. They showed a clip of Meghan on stage with Gloria Steinem. But you make some good points.

I do think Harry has made some poor choices, some he may regret, yet I think he’s just trying to navigate a new lifestyle and find the right balance between privacy/normalcy and his status as a royal public figure. Hopefully he learns from his mistakes.
They really are something else. Trying to gain public sympathy yet AGAIN. And even more shameless is the obvious attempt to make everyone think of Diana's death with their descriptions of this "chase". I am not sure what they are endlessly seeking that will bring them some peace inside, but I hope they are able to find it. (Without throwing others constantly under the bus of course)
One of our daughters and one of my brothers live in NYC, and our other daughter flew in to NYC yesterday to shop for a formal dress for an upcoming family wedding. I hope Harry and company have had enough drama and have left the building.
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Another shoe has dropped! (I'd say the other shoe, but I have a feeling there will be more than one shoe in this.)

According to TMZ Live, because the story has now backfired on the Sussexes and this has NOT turned into a "near catastrophic car chase," the Sussexes lawyers are now demanding all the photos that were shot of them by a particular agency be turned over to the "to shore up their own security."

And now this "chase" after the event is now SEVERAL HOURS, not the two their spokesperson originally described. :rolleyes1

The TMZ lawyers say this is so bizarre and funny as the Sussexes have no legal leg to stand on. They can't simply DEMAND someone else's photos, taken on public streets be given to them. The agency, Backgrid gave a hilarious response back (below.)

(My bolding below for those that want the Cliff Notes version. )

Harry and Meghan Demand Photo Agency Give Them Footage of 'Chase'
"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to put the squeeze on a photo agency that claimed their freelance paparazzi who followed the couple Tuesday night were not, as M&H claimed, "highly aggressive" and didn't cause a near-collision.​
Harry and Meghan's legal team fired off a letter to the Backgrid photo agency, claiming in part they need the agency's footage of the "chase" to shore up their own security, adding ... "We hereby demand that Backgrid immediately provide us with copies of all photos, videos, and/or films taken last night by the freelance photographers after the couple left their event and over the next several hours."​
Backgrid's lawyer has rejected the Sussex's demand, saying in a letter ... "In America, as I'm sure you know, property belongs to the owner of it: Third parties cannot just demand it be given to them, as perhaps Kings can do. Perhaps you should sit down with your client and advise them that his English rules of royal prerogative to demand that the citizenry hand over their property to the Crown were rejected by this country long ago. We stand by our founding fathers."
Backgrid says they had 4 photogs, 3 in cars and one on a bike, adding they "had no intention of causing any distress or harm, as their only tool was their cameras."​
As we reported, Harry and Meghan's team called their encounter with paps "near catastrophic," but NYPD sources say that's way overblown."
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So it appears the Duke and Duchess have exaggerated a minor event in their life once again, in a way that highlighted everything they could have done to make the situation an absolute non-event. No seat belts? Really? I’m beginning to think they need drama to get through the day like some people need a cup of coffee.

Yet they wonder why people aren’t on their side?

I agree with a PP who mentioned celebrities with an equal or higher profile who manage to live very low key lifestyles in their personal lives. They make their movies, go on promotional tours, and perhaps win an award, but the rest of the time they are almost invisible. They manage to do good in the world and support charities with little to no public acclaim for their work. The difference is that they don’t need the pat on the back all the time. They get their self worth from within themselves, not from the adulation of others.

I had a lot of hope for Harry and Meghan when they first got together, however, little by little I have lost respect for and interest in them because of their own actions. It’s possible to live in the celebrity world and keep your integrity. They are old enough to know better.
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The amount of ignorant and hateful crap on this thread are the reason I don’t use Facebook.

The police, security, and witnesses have all come out and explained just how dangerous it was.

I guess you all wouldn’t be happy unless some baby in a stroller got run over on the sidewalk, or a driver ran into a pole trying to avoid paps weaving in and out of traffic on the freeway.

Literally just gross.
Facebook is full of unsolicited posts in your feed thanks to the algorithm and frankly I cut off a few family and friends because of what they posted.

In the end I just chose to walk away from that platform because it was trash.
The amount of ignorant and hateful crap on this thread are the reason I don’t use Facebook.

The police, security, and witnesses have all come out and explained just how dangerous it was.

I guess you all wouldn’t be happy unless some baby in a stroller got run over on the sidewalk, or a driver ran into a pole trying to avoid paps weaving in and out of traffic on the freeway.

Literally just gross.
I don’t think anyone would have been happy about someone being injured. Everyone might have been happier if Harry and Meghan had made decisions that would have minimized the risk of a chase to start with, such as remaining in a car with blacked out windows so paps could not take photos and staying in a hotel near the awards venue that is accustomed to celebrity guests (and perhaps even has private entrances/exits to get them in and out safely) instead of trying to stay at a friends home. They don’t appear to give a lot of thought to the consequences of what they are doing, and then when things do go sideways, they make themselves out to be the victims by exaggerating what others did to deflect any blame from themselves.

There would have been no paps weaving at any speed if they had chosen options with better security in the first place. The fact that they are demanding any photographic evidence after the fact confirms to me that they know they messed up somewhere along the line and they don’t want anyone to see evidence of it.

For what it’s worth, I have never been a member of Facebook.


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