Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

AuntieMe3:grouphug:🙏that you continue to feel much better and brighter, my friend. :( on your doctor not truly listening and leaving you feel brushed off, so very wrong. Doctors should feel grateful when we trust extra in them to share concerns. A doctor/patient relationship is to be a partnership for better health! You just please take good care.

The nicer weather:sunny:has been such a lovely blessing indeed. Just love Dolly. :dogdance:Champ was also always so happy when we came home, such faithful companions are furry friends are. I'm sorry about your DH missing out on celebrating more of Easter with you. Prayers for his safe travels. I'm thankful you, you DD, and, Dad had nice dinner together.

Welcome home to your family, Judique. Lol, I'm glad the kiddos had some fun. I can only imagine that traveling abroad especially with two young children would not be easy. Your DD definitely gave her kids a wonderful experience. May all three of them get some good rest.

Wishing all of you sweet dreams💤
Test results are saying early stage kidney failure, and too many changes in her meds. They want her to wear compression socks and talk to the PCP, nephrologist and gastroenterologist and get these meds switched back.
Oh man!
I am out of the element with this kind of stuff so it is intimidating to me. But, I have to do it so off I will go.
Glad to hear that it went well!

The GK's are back and we're all back to normal. It's good to have them home.
Lynn Sorry to hear the test results. So many issues. I hope all the doctors can coordinate the care and get her meds switched back.

@Kirby Glad the kids are back home.

@Judique Glad your DD and DGDs had a good trip. Seeing too many museums and Buckingham Palace is my dream trip to England. Peppa Pig is fun too!

Good morning. It is supposed to be a warmer day here, getting up to 70. I have a therapist appt this afternoon. Thursday I am supposed to have cleaners at the old condo. I was concerned when they called last week to say they were coming but could not guarantee being there by noon which is what we agreed upon. When I told her that she did say they would call and come between 10 and 12, she said, oh we will be sure to be there then. She made me nervous. I have to pick up Kenny's kids at school by 4 so I need them done by 2. I will be glad when this condo is done and I just hand over the keys. Kenny worked on the wall Saturday but could not finish it as it needs to dry before painting. This weekend Jeff will finish up. It is not perfect but the new owner asked for the holes in the wall where the TV was to be filled in and the area painted. She will get just that. I have looked at condos that are empty and the wires are just hanging out of big holes in the walls. Usually the new owner does what they want with the holes, the wires, and the walls.

Have a good day.
Good morning. Another beautiful day on tap, temps near 75. I got all of the yard work finished yesterday. Trimmed around the garden and edges of neighbors fence, then sprayed some grass killer there, home made of course. Have to be careful because of the outdoor cats. I cut back the dead stems on our Autumn Joy Sedums and I noticed that the Lily of the Valley and Hostas are all coming up. I have to check and see if the lilac tree has more buds on it or if the last frost did them in.
Summer took the girls and Lily's boyfriend to Myrtle Beach to visit with her mother for a week. She had a bad reaction to her chemo med on Sunday, so they had to wait till yesterday to leave. She needs the time away to rest and relax. I wish I could get away like that for at least a few days, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

No outside work planned today, unless I get the energy up to till the garden again. Not planning on planting until at least Mid May, so I don't have to rush to get it done.

Have a nice morning

Lynn Sorry to hear the test results. So many issues. I hope all the doctors can coordinate the care and get her meds switched back.

@Kirby Glad the kids are back home.

@Judique Glad your DD and DGDs had a good trip. Seeing too many museums and Buckingham Palace is my dream trip to England. Peppa Pig is fun too!

Good morning. It is supposed to be a warmer day here, getting up to 70. I have a therapist appt this afternoon. Thursday I am supposed to have cleaners at the old condo. I was concerned when they called last week to say they were coming but could not guarantee being there by noon which is what we agreed upon. When I told her that she did say they would call and come between 10 and 12, she said, oh we will be sure to be there then. She made me nervous. I have to pick up Kenny's kids at school by 4 so I need them done by 2. I will be glad when this condo is done and I just hand over the keys. Kenny worked on the wall Saturday but could not finish it as it needs to dry before painting. This weekend Jeff will finish up. It is not perfect but the new owner asked for the holes in the wall where the TV was to be filled in and the area painted. She will get just that. I have looked at condos that are empty and the wires are just hanging out of big holes in the walls. Usually the new owner does what they want with the holes, the wires, and the walls.

