A Trip to the World Changed Our World

I wonder why POFQ was not in the running for our trip...I think I will need to do some FDM and see what that price comes out to be. I wonder if it is because of the PIN code...hmmmm.
I wonder why POFQ was not in the running for our trip...I think I will need to do some FDM and see what that price comes out to be. I wonder if it is because of the PIN code...hmmmm.

I think it is because two of the gals already live POR/FQ!
9/26 - Day 2 Part 1

We all woke as planned. This was ever so exciting because it made me think we might be on track for sticking to our itinerary.

As soon as Kira and Amanda were ready, they went to Sassagoula Floatworks to get beignets. They brought them back to the room so we could eat them before heading to the bus. Lets just say, this was quite the messy endeavor. Mousekeeping certainly earned their tip that day!


I LOVE these and this was a factor for me in wanting to stay at POFQ. I would have thought we would have ate these every day, but sadly we did not.

Our itinerary had us catching rd, but one thing always leads to another it seems and we arrived JUST as the ceremony was happening. We could see it as we walked up, but it just wasn't quite the same.

We did not find ourselves too off schedule as were able to hightail it to the new fantasyland to ride dumbo first thing. More of an experiment, but also because Kira was wanting to "go fast" since she was a bit disappointed that we missed the rd ceremony - we split into 2 and 2. Kira and Amanda made their route through the castle. I know they were all but running. Zoe and I meanwhile turned right to head through tomorrowland. We taking a leisurely pace, were able to make it to Dumbo ahead of Kira and Amanda. So just a tip to throw out there. If you want to make it to that part of fantasyland quickly, it is better to route yourself through tomorrowland. (IMHO)

In fact, it seems like we were so quick miss most of the crowds.

I love how bright and new the ride is!

All together again, the girls were all smiles.

The new splash area is super cute, but we didn't stop to play. I couldn't have Zoe getting wet.

Admittedly, my memory is fading and I am using photos to "jog" it. So I assume we then rode the Tea Cups. While waiting in line, we noticed that a bit of a celebrity was riding along with two lucky little girls.

The girls all rode together while I rode in a separate cup. This was so that I could takepics while they spun to their hearts desire.



After the tea cups we rode on Winnie the Pooh.


As we headed back into the older part of fantasyland, I took a picture of these. Aren't they neat?

Even got a picture of the construction

We then had time to ride IASW and maybe watch Mickey's philharmagic. (I say maybe because I have no pictures but I think we took the time then to ride.)



It was then getting close to the time to check in for Zoe's BBB appointment in the castle. We had just enough time for a quick ride on the carousel. Kira and Amanda wanted to ride space mountain and not the carousel. It was right then that I realized I had left the voucher for the pp+ back at the room. This meant that Kira and Amanda would not be able to add the ride photo to the card at the time they rode. I didn't worry so much though because all the rumors had said all one had to do was take down the number and go to any photo location to add. I did know that I needed to get it before we had lunch so the girls and I discussed plans and then they went off to SM

Zoe on the carousel.

Off the carousel, Zoe tried her hand at removing the sword from the stone.

Next up: 9/26 - Day 2 Part 2
9/26 - Day 2 Part 2

FINALLY, it was time to check in. We went into the boutique to check in. (along with a gazillion other people :rolleyes:)

So we waited.

And waited....

And waited...

I believe that Kira and Amanda were able to ride SM a couple times and even grabbed a snack before heading back to the castle to find we were still waiting.

I swear that they forgot about us. We had checked in long before group and group after us had and yet we were the last ones sitting and waiting. In fact, everyone would get their FGMIT and Zoe would be left. New groups would come and they would all be escorted back. Yeah..pretty sure they forgot about us. ::yes::

Kira went up to check and just about the time she did, out came Zoe's FGIT.

Now, I don't want to say anything mean about her. She was very kind to Zoe and very nice in general. However, she was not very good. She struggled with hairpiece after hairpiece. (throwing out several since she managed to tangle them so) She took forever. In the end, she placed the hairpiece on slightly crooked and Zoe's hair looked "several days old" not "just done". Before she was done with Zoe, someone who looked to be a supervisor came up to her to say they would be having a talk once she was done with Zoe. :sad2: Still she was very nice and did her best to make it a special experience for Zoe. I think we had a better experience in DTD and it makes me sad that this was the last one Zoe had. (she doesn't want to do it again because she is getting too "old"). I did like the decor better in the castle though.

