Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

It's quiet around the house with the kids gone. We've been keeping busy though. Yesterday I cleaned my part of the house. I sat out some Cod to bake and wouldn't you know it didn't defrost in time. I wasn't too upset about it. It was a new recipe and I just wasn't in the mood to cook last night. We decided to go to Soulman's and eat fried catfish instead. Was exceptionally good last night.

Today, Carol went up to her school and posted grades. Joe and I went up to Lowes and Home Depot and bought plants. Then we spent most of the rest of the day planting them, Carol got home just in time to help. We had to replace the bushes that we had planted last year. Our house faces north and the ones we had planted last year just couldn't handle the North winds. We put Chinese Holly in (hopefully they will do better) and put the remaining Cyclera in a better spot. Joe also picked up three drift roses to "add a little color" he said. While he planted those, Carol helped me plant Ice Plants, Hostas, Caladium bulbs and Petunias. She also did a lot of weeding which was very helpful.

I did cook the Cod tonight. It was okay, I won't make it again but it was a very easy recipe.

I think I'm going to veg in front of the tv for the rest of the evening. Ya'll have a good night!
Just a quick hello and page 2 thread save,

Had a lot to do today and just got home from a fund raiser for metastatic breast cancer. My husband's cousin is fighting it right now. Her sister died from it 3 years ago and 6 months later she lost her husband to metastatic cancer. I give her a ton of credit because she has stayed upbeat even after all she has been through and knowing that she will eventually lose the fight.
Good morning and Happy Easter to all.

Not having the best Easter. I went out to mow this morning, took my phone and earbuds as always. I pick up the phone to turn my music on, and I have nothing. Black screen, nothing comes on. etc. I call tech support and they tell me it sounds like the phone is defective and they need to have me take it to the store to have someone look at it. It might need repair or replacement. It's only 4 months old and has a 1 year warranty. He mentioned something about third party insurance. Why would I need that if it's still got 8 months left on the warranty? It worked fine earlier this morning, but now it's deader than a doornail. Don is wondering if the sim card went bad. I don't know if that would make the phone not work at all. Thankfully I have my old S10, and I can email and facebook and have internet, I just can't text or call anyone. US Cellular is closed until tomorrow, so I'm stuck wondering at least until then. If I have to get a new phone, they better take the other 32 months worth of payments of of this one. Then my sister in law calls me and tells me they were our for Easter dinner and my niece started bleeding. So they are at the ER now as far as I know. It's been a lovely Easter day so far--NOT!
Not having the best Easter. I went out to mow this morning, took my phone and earbuds as always. I pick up the phone to turn my music on, and I have nothing. Black screen, nothing comes on. etc. I call tech support and they tell me it sounds like the phone is defective and they need to have me take it to the store to have someone look at it. It might need repair or replacement. It's only 4 months old and has a 1 year warranty. He mentioned something about third party insurance. Why would I need that if it's still got 8 months left on the warranty? It worked fine earlier this morning, but now it's deader than a doornail. Don is wondering if the sim card went bad. I don't know if that would make the phone not work at all. Thankfully I have my old S10, and I can email and facebook and have internet, I just can't text or call anyone. US Cellular is closed until tomorrow, so I'm stuck wondering at least until then. If I have to get a new phone, they better take the other 32 months worth of payments of of this one. Then my sister in law calls me and tells me they were our for Easter dinner and my niece started bleeding. So they are at the ER now as far as I know. It's been a lovely Easter day so far--NOT!

I could text using the chat feature over wifi on my S10+ even after changing my number to my S23+.
Now I've put an additional number on it.

I can't even guess what's wrong with your phone. But, hopefully it's something simple or just needs a reboot or reset.

I get third party insurance by paying the bill with a credit card that offers it.

Sorry to hear your niece is having problems.
Not having the best Easter.
🙁 Hope your day has gotten better.

Happy Easter! Joe, Carol and I went to our early morning service at church. It was held outside on the back lawn. It was a beautiful day for it. Our church provided honey buttered chicken biscuits from Whataburger and coffee/water for everyone during a 30 minute social time before our worship service began. It looked like we had 500+ in attendance. Then we stayed for class which was good. We are studying the book of James.

