Wk of Mar 23 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Amy - While you are doing the same thing, maybe it's just taken this long to take it's toll. I think your body is tired. You know me, though, my best solution for all is rest. ;)

Krista - :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Maybe I should get some stillettos thsi weekend. They can double as ice picks with teh weather we still have :sad2:

Debra - Mention teh trip and you will be required to take me with you!! ;) Sitting up straighter now. That accoutnability thing makes a world of difference.

Morgan - Your post gave me goose bumps. I sobbed the first tiem I crossed the line. Funny, I have a degree, I have a Professional ENgineer's licence, I'msure there are other things to be proud of, but the marathon truely was the biggest accomplishment for me.

Stephanie - I think our definitiosn of SAHM differ. ;) SOrry you've had such a rough week!

Cecelia - Ut oh. :wizard: :wizard: Pixie dust that it's just allergies.

I did 40 min last night. 40 degrees adn rain. DOn't worry, though, it was white by mornig. My neck acted up half way through. Ran into a fiend who's doign Boston, though, os ran a half mile with him. Nice distraction at least. Going fo ra massage after work in hopes it will help.

Have a great weekend all! Good luck to all racers, especially INGers!
HI guys..

First of all THANK YOU :goodvibes for all the great advice....I really think that I'm lacking enough water for one thing. Also, during Goofy training I was taking supplements and stopped after training (oops). Maybe I should start taking them again :). I appreciate all your feedback....that's one of the things I *LOVE* about WiSH.

PD for your neck Carrie! I hope that massage helps :).

Krista: Awww...you have a little runner in there!!! Please do post pics of the nursery. I'm soooo excited for you guys!!! :hug:

Stephanie: Cool about the September trip!!!! :sunny:

Morgan: Yay! You're on our team! :banana:

Cecilia: OH NO! Rest up girl...I'm sure it's just allergies. Sending you TONS of Pixie Dust that you feel 100% come race morning. Thanks for the advice on the nutrition and water too :).

Scott: Embarassing? What singing and dancing on stage at Jelly Rolls. Nah! Just a day in the life with me ;). BTW...great workouts this week!!!

Craig: WHAT No Kilt??? Oh c'mon now...if it's good enough for Mel Gibson and Off Kilter....:confused3 :laughing:

Debra: 40 is the new 30....can't wait to hear about your trip to WDW for your b'day!!!! Although I have to admit we'll really miss you around here! Thanks again for the info on your training. I'm so impressed with your workouts!!!! :thumbsup2

Angie! OMG...what a FAST run you had! No worries....I'll be chasing YOU for sure!!! WTG...I'm so thrilled for you!!!

Christa: How is that taper coming along ;). I will be thinking about you this weekend during your tri and I can't wait to read your race report!!!! How is your mom doing btw :hug:.

OK guys...as for me I taught a Pilates Tone class this morning and included a lot of stretches...so that was nice :cloud9: . Afterwards I jumped on the treadmill for 4 miles of speedwork: 1/2 M warm-up @ 10:00 mpm; Mile @ 8:00 mpm; 1/2 M @ 9:30 mpm recovery; Mile @ 8:20 mpm; 1/2 M @ 9:30 mpm recovery and cool down at 10:00 mpm for another 1/2 M. Phew! Unfortunately my left foot on the instep is hurting. :sad2: Feels like a sore tendon or muscles...it's been like that since spin class on Tuesday. I'm icing now and hoping for the best on my LR on Sunday!!! My legs aren't 100% yet...slightly achey...but I'm hoping increasing fluids and better nutrition will take care of that. Thanks again for the advice everyone! :grouphug:
Hi all,

Back from Utah and feeling crappy! Head cold! 4-6" of fresh snow! (I'm hoping if I use all exclamation points, it will make me feel cheerier--it's not working!!!)

Anyway, the vacation has made me lose all sight of the fact that I actually could run. It seems so foreign now--and I wasn't expecting that. I ran 3 painful miles today--shins/ankles felt tight. Could be just residual muscle strain from hiking--that was pretty taxing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I'm nervous now about being able to do my LR this weekend--it's the longest of my training plan (7 mi) and now I'm not very confident.

Well-better go rest. Heading downtown to see Wisconsin play DAvidson and Kansas play Villanova in the Sweet 16.

Cecilia, hope it is just allergies and the rain will take care of that for you before Sunday! :wizard:

Angie, great run! Go Hercs! :cheer2:

Happy upcoming birthday Debra! Have fun in WDW! We'll be there soon, too! :yay:

My Mom's surgery went well - thanks for all the pixie dust!

