Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Last Friday was Carol's TRO hearing. Her ex, his wife and his attorney did show up but her ex and wife would not enter the court room. To make a long story short, the judge canceled the hearing but not before the ex's attorney was put in his place. Carol's attorney was prepared to lay into her ex, Carol saw the questions he was going to ask and confront him with. After this she is very confident in his ability to represent her. The liaison is going to put together a different visitation plan for the ex as far as summer visitation goes so he can't refuse her time to see the kids. The liaison now sees that the ex is the one that is being difficult, not Carol and he didn't make a very good impression with the judge either by not entering the court room. While it would have been satisfying to see the ex get his comeuppance, Carol is satisfied with how things turned out.
Wow - yikes! How incredibly infuriating this hurry up & wait while watching the ex make a *** out of himself! Your daughter must be made of strong stuff. Sounds like his attorney is giving him some bad advise-and what is up with showing up but refusing to go inside?!?! Why on earth would he do that? Oh well - your daughter being satisfied with how things have turned out so far is good. I'm glad things are going her way and the third party folks she has to deal with are able to see things for what they are.
He found out a couple of days ago that his donor lives in South Africa.
Isn't it amazing what medical science can do for us these days? To think someone from South Africa is able to assist someone from the USA in getting back to a healthy spot with a donation such as this. I'm so glad that a donor was readily available for him and all the others that need them. Good luck to him, I hope his recovery goes smoothly.
Someone remind me never to go grocery shopping on a Wednesday just before Easter. I haven't seen the stores this crowded since Christmas time.
You are the third or fourth person I've known to have had this experience this week! Sounds like the grocery stores are a bit of a madhouse...I don't think I need anything, hope not! I should probably canvas my pantry and fridge and if need be, go first thing tomorrow morning at 7 AM.
Tom and I fly to WDW on Easter for 6 nights.
Have a wonderful time!
It says rain by noon so we will probably get it by 3.
We were supposed to expect it around 3 or 4 PM, but now it looks like it won't hit us here until 6 or 7....I've heard a few folks grumble about opening day being canceled - although to be honest I have no idea when the game was supposed to start as I don't follow baseball. It does look like it has the potential to be a hell of a storm, wind especially. Hope my newly planted trees make out okay.
We decided he's going to make a concrete pad at the end of it so that Don can walk straight from concrete onto the driveway to get to the car.
Sounds like a smart plan, I'm sure Don appreciates all you are doing to help him be more ambulatory and get out & about. Plus it will be so nice on a pleasant day to be outside.
I fell asleep with both windows wide open
We had the doors in our bedroom open, too. No rain, which would have been nice. Possibly tonight, but seems like it will get cooler out overnight.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend,
Thank you, you as well. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned with your family. Enjoy!

Good afternoon everyone.
Hope you are all well. Not much going on here. Work and the usual stuff. Dinner last night was (barely) lamb burgers. I say barely because the grill caught on fire again, we put it out but had to call time of death on it. Saved the lamb burgers though:cool1: In truth that grill was being used on borrowed time anyhow. So I suppose we ought to get busy looking for a new one, we use ours year round 2-4 times per week on average. The place we bought our hot tub from is having their annual big sale - 20% off at least - so I went over there this morning and stocked up on all the chemical we use in the tub, and the infrequent ones we use as well. Glad I remembered they were having the sale. l also hit the liquor store to stockup on a few staples. My husband had his new truck delivered earlier today, which he ordered way back at the end of last summer. He took today & tomorrow off to do some stuff around the house, and is helping the eldest pour a concrete patio in his backyard tomorrow. Saturday we have a early dinner with the in-laws (ugh, my least favorite day of the year). Sunday we are back to yard clean up, we took down a silo and we have a lot of rubble to clear up before I have some topsoil delivered. We need to get the whole area where the barn & silo were filled and grass seed planted sooner rather than later.
Dinner tonight will be a sub for my husband and ??? for me. I had a sandwich for lunch, that might hold me. We will probably eat al fresco on the porch, watching the storm roll in. I have always been enthralled with storms and enjoy watching them.
I hope those of you who celebrate have a joyful Good Friday & Easter this weekend.
He also left us a color chart for the roof. Of course Don and I can't agree. I want either a dark green or blue, he wants gray, ivory or clay colored. Its going to be hard to find one we both like. The house is white, so I don't really want an ivory colored roof. I want a color that's going to show up a little more.
I agree with you that ivory on white wouldn't look right at all. I think I would probably go for blue unless it was a really bright electric blue. Gray seems OK to me, too, though.
Happy Thursday....had a frustrating Dr appt this morning so I'm grumpy again. Had bloodwork done and got a prescription refilled so productive morning. I had therapy this afternoon so I was able to talk about my frustration and it helped a bit.