Have a good day.
I still have the holes in my wall where my TV was mounted in my bedroom. I wanted to move the furniture which meant taking down the Tv. Then I moved the armoire where the holes are so I can't see them. I'll take care of them soon when we paint the whole room.

Hope the cleaners stay on your schedule.
Good morning. Another beautiful day on tap, temps near 75. I got all of the yard work finished yesterday. Trimmed around the garden and edges of neighbors fence, then sprayed some grass killer there, home made of course. Have to be careful because of the outdoor cats. I cut back the dead stems on our Autumn Joy Sedums and I noticed that the Lily of the Valley and Hostas are all coming up. I have to check and see if the lilac tree has more buds on it or if the last frost did them in.
Summer took the girls and Lily's boyfriend to Myrtle Beach to visit with her mother for a week. She had a bad reaction to her chemo med on Sunday, so they had to wait till yesterday to leave. She needs the time away to rest and relax. I wish I could get away like that for at least a few days, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

No outside work planned today, unless I get the energy up to till the garden again. Not planning on planting until at least Mid May, so I don't have to rush to get it done.

Have a nice morning

I am interested in your home made grass killer that isn't toxic to animals. Can you tell us how you make it? I apologize if I've asked this before but I forget stuff these days.

I have some of the $5 rubber squares near my back door and the grass will start growing between them. I will not use most of the stuff on the market around my home because of the dog and the outdoor cat. Dog will occasionally eat a bit of grass and then throw it up.

Lilacs are in bloom on my very young bush. They are not the lush ones from when I lived at home, but still lilacs.
I've had tulips and jonquils out front plus my japanese quince bloom already and my blueberry bushes are keeping the bees busy. However, no blooms on the plum trees I planted several years ago. I'll have to do my research on those.

Hope Summer and company enjoy their Myrtle Beach trip!
I am interested in your home made grass killer that isn't toxic to animals. Can you tell us how you make it? I apologize if I've asked this before but I forget stuff these days.

No apology needed
Into a garden sprayer I put 1 gallon of white vinegar, 1/2 cup of Epsom salts, and a few drops of Dawn blue dish liquid. (I don't know if other Dawn varieties will work, this is the one I was told to use, that's what I use).
I gently turn the sprayer to mix it, I don't shake it, I don't want soap suds from the Dawn. Spray whatever grass or weeds you don't want, and in a couple of days, depending on the weather, it will turn brown and die off. I have to repeat it around the garden a few times during the summer, it makes it less work to weed whack it.

I have some of the $5 rubber squares near my back door and the grass will start growing between them. I will not use most of the stuff on the market around my home because of the dog and the outdoor cat. Dog will occasionally eat a bit of grass and then throw it up.

Lilacs are in bloom on my very young bush. They are not the lush ones from when I lived at home, but still lilacs.
I've had tulips and jonquils out front plus my japanese quince bloom already and my blueberry bushes are keeping the bees busy. However, no blooms on the plum trees I planted several years ago. I'll have to do my research on those.

Hope Summer and company enjoy their Myrtle Beach trip!
Good Morning everyone and Happy Tuesday, too,

It's still warmer here which is so lovely and much appreciated! Dad is out doing laundry followed by Ralph's. How I pray to be able to sooner than later safely help him with these chores. I give thanks to God absolutely that in His time that day will come. Editing this now because I received a reply from Dr. E, my dentist which was extra kind of him since his receptionist had told me he is on vacation this week. My scheduled cleaning is two weeks from this coming Thursday. I had hoped to have this taken care of before then but at this point it does make sense to just wait to be able to discuss the filling and what will be needed with him at that time. It was easier, I admit, from the computer at home rather than on the spot in the office, to share a TMJ reminder. Along with my request that he apply a topical anesthetic and allow it time to work before the injection. All good and feel better 🦷wise. Thank you all for your extra encouragement and support about this.

Kirby, I am always so grateful when your grandkids are back 🏠where they belong!

Snowysmom, I will be so very relieved for you, my friend, when you are able to hand over the keys to the condo. May that truly be only the beginning of a whole lot of🕊️anew within you, my friend.

Lynn, all of your 💐sound so pretty! Thank you for tending to them all. :grouphug:I wish you could take a vacation, too!

Judique, thank you as well for caring for 🌳and flowers, too. I hope your grandkids and daughter are settling well into being back home.

