I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I don't think we are ever getting our lounge #sadnessinDenver
MDW is the deadzone, I didn't know how bad I had it until I started flying out of Detroit with their lovely Delta lounges all over that little airport.
They did! It was for my dh. They approved my app, after like a week, with a big ol' $1250 CL. I thought that was hilarious. Then my dh, who brings in the bacon, gets $650. Okey-dokie :rotfl2:
That is cray-cray or he may bring home the bacon but you are the better business person :)
that stinks. Where are you having your wedding? I had a dessert party planned December 2nd at the grand Floridian for the happily ever after fireworks but that show isn’t happening that day. DFTW didn’t even tell me about this until I called freaking out on my own. The planning has been a mess.
My wedding is at sea breeze point on the boardwalk. My dessert party is in Epcot but of course no illuminations so we just have the temporary show until the new big one is released. On the bright side
Most of my guests are not Disney people so they won’t know, but I will. Also they let me put $5k of my wedding costs on discounted gift cards if you’re looking for wedding churning strategies late in the game. Did you switch your date to get a dessert party or switch locations?
no, but I definitely need to. Do I need to create different accounts/emails for each of them?
Different logins. You don’t need different emails.

You can use the same email for up to 5 cards I believe but they each need their own login. I currently have two cards waiting to be activated and only one activated
Get more lol

Do you remember how long it takes to receive a Serve card? I applied over a week ago and haven’t received it. Just wondering if I should worry.

I love Bravo. RHBH, RHNJ, RHNYC, both Below Deck, both MDL, and my coworker has me watching 90 day fiancée on TLC. Now that’s whole other levels of crazy.

they take awhile. they say 7-10 days so I wouldn’t worry yet.
My wedding is at sea breeze point on the boardwalk. My dessert party is in Epcot but of course no illuminations so we just have the temporary show until the new big one is released. On the bright side
Most of my guests are not Disney people so they won’t know, but I will. Also they let me put $5k of my wedding costs on discounted gift cards if you’re looking for wedding churning strategies late in the game. Did you switch your date to get a dessert party or switch locations?

I paid $5,000 with Disney gift cards already. I wish they let me do more lol. I love sea breeze point I was between that and the wedding pavilion but we went with the pavilion. I had two dessert parties planned one at Epcot and one at Sago Cay. We just cancelled Sago Cay and we are doing the Christmas party. I really don’t like the new Epcot show but most of my guests are like yours and they won’t know. I think they will think it’s cool.
My DD worked all summer to pay for a Global Health mission trip to Ecuador. She let my other DD pay for it on her new CIP and she paid her back via paypal when it was a Discover category. Win/win for them both. However, this just happened and now one week from leave date the trip was cancelled! She is so sad. They are trying to scramble and put a last minute trip to Belize together. She will find out more today. However, it won't be the same mission type work. They were supposed to work in hospitals in Ecuador and they will not be doing that in Belize. She is pretty bummed about the whole thing. They are trying to get the money refunded, I think if she goes on this other trip it will just transfer over to those expenses. But she wasn't sure if 100% of the costs would be refunded. I am just glad this didn't happen while they were already in the country.
My DD worked all summer to pay for a Global Health mission trip to Ecuador. She let my other DD pay for it on her new CIP and she paid her back via paypal when it was a Discover category. Win/win for them both. However, this just happened and now one week from leave date the trip was cancelled! She is so sad. They are trying to scramble and put a last minute trip to Belize together. She will find out more today. However, it won't be the same mission type work. They were supposed to work in hospitals in Ecuador and they will not be doing that in Belize. She is pretty bummed about the whole thing. They are trying to get the money refunded, I think if she goes on this other trip it will just transfer over to those expenses. But she wasn't sure if 100% of the costs would be refunded. I am just glad this didn't happen while they were already in the country.
Oh no!! I didn’t realize there was a risk her trip would get cancelled. I’m so sorry to hear that it has been. Hoping everything is refunded back and they can get something else planned.
Good luck with Barcray-cray lol! The verification didn't go well for my dh (and I think for @speedyfishy's SO) but I don't even know what to tell you to do differently. Unless your dh is willing to call in but he needs to be prepared for a very thorough call about his business :scared1:
Thanks for the warning! I'm not getting my hopes up yet. I'll send in the info and see what happens. I don't think I'll even ask DH to try and call!
Good conversations about Serve. I don't use this technique now but will open the cards per recommendations so I have them for future use. No cost to open correct and they can sit there unused for an indefinite amount of time? I anticipate next year to be a slower work pace, there is also a push for work / home life balance so I a might actually have time to breath, and spread my horizons with some of the cool and lucrative skills further identified in our reddit.
Correct, no harm in getting them and letting it sit.
I know there are some mint.com users on here. I'm trying it again because my excel spreadsheets are just taking too long to keep up with. I have all of my information updated in mint.com again, but when I really look at it closely, it appears that it is doubling up most of my spending because it shows everything once as an expense when I charge it on my credit card and then when the cc payment comes out of my checking account, it shows it again.

