Something About Nothing ... #12

Freezing here again-and snow. DS had a friend stay over last night and they went sledding today (only a couple inches today but they were determined). Friend is staying tonight too. They are best buds and frankly, it is easier when he has a friend over. No school tomorrow for MLK day, and glad too as we are supposed to get more snow tonight.
Checked the feather babies a couple times today-offered to let them out but no takers. Just lots of clucking to close the door. Dog OTOH, loves the snow.

Happy Birthday to Kyle!!For some reason I thought he was older! Maybe because he seems so accomplished with advanced degrees??

Never too many books. Reminds me I want to re-read Wrinkle in Time again. We've only got 3 or 4 copies around here...
And watch out for books on Kindle-far too easy to get into a series and just hit "buy now" for the next book...
and that reminds me I need to put my Amazon gift card on my account as there are a couple new books by my favorite authors.

Incredible ending! But it only took 3 quarters for Saints to wake up...

Trying to get my head around what passes to get for Universal as DH and kids have said, again, that they want to go in June...

Kyle was 18 when he started his first year at University and graduated July 2016........he did his Masters degree in 4 years instead of 5 as he didn’t take a year out the way some do.

Sledding sounds like fun!

I tried a Kindle for about a week........just not for me.......I much prefer real books. But, most suggested I try a Kindle and most said I’d love it.......I didn’t.

I’m using one eye to read with presently and saw a new thread in a trip report forum that Needs to be redirected

Appears to be posted in wrong board so I relocated it to Uo forums

Reread it now in the main uo forum
And should be moving it to the Southern California forums

Gee whiz..... first day back on the job and gotta relocate it again

Was planning to come back here on Wednesday as I am to be sent home then

Nice to see you back........I didn’t mention threads in emails to you as wanted you to be not thinking of knew you’d be back soon..........

Up a bit later this morning.......DS is going into the office later as he’s there till 7, bit of a sleep in....but you know when you’re awake and just want a cup of tea.......that’s why I got up......DH is still sound asleep........will take him up a cup in a bit.........

Looks another dull grey day today........have appointment later with Physio (chiropractor) some shopping this morning and that’s about it for today.......

January is a bit of a dull month, not much going on..........

But, have a great Monday..........
Happy Sad Monday all!

It's Sad Monday because I am back at work :( I had a great time and will probably do something like it again. Learned a lot and experienced much. I'm glad I did the week I chose because at the end of the week, the BTGs started coming in and making a mess of everything. I thought they only hit the parks in July/August, but I was wrong.

The hotel was beautiful, but in the end, it's just not my style. I haven't decided if I am going to do a trip report or not. If so, it would be an abridged report because I can't remember everything I did every day :)

I hope all are well, there's too much for me to catch up on in this thread :)

Hugs All!
Yep, January is a popular time for South American Tour Groups too Chuckers......

Shame you didn't like RPR though........we`re the opposite.......Love it!!!! Real home from home for us.......but heyho......we can`t all be the same.......

Sun is finally shining.....not warm though, but not overly cold.....quite a nice day. Went out shopping, got new shoes.....I hate shoe shopping but it was fairly easy today, first pair I tried on!

Physio a bit later....then quick and easy but healthy chicken curry for dinner........

Booked the Radisson Blu for our overnight in December this one more thing booked for December....will deal with car rental later, no rush for that.........

Enjoy Monday everyone........
Got up to make coffe and maybe crawl back in bed with a book. Let the dog out and now he won't come in! He loves the snow. Will have a good dusting on him by time he finally returns. And I think the dog towels got put in middle kids bathroom (maybe she won't hear me-she sleeps with earplugs)

Nice to hear you will be back soon Mac!
@schumigirl It's not that I didn't like RPR, I think it's a beautiful hotel and I was treated very well. I would definitely recommend it to others. When I do another extended stay at Universal, I'll probably choose it because it's the least expensive with Unlimited Quick Queue. I will say that I loved the bed, but hated the pillows!!!

I also miss fitted sheets on hotel beds. All hotels seem to be moving to a flat sheet on top of the mattress/mattress cover. I toss and turn so much that I always end up with that sheet bunched under my back. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't tuck the top sheets in with the sheet covering the mattress. When I go to pull the top sheets, I end up pulling out the mattress covering sheet as well.. and *I* have to remake the bed.
Holiday Monday for us. Yeah, DH actually slept late. One kid is up but not the other. Made BLT sandwiches for brunch. We missed breakfast. Had made at least a two dozen waffles yesterday. Thought I would have one with ice cream now. Nope. DH apparently ate the ten or so that were left. Sigh.

Morning Mac. Glad you will be home soon. Get well! Mummy dust sent.

Schumi, yay for the December trip.

MonyK, yep that would have been my labs. They loved the snow. And, oddly, so did my boxer. The boxer would shiver and still not want to come in. We are to get snow tomorrow night into Wednesday. Only around 2 inches. But, still around freezing, so some fun commuting on Wednesday morning.