PollyannaMom, I hope this morning finds you and your family, 🐈of, course, too, having a good Tuesday. Easyas, same to you and your family including:dogdance:

Thinking of you Pea and AuntieMe3 with prayers of healing and brighter days to both of you. Bobbiwoz, may you and Tom be having a ton of fun at ::MickeyMoAlways, 💛extra to Dazed and Frog.

Tuesday:hug:to all. I will check back later.
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Good afternoon. Warm here today and supposed to get to the mid 70's, perfect weather to watch a baseball game this afternoon. Anthony is doing amazingly well.

Easter went off without a hitch. We put about 40 eggs aside in case we had any issues. Over 600 eggs and only about 20 kids so we had no problems except for my grandson who thought he couldn't hunt any due to his age. We send the kids out in groups and he thought that meant he wasn't allowed to look since he is 9 and the second group went to 8. It got straightened out and he was all smiles after that. The only downside is that my grandson did not bring LJ, so I didn't get to see him. We haven't seen LJ since January. I don't know what the issue is, but my son says they are just weird.

I paid off the Disney trip and then told Ella I cancelled it. There was an issue with the phones so she couldn't hear me say just kidding. My daughter was laughing hysterically in the background because she knows I have a bit of an odd sense of humor. All is good though because Ella calmed down and agreed it was a little funny. The only thing left now is to order the Magic Bands and make the dining reservations. I can't decide if I want to order a new band so that's the biggest holdup there. The one I got in October would still work as long as the cat hasn't eaten it. He likes to chew on the oddest things and has been known to eat Magic Bands.

i have a fairly free week as my daughter has the week off from work. I won't know what to do with myself. Hope you all have a great day.
⚾:cheer2:for Anthony, Taz. I'm glad the Easter Egg hunt turned out well and again thank you for helping make it fun for all the kids. I'm not a joke fan ever but am glad all turned out well. You do so much for so many, my friend, with such kind care. Enjoy a quieter time for yourself!:hug:
Good afternoon! Glad to hear about everyone’s Easter. 🐇

We had a nice day Sunday. Went to SIL’s. Weather was chilly but sunny so we got to sit outside to chat after eating - with jackets on, lol. Lots of nice birds in the yard, including a cardinal pair, that were fun to watch. And the kids running around. Lots of good food - salad, lasagna, ham, chicken marsala, fruit salad, desserts. DH made his cannolis, DD made her cupcakes and DSIL made her Italian cookies. There was also coconut pie. I was too full to have any but DH said it was good. DS got to have a meal and desserts before he had to run off to work but at least he got to see everyone. One nephew came late so they missed eachother. It was a nice day.



Yesterday we went to IKEA to look at ideas for DS’s space. He and DH made some progress on the lower family room this weekend and then DS went at it by himself yesterday before DH got home and they worked together on it afterward. Walls are stripped and re-insulated. DS decided on his bed. I have been looking at a sink and cabinet there for years and the measurements work out. We currently have a pedestal sink but we might change it out when we get to the bathroom, we’ll see. We have plenty of storage space above the washer and dryer with two huge cabinets so the pedestal is fine if we want to save on costs. We were looking at patterned roller shades for the windows, light fixtures and wood paneling online, but will probably stick with the grey paneling from Lowe’s. Looking at carpet tile for the floor. It’s a heavily traveled area so something less permanent than wall to wall carpet might work in case we need to clean it or change it out. The floor is chilly so I think that will work out and look really nice. So, moving along.

I was tired today. Did some laundry and light cleaning but that was about it. It will likely be an early night, too.

Enjoy the rest of the evening, everyone! 🐥 Good thoughts for all
@Pea-n-Me Those cannolis look delicious. I don't know if you have heard of LaCascia's bakery. They have great cannolis and Italian pastries. But I think yours look better. Glad you had a nice Easter.

Good morning. It is 59 degrees already and expected to go into the low 70s. Tomorrow and Friday look to be in the 80s. I saw my therapist yesterday. She is really good. She picks up on things and runs with them. She keeps trying to get me to take it one day at a time but I always have looked way down the road. She tells me I am making a movie of my life which may or may not be true. How do I know what is going to happen years ahead? I hope to stop making a life scenario of being lonely and unhappy for the rest of my life. She tells me I have no idea that will be my life. She also believes that therapy continues at home and is sending me some guides to help me try to take my thoughts and really look at them and think if they are good for me or not. My big thing is to not be a burden to the kids. We talked about that too. I like that she is nonjudgmental.

