Wk of Mar 23 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Oh I forgot! I talked to the guy at Marathon Tours yesterday and they still have tons of entries for the half and for Goofy. You have to book your room through them, but I thought the prices looked pretty reasonable.

So that of you that want the pretty new medals still have a chance!

(yes, when I am sick I sit at my computer and pester people :surfweb: )

Krista - Glad to see that you are doing well :) Preemie shopping sounds like fun! Baby clothes are the coolest things in the world :) Hope their baby is doing well. Are you theming out the nursery?? black and gold?? ;) Tell Stephen we said 'hello!'.

- awesome news about the WDW trip! Late September is the best time to go IMO. I'm with you on the prices of the Disney races lately...esp the shorter ones. Just no reason to charge that much for 5ks, 10ks, 13ks & 15ks.

- hope the massage helps things out, especially your neck :) We need to get you guys some warm & dry weather up there.

Maura - Wow...Utah and then the NCAA tourney! Sorry to hear about the shin/ankle pain...take care of things and don't push too much. Got any pictures from the trip??

- Hey, I'm glad your mom's surgery went well. Have fun at the expo today and be sure to drink lots of water!! Not much longer now :goodvibes:

Christa - Awesome post. I hope things are going great for you during your Tri this morning!! I'm totally with you on the medals that mean the most are the ones that tell a personal story. I'm looking forward to hearing about your success today :)

Angie - Wow those runs are really coming together for you!! NICE!! You're gonna have no problem in May...looks like we're gonna be chasing you to the finish!

- Hmmm...I think we all need to ship you some boxes! Is it against the law to import Snickers Marathon Bars in NC?? :confused3

Allie - Hope things went well in your race today!

- Glad to see that you have that desire to get those workouts in..that's over half the battle :) Hoping the shin splints stay away this time.

- Hope you get better quickly...although running on Sudafed could prove to be an interesting experience...

Amy - Sweet run there buddy! I know you've got that foot pain issue going on right now, please remember to take care of it and not push. the starting lines of the Minnie races is the goal...we'll have fun with it from there :goodvibes: Hope you have an awesome weekend...and thanks for being so cool about the half tomorrow. Your support means the world to me :hug:

Scott's World - Not much to report other than a 30 minute elliptical workout last night and a 4 mile brisk paced dog walk this morning. I may throw in another light workout this afternoon as a final prep for tomorrow's race.

Good luck to all those racing, I hope everyone has a good weekend!!
I am a total lump on a log and skipped yoga this morning. I have only missed it when I had to work on a Saturday. But I have a good reason! I went to see Lifehouse last night and they were fabulous. So, umm, were all the beverages I indulged in! :lmao: I didn't get home until 2am, so I stayed in bed until 11 when Chad left for work.

That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! :rotfl:
I will do a DVD w/o or two tonight when Zack goes to bed though.
Well I am back from the missing.......

I trained for the first time in two weeks (Unless you count climibing the Towers of Notre Dame.... When you panic half way up the stairs because you have to LET go of the railing, your heart rate does get a work out LOL! Plus it's 400 stairs. I was pooped!)

My training plan called for five miles today. Now I am not in the shape some of you are so I can't just go from "Nada" to five miles. So I decided it's time to get real! I am probably NOT going to run the Minnie. I am going to finish. I just will have to walk.....some....

So I started working on some ideas today. Jogged the first mile and then started putting some walking in. THat worked out OK until about 3.5 when I ran out of energy. I walked to 4. Joggged and walked the last mile. BUT overall my time was 1 hour 3 minutes for five miles so not too bad for a slow poke. (Whats the sweelp time for Minnie? I have to go check!) It's getting hot and humid here.... I am going to have to get moving earlier in the morning!

I hope those of you doing ING have a great race. I will be at the finish until 11 handing out water and cheering.... Of course since I am waring my company shirt I will look just like everyone else LOL! But I know most of your names and will look for you! Good LUCK!!!!!!

This thread FLEW while I was off playing hooky, I will try to do better next week!
Hey all, Sounds like most are doing good with training, some are having alittle motivational issues. Well, keep it up everyone!! Hang in there.

I did a 3 mile walk this morning and then up and down some bleachers at a spring scrimmage for the University of Miami football team. (Ha more hill work for me:rotfl2: ) I'll do a 6 mile walk 2morrow

Again, good luck to all the INGers. I remember at the Miami ING there was a 16min mile pace. First they would start opening roads and you would be forced to use the sidewalks and cross traffic on your own. I know the finish line was open for about 7-8 hours, so I don't think it the min pace was strikly inforced, but then again I wasn't that close to the very back for the Half portion so I am not totally sure.
I hope those of you doing ING have a great race. I will be at the finish until 11 handing out water and cheering.... Of course since I am waring my company shirt I will look just like everyone else LOL! But I know most of your names and will look for you! Good LUCK!!!!!!

