Wk of Mar 23 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi guys...I'm just so frustrated today :(. My legs started aching like crazy last night and they still ache a bit this afternoon even after a deep tissue massage. It *feels* like over-training....but that doesn't make sense to me! :confused3 I'm not sure why my body is feeling over-trained considering I'm only running 16 miles per week, I'm running on newer sneakers (my fave stand-by Kayanos) and I haven't increased XT by a great deal. I am teaching the same number of classes, taking spin as I've been for weeks now and trying to get pilates in as frequently as possible. It started with bonking on Sunday's LR...and even though I ran a decent 5 Miler yesterday and jumped on the bike trainer for 30 minutes...today I feel lousy. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've looked at arranging my schedule better...but with teaching 8+ classes per week I'm locked in.

Bill: I like the idea of Wish Green Kilts! :thumbsup2 How is your pilates work coming along? Do you need recommendations for pilates videos?

Morgan: Welcome! :goodvibes I think you are off to a GREAT start. I actually never run more than 4 times per week...but adding cross training is always a great idea to help keep you injury free and get additional cardio work.

Cecilia, Scott, Shan, ScottH...You guys all psyched for the big race this weekend? How is the weather looking? :sunny:

Scott...As if you'd ever embarass me! Great job with all your workouts this week. As always you inspire and impress me! AND make me laugh :hug: So are you going to don the kilt for the Minnie or do you need to lose a bet first....'cause I'm up for a wager just at the thought of the possibility! :laughing:
Hi guys...I'm just so frustrated today :(. My legs started aching like crazy last night and they still ache a bit this afternoon even after a deep tissue massage. It *feels* like over-training....but that doesn't make sense to me! :confused3 I'm not sure why my body is feeling over-trained considering I'm only running 16 miles per week, I'm running on newer sneakers (my fave stand-by Kayanos) and I haven't increased XT by a great deal. I am teaching the same number of classes, taking spin as I've been for weeks now and trying to get pilates in as frequently as possible. It started with bonking on Sunday's LR...and even though I ran a decent 5 Miler yesterday and jumped on the bike trainer for 30 minutes...today I feel lousy. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've looked at arranging my schedule better...but with teaching 8+ classes per week I'm locked in.

Oh, Amy... :hug: I'm sorry you're so frustrated! In case you haven't noticed...You do A LOT of training. :goodvibes Maybe your legs are just rebelling today. Are you getting enough rest? Hydrating enough??

Whatever the case, I hope your legs are feel better soon! :hug:

BTW...How is your DD?
but right now, I'm only running about 3 or 4 days a week, which I know isn't good.
Welcome! Even when I was training for Goofy, I only ran 3 or 4 days a week. We call those other days either XT (cross training: and you would not believe what qualifies for cross training around here.) or REST days. Rest Days are VERY VERY important when you are adding more miles to your runs. Heck, they are always important.

Like most people on these boards, I recommend reading Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham. Not only is it a fun read, but it covers most of the training basics in language that you can understand. I think he does his training plans based on time rather than miles which is easier for busy people to figure out. Also, I think he only has you running 4 days a week but I could be wrong about that.

Hi guys...I'm just so frustrated today :(. My legs started aching like crazy last night and they still ache a bit this afternoon even after a deep tissue massage.

Oh I have been there!! Ouch ouch ouch. I took it easy a couple days and got very serious about hydration and nutrition and it finally went away. I think in my case, I just wasn't eating enough. I also took ibuprofin every 4 hours for 3 days. It didn't really help the ache, but at least then I could tell everyone I was "taking" something for the pain (don't you hate it when non runners think the answer to pain is a pill and not to figure out what is wrong?)
I wonder if you are getting enough electrolytes, especially magnesium and potassium.

We all take in plenty of sodium, but a magnesium and/potassium deficiency can surely cause cramping and soreness.

I started taking a supplement prior to workouts that I expect will be over an hour long, and haven't experienced the cramping or post workout soreness since.

If you don't like the idea of supplements, foods high in magnesiusm include artichokes, bananas, most beans, spinach. For Potassium, apricot, avocado, kiwi, banana, white and sweet potatos...

Just a thought

Hope you feel better!

