Genie Service

I'm happy with $15 day. I don't expect to be given a DVC discount - don't use it if you don't want to. Disney is a business - they want to be here another 50 years ! Disney has CMs that deserve get paid and if this improves life for all I say go for it, 2020 was a hard year for all.
Even as former CM I will never get over the things people feel they "should be entitled to" at WDW.
It's more like $55 per day. $15 for the second tier attractions, and around (probably) $20 per ride for two super headliners. For a family of 4, for a week, it's $1,540, which gives them something it used to be free. That's not feeling entitled, that's a real change for the worst.
Here’s the thing…will people pay for it $$$ ??? We took our 12 y/o daughter to Six Flags Magic Mountain for July 4th this year. Six Flags has a tiered pricing system. We only bought their medium tier for my daughter and I cuz my wife didn’t wanna’ ride the ridiculous amount of roller coasters they have and it wuz my daughter’s first time there so I wanted her to enjoy and experience it as much as possible. For just my daughter and I, it wuz pricey. A few years ago we went to Orlando during the summer (which is not out norm) and went to USO for a day. Crazy buzy. We ended up paying for 3 of the their lower pass “Fast Passes” which cost us around a xtra $300 for the day, but we still kicked down for it. We live in Cali and have used Max Pass at DLR and liked it…Bottom line…are people and families gonna’ pay for it…Look how Cray Cray I was. It helps that we are only a fam
of 3. Also DLR I think it’s easier to justify the Max Pass with only 2 parks that are a walk across the Esplanade away from each other and that we can only do 3 days max at DLR before we’ve done it all or most of what we want to do and we are really at that point by day 2 at DLR. Would I pay xtra for this Genie + ??? Probably but for certain days and certain parks, maybe. We go to WDW 1st week in Jan. Crowds will probably be lighter than the previous 2 weeks B4 we get there…Will I purchase Genie + ??? Have to discuss it with the wife. We already planned sleeping in and being at the parks more at night anywayz. There’s an OT shift this Sunday morning I was debating about working earlier in the week. I might have to pick up that shift to pay ffor this Genie +??? We’ll see 👀 ??? (I really don’t Need to work OT to pay for xtra WDW stuff, just like to have xtra $$$). Oh, “Pay to use the toilets” 🚽 💩 !!! 😆 Classic !
Not happy with this. We are not all day park visitors. While $15 is doeable on a MK day, I don’t see it happening at any of the other parks, esp if the big rides are not included. Those prices are going to be bad since it’s based on supply and demand (season, attendance). What’s the tipping point on those? $20 a ride per person, maybe $25. So you book 2 a day at fop and 7dmt. Now your up to $55 more per person per day or $65, depending on the price. So for a family of 4 you’re at $220 more per day. I think that’s greed at this point. So how much will the tickets go up?
btw, I think we will certainly see the DAS request increase, along with more abusing this system. There are a lot of us older folks who could legitimately sign up for several issues, but choose not too. most of us either make the standby line work for our ailment or we skip the attraction. But if my husband ever wanted to sign up, I would encourage him to. So far, single rider lines work for him.
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So much to unpack here.
- We used Maxpass in 2017. $10 a day per person/included Photopass,and was a surcharge I was willing to pay for an added layer of convenience. We didn’t have to run all over the park to pull fastpasses and it was only for 2 days. It was an add-on option at a cost- no one lost anything.
-WDW vacations are much longer, on average, than Disneyland. So- cost per vacationer is much higher. This program is taking away a service that was available for free to everyone, and replacing it with a costly alternative and trying to market it as an “opportunity “ for families to plan their vacations. While they of course have the right to do this, it stinks in a very significant way.
- Personally, I liked the old Fastpass system (Maxpass even more) to Fastpass +. While I typically plan my vacations more than 3 months in advance, I did not enjoy being locked into plans and knowing before I arrived that I couldn’t get a FP for a ride because 2 mos ago I wasn’t quick enough on the computer before I even had coffee. I can’t imagine how it felt for late planners or those without a degree in Disney planning. This new Genie plan at least returns to a more level playing field and allows for some flexibility in planning , but they are charging for what was once free.
- We were in the world in April. Like many, we were anxious to get on a vacation after a long, hard year. But, we felt the diminished value and increased costs from prior trips and it left a sour taste. I think maybe Disney puts too much stock in their current crowd levels, assuming it will continue no matter the cost/value ratio. I guess we will find out, But I suspect they are mistaken. For us, we delayed finally purchasing DVC to see what would happen on this front. Between losing Magical Express and now this along with crazy ticket prices, we are a hard pass- at least for now. I suspect we are not alone.
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got a source link for this? That’s about the dumbest thing if true. You’re staying on site? Congrats you can get early access to pay even more money!