Carol...thanks in advance for volunteering tomorrow :) I volunteered last year and it was a rewarding experience, I hope things go well for you too!! Good luck to Randy, sounds like it's gonna be a tough race for him...hope it turns out well.

See ya at the finish! (Hopefully prior to 9am :rotfl:)
Cecilia, I'm so sorry you are sick! :hug:

What corrals did all the INGers get in?

I'm in 6. :lmao:

DH is in 4, but signed up for a pace group so that moved him up to 3.

Wow, the guy working the Disney booth had the personality of a wall. :eek:
We literally stood there like six inches from his face and picked up all the flyers and he never said one word to us. DH even had on his RFTT shirt.

Good luck everyone! :cheer2:
Shan - I am in Corral 3....what pace group did your DH sign up for?
Cecilia, I'm so sorry you are sick! :hug:

What corrals did all the INGers get in?

I'm in 6. :lmao:

DH is in 4, but signed up for a pace group so that moved him up to 3.

Wow, the guy working the Disney booth had the personality of a wall. :eek:
We literally stood there like six inches from his face and picked up all the flyers and he never said one word to us. DH even had on his RFTT shirt.

Good luck everyone! :cheer2:

I met that guy. NO DISNEY Spirt there LOL!
Angie: Your PRs just keep coming & coming. I'm so happy that you're firmly in the running groove. 3.4 in 30!! And then your Friday pace--wow, you're approaching 8 mpm! :banana: So I guess I won't mention that I think 4 a.m. is reason enough for either :worship: or :upsidedow.

And yay! for celebrating your college graduation at Disney. I've celebrated most milestones in my life there--engagement, marriage, divorce, chemo recovery, re-engagement & marriage, birthdays. It's kind of warped, really.

Kira: Loved your statement...nothing says motivation like a new pair of shoes. So true! And yea for lime-green shoes. Double motivation!

Tracy: WTG with your hill work. And I'm particularly impressed with your doing form work will also doing hill work. How do you keep your focus on both? And bleachers? My knees would rebel.

Craig: I'm sorry to hear you're sick, but it sounds like you managed to keep up your training as well as can be expected. I don't think you'll have any problem hanging with Amy & Scott with the training you already have under your belt. :thumbsup2

Scott: The Thursday Night Random Route. I think I used to do one of those, back in the day. Except it involved bar hopping and not running. Yours sounds healthier, although I probably get more mileage out of my stories. :rotfl: But I like the idea of running just for fun, appreciating the journey. I might try it sometime.

So let me understand this--you have a race tomorrow & you're double-dipping on the WOs today??? Wow.

Cecilia: Oh, I hope you're feeling better by Sunday--even though it's obvious you're one tough cookie, it would be nice to compete with the Kenyans (she says in theory). I hope you get your energy back...soon!

Too bad about the Peachtree (I had the events messed up), too. Btw, it sounds like your dad is a strong, fascinating person whose stories would be really illuminating about himself & the culture. Oh, and thanks for the skinny on the new Disney medals and the Goofy (still tempting, even though I'm in for the full)!

Morgan: I know we're just getting to know you, but it sounds like you're very dedicated to running, what with working around your work schedule & all. And I know what you mean by the marathon RR being very emotional stuff--the experience is (and will be) too! As for the Injinji socks, I found that they worked okay for me & can see why so many WISHers recommended them. The individual toes take a bit getting used to, but would help prevent blisters for most people, I think. Unfortunately, I've VERY subject to blisters and the socks made one area--my right big toe--worse because that's where a seam is on the sock. Since that's an area where I have a tendency to get blisters, my assessment of the socks is neutral. Again, though, I think the Injinji socks would work for most people.

Krista: Thanks for question about the b-day; so you heard, did you? ;) Congrats on the new baby in the extended family!! It looks like your son will have a playmate close in age for family reunions. :goodvibes I can't wait to see the nursery pics!

Allie: I'll be taking you with me to WDW in spirit, does that count? :lmao: What I'm most excited about is that the trip is DOOD's gift to me, and I'll be getting together with friends. I celebrated my 30th there (and some other things at the same time) and now my 40th. I just think it should be an annual event. And I definitely think you should go for or near your b-day!

I see that Scott already provided the Cool Running link--I rely on it. Math is not my strong suit, so I'm glad to have it available. I just know you're gonna love it, too! I'm sure your race route will become clear on the course, but I'll keep my fingers crossed just in case. P.S. I hope DD feels better and thanks for the update on Sandy.

Stephanie: Sorry to hear you've scrapped the ToT event & even sorrier about DS. Great news about your September trip, though.

Carrie: I WISH I could take you with my to WDW, too! (And all my friends--say, let's meet up in January 2009!) Yea for the 40 minutes, boo to the 40 degrees & rain. And double BOO for the neck pain. Did the massage help?

Amy: And I think for me, 40 is the new 12--I've got a pretty bad case of Peter Pan syndrome. Except I can't stand Wendy--she's such a nag. As for your WOs, how did you decide on your training program for the Minnie. I'd have to check, but it sounds similar to DOOD's in its speedwork, etc. Just curious. I'm more curious about how you're feeling--is the hydration & nutrition having a positive effect??