I pick up the kids at school today. The whole pickup process is somewhat of a nightmare where the cars line up, 2 at a time get their kids, the kids get buckled in, and then they leave. My 2 grandkids tend to take their time getting to the car and getting buckled in while there are cars behind us waiting. I also need to pick them up tomorrow. I just hope the cleaners come on time so I can be out of the old condo by 2. There is afterschool care if I can't make it by 3 but I would like to.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Good morning . Summer weather is showing it's head. 82 today, almost 90 tomorrow. Slight breeze which is making it feel so nice. Temp stayed at 67 almost all night.

Dave came after dinner last night and took the concrete form off the bottom of the ramp, and measured the house. He's going to call the company and get quotes on the metal today. He's also taking pics of houses that he's done so we can see the colors of the actual roof. We are still undecided. I still want the lighter blue, Don wants charcoal gray, which is a departure from what he wanted to start out with. He found a visualizer program on the company's site that you put a pic of your house in and then it puts the various roof colors on it. I still would like to see it on an actual roof first. I'm fighting for blue, but I don't know if this is a battle I can win, lol. I saw the marine green on line and it looks more like the color for a beach house, so I took that off my list.

Going shopping in a bit with SIL and niece. I need to to get out of the house for awhile. It's too nice to be inside. I've been trying to get Don to go out and sit on the new deck, but as of now, still not having luck.

Have a great day everyone. Hugs and Prayers for all who need them.

@Snowysmom, thank you for sharing the things your therapist says. You gave me things to think about.

Prayers for all who have asked.

We are in WDW, and there have been bumps in our stay. Getting over them. We didn’t get to our room at BCV yesterday until after 6:30. We were coming from the VGF where initially they gave us a room without a shower stall, and I cannot use/step into a bathtub. ( We bought into VGF years ago, because in the studios there was a tub with a shower, AND a shower stall with a seat that I can use! They gave us a HA studio that only had a tub.) So, this has been stressful. The problem at BCV was the dishwasher….it was broke, and they wouldn’t release the room to us as is. At 6 something, they told us what the problem was and we said we would take “as is” but please give us a room! They comped our dinner, we got the room, and this morning a man fixed the dishwasher and I hope the stress is behind us.

Tomorrow we see our friends and celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary on Friday. We will have dinner at Flying Fish tomorrow and lunch at Beaches and Cream on Friday with them. B&C is our friend’s absolute favorite place to eat. I am so happy we have the ADR.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying the topiaries. The Easter Eggs are gone, but here’s one I especially liked.

Good morning . Summer weather is showing it's head. 82 today, almost 90 tomorrow. Slight breeze which is making it feel so nice. Temp stayed at 67 almost all night.

Dave came after dinner last night and took the concrete form off the bottom of the ramp, and measured the house. He's going to call the company and get quotes on the metal today. He's also taking pics of houses that he's done so we can see the colors of the actual roof. We are still undecided. I still want the lighter blue, Don wants charcoal gray, which is a departure from what he wanted to start out with. He found a visualizer program on the company's site that you put a pic of your house in and then it puts the various roof colors on it. I still would like to see it on an actual roof first. I'm fighting for blue, but I don't know if this is a battle I can win, lol. I saw the marine green on line and it looks more like the color for a beach house, so I took that off my list.

Going shopping in a bit with SIL and niece. I need to to get out of the house for awhile. It's too nice to be inside. I've been trying to get Don to go out and sit on the new deck, but as of now, still not having luck.

Have a great day everyone. Hugs and Prayers for all who need them.


This may seem mean, but when does Don ever look at the roof? You are the one out maintaining your property and who would be coming and going all the time, looking at a color someone else chose.

Hopefully he gets more mobile and I know it's not easy for him but it's sure as heck not easy for you to do all the chores you do. I vote that you pick the color (I know - I have no vote) even if you pick sky blue pink!

He's lucky to have you in his life.
@Snowysmom, thank you for sharing the things your therapist says. You gave me things to think about.

Prayers for all who have asked.