After church we had lunch at Saltgrass Steakhouse with friends.

I've been piddling the afternoon away. Cleaned up the kitchen, what little there was and put up a load of towels. Paid some bills. Ach! What to do, what to do. Maybe I'll go in and read a little.

Hope everyone has a nice evening!
Now I've put an additional number on it.

I can't even guess what's wrong with your phone. But, hopefully it's something simple or just needs a reboot or reset.

I get third party insurance by paying the bill with a credit card that offers it.

Sorry to hear your niece is having problems.
We have third party insurance through our bank. I looked up black screen online, and it said most likely cause is a firmware crash. To hold the volume down button and power button for at least 10 seconds. And bingo, the phone came back on and seems fine. There was no way for me to reboot or reset it without getting power. It's on and I'm not fooling around with it until I can take it to the phone store tomorrow or Tuesday. Whew. I just sent copies of all the pictures to my S10 and to the pc, just in case. I wrote down the most important contacts and added them to my address book. Scared the heck out of me!

They are doing all sorts of tests, and have an IV in her now, her BP was 75/49 but now it's up to 100/55 now. Hoping it's nothing serious.

Test results are saying early stage kidney failure, and too many changes in her meds. They want her to wear compression socks and talk to the PCP, nephrologist and gastroenterologist and get these meds switched back.
We have third party insurance through our bank. I looked up black screen online, and it said most likely cause is a firmware crash. To hold the volume down button and power button for at least 10 seconds. And bingo, the phone came back on and seems fine. There was no way for me to reboot or reset it without getting power. It's on and I'm not fooling around with it until I can take it to the phone store tomorrow or Tuesday. Whew. I just sent copies of all the pictures to my S10 and to the pc, just in case. I wrote down the most important contacts and added them to my address book. Scared the heck out of me!

They are doing all sorts of tests, and have an IV in her now, her BP was 75/49 but now it's up to 100/55 now. Hoping it's nothing serious.

Test results are saying early stage kidney failure, and too many changes in her meds. They want her to wear compression socks and talk to the PCP, nephrologist and gastroenterologist and get these meds switched back.
Yikes on your niece. Hope she has some better health results soon.

Sounds like you did great with getting your phone going. I'll have to try to remember those instructions or at least to google 'black screen'. Every so often my old laptop does a crash and needs a reboot.

When I got my new phone and transferred my contacts, I noticed quite a few didn't transfer. I had to do about 20 or so manually.

I need to go print some of my phone pictures. I keep saying I'm going to do it but don't get to it.

Today I got some cute pics from son. One of him, wife and baby, plus one of baby and one of wife and baby. DIL did matching outfits for them and they were so cute!
Lynn I hope your niece gets the care that she needs. I also hope your phone keeps working. You do better than me with that stuff. I am a technoidiot.

Kirby Sounds like nice peaceful Easter Sunday.

Good morning. Yesterday Kenny, the kids, and I went for a walk around a pond near Kenny. It is such a nice area. I found it while searching for good walking trails around me. It is an easy hike, 2.4 miles around on a mostly flat path, few rocks or tree roots. The kids did well with just a little whining about being tired. I did 2 walks too. I track my steps and I ended up walking 7.5 miles yesterday. That includes around the house doing stuff. I was shocked. No wonder I was tired. My usual is around 4.5 miles.

I have the electrical walkthrough at the new condo today. My kids told me what to ask about. I wrote it down in my notebook. I am out of the element with this kind of stuff so it is intimidating to me. But, I have to do it so off I will go.

Have a good Monday.
Good morning. Sunny and heading for 65 today. I'm glad I got the lawn mowed yesterday, just have to do a little weed trimming today. Just too much for me to do it all on one day anymore. I keep looking at the garden and seeing the compost down, and hate to disturb it by tilling, but I'm going to have to do it and mix it in soon. But not today.

@Snowysmom Good luck with the electrical walk through today.

@Judique Sounds like you got some cute pics yesterday. Matching outfits must have looked adorable!