i was kinda stoked about it when it was 7am for on-site only for the $15 tier. Saw that as a domino effect for having a leg up on off site folks (ie already got your first pass ready to go so on and off your first ride while they are still looking or having to book later stuff)

It is in the thread on the Rumors board regarding it. It will take me a while to find it as that thread has pages and pages since last night! Lol
For me the only positive of this announcement is there is no longer any reason to stay on site and could save ton of money staying offsite and paying $15 extra per person for the fastpass. The negative is I own 300 points so I’m sorta commited to staying on site lol.
You can sell.
I am trying to withhold judgment to see how this plays out. What I don’t understand is why you wouldn’t just include this in a bundle for either tickets or a package with an on-site stay. Even though the cost increase would still exist it somehow feels more tolerable when it’s tied in with a room/ticket package.

Here is an example we just went through. We went to a restaurant and ordered burgers, they were $15. When the burgers came out there were no fries, no chips, no pickle or anything, just the burger on a plate. When we asked if we could get fries they said it would be an additional $6 dollars, I said how about chips and a pickle. Server so we don’t serve any chips with the burger. We ordered fries. Burgers were good.

Do you know what happened when we went there again? Answer is we didn’t go there again because while the food was decent we felt it was a bit tacky. Just charge me $21 for the complete meal.
This is a major PITA. Having to get up early each day to book passes. Having to figure out how much extra I want to pay each day based on what I might feel like doing that day. We are a family of 5, so between this, and the cancellation of ME, we are potentially adding an extra grand to the cost of each trip for what used to be free. Looks like we might buy UO APs and use BWV as just a home base.

We can afford it, but I don't want to. Between the parties that reduce park hours and everything else that has been taken away I am pretty much done. I was all gung ho to add 200 points at VGF2, but now, no way. I am also seriously thinking about selling. We can stay off site and pop in for a couple of days every few years if necessary, but the beach, Europe, skiing, and some many other places seem much more appealing to me.

For those who continue to go, enjoy your trips. For me, I think it might be time to move along.
Touring plans is alleging Space, Mine Train, Test Track, Slinky, Kilimanjaro, and FoP are the attractions not included in the $15 Genie+ option. These will fall under "individual attraction selections" - available for individual purchase. They also mention RAT and ROTR will have a (higher) available for purchase pass.
This is the part of Lightning Lane that makes me mad. This makes it or breaks it. Its one thing to charge for fast passes but to charge extra for premium rides all while your paying a ton for tickets. I can't see this going over. I can't justify paying $15 a day per person plug an extra $15 for space, $15 for Mine Train or Splash. The Overflowing Greed from Disney is just abundant it makes me sick.
I agree with someone upthread who said that coordinating trips with large groups will be much more difficult now. I'm planning a large group trip in April where people aren't even staying at the same hotel, much less the same rooms. When we've done this in the past, we got together *at home* to map out what we were going to book and could easily get 90% of what we wanted. I'm not even sure how that will work now, or what we'll do if some in the group don't want to pay but others do.


Now that I've slept on it, I think I've figured out what bothers me most. I don't mind paying more. Ticket prices go up every year and the idea of paid FPs had been floating around for a while. What I really don't like is the nickel-and-dime vs. all-inclusive vibe.

DCL has always argued that their prices are higher because they include everything -- soda station, shows, characters, private island, etc. It gives a more exclusive, and relaxing, feel to the cruise. The whole cruise industry is like that, with the higher end lines including everything. That was the same feel in WDW if you stayed on site or with DVC.

Disney, and specifically vacationing through DVC ownership in Disney, has always had that same pricey-but-inclusive vibe. It meant sometimes extensive preplanning for vacations but then relaxed non-commando vacations because everything was done ahead of time. DVCers by definition are people who prefer to preplan vacations and avoid some of the typical stress of vacations. They also travel with extended parties often.

This move to a la carte pricing by Disney is a complete 180 from the inclusive vibe they'd build up over decades and IMO cheapens the product. From a DVC perspective where you go much more frequently and plan more curated trips, an a la carte model with only day-of booking options is the opposite of what many DVCers want.

I really don't get it. It's hard to build up the kind of reputation that Disney had of being 'more than a theme park' and it took decades to build it up. Every step they've taken this year has chipped away at that reputation and made WDW more like most other theme parks (which IMO other theme parks do better, including DL).

WDW is a destination and was structured as such. Now, with it lowering itself to theme park status? I think they are going to find out that a lot of people can get a better and less expensive theme park experience someplace else. I'm not paying what I pay for DVC to get up every morning to try to grab experiences, paying as I go like I would have to on a cheap cruise. I don't want to try to coordinate every morning with friends and family staying onsite. I don't want those kind of hassles for the money I'm paying.