With that, have to check on the brownies.

And tea. Wind chil, 9 degrees.
We have a snow alert for tomorrow into Wednesday... Looks like it's supposed to hit during go home time on Tuesday.
Well, another trip

DH gave me that smile and said........well, are you booking for December today or need to ask me twice.......:D He really is the best........

So, end of November into December for 10 nights.........RPR as always........

The flights booked quick as a flash.........I know everyone says you shouldn’t book as soon as they come out as prices come down......but, we like to know we’re sorted......flying Virgin Atlantic again, and cannot wait to get back for the festive season again..........

Another countdown..........:-)

It’s either the drugs or my vision but somehow my first post disappeared

(Will repeat it again)
Hooray for Schumi on setting up another trip!

Best way to beat getting home sick for the darkside is to go there frequently

Hope December weather this year will be as great as it was last year for your stay

Two years ago I moved from the North to the South so we would never ever have to deal with snow and the weather that comes with it

Could not secure medical care and surgery in Atlanta but was available in Chicago so came north

After 8 days here, eagerly looking forward to returning home this week
Moved from hospital to offsite place and then to hotel on Wisconsin border

Prediction earlier was 6-9 inches of snow
Laying in bed and looking out the window, snow all around but looks like it has stopped snowing


it has been cold for everyone this year
The South has not escaped it completely but they have not had -3 temps this month

Hope all are doing fine and staying warm
@macraven I think snow is pretty.. as long as I don't have to drive or walk in it and I am in a nice warm place. My first and last 2 days in Orlando were quite cold. I had to buy a hooded sweatshirt (at least I have a souvenir).
It’s either the drugs or my vision but somehow my first post disappeared

(Will repeat it again)
Hooray for Schumi on setting up another trip!

Best way to beat getting home sick for the darkside is to go there frequently

Hope December weather this year will be as great as it was last year for your stay

Thank you!!!! :hug:

We are very excited already.....loved the Christmas festivities and knew we wanted to go back again to RPR........apparently I’m spoiled.........who knew!!!! :laughing:

So, we have one or two visits to the States planned...........:D Maybe we should look at property there again......have to say though, I prefer to be spoiled and pampered in our favourite hotel.........

We did look to buy a house in Dunedin in 08, but decided against it eventually.........

Glad to see you back posting........:hug: hope your internet is ok now I’ve just sent you another email, so hope you get it.........

Not anywhere near as cold as you mac but jeez it’s gone cold today again! Not freezing but downright chilly.

Hot chocolates all round I think............
Well due to cold just got a call that no school tomorrow. Kids are ecstatic. All meetings tonight and grand opening shindig at my brand new high end nursing home cancelled for tomorrow as well. Am supposed to go to NH 1.5 hours away tomorrow...trying to decide if I should postpone until Friday...Highway mostly clear already but gonna be scary cold.

Mac-bet you can't wait until you get back to "warm" relatively speaking!
You are a mind reader.....

Enduring temps of -2 was something I never planned on

Georgia temps are below normal but that I can live with when I return home

49 back home still is cold but a heck of a lot better than single digits

I’m watching the weather channel
Looks bad in many places

MonyK, postpone that drive to Friday
It should be better weather and driving conditions for you then

Hope your chicks are okay !
Stay safe MonyK. Little one would be jumping for joy if no school. She is hoping for a late arrival on Wednesday, and so am I. Yeah the highways may be clear, it is the secondary roads that are the issue. And for me, the city does a poor job, so not looking forward to ice covered roads.

Hey Mac!

Welcome back Chuckers. Yeah, I wore my heavier jacket one day. Good thing I had wore it down. I had to do the opposite one time I was traveling. It was unusually hot and I had no short sleeve shirts. Yep, had to buy one.

What for dinner. Hmm, think pasta?

Brownies were snacked
on all day. Most tasty.

Starting to change little one’s room. Needs an adult desk and bookshelf. Yeah stuff she has had from toddler days have seen better days and she just realized it was too kiddy. Next will be older one room. His bunk has seen better days too. When he was young, fine, now bonks head when on bottom and uses top for junk. Um, shelves and drawers, but he gets lazy sometimes.

Well all are hungry, so have a nice night and lush meal.
@macraven I think snow is pretty.. as long as I don't have to drive or walk in it and I am in a nice warm place. My first and last 2 days in Orlando were quite cold. I had to buy a hooded sweatshirt (at least I have a souvenir).
Agree that snow is pretty (as long as it is not where I live )

Did you get a character hooded sweatshirt or the universal logo one ?
I don’t know Schumi....
You’d have to give up room service if you bought a place in Florida

But on the other hand, if you did have a place in Florida, it would be a short drive to park your car at RPR

Staying there at RPR is a vacation all on its own !
Lynne hope your weather improves and then you can go furniture shopping

Has to be difficult to have been in good decent weather in Orlando last month and now have to deal with winter weather

I vote for late opening for schools

I vote twice for ALL the schools where our homies have kids, be closed tomorrow


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