The sun is shining but the air is chilly. I can't wait until I feel that warm breeze...hopefully sooner than later.

Hope you all have a good rest of your day.
:grouphug::wave:Good Afternoon or early evening for most of you,

Dad was able to get a 4 pack of Cottonelle wipes and a package of envelopes for just over $3 this morning using our free That was a good way to use that. Plus Pavilions for the last 3 weeks has given us $5 off $5 which he used today, too. We are so grateful, always, for any savings. Quiet afternoon here.

Judique, dad would enjoy cinnamon swirl poundcake. I hope yours is tasty! Yikes to the bee. Definitely good call to head inside for the rest of your lunch! 🥪Prices still keep increasing here, too. I'm sorry you and other Quackers are finding that out, too. Get some afternoon R &R.

Easyas, it made no sense to me either why Kirby's DD's ex would show up for a court hearing yet not go inside. Why bother coming? I continue to pray for all, especially the kids. Safe driving to your DH 🛻

PollyannaMom, I hope the kids had fun with ⚾yesterday and that you're, of course, having a good Thursday, too.

ETA, I feel badly to have missed your post above my own initially, AuntieMe3, sorry about that. Continuing 🙏and an extra :grouphug:to you, my friend. Please take care of yourself. I also wonder if part of what you're going through is getting closer to menopause related as I may be experiencing not the anxiety but at times bad dreams and waking up warm from them. I think you shared yesterday about having this issue at times, too. Have a good night🛌🕊️

Have a relaxing rest of the day, friends:flower3:
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Someone remind me never to go grocery shopping on a Wednesday just before Easter. I haven't seen the stores this crowded since Christmas time.
I'm glad it wasn't like that for me yesterday.
I fell asleep with both windows wide open and the sound of rain falling
Would love to have my windows open but we've been hacking and sneezing the last couple of days. The older I get the more seasonal allergies I have.

Went up to Lou Lou's preschool today for their Easter egg hunt. They had to hide the eggs in the auditorium because it was too cold and wet outside. The kids still had a blast.
I "liked," your post, Kirby for Lou Lou and her classmates Easter🥚hunt fun and that you were able to be there which I'm sure made the day more special to Lou Lou. Also, grateful, of course 🛒went smoothly for you and am sorry always to hear of crowded store experiences especially at a supermarket where you really just want to get necessities and back out. Feel better 🙏
It sounds like everyone is very busy this week. I was in work yesterday and then had a very busy afternoon. I went to the old condo to pick up some stuff and check the mail. Back to Kenny's where I took a walk. I have been very tired lately so the walk was a bit more leisurely then usual. I think everything is catching up with me. Then I made cupcakes for tomorrow, Kenny came home and we took a walk but I told him it had to be a slow walk, we had leftovers for dinner, and then went to Lowe's for stuff for my wall at the old condo, and to Market Basket. Market Basket was busy but not as much as I expected. This one is always busy.

@dazedx3 It is nice that family is coming over this weekend. Keeping busy does help a bit. I hope you enjoy seeing your kids and grandkids.

Lynn I like the sounds of a blue roof as long as it is not too bright. The contrast with the white house would be nice.

@Pea-n-Me Prayers said for your friend.

@Judique Your trip sounds like fun.

Today I work and then walk. Still really tired so it will again be a leisurely walk. After that I make brownies and frost the cupcakes. Then Kenny comes back with the kids. He has them this weekend. Supper will probably be chi fil A. The kids love the food and the play area. I have to make up the grandkids Easter baskets today so I can bring them to Jeff's tomorrow. First we will stop at the old condo so Kenny can take down my TV and patch up the walk behind it. Then to Jeff's for lunch.

Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

Sky can't make up it's mind, it's blue on one side, and as dark as can be on the other. They said we might get showers today, and we might now. Such a precise forecast, lol

Still debating colors. I want either the Marine Green or the Royal Blue, he is still stuck on light stone or clay. I am determined that we not making the roof color that blends in with the white house. I want it to stand out, not in your face stand out, just noticeable. We don't have to decide immediately as Dave still has 3 roofs to do before he would get to us. So we have a couple of weeks to decide I guess.