Maura: :rotfl: because of the exclamation points comment. It almost works for me! If it makes you feel any better, mentally if not physically, I do think it's reasonable that you're feeling tired from all the hiking & that it was using your muscles differently.

Shan: No beating up of yourself about the race. Remember, you're a WISHer and one of our heroes!

Christa: I don't know if I've ever told you this, but you really do have the ability to motivate & inspire people. You remind me of this life coach I know...in a good way. Good luck today!

Jackie: Awww, don't be jealous of the trip. You'll be with me in spirit! :rotfl2: Btw, I think DD's calls & the pic of Dole Whip is both sweet & unusually cruel--she owes you a trip! About your running...I think you're right to take this as a little running break, keeping to 5Ks until training begins. That way you don't burn out. Maybe you could try Scott's Thursday Night Random Route idea?? (I really do like it.)

Kristen: Ain't it great when exercising becomes one of the good things about the week? :) What are you doing for training? Just curious.

CarolA: Wow, I hope Randy makes it through all right. I love the cell phone on the bib idea--I may use that in future events. Good luck to him. Thanks so much for volunteering at the ING water station! :goodvibes

Kristi: Sometimes you just need to hydrate yourself in other ways in order to appreciate water, right?

As for me: Because I did my LR yesterday--7 miles--today was XT. I didn't want to, but next week is yet another week where my days are messed up. This time, it's because of the (oh, you knew this was coming) Disney b-day trip. Since I'm not planning on doing much other then running to rides next weekend, I'm trying to get some good training in now.

Luckily, today's weather is sunny if brisk, so I also decided to take the opportunity to explore (by walking) new areas in our wider neighborhood. We're going to need to start house-hunting soon, and I figure walking the area is a small step forward in that direction. I thought, I'll do my WO at the FC, then walk to Squirrel Hill (area we might want to settle down in) and treat myself to lunch. So on the way to the FC I ask DOOD about this one avenue that I know he's run down: how far it is between our FC & Squirrel Hill? He says it's really close, no more than a 1/2 mile. He does feel it worth noting there's a steep hill along the way.

I know he's wrong in terms of distance, in part because I've driven on the road and in part because he's such a long-distance runner he's got no sense of short distances. But I figure....how far off can he be? So after working out at the FC, I start walking. And walking. And walking. It turns out that his 1/2 mile is closer to 1 1/2 miles. Now, that's not a big deal, really. Except I've already worked out for over 2 hours and am walking on tired legs. And it's lunchtime & I'm hungry. Oh, and I'm walking up & down several, not one, Pgh hills. :lmao:

So what did I learn today? Certainly, I didn't learn to avoid walking that route. It's beautiful & a really short distance in the overall scope of my pedestrian life; plus, the side streets will well worth further exploration in terms of housing. But I did learn not to trust DOOD on estimating distances. I can't imagine what might have happened if I'd asked him for his favorite SR route! And more important, I reminded myself that I need to map my own flipping routes!:thumbsup2

Btw, DOOD just laughed at me after I got home (walking, of course). And that's why I love him, he's so sympathetic to my whining.
What corrals did all the INGers get in?

There are corrals?! :scared1:

No mass start? No jumping the gates as the race runs by? Man they are trying be all organized and offical. How boring. JK: Last years start was as close to a stampede as I ever want to be .

Where do I find what corral I am in? :eek:

I guess I really should look at my race stuff pretty soon. I don't even know what MARTA station I need to get to. I was just going to follow the crowd. You guys are going to insist that I actually THINK about the race.

Just want again to say to all of you....


Please go put all your racing attire together, pin you bib to your shirt, get your socks and shoes lined up, Lip balm and sunscreen packed, hat or visor or sunglasses (whatever) hydrate well and now......

GO TO BED!!!! and get some good rest!!

HAVE FUN OUT THERE!!:cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2:
Scott, 3:50 for the marathon pacing group, he will just split off from them at mile 7. He wants to run it under 2:00.

Cecilia, your corral is on your bib. :goodvibes
Just want again to say to all of you....


Please go put all your racing attire together, pin you bib to your shirt, get your socks and shoes lined up, Lip balm and sunscreen packed, hat or visor or sunglasses (whatever) hydrate well and now......

GO TO BED!!!! and get some good rest!!

HAVE FUN OUT THERE!!:cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2:
(Ponchos not sunscreen may be the order of the day..... it keeps raining here!)
Jumpin' in just before the thread change.

Welcome to the new WISH Team members.

Good going to all those doing good on their training.

Sorry to read about all the sick stuff going on. Keep it to yourself please.

I managed to get outside in sunny 36 degrees today. Did 6.4 and an 16 min. pace. I'm hoping that Minnie will see me at pace.

Shan, good to hear Mom did ok

Leana, glad you made it ok too.


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