Today was 1:30 on the elliptical, and boy is that boring!
So are you going to don the kilt for the Minnie or do you need to lose a bet first....'cause I'm up for a wager just at the thought of the possibility! :laughing:

Why would Scott need to lose a bet? Then again, he is a real runner. As a back of the pack walker, I was thinking that with a little lime green war paint and a battle axe, I could hold the sweepers at bay. If that failed, it would be a lot easier to moon them with a kilt (ala Braveheart) than with sweaty hi-tech shorts. Plus there would probably be less chaffing than Mr. Spartan who ran the last WDW marathon (at least the BodyGlided areas would be well protected from the sun).
INGers--I just know you're gonna rock your event!!!! :cool1:

Angie: That's a great story about the Minnie. I'm sure you'll have an equally great one to tell this year. I think they should keep the event, if for no other reason than it's "your" race.

Aloha Jeff: I can't believe you've already pimped your new auto before that new-car smell went away. Well, now that you've stored your running gear in it, that smell probably won't last long anyway. :lmao: Your princesses & their smiles--oh my! They're so cute!!!

Z: In your case, thinking about running absolutely counts, and is the least important thing to think about! Do take care of yourself in light of all the other events in your life!!

Carrie: Signing up for posture patrol as we speak. I saw your post & sat up straighter. Now that's some authority you have! I'm sorry to hear about the weather. You folks in Michigan have been hit hard--not to mention Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio. I hope it means you will have the perfect summer.

Allie: Yep, the countdown is on! Have I mentioned I'll be 40 in 10 days yet? And in WDW? :banana: Don't worry, I'll be mentioning it quite frequently from here on out. I wish I had advice on the pace other than pay attention to your body. And maybe have a regular route you run at least once a week, so you have those visual markers you can check against your time & how your body feels.

Kira: You've had an EXTREMELY busy month, IMO. And you've managed to not only get everything done, but you've kept up your running & avoided getting sick. :thumbsup2 If that doesn't tell you ow strong & motivated you are, then... where is that kick-in-the-pants smilie??? ;)

Stacie: That's so cool that you're walking with your mom. It reminds me of Angie's 5K plans for the Minnie. Close families!! :woohoo: I'm sorry about your energy level, though. Trust me, I know how that feels. I also know what it's like to be the red-faced, stinky one. I like to think my flushed face complements WISH green.

Liz: Take it easy on those shins, especially since you've got a LR coming up. Have you talked with your trainer about exercises for them?

Shan: I hope your mom's surgery went well & she'll recover quickly. And I hope your recovery is nearing 100% and in time for your race.

Leana: Yeah for your runs. I hope your wisdom teeth removal was uneventful, considering, and that you're up to a LR. In the meantime, I was quite impressed with your shaved 12 seconds. It sounds like you're back, and with a vengeance. (Not that that phrase makes much sense...)

Cecilia: I'm sorry to hear that the news about your dad needing surgery. I can see him having a great attitude--like father, like daughter. Can you run the ING, despite the lost check?

Scott: You and Amy are going to have such fun at the Minnie. Don't worry about things, though--I'm sure you'll find a way to embarrass Amy. And she you! :rotfl2:

NEBill & Original Bill: :rotfl2: I think the sports kilts are cool, and I'd pay good money to see a WISH kilt team in action! Count me in on any betting action--and this goes for Scott, too!

Morgan: Add me to the list of people who only run 3-4 days a week, and although I did more for the Goofy (on a RW) I don't think it was necessary in retrospect. I'm transitioning to a run now, replacing my RW with running. I'm also about your distance, so we'll be training buddies almost. :goodvibes I look forward to hearing your stories. About the shoes....sometimes thicker socks work for me. I'll be testing out Injinjis tomorrow, and will let you know how they work for me.

Amy: Oh, Amy. :hug: I can't add much to what our resident experts have said. I'd look at your nutrition & hydration first. It was Easter weekend, and your routines probably changed a bit, even if it wasn't particularly noticeable at the time. Have you shifted anything in the order in which you do all your activities? Just thinking about loud. Whatever it is that's causing this, I'm telling it to go away. :wizard: P.S. Now come on, there's nothing Scott can do to embarrass you? I give him much more credit than that! :rolleyes1

Mike: I understand about the elliptical--before my video iPod (and now my gym has individual TV monitors--I used to go a little stir crazy. Intervals & upper-body form drills just aren't the same on one, are they?