Did all laundry and floor washing yesterday, today is bathroom cleaning and then everything is done.

Have a nice Good Friday

Still debating colors. I want either the Marine Green or the Royal Blue, he is still stuck on light stone or clay.

I Googled the exact color names, and I like the green better than that shade of blue (a little too bright) but I still like the stone least for a white house. Two different colors showed up for "clay" but if it's the reddish one, I like them in this order:

Marine Green
Royal Blue
Light Stone

This morning was an adventure. - DH got stuck on the commuter train in to work because of a medical issue (not him, something that closed a station on his route). I believe they called a shuttle bus for those who needed it, but I just went and picked him up and he's working from home instead. That was a lot quicker, and he normally does it two days a week anyway, so he's all set up for it.

DS and I were supposed to go into the city and meet him this afternoon for a Lego Art Exhibition (he was getting out a little early) so we'll just all go together instead.
I Googled the exact color names, and I like the green better than that shade of blue (a little too bright) but I still like the stone least for a white house. Two different colors showed up for "clay" but if it's the reddish one, I like them in this order:

Marine Green
Royal Blue
Light Stone

This morning was an adventure. - DH got stuck on the commuter train in to work because of a medical issue (not him, something that closed a station on his route). I believe they called a shuttle bus for those who needed it, but I just went and picked him up and he's working from home instead. That was a lot quicker, and he normally does it two days a week anyway, so he's all set up for it.

DS and I were supposed to go into the city and meet him this afternoon for a Lego Art Exhibition (he was getting out a little early) so we'll just all go together instead.
Thank you for the opinion. I like the green the best, he's narrowed it down to the stone. Now we just have to meet in the middle, but I don't think it's possible, lol.
Page 2 thread save.

I did get to Lancaster Wednesday and we had a good time. I will have to post a picture of the 2 goofy teenage girls. In this case a picture is worth 1,000 words. I made it home in time for Anthony's game and I am so glad I did. He is getting better with each game and the fact that he is smiling is great. He missed baseball so much while rehabbing.

Been busy all week. Yesterday we filled 600+ eggs for the Sunday Egg Hunt after church. We may have come up with a solution for equity in the hunt. I always get so upset when I see a child with 1 or 2 eggs while another child has 100, it has happened. We are going to give out 1 or 2 gallon Hefty bags, When your bag is full you are done until all the children have filled the bag, If there are still eggs out on the lawns then they can go back. I am hoping it works.

After that I had to go to Best Buy for a filter for the refrigerator. I am hoping my grandson gets here today to change it as I have no ice until he does. I can't reach the water shut off so I need his help. Then I dropped my granddaughters off and went to 2 more stores to get a couple things. Headed to the jewelers for watch batteries in 2 of my watches. After that it was a haircut and Walmart for a few things like cat food. Headed to the camera shop for a battery for my camera. One battery will not charge at all and one is not holding a charge overnight.

Finally headed home and I saw an emergency that had just happened. It looked like someone had been hit by a car and I prayed it wasn't as bad as it appeared. The person was not moving. There were people there to help. I just hope it wasn't as bad as it seemed. I kept waking up all night with dreams from it.

Today was supposed to be an easy day but Mikey called last night and needed me to take him to get clothes for Sunday. I was so happy that he thought about it I took him out today. He got navy pants and a light blue Polo shirt, he even wanted dress socks. Sadly he has outgrown wanting a suit or a shirt and tie like he did when he was little. For his 6th grade dance he wanted me to get him a tux. Still happy that he will be dressed nicely.

I'll catch up with all the posts later. Hope you all have a great day.
Good afternoon :flower3:to all,

PollyannaMom, yikes that was some 🚃tale. Prayers for the person in need of medical care indeed. I am grateful your DH was okay, of course, too! A Lego exhibit sounds like a lot of fun. I hope it will be. Thank you for looking up the colors :)
I also go with green though my preference would always be brighter and lighter or Evergreen Christmas tree colored🌲

Lynn, ITA with Snowysmom great idea to somehow try and show Don what each color would look like on the roof. For me, as a visual person that would be most helpful. 🙏for a🎨choice that will work well for both of you :)

Taz, :thanks:for along with others for filling all the eggs. Did you leave any empty or might that be part of a Sunday school lesson or Children's moment message in terms of representing the empty tomb? Great and kind idea on the bags.

