Stroller for 8 year old?

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Ha ha..I cant wait to see where this one goes!! :rotfl:

They have strollers there to rent including double ones..maybe wait and see?

and my point of view for kiddos..if I gotta walk, you gotta walk, cause if you push them around, YOU will be tired at the end of the day and they will be FULL of energy!!

my kids were 9 when they first went to disney..we all survived

Well I do see where this will go.:lmao:
when Snowy is 25 mommy will call her boss and excuse her/him because Snowy is tired. In the mean while that same Snowy is playing on the WII. This kind of rotten spoiled persons will end up living on public money.
Well I do see where this will go.:lmao:
when Snowy is 25 mommy will call her boss and excuse her/him because Snowy is tired. In the mean while that same Snowy is playing on the WII. This kind of rotten spoiled persons will end up living on public money.

Oh give me a break! Being a little judgmental??

The last time we took a stroller, DD was 6 and it was a steady 88 degrees for our entire week (October). She rode in our very old, very second-hand (think $3 at a yard sale) umbrella stroller some of the time, but I think she also would have made it without the stroller. We put that old, broken (yup my slender 6yo "did in" the stroller) umbrella stroller in the dumpster at the villa when we left FL. SO... we took a stroller for DD6. She used it some, could probably have gone just as easily without it.

I miss that old stroller. I could hang my backpack on it, lean on it when MY back was tired, let a kid nap in it. Oh well... they all grow up sometime.
I skipped the rest of this thread, as I know how these things go and I'm not really interested in people telling other people what they *must* do.

However, I am happy to share my personal experience. :). We're in the world now with my youngest who is 7. This is her first non-stroller trip. The past three years the only time we pulled out the stroller was for Disney trips.

In the weeeks leading up to the trip, she kept saying she wanted to bring her stroller, and we told her, no, she's a big girl now and she'll walk with us. We've been here 7 days and she's perfectly fine! We have to remember to walk a little slower, and remind her not to wander off. We do, as a rule, take and afternoon break, but yesterday we were at Epcot and Studios from 9am until 9pm and she was fine.

Have a great trip, whatever you decide!
We've been going since 1999 almost every year and I never even put my 3 1/2 year old in a stroller He is 16 now. Same with my daughter who is now 11.
When I was 8, we went down for my 2nd trip. Parents didn't bring a stroller, didn't think I'd need one being 8. Well 2 days into the trip, we get to dinner. I'm tired, saying I want to go to bed. Next thing I remember is waking up with ketchup all over my face. That's right, I fell asleep right there in my chicken nuggets. They decided to get a stroller after that.

So, hey, some kids might not need a stroller, some might. Some will fall asleep in their food. OP, see how he is when you get there. I'd play it by ear, and see how he does.

Maybe that should have been more of a cue for your parents to take a mid-day break so you could rest or even better when you said you were tired taking you back to the room for bed. I can see if you were a small child to keep on trucking and get a stroller but if you are 8 and falling asleep at dinner you need to be in a bed not a stroller.:confused3
And again, I will's not as if you and your kids are walking a steady 8 miles!! There is a ton of non-walking time in there. You are in lines, you are sitting in shows, you are sitting on rides, you are sitting while eating. If the kids get pooped, then you find a shady spot and relax for a bit...or, leave the park for a few hours.
The strange thing, that I have noticed on many, many trips??? It seems, for some reason, that the whiniest kids are the ones in strollers. Now, I'm not sure why that is. Maybe they have a lot of pent up energy and they need to run it off. Or perhaps they've found that whining gets them what they want. Don't know. But, in 30+ trips, that seems to happen more often than the walking kids.

Yes, WDW is expensive. Yes, you are paying a lot of money to be in those parks. But, it is going to work so much better for families if they take a break mid-day. There is a reason this is the number one tip given to people. Either go to a playground area, in the park, or head back to your resort. It is a great idea!!! It's so much better to lose a few hours in the park each day vs a whining unhappy child being forced to stay in the park from 9am-10pm!!!
I read a couple of the middle thread responses. :sad2: Not sure why things get so nasty at times. :confused3 Anyway, the last time we went for 6 days our youngest was 4 and he did very well everyday. We told him if he got tired we could either go back to the resort or even rent a stroller if it were that tough. He didn't complain one bit. Heck, I think it was our 13 year old dd who asked him if he didn't want a stroller so SHE could sit in it one time! lol She was joking of course, but everyone gets tired, kids and adults. I would suggest just pacing yourselves, take frequent 'breaks' and don't try to push too much. Meaning, play it more by ear rather then having a regimented schedule. We always have certain things we want to do while we are at Disney, but if you let the rest just happen I feel we have a much happier family. Heck, we thought The World Showcase in Epcot would be the most boring for the kids, thinking they would complain, but it wasn't, they had just as much fun as we did! We took our time, stopping to sample foods from almost all the worlds, and it was alot of fun! :woohoo:
I'm concerned that with all of the DS8 will get tired.