Is there a simple way of dealing with this?
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RAISE Deal = 4% Off; Use code: DISCOVER
You can combine this with the TCB deal of 10% cash back for a rough total savings of 13.6%

FYI: This is not as lucrative as some of the deals in prior weeks. I'm personally giving this one a pass this week.

EDIT: Raise is back to 2% now... Booooooo!!!!! (for people who were interested)
Also - this one's for @PolyRob - All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
Added a Little Edit here UNFORTUNATELY this morning:

EDIT: Raise is back to 2% now... Booooooo!!!!! (for people who were interested)
Also - this one's for @PolyRob - All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
What's the deal with these Amex NLL Support Emails - and what can I do with them?
So people are interested in these Support Emails BECAUSE they previously had the card and so the NLL (No Lifetime Language) aspect means they can now earn a bonus again on the card. The excitement on r/churning and DoC over these is largely from long-time players who have run through all the Amex cards and these present an opportunity to earn a bonus they otherwise would not be eligible for.

Just because you click on the link and enter your login information and see cards does NOT mean you have the offer. If you are eligible it will have the green wording at the top referecing a "PREAPPROVED OFFER" as shown HERE. Again, this will NOT apply to all cards AND even if you have the eligible cards, you may not be targeted to send one of these out. I know users here who were not targeted despite having the cards that seem to carry these offers.

If you have an offer you can email it to somebody but you DO NOT want to email it to yourself to test. You can only send 2 emails and that person will have to use the email address to open the link AND that email address will be HARD CODED on the application. And if that person chooses not to use your link, you cannot retract the email or send it to anybody else so you only want to send it to people who will use it.

This makes these extremely difficult to use with "internet strangers" - they are much more targeted at friends IRL. I would NOT use DoC's thread to attempt to find a match here. There are vultures all over the place there and the odds of somebody getting multiple emails and not using yours are high.

We did setup a thread on r/churning's approved support link sub. Karma requirements won't be enforced there so you could attempt to share there. You could also put a blurb on your DISchurners Amex page indicating what you have available. If somebody is LOOKING for one of these links to use then I'd say maybe just come out and ask on the main thread here on the DIS and see if you can find a partner to help you.

The cards I know of that are included are (and this is a pretty limited list):
  • Personal Plat
  • Hilton Aspire
  • Hilton Surpass
  • Hilton no AF
  • Bonvoy Brilliance
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What's the deal with these Amex NLL Support Emails - and what can I do with them?
So people are interested in these Support Emails BECAUSE they previously had the card and so the NLL (No Lifetime Language) aspect means they can now earn a bonus again on the card. The excitement on r/churning and DoC over these is largely from long-time players who have run through all the Amex cards and these present an opportunity to earn a bonus they otherwise would not be eligible for.

Just because you click on the link and enter your login information and see cards does NOT mean you have the offer. If you are eligible it will have the green wording at the top referecing a "PREAPPROVED OFFER" as shown HERE. Again, this will NOT apply to all cards AND even if you have the eligible cards, you may not be targeted to send one of these out. I know users here who were not targeted despite having the cards that seem to carry these offers.

If you have an offer you can email it to somebody but you DO NOT want to email it to yourself to test. You can only send 2 emails and that person will have to use the email address to open the link AND that email address will be HARD CODED on the application. And if that person chooses not to use your link, you cannot retract the email or send it to anybody else so you only want to send it to people who will use it.

This makes these extremely difficult to use with "internet strangers" - they are much more targeted at friends IRL. I would NOT use DoC's thread to attempt to find a match here. There are vultures all over the place there and the odds of somebody getting multiple emails and not using yours are high.

We did setup a thread on r/churning's approved support link sub. Karma requirements won't be enforced there so you could attempt to share there. You could also put a blurb on your DISchurners Amex page indicating what you have available. If somebody is LOOKING for one of these links to use then I'd say maybe just come out and ask on the main thread here on the DIS and see if you can find a partner to help you.

The cards I know of that are included are (and this is a pretty limited list):
  • Personal Plat
  • Hilton Aspire
  • Hilton Surpass
  • Hilton no AF
  • Bonvoy Brilliance

Reminder to self...always check here before posting on dischurners.
Oof! I'm with ya, girl, and I gotta say, usually my food choices are very different than yours lol. But tuna curry is like the stuff of food nightmares to me. I detest both tuna and curry 🤢
He didn’t make tuna curry. Somehow my post conveyed that without me saying that lol. He made curry with chicken
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