Finishing up an Easter card for dad and looking forward to watching worship later. Such a blessing also this afternoon that the :sunny:is out and it's warm in here. So nice to not be cold! Have a good rest of the afternoon everyone.
Well, and just like that my Easter weekend came to a halt. Our DD and family are all sick. She went to urgent care this morning and has a horrendous ear infection. They all have cold symptoms but are also vomiting.

Our other DD, lost out on a house that they offered $85,000 over asking. Crazy☹️

Lynn…. I definitely like the green the best, and the stone the least. Good Luck
@dazedx3 I did not mean to click like. I wanted to click on sad. I am so sorry they are sick. It is going around here too. My younger DGD had double ear infections and the the baby and my DGS, his older brother, had colds. I hope your DD and family feel better soon. Will you see your other DD? It is hard when family is ill over a holiday. House costs are out of control even with the higher interest rates. 85K over asking is not unusual around here. :grouphug:

Tazdev Lots of work to fill all those Easter eggs. I hope your idea works out for the kids. I too do not like to see one child with dozens of eggs while another just has a few.

Have a nice evening.
Good morning. Cold here, 30 going up to 50 today. We are heading to the condo to fix the wall then to Jeff's for Easter. I have the kids Easter baskets all ready. I hope we can take my TV back to Kenny's today. Then I will have a few more things to bring like cleaning supplies and my monitor and printer.

I checked in for my Disney cruise today. They need you to upload a face and shoulder picture. I have none so I had to do it with their camera. It looks like a mugshot! :crazy: Oh well, they can tell it is me. I have to say I don't care. They asked for it, they got it.

Off to make coffee and wake up a bit. This week has been busy and next week is even busier. I have something every day.

Have a good Saturday.
Good morning and welcome to Easter weekend.

Dave came last night and put the last lag bolt in the posts (one he had before was too long) and poured the concrete pad at the end. His wife,non wife, called and said she was being discharged from the hospital so he had to hurry and finish to go pick her up. He's coming back today to remove the form and go up on the roof to measure. My green and blue colors have been shot down, so I don't have any idea what color we are going to end up with. Dave suggested charcoal, but Don doesn't want a dark color. I'm going to wait for the estimate and then we can decide.

I already stripped and remade the bed, got some chicken out to defrost for dinner, and changed out the litter boxes. Off to find something else to get into.

Have a nice Saturday
Good Morning from warmer LA! It is such an extra blessing from God this day to not be cold in here. Yesterday was indeed one of extra prayer and reflection for me. Reminder that Joy comes in the morning and LOVE wins. 🙏that each of you are growing in faith this Holy weekend, too. I am also thankful to have thought to place a Boost order earlier through Ralph's. We have a free trial membership. I was able to get some surprises for dad's basket tomorrow, a church food pantry donation, along with another case of Aquafina. We don't need the water at all right now, however, it's something extra I can do to help my dad in the future which, of course, is a blessing and gift to me. To Kirby, Footballmouse, and anyone else who may try Boost, reminder to always be positive you have double checked "No substitutions," as you place items into your cart and in reviewing your order before you place it! I was concerned about being charged an outrageous water substitution price. Thankfully a call to Boost Customer Service cleared that up. Free Delivery between 4-6 this afternoon. :cheer2:

:grouphug:Dazed and much feeling better 🙏to your family. I am so very sorry to read that your DD and her family are all sick :( I hope in some way, perhaps by phone or if you Zoom (I don't) you are able to connect with them tomorrow. Thinking of you!🏠prayers to your other DD as well.

Snowysmom, :hug:always to you, too. I'm sure your picture turned out just fine, after all, you are a lovely kind lady! I do understand about not being happy always with photos especially those where you don't have an opportunity to retake. Dad felt that way about his recent Costco picture. He has a nice smile in the picture. The problem is it's so very faded it makes him look very odd and older. I am so grateful to 📱with cameras these days that allow us to re-take pictures instantly if need be. Much prayer that you and your family have a Happy Easter tomorrow and that it increases your faith and feeling of peace.

Lynn, Saturday:hug: to you. Dave sure is a hard worker that's for sure in terms of his hours. Roof color prayers of compromise for you and Don! I always liked the color of IHOP's roof. A lighter bluish green. Mint green can be nice as well.

Dad is doing morning Pavilions and Sprouts🛒so he can stay home tomorrow. All is well and quiet here. Have a good rest of the day, friends. I will check back in later.

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