The single biggest reason my wife and I believe Disney Cruises (or cruises in general) are better vacations for families with kids between five or six and eight, nine/ten.

Unless of course you don't want to do the parks all day or have a big group and can take your child back to the resort or to a movie and your kid doesn't mind.

In my opinion, if my children can't handle the walking, we shouldn't be trying to force more on them and (in our opinion), there are better vacation options that don't require as much walking as our trips to WDW.
First off I would never ask a bunch of strangers, what is best for my child. Some just wait in the shadows so they can get there rude comments on here.
2. If you have a healthy 8 year old you should be fine, my son was 5 and he never once wanted to rest, if anything I did lol.. I think LSU hit it on the head, I didn't see if you mentioned what time of year your going, but you know your 8 year old.. I know my son wouldn't dare get into a stroller though:)
Have fun in what ever you choose
goofy4tink, you are so right about the whiniest kids seeming to be the ones in strollers - we noticed that too :thumbsup2 One reason it could be is they get their way all the time home and elsewhere so NOTHING makes them happy. If a otherwise healthy 8 yr old gets that tired to need to be "carried - :eek:" then he must not be getting much exercise at home. Our kids did not sit in front of tv or play electronic games on end. They had to be called in half the time from outside playing as it was getting late in the day! The OP asked a question like that and thinks maybe all she'll get is 100% fine answers. There sure are a bunch of whiney and lazy kids out there, including the OP's (her words). The rest of us that teach our kids that WE, not them, are the parents suffer the consequences of such actions every day by having to listen to their whiney tantrums at Disney and elsewhere. The pp (don't rem. who now) that mentioned that they brought an old stroller to use for their 6 year old must not see the two yr. difference in 6-8 yrs. - not that I would advocate it for that age either (most wouldn't), but that is a big age difference :goodvibes Can't you just see "carrying" a healthy 8 year old around the parks "because they're whiney and lazy"? :sad2: By the way pp, just saw your post after I posted, no, I don't see why the OP would ask, but what's this about the rude people lurking waiting to answer?? You seem to have put your 2 cents in too, just like everyone else, JMO.
Well it wasn't directed to you but if you have a guilty conscious I understand..
My point was that are a few that like to say there opinion in a rude way, I don't think mine was.. Some people let the amount of post under there name make them think there The Godfather! Lol
Well it wasn't directed to you but if you have a guilty conscious I understand..
My point was that are a few that like to say there opinion in a rude way, I don't think mine was.. Some people let the amount of post under there name make them think there The Godfather! Lol

Pot, meet Kettle.:confused3
goofy4tink, you are so right about the whiniest kids seeming to be the ones in strollers - we noticed that too :thumbsup2 One reason it could be is they get their way all the time home and elsewhere so NOTHING makes them happy. If a otherwise healthy 8 yr old gets that tired to need to be "carried - :eek:" then he must not be getting much exercise at home. Our kids did not sit in front of tv or play electronic games on end. They had to be called in half the time from outside playing as it was getting late in the day! The OP asked a question like that and thinks maybe all she'll get is 100% fine answers. There sure are a bunch of whiney and lazy kids out there, including the OP's (her words). The rest of us that teach our kids that WE, not them, are the parents suffer the consequences of such actions every day by having to listen to their whiney tantrums at Disney and elsewhere. The pp (don't rem. who now) that mentioned that they brought an old stroller to use for their 6 year old must not see the two yr. difference in 6-8 yrs. - not that I would advocate it for that age either (most wouldn't), but that is a big age difference :goodvibes Can't you just see "carrying" a healthy 8 year old around the parks "because they're whiney and lazy"? :sad2: By the way pp, just saw your post after I posted, no, I don't see why the OP would ask, but what's this about the rude people lurking waiting to answer?? You seem to have put your 2 cents in too, just like everyone else, JMO.

I've noticed this too, alot of people use these threads as an opportunity to tell us what great parents they are, and how horrible the parents of kids in strollers are. :lmao: I think the better parents are the ones not judging, regardless of whose kid is in a darn stroller.
My 7 year old is a 3 sport athlete. He's 80 lbs and nearly 4'7 already, nary and ounce of fat on this kid. I plan on getting a double Disney park stroller for a couple of the days during our vay cay, just for him to be able to duck out/crash for a few minutes, next to his brother, if he's had it by the end of the day. Given that we're always at the park at RD and on the go, we normally clock around 5 miles on some of the longer days at the parks- a little less @ HS just because of the scale of the park.