Still continuing to feel better, but my energy is still not completely back. I ran 2 miles this morning in 21:22 and I felt very weak. I'm actually quite concerned about Sunday. If I can barely run 2 miles how am I gonna run 13.1? I also had another coughing fit after I was done. I kidded with DH that I might need an oxygen tank after it is all over, but I actually might! :eek:

I'm kinda sad I don't feel as strong as I did when I ran my 12 miler, but I'm determined to do it even if I have to walk. It is gonna be hard for me not beating myself up if I don't hit my goal time.

Have an awesome weekend WISHers! :grouphug:
Shan - Do all that you can to rest and get better and that will be your best help! Adrenaline come SUnday will do wonders. Have a plan B and C fro just in case, though.

Maura - We only got a couple inches. I am so jealous of you. (Are you catching the sarcasm???) Ugh. Have fun this weekend! I'm sure those legs are just still hurting from teh hikes.
Hi guys!

I got some medal scoop from the Disney rep at the ING expo. I did not realize that there were going to be new medals for both the full and the half in 2009. She said they have not finalized the plans but to expect them to look similar to the 2008 Goofy medal. I think they will look fantastic!

My throat is starting to hurt and I am exhausted from my trip to the expo but I am excited about the race.

Cecilia, not sure where my brain is... but I thought you meant you got a METAL SCOOP. I was like... why are they handing out scoops? Ice cream??

DUH... I need a vacation!
I'm kinda sad I don't feel as strong as I did when I ran my 12 miler, but I'm determined to do it even if I have to walk. It is gonna be hard for me not beating myself up if I don't hit my goal time.

Have an awesome weekend WISHers! :grouphug:

OK Shan I am going to give you some advice that I had to learn the hard way.
Whe I ran Charlotte in Dec. I wanted to run sub 4...I know I can. My 1/2 marathon times in races and all my 20 mile training runs pointed to it. Well during the marathon, I got real sick. Had to stop on the side to...well anyway. I was sick. I finished in 4:22. That almost killed me. Then my mom reminded me why I ran. Not to set PRs but b/c I LOVE RUNNING.
Why make something you love into something stressful. My mom also told me that you do not always get to choose the conditions you race under. You did not choose these conditions, but you will still run. Adjust your goal and have fun.
I totally understand your situation. I understand the weeks of training under your belt. But just do what you can do and you will have a great story.
I hang my Charlotte marathon medal in my office. Had a parent ask if I hung it up b/c it was my best time. I told him I hung it up b/c it was my greatest race..the race that took the greatest struggle to get to the finish line. the race that took the greatest sacrifice.
Christa: Thanks for reminding us why we do these things! Sometimes I get hooked on beating my times and have to sit back and say I am doing it because of the joy I get from finishing!! I know I will never "win" (I am a walker") so I try to beat times. At my Fort Lauderdale A1A Half I had a bad time because I was sick the week before. Towards the end I had to remind myself I was doing it for me and to relax and just finish!! I had a better feeling about it after I put that in my head.
Thanks again!!:thumbsup2

I'm back!! 24 hours late but I'm here:

Kira G. I might be a little late on this but: YOU CAN SOOOO TOTALLY DO THIS!!!:banana: I have really struggled with motivation lately, bad runs, DH can't train with me anymore, just keep pushing!!!!
StacieI'm so glad that you do have your mom to walk with you. It really does help to have someone who will help you push yourself. DH & I trained together last year ( all our "firsts - as far as races") and he REALLY made me push myself to keep up with him. Now I am starting all over after surgery and he can't train with me anymore. But because he helped me push myself the first time around (when I REALLY thought I couldn't do it) now this time I know I can I just have to reach inside myself. I'm sorry you get frustrated. Please try to focus on YOUR accomplishments!!! Good job doing 4!!!
Liz I hope your shin is ok and your workout went well today.
Morgan:welcome: We are so glad you are here. You will love it!!! It looks like we have a lot in common. I just FINALLY graduated from college a year a go, which was a huge accomplishment and then ran my first races that year :banana: and it felt so good to do all that for ME!!!!
Debra I AM SOOOOOO Glad you are going to Disney for your 40!!!!! What better place to celebrate!!! :cool1: (Plus I don't feel so wierd for celebrating my college graduation there now :rotfl: )
Leana Glad that you feel like "you are back" with running, I LOVE that feeling. And I'm glad the wisdom teeth went well -- mine was a nightmare when I did it.
Tracy Good job on the hill work, hills what are those :confused3
Craig I hope you feel better, but if not you can just run with me :flower3:
Scott I sooooo WISH I could do that and just run for time but my obsessive compulsive personality and no Garmin just won't let me :lmao:
Cecilia I really hope you feel better!!!! :hug:
Krista OOHHHH :hug: Sooo exciting to feel that baby in there. Work is not so great, but it's ok. Bobby's back is better but because he stopped running and works his core and stretches really good everyday. So the good news is he's fine, the bad news is I will be doing my first full without him :sad2:
Allie Sounds like you had a good pace, glad you have been doing better than you thought :yay:
Stephanie Sorry you had to work so much :eek: September sounds like fun though. Great time to go, not crowded at all!!!
Carrie Hope the massage helped :hug:
Amy I'm glad you are doing better and your treadmill work out ROCKED!!!! I still have a lot of work to do to keep up with you guys at MINNIE!! BTW - I need that work out of Scott's because we will be at CS pool ( my kids LOVE that pool) and I need to look my best too :love: )
Maura It's like riding a bike, we never forget. I hope your run goes well this weekend.
Shan I SECOND AND THIRD what Christa said!!!! But I know you must be sooooooo frustrated with this being your first race. I am sooo sorry my friend :hug:

