Something About Nothing ... #12

Yep, RPR really is our home away from home too.........If I had a house there I`d need to make beds and all the way....well, for now......

It`s funny not everyone is happy for us to have these trips booked though........some of the comments about "again", or same place again.......the best one is we have more money than sense, well it`s our money ::yes::.......gotta love when folks say that!! Shows what they really think doesn't it........stuff em!!!

I used to get that a lot from my sister.. Disney again?? Another Theme Park trip? Now she realizes that it makes me happy and doesn't give me flack. Mostly, I get 'how can you relax in a theme park?' Well, I'm the type of person that can not just lie around on a beach and sweat. I need to be doing something, relaxing for me is riding coasters.. Adrenaline makes me happy :) I'm bored enough at work. Plus, I REALLY like my alone time away from everything I am around constantly.

Schumi, I don't know if people are not happy for you or just jealous that you can do all these trips. I know I have friends/coworkers who are envious of my vacations. I've even met people AT Disney who are envious of my solo trips. (Mainly because they're with family and can't get away! :D)

This year, I'll actually get two vacations because I didn't have one last year..
The only question I always ask Schumi and her main squeeze is not when are you coming back to the darkside side but,

are you going to do another Jack Daniel or Crown Royal with me?

Sometimes I ask if they wil repeat Knobb Creek instead
Chuckers, all of my long stay trips are solo
My short trips include one of my kids especially if I’m paying for most of it
(One week trips are my max to cover for them)

I have some people say to me, “you are going again, thought you just came back a few months ago”

Gets tiring and I pay them no mind

I can’t imagine not doing my trips
It’s my break from real every day life

I usually say on this thread dates of my next trip and homies here let me know their plans overlap mine and we set up time together in the parks

Have met all these wonderful homies and developed friendships with these
“People in the Box”

That’s what Mr Mac calls

I really enjoy doing park time, rides, mini golf, restaurants and just hang out with the homies here

If our park dates ever match up, pencil me in your calendar so we can do some rides or food time together
@macraven I wanted to do Mini Golf! It was either too cold, too rainy, or I was too tired. I'll have to hit that next time. I did to the Animal Actors show, it was cute, but it really bombs when they get a 'bad' kid on stage to help them.. which happened with both kids in the show. The girl was scared of everything and the boy was a mute that couldn't even hold out his hands. The trainer tried really hard to cover for it. I felt sorry for her.

I also did Kong 4 times and got 4 different drivers.. I only missed the girl who thought she was a descendant of the tribe there.
Morning Sans family :wave2:

Good to see you back Tink sending hugs and sunshine you’re way :sunny::hug:

Welcome back Mac

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:rotfl: Yep, I get teased a bit by family for going to Universal too, but it’s my happy place for sure. I always tell people, “ go have fun and enjoy life”, “do what makes you happy”. The nice part of retirement is you can travel as much as you want, whenever you want. That’s something to celebrate for sure, and travel on :car:

Oh we absolutely will........I ignore them all.........ironically it’s not family........some folks that seem to live their life on Facebook seem to think it’s ok to comment on mine.......

Someone commented what we spend on one night in RPR, they get a week’s accommodation for that........:confused3 who cares??? I genuinely have no interest in how others spend their money and certainly would never comment on whether I thought they were cheap or not :D so I won’

Teasing is fun though........nastiness isn’t........

Thanks Robo........I agree, do what makes us happy........
Too. Much. Crazy. Weather!!! :crazy2:
Houston is NOT equipped to deal with this! Snow, Sleet, Ice...The roads are skating rinks-with 8000 lb skaters! Time to hit the hard stuff...I need a Diet Coke. :drinking:
I used to get that a lot from my sister.. Disney again?? Another Theme Park trip? Now she realizes that it makes me happy and doesn't give me flack. Mostly, I get 'how can you relax in a theme park?' Well, I'm the type of person that can not just lie around on a beach and sweat. I need to be doing something, relaxing for me is riding coasters.. Adrenaline makes me happy :) I'm bored enough at work. Plus, I REALLY like my alone time away from everything I am around constantly.