As for me: Let's see...Nothing much to report here. Some strength training, a half-hearted attempt at a yoga DVD. (No namaste for for me today.) Tomorrow's my LR, and I'm hoping the rain lets up here. Nothing too earth-shattering in my world.

OH, and have I mentioned I'll be turning 40 in 10 days AND will be celebrating in WDW. :teeth: (Why, yes, I believe I have. I'll just mention it again. And again. And again.)

I promise I will be back to catch up with everyone, but I JUST HAD to share my biggest triumph since surgery with my team :lovestruc :lovestruc

JUST DID 3.4 IN 30 MINUTES!!!!!!

Thank you guys so much for all the encouragement, inspiration and pushing. Gotta shower, be back :yay:
Thanks for all the encouragement guys! It made a difference (as I knew it would!), and I had a great run today.

And - I finally bought new shoes!!! I got the cool lime-green Asics that I think a couple of you have bought. My old New Balances were on their last legs, and they actually started hurting on my run on Tuesday so I knew it was time. Nothing says motivation like a new pair of shoes.

So I'm back! Yay!

A big hello to Morgan from another newbie! You are pretty much exactly where I am in my training , and you're doing great. You'll find that this is a great place to come for advice and support.

Good luck to everyone with events this weekend! Spring is really coming - I promise.
Hey guys....just checking in. Things went well today. Luckily the teeth came out nice and easy. I've been ordered to rest for a few days so I'm going to enjoy a nice relaxing day at home tomorrow.

Debra - Congrats on turning 40!! Lucky you, getting to have your birthday at the world. I'm turning 30 near the end of May and I plan to celebrate the entire time I'm at WDW for the Minnie. Then I'm looking forward to saying sayonara to my 20s with a night out with girlfriends, but will be spending the actual birthday hiking in the Rockies and staying out at Banff. I figure a big birthday deserves a big celebration!
Hey all WISHers...
I did my "hill" training tonight after work. There is a new park on my way home from work. It is a converted Mount "trashmoor". It is a trash hill that is not being used any longer. One side is open to the public, they put in roads and trails and a horse trail. I did 3 miles in 42min 56sec. I was trying my best to keep racewalking form while going up and down hills, its not that easy. At times I had to broke form just to get up or down the hills. I did keep an average pace of 14min18sec. That is actually a pretty good 3 miles for me especially with the hills involved.

Good WISHes to all of you!pixiedust:

From one INGer (Miami) to the other INGers (Atlanta) - GOOD LUCK and have a great time. Attitude is half the battle!!!! Smile and look up at the finish line so you look fabulous in your photo!!:cheer2:
Fashion Statement:

No way, no how, nobody is every going to get me into a kilt. We 3 were in Edinborough some years ago and the 2 women tried to talk me into buying a formal kilt ensemble to wear to the occasional gala we need to attend. They tried every trick a wife and daughter have in their toolkits, and they did not work. So the rest of you can absolutely forget it.

I've been sick the past 5 days, which it appears is pretty typical in our training group. I fell off, but today did run 1/2 the Minnie on the treadmill, starting at 9:50 for mile 1 and speeding it up a bit each mile, finishing in 44:30, 9:33 per mile. I need to recover and get a couple of 9's to go with the quick days if I'm going to hang with Amy and Scott on May 4.

So many folks are turning in good results it keeps me working hard when I train. As always, Thanks!


As Steve Martin said in Roxanne, to de-emphasize a person "should wear something slimming, like Montana."


NEBill - I'll get the list of the pilates moves to you...in the meantime, I'm liking the idea of an officially licensed WISH kilt. I like the Braveheart warrior mentality...would we look silly if we painted our faces to match? The biggest dilemma I have with the whole thing is what kind of top to wear??? :confused3 Also, maybe we should see if Body Glide would like to be the official sponsor of the Men's WISH kilt contingent?

- Welcome!! 3-4 days a week of running is exactly what I've done during training for the full and for the Goofy, so don't think you need to do any more than that :goodvibes: Just add in some nice cardio XT to complement your running...and no it's not sad that you have your shirt picked out already...one of my favorite things to do is coordinate outfits for the races!