I dare any of you naysayers to shoot me a dirty look when my tall, tired kid is looking for a place to rest for a few minutes.

The holier-than-thou attitude around this place, as to why your kid is somehow superior because they are forced to walk all day, never touch video games, eat all of their vegetables even when not asked, etc, etc, is truly pathetic....

:sad2: What would you do if someone did look at you, like wow, what would your dare be? :confused: Whether you believe it or not, there ARE good parents AND good kids that don't whine when they're tired, especially at Disney. You can push your 7 yr old all you want - that's your choice as his parent.
My 7 year old is a 3 sport athlete. He's 80 lbs and nearly 4'7 already, nary and ounce of fat on this kid. I plan on getting a double Disney park stroller for a couple of the days during our vay cay, just for him to be able to duck out/crash for a few minutes, next to his brother, if he's had it by the end of the day. Given that we're always at the park at RD and on the go, we normally clock around 5 miles on some of the longer days at the parks- a little less @ HS just because of the scale of the park.

I dare any of you naysayers to shoot me a dirty look when my tall, tired kid is looking for a place to rest for a few minutes.

The holier-than-thou attitude around this place, as to why your kid is somehow superior because they are forced to walk all day, never touch video games, eat all of their vegetables even when not asked, etc, etc, is truly pathetic....[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more, we as parents know what our child can and can't's more the whiniest adults then anything!! Lol
:sad2: What would you do if someone did look at you, like wow, what would your dare be? :confused: Whether you believe it or not, there ARE good parents AND good kids that don't whine when they're tired, especially at Disney. You can push your 7 yr old all you want - that's your choice as his parent.

First of all, if someone gives me or my kids a glaring, dirty look because I'm pushing an exhausted kid around, there will be words exchanged, along the lines of "Is there a reason why you're staring?" More likely, I won't be nearly as pleasant if you're going to get involved in my business. You're on your vacation, I'm on mine. Push it any further and I'll follow you around the park for the rest of the day, pointing out everything you do wrong with your family.

I'm really not sure where you are going with the second part of your post. Are you somehow implying that a parent pushing an older, tired kid in a stroller for a few minutes is not a good parent, nor is the child a good child?
:sad2: What would you do if someone did look at you, like wow, what would your dare be? :confused: Whether you believe it or not, there ARE good parents AND good kids that don't whine when they're tired, especially at Disney. You can push your 7 yr old all you want - that's your choice as his parent.


My kid doesn't eat all her vegetables - she only eats broccoli and salad items like cucumber, celery, tomatoes etc but she eats them everyday.

My kid plays video games & *gasp* she watches TV even when she hasn't done her chores.

My kid drinks soda.

My kid sometimes stays up really, really late on a non-school night.

My kid doesn't call me Ma'am - I'm her mother, not her teacher.

All that said, my kid doesn't whine when she walks all day at Disney, my kid knows how to stand in line and not bother others, my kid conducts herself well in restaurants, my kid always says please and thank you and she always asks (even strangers) if someone is ok if they tripped, bumped into something etc.

My point being, just because you don't adhere to other peoples idea of 'parenting' doesn't mean your child isn't well raised.
I dare any of you naysayers to shoot me a dirty look when my tall, tired kid is looking for a place to rest for a few minutes.

So, don't be judgemental (cause that's bad), because you'll threaten someone if they are.

Got it.


Here's a shocker everyone, people have different parrenting styles and this is a public forum, where those come to ask questions, look for information, provide information and offer opinion. If you do not like public opinion, my advice to you is to avoid public forums where not only is it allowed to discuss all aspects of a certain topic, it is basically encouarged.

In the end, we should learn as much from those we disagree with than those we agree with. Those who truly do not care what others think or say never have to type it or say it, so save yourself the key strokes and breath.

I don't want my 8 year old in a stroller, so I will not take them on a vacation that tires most adults and expect them to keep up. The actitivy will have to be cut to suit my 8 year old (including sleep time, walk time, line time, outside time, eat time, etc.). I believe that doesn't present a good vacation value at WDW.
:sad2: What would you do if someone did look at you, like wow, what would your dare be? :confused: Whether you believe it or not, there ARE good parents AND good kids that don't whine when they're tired, especially at Disney. You can push your 7 yr old all you want - that's your choice as his parent.

I would pity the person who chooses to give me or my child dirty looks. Clearly, that person has much larger issues than putting 8 year olds in strollers. I'd probably smile back and say "Bless your heart".
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