OK MORE AWESOME TRAINING REPORT FOR ME. I got up at 4 :scared1: - as I do every Friday to go to the gym before work to do Body Pump (weights) but decided to run on treadmill first.

Mile 1: 10 min warm up
Mile 2: 9:15 pace
Next .75 mile: 8:34 pace
last .25 mile: 8:06 pace !!!!! :yay:
.3 mile : 10 min pace cool down

WOW is all I have to say. I just want to jump on my soap box for a minute. Someone earlier in the week said half the battle is ATTITUDE and I am here to tell you IT'S TRUE!!!! I have been so frustrated with my runs the last couple of weeks ( because of how far I had come before surgery). yesterday I was sitting at work and I thought, "you know what, rather than be mad that I can't do what i want at MINNIE I am just going to do it" I know it sounds so cliche and easier said than done, but it's true!!!!! Just believe, you can do it.

OK off box now

For all INGer's --- GO WISH TEAM!!!!
Wow Angie! You certainly are dedicated...4 in the morning! I only see 4 am on Disney Marathon and Half days. Nice pace too!
Scott - Snickers Marathon bars - ha! DD fell in love with them, then suddenly they're nowhere to be found. Checked their website for availability, and there's not a store in NC that sells them anymore. Apparently the rest of you can have them, but we can't?

Kira - Yes, you CAN do this! Your 5K will be a great accomplishment.

Leana - Glad the wisdom teeth went well. Follow the doc's orders and REST!

Morgan - :welcome: I run 3 days a week (when things go well), and I run/walk as well. I wear the Injinji socks and absolutely love them.

Debra - Can I just say that I'm jealous that you get to celebrate 40 @ WDW? I hit that one a few years back, but I'd gladly celebrate the next one there. DD is there now for spring break - I got calls from Mission Space, Soarin', Off Kilter, and then a picture of a Dole Whip all today! (Add a call from Haunted Mansion)

Angie - YOU ROCK!!!!

Maura - I'm watching the games on TV while typing this post. Go Davidson!

Shan - Glad your mom's surgery went well. I'm completely confident that you can finish 13.1 on Sunday. Don't worry too much about your goal time - your goal is to finish, then be happy with whatever happens beyond that!

Cecilia - Sending pixiedust: your way to chase the cold/allergies away until after Sunday!

Amy - Your energy level is amazing. Just reading your posts makes me feel like a slug - oh, maybe that's because I have been a slug lately...

Jen & Carrie (& all the others suffering thru the longest winter on record) - It can't last forever, can it? Jen - you can come camp down here, although it's kinda far for a weekend trip...

I have no running to report. I've had the cold/allergy stuff since last weekend and have suffered from a huge lack of motivation with it. I'm feeling like 5K's are my speed right now, at least until the Galloway season starts on May 3rd. I think my body just wants a break, so I'll keep the distance short until I have to run with the group.