Have a nice morning

The walkthrough went well. I had to climb a step ladder to get into and out of the condo. Not ideal. The siding color outside is a medium dark gray which I like. The other colors available for the duplexes are tan or a greenish color. We don't get to choose, they just go in order I guess. There will be alot of outlets as well as undercounter lights in the kitchen and 4 recessed lights in the kitchen. I did not upgrade any fixtures or add more recessed lights as I did not like the choices and I need to live someplace for a while before I know what I really want. Kenny can swap out fixtures for me.

The weather is nice here today, mid 60s. Time for another walk.

Have a good evening.
Good Monday evening to you all. Hope everyone had a pleasant Easter weekend. We survived our Saturday meal w/ the in-laws and got a fair bit of yard work & mowing done Sunday. It was quite chilly this AM, with frost on the fields but is up in the upper 60's now I think. This week promises to warm up as the week goes on, which will be nice.
Not much else to report - same old things going on, boring`boring! Lamb chops for dinner this evening, meatloaf tomorrow.
I did get my Global Entry card in the mail the other day, so that is finally taken care of...only started down this path last August! My husband has his interview tomorrow for it - I took advantage of doing it when I came thru customs on my way home from the Caymans about 2 weeks ago, otherwise my interview wasn't until May.
Good afternoon :grouphug:

Lovely warmer Monday here, such a blessing indeed as was Easter. 🙏that each of your faith was strengthened as was my own. May you always know God is with and loves you. Of course, I care, too! 🌺Dad did morning errands and was grateful to have gotten needed items at the 99 Cent Only Store and Sprouts. Tomorrow is Tuesday :laundy:and Ralphs🛒Speaking of Ralphs, they gave us such a gift this morning when I called Boost customer service. I first and foremost wanted to compliment Jose, our deliveryman from Saturday. He was prompt and friendly. He also took the time to bring inside for us our bags and case of Aquafina. I did get to do that when the Boost representative transferred me to someone on Instacart. Small thing that definitely brightened my day to be able to do. My other reason for calling Boost was to let them know that when dad opened our case of water this morning, he found one of the 32 bottles was crumpled a bit and empty! What was very odd is that there was no leakage. I made it clear to the woman I spoke to that we were not asking for anything, the other 31 bottles were perfect. She insisted on crediting our Ralphs card with $10! Dad will use that tomorrow and towards a couple extra donations for the food pantry :)

So very much🙏dear Lynn for your niece. I am so very sorry she is continuing to go through so much :( Yikes on all your📱trouble. I'm with Snowysmom in not being too techy. I certainly hope you get it straightened out and are having a better afternoon! I love the topiary Pluto!

Judique, :lovestrucbaby especially and also family pictures. are your DD and granddaughters still in London? 🙏that they are enjoying a safe and fantastic adventure!

Kirby, praise God for what sounds like a lovely Easter. How nice of your ⛪to provide the biscuits! I love that your family all got to attend Easter services together, too. Continuing prayers on your son and be on the lookout for 💌

PollyannaMom, I'm so thankful you also had a nice Easter🌼 and got to enjoy brunch on your :car:home. Quiet days with closer family are such a blessing indeed.

Snowysmom, continuing 🙏🕊️all the extra always to you. When I lived in Northern, CA, my apartment had an orange door, while grandma's had a blue 🚪I really like that you are able to choose some new condo decor. Extra outlets and the recessed lights sound great, too. You know I pray that your new home will indeed bring you peace and good memories to come which I truly believe it will.

Easyas, :cheer2:for travels to come! I am also glad to hear you had a nice Easter, too. :thanks:again for making a kind difference to your relatives. I do hope some time with them was positive, of course, too!

Have a great rest of the day friends :)
Happy Monday...the weather the past few days have been incredible. Perfect spring weather. :flower3:

Dh got home Friday morning/early afternoon and Dolly was soooo happy to see him. Saturday, DH and I started at our community farmers market, we met up with our friends but on the way over DH got a call about some problems with the job he just got finished doing so that put a damper on things. He ended up having to head out to town yesterday back to the job so he wasn't here for Easter so it was just DD and I, and Dolly of course. LOL Even my dad decided to stay home so we had a really quiet day but we had a good dinner....Costco meatloaf and mashed potatoes, roasted veggies and a Strawberry pie for dessert.