Julie - Nice job getting 3 days of running in while taking care of 3 little ones! I can only imagine how hectic that can be :)

- I really hope your day has gotten brighter...I agree with some others that you should look at your fueling and hydration (where's that blue water bottle at? :) ). You do a TON of exercising and you've done a superb job of training..don't get too down on yourself :goodvibes: So...um...do you like Off Kilter? Does hearing the sound of bagpipes make your heart flutter a little? Were you a Rowdy Roddy Piper fan? ...just wondering...

- 1:30 on the elliptical? wow!

- Amy and I embarrass each other?? Never :rotfl: Should I ask her to tell everyone what happend on stage at Jellyrolls on that post-Goofy Sunday night??? (wait, that may have been more embarrassing for ME LOL) Happy early birthday..you deserve a grand 40th celebration in WDW :goodvibes:

Angie - Looks like we'll be chasing you come May! 3.4 in 30 is an awesome pace!

Kira - Congrats on the new shoes and glad to see that you had a great run!!

Leana - Glad to see the teeth deal went well for you!! Hope the recovery is an easy one!

Tracy - Nice trainig esp with Trashmore lurking in your path! Way to go and thanks for the good luck wishes!

Craig - Best wishes on a good recovery from being sick! Sorry you won't be a member of the Kilt club, but I did notice that they had plaid kilt-like cargos for sale on the same site...

Scott's World - Well, I mixed up the run tonight a bit and did what I dub the "Thursday Night Random Route" (just thought of that). Instead of setting out to run a certain mileage, I decided that I'd do 30 minutes of just running down roads that I don't normally travel. I had no idea of how far I was going and totally made up the course as I went. Turns out that I did 3.52 miles (give or take a hundreth :rotfl:) in 31:05 for a nice 8:49 pace. It was just fun randomly running down roads and trying not to worry about anything except relaxing and enjoying the nice weather we had today. (Sorry to those in the cold...I so WISH you guys would get good weather soon)

Hope everyone has a good night!!
Hi Everyone -

I am really hoping that this scratchy throat is just allergies. :scared: I went to bed at 8 something last night just to be sure that if I am getting sick, I am well rested. The good news is that I didn't feel any worse this morning. (colds ALWAYS feel worse in the morning right right?) The bad news is that I am still feeling really tired. This is not boding well for Sunday. I will still run, after all, I ran a marathon with food poisoning! But I doubt I will beat the Kenyans again this year.

Debra - I dreaded 40 when it came, but I have been surprised at how much I love being in my 40's. Once you get past the birthday part, its all great.

and yes, I didn't know it until I ran my first marathon, but I am a lot like my dad. He is quite the fighter. Only now, 50 years later, are the stories of his years as a special forces officer starting to emerge. I wish I could have heard them as a kid because it explains alot about him and why he did things the way he did.

As for the check, it is for the Peachtree Road Race in July. No cleared check = no race. I am really bummed that mine got lost because I love that race.

Angie - WOW! You are getting super speedy! Congrats!

Dsnyfan21 - Hills are tough. the more you do them, the more you can keep form. Just be careful on the downhills since it is easy to get injured there.

As for running in kilts - ugh. Although I know I have seen people run the peachtree in kilts. (sigh) I think it would be too hot and too bulky. And you know everyone behind you would be wondering just what you had on under there.....
Thanks for all the well WISHes!!

I tend to do all my days in a cluster, as I work nights, and work 3 in a row as a nurse. I do the RW method, and hope to feel some real advancement with it in the coming weeks, especially with all the 5Ks, and possibly a 10 if I can make that my LR for the week :-)woohoo: ).

deekaypee- I can't wait to see how you like the socks! I really need help with that, as my feet and hands ALWAYs are the first places that feel heat, and not just friction heat. That happens everywhere at any given time, no matter what I'm doing! Anyway, I digress.

I was able to join Jessica's Rabbits, which is really cool!

I can't wait to make some more "running buddies" along this journey to the BIGGEST personal accomplishment of my life. Sure, other things were great and huge, like school and becoming an RN, but that was out of necessity somewhat. This is for Morgan, and Morgan only. I'm doing it with my dad, only because I really want it, and we both want it. I have been reading reports on others' experiences on the Disney marathon, and I literally CRY! I just imagine myself doing that. I don't know if I can keep from crying while running. The image of me "winning" a real medal and sharing that with my dad and mom (walking the half) just makes me so happy!

Maybe its just PMS. Who knows.