Claire Actually -- the morning thing is another accomplishment for me, I AM NOT!!!!! A MORNING PERSON. But... I feel so much better and like myself better when I am consistent and trying to balance a full time job and 2 kids, early morning was my last choice :scared1: It has gotten easier to get up, I swear
Jackie I was just thinking about you today, wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry to hear about the Snicker bar dilemma in you area, we just finished another box in our house, those and the Snicker's energy bars are a staple!!! I hope you are better soon!!!!
I meant to post this earlier, but "Princess Puke" (see my post from this morning if you don't know what I'm talking about) was taking up my time earlier. She's fine, but just wanted her mom. :hug:

Stacie - Wow your mom is speedy! Glad you got to spend some mother/daughter time though. Glad you HR was lower too. :goodvibes

Shan - Glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. :goodvibes Hope you feel better. You will do great on Sunday. Just finishing is a HUGE accomplishment! :thumbsup2

Disney Dudet - :welcome: I'm a newbie too! :goodvibes These people are the nicest most knowledgeable people around, and they are ready to share it any time. They haven't kicked me out yet for asking too many questions. :rotfl2:

Amy - Since I'm new to this running thing, I don't have anything to offer about your legs, but you have gotten some good advice for places to start. Definitely up your water drinking. That will help in sooo many ways. Good luck! :goodvibes

Angie -Congrats!! I can only dream of that kind of time. :cloud9:

Kira - Congrats on your new shoes! Happy Running!

Tracy - Great job on your hill work! :thumbsup2

Cecilia - Atlanta is in full bloom, so hopefully it is allergies! Drink, Drink, Drink!! I view all the allergens washing out of my body. :laughing: Good luck Sunday! Hope they find your check for the Peachtree. :goodvibes

FOR ME: Well I picked up my race packet for my race tomorrow, and let me just say I'm very confused about the map for the race. I sure hope I don't get lost. :sad2: Actually it isn't a very big Botanical Gardens, but I can't exactly figure out how the race is laid out. As in are we running continuous laps around it, or are we looping back. :sad2: I just have the memory of me and DD running the race at Halloween where they started taking up the arrows before we finished. :eek: I don't want that to happen again. :guilty:

Oh and I got a call from Sandy321 today, and she is in Chicago ready to run on Sunday, or at least she's there, and she will run. :lovestruc She had a little mishap last week with some ham, and a large carving knife, and her finger was the poor recipient. She didn't get stitches even though she probably needed them, but she IS doing fine now. She says to tell everyone HI! :wave2:
I have been so deliquent in my posting lately. Life just takes over sometimes. ;) I've been faithfully getting to the gym twice a week and just added a third day this week. Training is going well and I actually find myself looking forward to exercising. That's certainly a new feeling for me! :upsidedow

aldisneygrl -- We are signed up for the Cotton Row! I'm kind of looking forward to it and kind of dreading it. The last -- and only time -- I ran this I barely beat a WORLD WAR II VET because of shin splits. Not my finest hour...:eek: :scared1:

DisneyDudet -- Welcome!!! :yay:

laughinplace199 -- Not sure if I've said hi yet so here's a belated welcome! :yay:

Best wishes to all those racing this weekend!! :cheer2:

Then my mom reminded me why I ran. Not to set PRs but b/c I LOVE RUNNING.
Why make something you love into something stressful. My mom also told me that you do not always get to choose the conditions you race under. You did not choose these conditions, but you will still run. Adjust your goal and have fun.

Oh thank you Christa. I really needed to hear that this morning!

I love a race. Everything about it. But I know from Goofy that I do not have to be pushing myself to the limit to enjoy the race. Perhaps tomorrow I will get to experience a race from a walkers perspective.

Does anyone know what happens if you can't get to the finish?

Oh thank you Christa. I really needed to hear that this morning!

I love a race. Everything about it. But I know from Goofy that I do not have to be pushing myself to the limit to enjoy the race. Perhaps tomorrow I will get to experience a race from a walkers perspective.

Does anyone know what happens if you can't get to the finish?


Cecilia, are you OK? Did it end up being more than allergies? :hug:
Oh thank you Christa. I really needed to hear that this morning!

I love a race. Everything about it. But I know from Goofy that I do not have to be pushing myself to the limit to enjoy the race. Perhaps tomorrow I will get to experience a race from a walkers perspective.

Does anyone know what happens if you can't get to the finish?


We actually attempted to find this out at the Expo. I have to be honest they seemed unable to tell us. I am making Randy put my cell number on his bibb so that he can call me. (He is not taking a phone but I think I have convinced him that it won't KILL him to ask someone at the water station to call me! LOL!)

There are sweeper buses but that's at 7 HOURS on the FULL!!!!

(Randy has pulled a muscle in his hip and has refused to listen to reason... He won't change to the half. And he does not have your great attitude! He is already pouting!!!! I am avoiding him LOL!)
My family would not agree with you about my attitude and since all three kids opted to go to the trail with dad, I suspect they are all avoiding me too.

Sudafed is making life tolerable. I still can't decide if this is a cold or just wicked allergies but whatever it is, it has totally zapped all my energy. Unfortunately, all three kids have games today and they are spread across North Atlanta (Canton, Alpharetta and Duluth!) so there is no rest for the weary today.



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