Schumi, I don't know if people are not happy for you or just jealous that you can do all these trips. I know I have friends/coworkers who are envious of my vacations. I've even met people AT Disney who are envious of my solo trips. (Mainly because they're with family and can't get away! :D)

This year, I'll actually get two vacations because I didn't have one last year..

Glad you’re getting two trips this year! Makes up for your disappointment last year........

I have no idea what makes folks tick Chuckers........I find it funny when folks show their true colours.......they always do eventually........and it’s even funnier when they think I don’t know, but someone sends me a screenshot of never understood envy.

Unless you have a private jet :D.....that I would like!!!!

The only question I always ask Schumi and her main squeeze is not when are you coming back to the darkside side but,

are you going to do another Jack Daniel or Crown Royal with me?

Sometimes I ask if they wil repeat Knobb Creek instead

I remember those large JD’s..........::yes:: I still haven’t tried Crown Royal...........maybe this year.........:thumbsup2

Chuckers, all of my long stay trips are solo
My short trips include one of my kids especially if I’m paying for most of it
(One week trips are my max to cover for them)

I have some people say to me, “you are going again, thought you just came back a few months ago”

Gets tiring and I pay them no mind

I can’t imagine not doing my trips
It’s my break from real every day life

I usually say on this thread dates of my next trip and homies here let me know their plans overlap mine and we set up time together in the parks

Have met all these wonderful homies and developed friendships with these
“People in the Box”

That’s what Mr Mac calls

I really enjoy doing park time, rides, mini golf, restaurants and just hang out with the homies here

If our park dates ever match up, pencil me in your calendar so we can do some rides or food time together

I agree Mac.........

We have met so many lovely people who have became genuine friends..........sometimes being friends “in the box” doesn’t always translate to real life, but for us it truly has.......even people who just stop to hello, we have always said we’d be so happy to spend more time with them as they have all been so nice.

We have been very lucky as I know you have too........

Actually talking of friends.........Where’s Keisha????

Decorators called, they are definitely coming back tomorrow.......I’ll get those two rooms back tomorrow night......then new flooring down both rooms next week, and suite for sitting room delivered just after........Dining room is fine, we just replaced all the furniture in there last seeing it all come together.....:)
e are watching travel videos on the new TV. So far I have decided that I need to go to England, Ireland, Las Vegas, and back to Alaska
:rotfl: Yes they are dangerous! I do that with cooking shows-can get expensive at times!
the best one is we have more money than sense, well it`s our money
Wow that’s rude! I’m guessing it was on social media and not to your face. We’ve also gotten some comments on our trips this past year to Disney. I don’t care, we enjoyed our times there. A lot of it is just sour grapes from people who don’t care to go there or can’t see how to plan financially for it. Yet these same people buy new cars every year, or move to bigger houses every few years. We take trips and drive our cars lot longer. :confused3 Like you said/ it’s your money and you get to choose what to do with it! Besides I love your trip reports:D!
Aside from the hoodie, I also look for three souvenirs when I travel... Mugs, Pins, and Magnets. A
Ooh I collect mugs and pins too. And apparently glow cubes of different things (besides the cubes I have a derby hat, seed pods from Pandora, lotus blossom, millennial falcons, Death Stars, and x wing fighters).

Very cold here. Didn’t make it out to coop early enough and the lone egg was frozen solid. Ladies enjoyed the warm oatmeal/scratch grain breakfast though.

Probably going to be fish tonight and not tacos. It’s panfried with prosciutto and a white wine/caper/butter sauce. Sounds fancy but really simple to make.

Stay warm/dry/safe!
:rotfl: Yes they are dangerous! I do that with cooking shows-can get expensive at times!