Here are pictures of the event.












After we were done, we went over to the photo session. We did not pay for the hard copy pictures, but we did want the photos done and added to the pp card. (which at this point was just a regular one that we were adding to)

The line for that also was long and we waited.

And waited...

And waited...

Kira and Amanda did a little shopping while were waited. This is where Amanda got her cute Minnie ears that she will wear on much of the trip.

Photo session pictures






Finally done, we decided I would head back to the room and send all the girls on their way.

Next Up: 9/26 - Day 2 Part 3
Sounds like you had a very full morning that day! I had to :lmao: when you said that you made it to Dumbo first. Going counter clockwise is the way to go! ;)

Now, even though the end result of your visit to BBB looks so cute, I would have been pretty angry if everyone else is seated before me. You are a very patient person, Ann. :goodvibes
But the photos turned out really cute. You have a very sweet princess on your hands there. :thumbsup2
I still think Zoe's hair looks great...she is such a little princess! I love seeing her all BBBed!
I don't know how I got behind. :confused3

:woohoo::woohoo: for arrival day and getting into your room.

You got a lot done your first morning at MK (isn't the new Dumbo area awesome?; I love it).

Sorry Zoe's experience at BBB wasn't very good, but she looks absolutely lovely.

Merry Christmas.

wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Your room location at POFQ sounds great!

Good tip about going to the Dumbo area via Tomorrowland! :thumbsup2

Too bad that Zoe's BBB experience was a bit less than magical. Her pictures look beautiful though! :goodvibes
I have felt in the past like I had been forgotten by a castmember at Disney. How annoying it happened to you and poor Zoe! Her pictures are pretty, though.
So sorry I missed two updates. Really? What is wrong with me? :laughing:

First - Merry belated Christmas to you and your family.

Second - Zoe looks absolutely STUNNING in those pictures. Even though her (FGIT?) was not very adept and took forever, I can not tell her hair piece is crocked at all and she looks so lovely. And her dress is so pretty. What wonderful pictures to cherish forever. So sorry the wait was horrendous.

I think you are and I on the same wavelength - I had the exact same meal at WPE. And I started my first full day in the world at Dumbo this October (spoiler alert :rotfl:)

I love your room at POFQ. So glad the location was awesome. I am not a big fan of ground floor rooms either, but sometimes they can be convenient. I also love the corner rooms with the extra window.
Crowd levels looked nice and low for you, which is always nice! I'm sorry that your BBB experience wasn't perfect - that is a lot of time wasted. Zoe really looks cute though, and you got some great shots of her.
Sounds like you had a very full morning that day! I had to :lmao: when you said that you made it to Dumbo first. Going counter clockwise is the way to go! ;)

I know I struggle at times to break routine... and Kira struggles even more (I think) So she really just HAD to go through the castle since that is how we have always done our morning at MK or DL. I think had we wanted to make it to maybe IASM or Mickey's Philharmagic then it would have been a better route, but you are right - going counter clockwise to get to dumbo is the way to go!!!

Now, even though the end result of your visit to BBB looks so cute, I would have been pretty angry if everyone else is seated before me. You are a very patient person, Ann. :goodvibes
But the photos turned out really cute. You have a very sweet princess on your hands there. :thumbsup2

Thank you, I think she looks cute no matter what. :goodvibes Waiting though, really wasn't a huge deal. Zoe was able to spend that extra time really looking over the options card. So I didn't need to have patience... it was all good. :thumbsup2

I still think Zoe's hair looks great...she is such a little princess! I love seeing her all BBBed!

I am glad we did this again. She doesn't want to do it next trip so.:rolleyes:

I don't know how I got behind. :confused3

It is easy to do. I find I am always playing catch up on the threads I am subscribed to...even the ones like mine that move kiiiiiinda sloooow. ;)

woohoo::woohoo: for arrival day and getting into your room.

Isn't arrival day the best?!!!!

got a lot done your first morning at MK (isn't the new Dumbo area awesome?; I love it).

I do like the new area...just so fresh and bright!!!

