Upgrading your 1-park pass to a 2-park pass...FYI


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999
We upgraded our annual passes to 2-park passes this weekend. I thought they would pro-rate our passes, and that we would only pay the difference in the cost from now until the end of our current annual pass renewal date. Instead, I was a bit surprised to learn that they do not do it this way. When you upgrade your AP now, you are essentially buying a new AP that is good for a year from the date you do the upgrade. They give you a usage credit for the time remaining on your current AP. We ended up paying much more for the upgrade than we had anticipated, really blew our budget this month. Just so you know!

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Teri, we did the same thing on our way out of Disneyland on Sunday. :) After upgrading, Sam and I headed over to DCA for a bit, and boy was that place NOT crowded. Kind of nice for us, not so nice for Disney. I agree about the sticker shock, but at least we have the two-park APs for the next year. :)

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Oh, I don't mind knowing that I am now invested for another year of park hopping in Anaheim. :D :D DCA is a fun park for my kids, a very nice complement to Disneyland. Just that little upgrade surprise that got me! DCA was not very crowded on Saturday when we were there, compared to Disneyland. I am sure things will even out soon, as more people learn to love both parks and have the opportunity to hop at will.

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"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."


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