Oh and I got an update about my frustrating Drs appt on Thursday. So I really like my Doctor but this past appointment I felt like she was being very dismissive of my concerns about some symptoms I've been having, saying I need to work on losing weight and more exercise(duh...hard to do when im feeling the way i've been feeling). She ordered some labs for me so I did that right after my appt. Well Friday morning, I got a call from her nurse letting me know my potassium was SUPER low, she ordered me a supplement for a week and then I'm supposed to retest at the end of the week. Well when I looked up the symptoms for low potassium is everything I've been feeling....body aches, low energy, mood swings...etc...etc...everything I brought up to her at my appt. LOL So I was glad to know there was a reason why I'm feeling the way I've been feeling and not just the usual..you're fat, lose weight...which yes, I know I still need to do. Anyway, a couple days on the supplement and I'm feeling better already. Wondering what could have caused it but hoping we can figure it out and get it under control.

Wow...ok my small check in turned into a little much. LOL

Hope you all have a good rest of the evening. Thoughts and prayers to everyone that needs them. :grouphug:
Good afternoon :grouphug:

Lovely warmer Monday here, such a blessing indeed as was Easter. 🙏that each of your faith was strengthened as was my own. May you always know God is with and loves you. Of course, I care, too! 🌺Dad did morning errands and was grateful to have gotten needed items at the 99 Cent Only Store and Sprouts. Tomorrow is Tuesday :laundy:and Ralphs🛒Speaking of Ralphs, they gave us such a gift this morning when I called Boost customer service. I first and foremost wanted to compliment Jose, our deliveryman from Saturday. He was prompt and friendly. He also took the time to bring inside for us our bags and case of Aquafina. I did get to do that when the Boost representative transferred me to someone on Instacart. Small thing that definitely brightened my day to be able to do. My other reason for calling Boost was to let them know that when dad opened our case of water this morning, he found one of the 32 bottles was crumpled a bit and empty! What was very odd is that there was no leakage. I made it clear to the woman I spoke to that we were not asking for anything, the other 31 bottles were perfect. She insisted on crediting our Ralphs card with $10! Dad will use that tomorrow and towards a couple extra donations for the food pantry :)

So very much🙏dear Lynn for your niece. I am so very sorry she is continuing to go through so much :( Yikes on all your📱trouble. I'm with Snowysmom in not being too techy. I certainly hope you get it straightened out and are having a better afternoon! I love the topiary Pluto!

Judique, :lovestrucbaby especially and also family pictures. are your DD and granddaughters still in London? 🙏that they are enjoying a safe and fantastic adventure!

Kirby, praise God for what sounds like a lovely Easter. How nice of your ⛪to provide the biscuits! I love that your family all got to attend Easter services together, too. Continuing prayers on your son and be on the lookout for 💌

PollyannaMom, I'm so thankful you also had a nice Easter🌼 and got to enjoy brunch on your :car:home. Quiet days with closer family are such a blessing indeed.

Snowysmom, continuing 🙏🕊️all the extra always to you. When I lived in Northern, CA, my apartment had an orange door, while grandma's had a blue 🚪I really like that you are able to choose some new condo decor. Extra outlets and the recessed lights sound great, too. You know I pray that your new home will indeed bring you peace and good memories to come which I truly believe it will.

Easyas, :cheer2:for travels to come! I am also glad to hear you had a nice Easter, too. :thanks:again for making a kind difference to your relatives. I do hope some time with them was positive, of course, too!

Have a great rest of the day friends :)
No, they are back. They did spend 9 nights, 10 days there. they spent Friday night here with me. All were happy to be back home. DGD's complained that they visited too many museums and that Buckingham Palace was NOT a castle and that they did too much walking but that Peppa Pig was awesome and that stonehenge was just stones. DD complained that she needed a break from kids.


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