Anywho, since I have been up since 11am yesterday, I think I should head off to bed. Don't talk too much today!
Hi, WISH team!! Happy Friday!! I’m going to attempt to get caught up with everyone, but I’ll offer my apology first for those I miss. :) I do read the thread every day, just haven’t had time to talk. Things are starting to pick up at work (our busy season is April-September) and Stephen’s cousin’s wife had their baby at 33 weeks on Monday morning. Thankfully he is doing fine, but I’ve been spending a lot of time e-mailing family members for updates and trying to track down some preemie clothes for Luke.

Shan—Are you feeling any better?? I hope you are able to get some rest today.

Atlanta ING Runners—Good luck everyone!! Tear that course up! :banana:

Amy—Hope your legs are feeling better and you are able to get some much-needed rest. I have no idea how you do what you do all day every day. You are incredible! I agree with everyone else, maybe you are lacking something in your diet.

Scott—I think you could definitely rock the kilt! You definitely have the legs to pull it off. ;) Man, I wish Stephen wasn’t already committed to the Flying Pig; I’d love to see everyone for the Minnie!

Debra—I think I heard that you are having a birthday soon, is that right??? ;) Were you able to get your lr in today? It’s raining here in Cincinnati too, I am so ready for spring it’s not funny!

Angie—You are having a great running week! I am so excited for you to run the Minnie; I know you are going to do awesome. How is work going? A little bit better? Is Bobby’s back still okay?

Kira—Congrats on the new shoes! There is nothing better than a pair of new running shoes. Completely OT, but Stephen and I were debating between naming the baby Maya or Kira if it were a girl. Kind of a moot point (or a moo point if you are a Friends fan :) ) since the baby is a boy, but I wanted to tell you that I love your name!

—I am so glad to hear that your wisdom teeth surgery went so well. Rest up and don’t rush back!! Oh, you keep wearing those heels, girl, don’t listen to Carrie! ;)

Craig and Martha—I haven’t been around much since you guys got back from England, I hope you had a great time! I did see the picture you posted, looks like you were having fun!! I hope you are feeling better soon, Craig and that you didn’t have that nasty flu that’s been going around here. How is your IT band, Martha? Completely healed since the marathon?

Cecilia—Hope you are feeling better! Continued :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for your Dad!!!

GA Jen—We have the opposite last name problem you have, our last name is pretty different and can easily be miss pronounced to sound REALLY obscene!! How are you feeling? Did you have any morning sickness? And about the boy thing, I always thought that I wanted girls, but I am really, really happy to be having my boy. Especially after spending Easter with my nieces—13, 10, 6, 3, and 2—boys have GOT to be easier!!! :)

Christa—Good luck on your TRI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay:

Aloha Jeff—Heard you got a new ride. Must be something in the water, I got a new Mommy car a couple of weeks ago too. No, NOT a mini-van!!!!!! ;) We got a 2008 Hyundai Sante Fe and I love it! Not as much as your pictures from HI though! They (and your family) are gorgeous!

FL Bill—How long have you and Lynnda been married? You should now by now that she is the boss and you are worker bee. :) I hope Timmy’s party comes together, I can’t believe he is already 1!!

NE Bill—While I am American as apple pie and consider myself quite patriotic, we will not be doing the baby’s nursery in a red, white, and blue motif. ;) So are you ready for baseball season to start? Don’t worry, I don’t really follow MLB, but I did see that the Reds are playing the Red Sox this season. Oh, you'll be happy to hear that I got the baby his very first Steelers jersey last month--Troy Polamalu, just like his daddy. ;)

Jen—Did you get that tattoo yet??? ;)

Kristi—I just wanted to give you a :hug: !!!! Love ya, girl!

Carrie—I hope your back is feeling better, maybe if you wore heels that would help. ;) ;) :)

Z—Stay safe!!!!!

Judy—Glad you were able to get outside last weekend. How is the weather looking for tomorrow?

Welcome to all the New People!!!

As for me, things are still going great with the baby. Yesterday he moved non-stopped, I had trouble getting to sleep last night, he was rolling around so much! I haven’t felt much from him today, he must been exhausted from all his exercising yesterday. Can I count that towards training?? :) We bought the baby’s furniture last week, so we’re going to start getting the nursery together, I’ll post a picture of the finished product.