Zoe's experience at BBB wasn't very good, but she looks absolutely lovely.

Thank you. It wasn't all that bad. I just know it could have been better.



wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


Ann, wishing you all a very magical Christmas!

Thank you all! I hope everyone had a very merry and blessed Christmas!

Your room location at POFQ sounds great!
It was! Actually, I think we always tend to get locations that I am seriously happy about. I always worry, but in the end it is always PERFECT

tip about going to the Dumbo area via Tomorrowland! :thumbsup2

It really seemed to be a quicker route.

Too bad that Zoe's BBB experience was a bit less than magical. Her pictures look beautiful though! :goodvibes

I wouldnt say it wasn't magical. Her FGIT was super nice and tried her best to make things wonderful. I think she just was a bit behind in her training.

I'm in. Long first day. Can't wait to hear why things went "wrong"


It was a long first day, but it is so worth it just to be in WDW. And... it isn't that things went wrong. It was actually a wonderful trip. It just changed how we thought of things and in the end has impacted us in some ways more than other trips have.

I have felt in the past like I had been forgotten by a castmember at Disney. How annoying it happened to you and poor Zoe! Her pictures are pretty, though.
Zoe was fine. She tends to go with the flow most of the time. I am not sure if we were forgotten or if others were just showing up later for their reservations than we did. In other words, maybe their reservations were actually ahead of ours, but we checked in before them. :rolleyes:


So sorry I missed two updates. Really? What is wrong with me? :laughing:

I know, right? How does anyone get behind and miss updates? ;)

- Merry belated Christmas to you and your family.

Second - Zoe looks absolutely STUNNING in those pictures. Even though her (FGIT?) was not very adept and took forever, I can not tell her hair piece is crocked at all and she looks so lovely. And her dress is so pretty. What wonderful pictures to cherish forever. So sorry the wait was horrendous.
FGIT is a Fairy Godmother In Training (I think you were wondering, right?) The dress is a Ruphunzel wedding dress. I think it is one of my favorites. The pictures are something to cherish for sure!

I think you are and I on the same wavelength - I had the exact same meal at WPE. And I started my first full day in the world at Dumbo this October (spoiler alert :rotfl:)

Great minds think alike! :goodvibes

love your room at POFQ. So glad the location was awesome. I am not a big fan of ground floor rooms either, but sometimes they can be convenient. I also love the corner rooms with the extra window.

It was so convenient. I would have thought that it would be a pain to have our room right there, but it wasn't. Now... that may have been a different story had there been loud people wandering about at all hours, but it was perfect when we were there.

Crowd levels looked nice and low for you, which is always nice!
Crowds are always lower in the morning. Later in the day, I am sure they were worse. Overall though, you are right they were not bad. Especially compared to last December in WDW or July 4th weekend in DLR. I think I needed lower crowds after those trips. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry that your BBB experience wasn't perfect - that is a lot of time wasted. Zoe really looks cute though, and you got some great shots of her.

Wasn't too bad with the time... it was in fact what I had planned on, so we didn't miss out on anything. :goodvibes
Finally joining in! Thanks for giving me the heads up about your TR! :thumbsup2

I'm glad y'alls travel day went well. And WGPE = yum!

Looks like it was a good start to the day in MK! I love the new Dumbo! Well, I love that whole area!

I'm sorry Zoe didn't have the best FGMIT. :sad2: But, she does look very pretty! And the pictures are great!
Finally joining in! Thanks for giving me the heads up about your TR! :thumbsup2
:cool1: Glad you are here!

glad y'alls travel day went well.

Travel days are always long, but in someways that is good because it really makes the excitement build!

And WGPE = yum!

I love WGPE. I need to try some other things there though...but everything I have tried has been yummy.

like it was a good start to the day in MK! I love the new Dumbo! Well, I love that whole area!

It was a great start. We stuck to my itinerary and we were all happy. And what is not to love about the new area! It is so fun!!!

I'm sorry Zoe didn't have the best FGMIT. :sad2: But, she does look very pretty! And the pictures are great!

Thanks. It wasn't the end of the world...just a little off.

A little late, .........


Well, life has been busy the last few days and I forgot that it was NYE yesterday until about midday....so your late is right on time for me. ;)


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