I really don't understand why they would willingly give up their reputation of being more exclusive and providing an elevated experience by adopting a cheaper a la carte pricing model on everything. I'm not upset about the increased cost so much but the feeling like I woke up this morning owning a cheaper product than I did yesterday. Much cheaper.
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I hate this. It's just a money grab. Yes they are a business and yes they need to make money but the value is so gone. Anything is worth anything if you think it is. I am local, own at AKL & Poly and am an AP holder. Now I rethink the value of it all. Is $15 a day worth rethinking my investment? It's not the $15 a day. It's the principle. SMH. I've stopped after hours events cause the prices are just an abomination as well. Take more, give less. *sigh. I'm preaching to the choir here.
This is the part of Lightning Lane that makes me mad. This makes it or breaks it. Its one thing to charge for fast passes but to charge extra for premium rides all while your paying a ton for tickets. I can't see this going over. I can't justify paying $15 a day per person plug an extra $15 for space, $15 for Mine Train or Splash. The Overflowing Greed from Disney is just abundant it makes me sick.

This.... Disney, your rides (especially many second tier rides) are not even that good!
An additional problem with this is that Disney will undoubtedly follow its usual practice after creating a new fee. Within two years, that $15 per person charge will likely become $20 and within six years it will likely be $40, and that increase will be complimented by the annual, and often semi-annual, increases in park-entry ticket prices.

Moreover, if Disney is true to form, you will be spending all that extra money for a computer application that likely will not work properly for at least 5 years.
The real issue to me is that the rides are no longer able to handle the volume of people who go to Disney. The capacity of rides like 'its a small world' (typical example) hasn't changed in the past 20 years and certainly the crowds have increased in that time. When they let too many into the park for the capacity the rides can handle, it creates the problem they are now trying to solve by charging more.
Moreover, if Disney is true to form, you will be spending all that extra money for a computer application that likely will not work properly for at least 5 years.

If ever.... im not sure my disney experience and fastpass plus ever truly worked as intended.
I have so many questions. Is the Genie going to be part of the official DL or WDW app? Or is it a separate app that I'm going to have to access BESIDES the DL app? Or is it just replacing the official DL/WDW app as we know it? We have a stay at our home resort at VGC in October. So far, Disney's announcement is silent as to whether or not guests staying at Disney-owned hotels at Disneyland will also be able to purchase Lightening Lanes an hour earlier than non-guests. In the past, pre-pandemic, Disneyland-owned hotel guests were allowed to enter the parks one hour early, which was huge. For those at WDW hotels, will you be able to go to popular rides (like Frozen) in the 30 min minute window that is accessible for Disney hotel guests? I ask because at DL, we'd go to Radiator Springs Racer first thing in the morning and wouldn't even need a Maxpass/FASTPASS. That early entry was huge, but again, it was 1 hour instead of 30 mins. If that is going to the case, then it would be more worth it for me to stay on property at DL (I don't think a 30 min window makes much of a difference). I'm not happy with the news that was dropped yesterday at all and like all of you, I'm a hardcore Disney fan.
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An additional problem with this is that Disney will undoubtedly follow its usual practice after creating a new fee. Within two years, that $15 per person charge will likely become $20 and within six years it will likely be $40, and that increase will be complimented by the annual, and often semi-annual, increases in park-entry ticket prices.

Moreover, if Disney is true to form, you will be spending all that extra money for a computer application that likely will not work properly for at least 5 years.

This was the first thing that came to my mind. And I think 5 years is optimistic.
The real issue to me is that the rides are no longer able to handle the volume of people who go to Disney. The capacity of rides like 'its a small world' (typical example) hasn't changed in the past 20 years and certainly the crowds have increased in that time. When they let too many into the park for the capacity the rides can handle, it creates the problem they are now trying to solve by charging more.

Disney can’t really change the capacity a ride can handle. What they do is expand the park and add new attractions and to some extent, just let everyone wait longer. When Tron opens in 2024, some of those people in IASW will go wait in that virtual line, from IASW…oh. Can I interest you in a Mickey pretzel? Salted is an extra dollar.
btw, I think we will certainly see the DAS request increase, along with more abusing this system. There are a lot of us older folks who could legitimately sign up for several issues, but choose not too. most of us either make the standby line work for our ailment or we skip the attraction. But if my husband ever wanted to sign up, I would encourage him to. So far, single rider lines work for him.

No worries, Disney has you covered. Coming soon. Have a disability? We can accommodate you! For the discounted daily price of $14.99/day you can be covered. DAS Genie!

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