Wow that’s rude! I’m guessing it was on social media and not to your face. We’ve also gotten some comments on our trips this past year to Disney. I don’t care, we enjoyed our times there. A lot of it is just sour grapes from people who don’t care to go there or can’t see how to plan financially for it. Yet these same people buy new cars every year, or move to bigger houses every few years. We take trips and drive our cars lot longer. :confused3 Like you said/ it’s your money and you get to choose what to do with it! Besides I love your trip reports:D!

Ooh I collect mugs and pins too. And apparently glow cubes of different things (besides the cubes I have a derby hat, seed pods from Pandora, lotus blossom, millennial falcons, Death Stars, and x wing fighters).

Very cold here. Didn’t make it out to coop early enough and the lone egg was frozen solid. Ladies enjoyed the warm oatmeal/scratch grain breakfast though.

Probably going to be fish tonight and not tacos. It’s panfried with prosciutto and a white wine/caper/butter sauce. Sounds fancy but really simple to make.

Stay warm/dry/safe!

Your fish sounds delicious! I adore things, anything wrapped in prosciutto.......and your sauce is one of my favourite sauces.......I’m a sucker for spicy usually, but love that one!

Yes it was on social media......which strangely I don’t have.....I don’t have Facebook and never have......but friends do and they have seen a few comments.........funnily enough one of the comments was about our car once.....we change our cars every 2/3 years.....always have, it’s Tom’s luxury to himself........Kyle is the same now......but even so......why people feel the need I’ll never understand.......and certainly won’t apologise for being able to do do right enjoying your trips too, you’ve had some lovely ones I know, and ignoring the sour grapes.........these people never seem to have the courage to say it openly.........seems folks like to play the victim.......poor me all the time......

Enjoy that dinner!! :D

I'm thinking the St. Pete area.. it's close enough to go to Disney/Universal but not be in the Orlando bubble.

Not sure I said yesterday, but it was Dunedin we looked at buying’s a gorgeous little town just a little further up from Clearwater.........and has a strong Scottish connection........although we love Orlando, we wouldn’t live there.........couple of hours away will be good enough........

I thought I knew all weird al yankovic songs........but I had the radio on in the kitchen this evening when Kyle came in and it was Tiffany singing I think we’re alone now......big one hit wonder in the 80’s for those too young to remember......anyway, I was telling Kyle about the song and he said he knew it from Weird Al’s version........I think I’m a clone now.......

Watched it in YouTube earlier.......if you’ve never seen it before, have a’s funny........and I’m still amazed I didn’t know it.........
I was forced to come home. Flight delayed on Sunday, made it eventually to see my Steelers crash & burn. Still stings sigh.

Lovely trip, weather turned a bit cool. Wish i had gone with the half wetsuit vs the vest at discovery cove but those are truly a witch to squeeze into lol. The DVC freebie night @ MK was great, appreciated the complimentary tix for SW. Shocked i had to fork over $2 for DS to ride it move IMO. Ohana was great, didn't know they did earlier settings these days. Tried the Garden Grill seafood buffet for first time. DS did me proud filling up that crab carcass bucket. Considering they tossed in half a stuffed (small) lobster tail & had prime rib $30 pp was a deal.

Will try to post a few pics once i gather my wits. Had to run out and purchase a washing machine today arrrgh. Won't be delivered until next Friday. Can you say commando?:rolleyes1

Jr tells me his office is a ghost town, originally thought 'steeler's flu' but said the same today. They are calling it stomach flu. Not sure if that means the bug has finally invaded the 'burg. Eek.

Friday treat.........:D


Foreigner is the only concert I`d want to see.......never heard of half of them!!! I must be so old......or very out of date.........

Whined about missing beach boys until my better half reminded me they are down to 1 of the original line up. Made me feel better lol

It’s been very quiet here for the past couple of days. I hope that means people are out having fun and are too busy to post.
I spent parts of yesterday and today cleaning the upper level of my house. Now it’s time to tackle downstairs. The worst part is our spare bedroom. It has become an office/guest room/storage room and it is a mess.