Keep up the awesome job training everyone; I’ll be joining you in a few months! :)

aldisneygrl - How are you keeping track of your runs? Are you using a Garmin or Nike+? Pacing is a tricky thing. It is so easy to go out fast because you feel good, but then sometimes it backfires on you. Was your first mile downhill, then the next uphill? Eventually you'll get the hang of it. Unless you perpetually want to watch your Garmin, as you keep going you'll probably start to get a better feel for your pace.

I do have a Garmin, but it is a handheld Etrex. I think it is the model that hunters usually use. It was my husbands before he upgraded, so it was free. :goodvibes That was why I questioned my pace. I keep it on the screen with the mileage, then when I hit my mile mark, I switch it to the time. At mile one it said 9 min, and some seconds. Then mile two it said 22 something. Then I ended at 35:55. This is why I want a Forerunner because I have trouble doing the math while running. :teacher: I think running takes all my thinking ability away. :rotfl2: All my running was pretty much flat. There was a moderate hill during mile two.

Allie - Figuring out pacing will come with time. Meanwhile run with a watch and know your markers. ie: this turn should be about 8 minutes into my run. Then if you get ther in 7:30 you know you need to slow down a little. Another way to help learn to pace yourself is to go to a track and time each lap.


I don't always run the same way. I was told to change it up because you don't want to become a target. I live in a small town, but I just want to be safe.

Allie - I'd just recommend checking your splits more frequently so you can adjust your pace at the beginning of your run. I think the ultimate goal is to "negative split" where you gradually run faster each mile. Nice run though!!

I will just need to check my pace more often. I try not to keep looking at the Garmin, but I can't help myself. I NEED a forerunner, so I can stop doing the math in my head, which isn't working to well for me. :sad2:

Allie: Yep, the countdown is on! Have I mentioned I'll be 40 in 10 days yet? And in WDW? :banana: Don't worry, I'll be mentioning it quite frequently from here on out. I wish I had advice on the pace other than pay attention to your body. And maybe have a regular route you run at least once a week, so you have those visual markers you can check against your time & how your body feels.

OH, and have I mentioned I'll be turning 40 in 10 days AND will be celebrating in WDW. :teeth: (Why, yes, I believe I have. I'll just mention it again. And again. And again.)

40 in WDW, what can be better than that? Uh, taking your friend who is also celebrating that fabulous milestone...:rolleyes1 Hope you have a wonderful time! It's Disney, of course you'll have a fabulous time! I expect a full report when you return.

Thanks to everyone for your feedback. It is just something else I am going to have to learn how to do. I did do my speedwork yesterday. I did the math in my head as far as the distance. Remember how I have said that running and math don't mix for me? :teacher: :laughing: Well, when I finished my last 1/4 mile walking (after the half mile of running faster), I realized that I miscalculated my distance by 1/4 mile. I was like :eek: , but I kept going because I felt good, and the road was fairly flat, but I was running into the wind. Well, I ended up my 4.25 miles in 56:35. I still can't figure out my pace because, I don't know how to figure it with that .25 mile. I need round numbers. :rotfl: So if anybody wants to take the challenge, please let me know what my average pace was. :goodvibes
Morning teammates. Sorry to be MIA again, but this SAHM worked 30+ hours already this week. What's up with that? So, also not much in the way of workouts either. Did get a short run in on Wednesday and today will be yoga. But then I have to take DS to the dr. He's got some croupy cough and congestion bit--know it's mostly due to allergies/pollen, but the OTC meds aren't cutting it.

Hope everyone is well. We planned a trip to Disney this morning--unfortunately, it's not race related. We scrapped our ToT trip after seeing the entry fee:eek: So now we're going for a long weekend at the end of September.:yay:

Okay, need to get out the door to yoga. Have a great Friday all. And to all racing tomorrow or Sunday--Run like the wind!!!!! WISHing you all the best of luck!:cheer2:
I let a site do the math for me :goodvibes: Check this one out:


(your pace was 13:18 :) )

Thanks Scott! Wow! I have a 10K that I'm training for in May. A friend of mine had her husband fill me out a training plan, and I am supposed to do a 13:50 mile this month, and I have been faster than that all month. I'm so pumped! We may have to readjust April's training.

Thanks for taking the challenge and letting me know my pace! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the website too! I'm gonna have to go check that out. I'm at home with a sick kid, so I have some time to look. Although, she hasn't been acting too sick since she got home. :rolleyes1

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