Meghan and Harry in "near catastrophic" car chase

The amount of ignorant and hateful crap on this thread are the reason I don’t use Facebook.
I don't think there is hateful comments here. Just comments that the persons involved have repeatedly used media for their own purposes, are prone to exaggerations and this time they put a story out there that actually had witnesses who dispute it.

This board has nothing to do with Facebook. And Facebook would only have ignorant hateful crap on your feed if you have your facebook account open to receive it.

The police, security, and witnesses have all come out and explained just how dangerous it was.
The police did not say that and so far I've seen no witnesses (that didn't work for H&M) that have said that either.

I guess you all wouldn’t be happy unless some baby in a stroller got run over on the sidewalk, or a driver ran into a pole trying to avoid paps weaving in and out of traffic on the freeway.

Literally just gross.
Yeah no one said that. AND according to police the rest of that did not happen. :confused3
The amount of ignorant and hateful crap on this thread are the reason I don’t use Facebook.

The police, security, and witnesses have all come out and explained just how dangerous it was.

I guess you all wouldn’t be happy unless some baby in a stroller got run over on the sidewalk, or a driver ran into a pole trying to avoid paps weaving in and out of traffic on the freeway.

Literally just gross.

Except that a multitude of different sources have said it was not dangerous?
I don’t think anyone would have been happy about someone being injured. Everyone might have been happier if Harry and Meghan had made decisions that would have minimized the risk of a chase to start with, such as remaining in a car with blacked out windows so paps could not take photos and staying in a hotel near the awards venue that is accustomed to celebrity guests (and perhaps even has private entrances/exits to get them in and out safely) instead of trying to stay at a friends home. They don’t appear to give a lot of thought to the consequences of what they are doing, and then when things do go sideways, they make themselves out to be the victims by exaggerating what others did to deflect any blame from themselves.

There would have been no paps weaving at any speed if they had chosen options with better security in the first place. The fact that they are demanding any photographic evidence after the fact confirms to me that they know they messed up somewhere along the line and they don’t want anyone to see evidence of it.

For what it’s worth, I have never been a member of Facebook.
Victim blaming aside. They were attempting to avoid the situation including having police intervention. Changing vehicles, pulling into a police station, changing routes.

Nobody started throwing it’s their own fault around until statements came out that took away from the ‘it was nothing’ ‘there’s no way to have a high speed chase in NYC’ ‘why didn’t they call the police’ ‘no one was hurt/there was no crash’ narrative.

The bias is there but you can’t change someone’s mind who refuses to believe anything but their own side of the story.
Facebook is full of unsolicited posts in your feed thanks to the algorithm and frankly I cut off a few family and friends because of what they posted.

In the end I just chose to walk away from that platform because it was trash.
I think you don’t know how to set up your security settings properly.
I love Facebook for keeping up with people.
I never have unsolicited posts in my feed?

And your friends are who they are because that is who they are. Nothing to do with Facebook.
Credible sources?

I’ll stick to security, the actual police and witnesses.
Sincerely, where are you reading things that "The police, security, and witnesses have all come out and explained just how dangerous it was."

From what I've seen:

Security - people who are paid by Harry and Megan? Not, exactly, unbiased

The actual police - all I've seen that they've said is that things were made "difficult" for Harry and Megan which seems quite different to "near catastrophic".

Witnesses - I've only seen quotes from the taxi driver and he literally said that he didn't think that things were dangerous.

ETA - As I said before, I suspect that the "truth" is somewhere between "catastrophic" and "nothing happened" and I can easily see Harry being extra sensitive to these situations (regardless of whether or not people think that it should have been "cured" by therapy).
They really are something else. Trying to gain public sympathy yet AGAIN. And even more shameless is the obvious attempt to make everyone think of Diana's death with their descriptions of this "chase". I am not sure what they are endlessly seeking that will bring them some peace inside, but I hope they are able to find it. (Without throwing others constantly under the bus of course)
Diana died due to the poor choices she made along with Dodi. The NY fiasco was a result of bad decision making. Maybe H&M should reevaluate and decide if the publicity is worth the potential consequences.
Victim blaming aside. They were attempting to avoid the situation including having police intervention. Changing vehicles, pulling into a police station, changing routes.

Nobody started throwing it’s their own fault around until statements came out that took away from the ‘it was nothing’ ‘there’s no way to have a high speed chase in NYC’ ‘why didn’t they call the police’ ‘no one was hurt/there was no crash’ narrative.

The bias is there but you can’t change someone’s mind who refuses to believe anything but their own side of the story.
Well there you go. YOU came on here all ablaze spewing that we wanted a baby in a stroller ran over. YOU are the one who refuses to believe anything but YOUR own side!

The mayor himself said yes it was irresponsible, but found it hard to believe it was a 2 hour high speed chase.

The taxi driver told AP that paparazzi were following, but said it wasn’t crazy crazy and wouldn’t call it a chase. IMHO, I’d think the taxi driver has seen enough in his time in NYC to know crazy crazy.

This discussion had sides. Most thought the situation was overblown, but there are some on here that sided with H&M if you actually took the time to read the entire thread.

And if you don't see that H&M love to play the victim than IMHO, you have on rose colored glasses. As I said earlier, I don't dislike them, but yes I think they do play the victim card ... A LOT. It is always someone else's fault. Just my opinion, which means squat.

You have a right to your opinion. As do all of us on here. But to say we want blood is way out of line and very far from truth.

And as for FB, what in the world does that have to do with the Dis? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Only going by what I read.

If it’s too hard for you I’ll withdraw I gain or lose nothing by leaving you to your discussions.

After all I should probably go polish my glasses. And you should probably remember that people can only be perceived as they present.

Have a good night.
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Credible sources?

I’ll stick to security, the actual police and witnesses.
The NYPD literally stated:
"On [Tuesday] evening, May 16, the NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests in regard."

Challenging. Not near catastrophic. No collisions or injuries.
Only going by what I read.

If it’s too hard for you I’ll withdraw I gain or lose nothing by leaving you to your discussions.

After all I should probably go polish my glasses. And you should probably remember that people can only be perceived as the present.

Have a good night.
In other words, you cannot back up your statement. Got it.
The NYPD literally stated:
"On [Tuesday] evening, May 16, the NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests in regard."

Challenging. Not near catastrophic. No collisions or injuries.
And the police statement said they had a police escort from the time they left the theater.

At no point would the police have allowed a car chase.
Only going by what I read.

If it’s too hard for you I’ll withdraw I gain or lose nothing by leaving you to your discussions.

After all I should probably go polish my glasses. And you should probably remember that people can only be perceived as the present.

Have a good night.
I'm going on this incident by what I read too. I gave you two concrete examples. I was being objective and I came to my conclusion. We disagree, so be it. That is what makes the world go around.

Seriously, too hard? Point blank, we just didn't care for the accusation we wanted blood. So we inquired and challenged your assumption. And if you don't gain or lose by coming on here, why did you even post? Typically, posters come on forums to have a discussion. If your intent was to blast us for not agreeing and leave, then job done.

As to the bolded, I am going on my perception of this event solely on this event. Their previous trials and tribulations did not make an impact on my inquiry to this allegation. But after I have read and watched people who were there state what they saw, I came to a conclusion. And yes, their history only solidifies my stance.

You have good night as well.

*edited because I had to instead of two
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