Oh my gosh, we just heard a commotion on our deck and looked out to find our neighbor’s 3 year old son. DH asked him if his mom and dad knew where he was and he said no. Dh was just about to go next door when the father came over and apologized and got the kid. I suspect dad was already outside and the child just slipped away when he wasn’t looking.

Time to take care of the room of doom.

Room of doom has quite the ring to it
Well, another trip

DH gave me that smile and said........well, are you booking for December today or need to ask me twice.......:D He really is the best........

So, end of November into December for 10 nights.........RPR as always........

The flights booked quick as a flash.........I know everyone says you shouldn’t book as soon as they come out as prices come down......but, we like to know we’re sorted......flying Virgin Atlantic again, and cannot wait to get back for the festive season again..........

Another countdown..........:-)

Congrats to you! & a very happy birthday to Kyle!!!

Will he be coming along on this trip too? Know it's hard to pin the newly adult kids down lol

Chuckers, all of my long stay trips are solo
My short trips include one of my kids especially if I’m paying for most of it
(One week trips are my max to cover for them)

I have some people say to me, “you are going again, thought you just came back a few months ago”

Gets tiring and I pay them no mind

I can’t imagine not doing my trips
It’s my break from real every day life

I usually say on this thread dates of my next trip and homies here let me know their plans overlap mine and we set up time together in the parks

Have met all these wonderful homies and developed friendships with these
“People in the Box”

That’s what Mr Mac calls

I really enjoy doing park time, rides, mini golf, restaurants and just hang out with the homies here

If our park dates ever match up, pencil me in your calendar so we can do some rides or food time together

Nobody, even mr mac, puts keishashadow in the box.:laughing: Or was the quote baby in the corner?:crazy:
Hello, hello. I’m here waiting for the snow to start. Actually I am with B at a music lesson, so I have about an hour to kill.

Schumi - I agree with what some of the others have said, people are just jealous. If I had the money I would travel a lot more. There are so many places I would like to visit. We also have a time restriction though. With a child in school and an adult teaching school there just isn’t a lot of time we can get away. I don’t like doing summer vacations because of the heat. Actually, I would be happy to do another summer vacation if we could go back to Alaska.

Tink - Good to see you again.

Lynne - This last vacation was the first time I’ve stayed at a Universal resort. I really liked RPR, but am willing to give Hard Rock a try. We don’t spend much time at the hotel anyway.

Chuckers - Love the buildables. They look really cool. My souvenirs usually take the form of tee shirts or jackets. A few years ago I bought a fuzzy lined Disney hoodie that I felt I spent way too much on. I wear it all the time when the weather gets cool but not yet cold enough for a winter coat. That flume picture is great. You look like you are having an awesome time.

Monykalyn - Fortunately I can pass on the cooking videos. I hate to cook, but I like to eat. I can make some pretty good desserts though.

I’ve never heard that Weird Al/Tiffany song. If going to look it up now
Hey Buckeev! I would send ya warmth, but we have had the same as you. Difference is, we are more prepared up North. Potholes are us though, so much road salt has been used. When we were in NC, a little water on the road and no one knew how to drive.

We are hunkering down for the overnight snow to arrive. No sleet and freezing rain we got the other day.

Ha, kids already ate their dinner and none left for me. Sigh, I will get the pan out and think of something to cook. Still below freezing right now.

Hey Keisha! Time to plan another trip! Welcome home.
I’ll have to look up Weird Al later. There is a student down the hall playing the clarinet (I think). He sounds like a beginner. Oh, my ears.
I’m dying here. I just got a scam call from one of those bots that is supposed to sound human. I could possibly qualify for an Orlando vacation and Bahamas cruise. It started asking me the qualifying questions such as income level and do I possess a credit card. I answered every question with the word “timeshare” using different inflections each time. Surprisingly, I qualified. I hung up when it said it would transfer me to the booking agent. I was laughing so hard I’m sure the other people here thought I was nuts.


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