We are in WDW, and there have been bumps in our stay. Getting over them. We didn’t get to our room at BCV yesterday until after 6:30. We were coming from the VGF where initially they gave us a room without a shower stall, and I cannot use/step into a bathtub. ( We bought into VGF years ago, because in the studios there was a tub with a shower, AND a shower stall with a seat that I can use! They gave us a HA studio that only had a tub.) So, this has been stressful. The problem at BCV was the dishwasher….it was broke, and they wouldn’t release the room to us as is. At 6 something, they told us what the problem was and we said we would take “as is” but please give us a room! They comped our dinner, we got the room, and this morning a man fixed the dishwasher and I hope the stress is behind us.

Tomorrow we see our friends and celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary on Friday. We will have dinner at Flying Fish tomorrow and lunch at Beaches and Cream on Friday with them. B&C is our friend’s absolute favorite place to eat. I am so happy we have the ADR.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying the topiaries. The Easter Eggs are gone, but here’s one I especially liked.

View attachment 752729

Sorry about the hiccups! I used to have to ask for a bathtub when my youngest was little and then for my grands at age 1 -2ish. Then as I've gotten older I prefer the stand alone showers. I can still step into a bathtub but prefer not to. At home I have a very low bathtub that is fairly easy to get in and out but my next remodel may be a standalone shower. Have one upstairs but don't really want to be going up there either.

Shame on BCV for not getting you settled sooner! Comping dinner was the least they could do. They should have comped at least half the points for the room since I believe if you hadn't accepted it 'as is' who knows when you would have been able to settle in. Call or send an email to MS and ask them to do more. They prevented you from not only getting settled but from having use of your kitchen to 'possibly' cooking your dinner, all reasons why you probably purchased, to have the 'home' experience.
I own there and have experienced bad service more than once, and more than BWV even though most of my stays and points are BWV. Sometimes I think they neglect the villas in favor of guests in the regular part of the hotel.

I'm a fan of Flying Fish. I also enjoy B&C but it's been a while since I have been there. Enjoy the rest of your time with your friends.
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PollyannaMom, I hope this morning finds you and your family, 🐈of, course, too, having a good Tuesday.
I did - Tuesdays are just busy. I have an online class in the morning, then an in-person one in the afternoon, plus often running some sort of errands on the way home.

No long errands yesterday, but I started on decluttering the "linen closet" in the upstairs bathroom (so much more than just towels to go through :rotfl2: ) so that kept me busy as well. Plus, it was nice out, so I planted a pot of flowers.

This may seem mean, but when does Don ever look at the roof? You are the one out maintaining your property and who would be coming and going all the time, looking at a color someone else chose.

Hopefully he gets more mobile and I know it's not easy for him but it's sure as heck not easy for you to do all the chores you do. I vote that you pick the color...
Me too!
(And I'm glad you said it, because I was definitely thinking it.)
Good Morning from cooler LA,

Chillier morning today but I give God great thanks always for waking me and dad up each day and all the extra in safety and health together with and I pray for Him. I'm grateful dad is staying 🏠today. Tomorrow, he's going to a Skecher's Outlet Store where we have a $10 reward that he will hopefully use toward new 👟I'm going to call Dr. E's office this morning to firstly thank his receptionist for reaching out to him yesterday and to let her know that he did reply. I would also like to if possible move my 🦷cleaning up to next week so that the filling can be taken care of the week after. I would rather not wait almost a month to get it resolved. I would appreciate extra prayers that day. Quiet day otherwise which is always so nice.

Lynn, please send me some of your :sunny:I'm very glad to hear you are able to get out of the house today with some company, too. Don 🙏always in general and that he chooses to enjoy some sunshine, too. Love the pooh:picture. I want to go on his ride right now. Well, maybe not in the chilly morning that is now but it will be God willing fun to go on again one day, ideally even with dear you.

Snowysmom, I also thank you for sharing with us the wise and kind words of your therapist. I'm sincerely so grateful God brought her into your life. Please remember, you make a difference to her, too. It's hard to not always know what is ahead from simpler to bigger. One thing I do know is Jesus is our Guide forever. Also keep in mind none of us can add time to our lives by worrying. You are continuing to move forward with such courage. You know I wish you joy and 🕊️always! I do hope school pickup goes smoothly today.

Bobbiwoz, 🙏for only ::MickeyMofun going forward. Have a wonderful celebration with your friends.

Judique, and Bobbiwoz, too, ⛱️and Cream sounds like such a fun place to enjoy 🍨Flying Fish name always makes me smile, too. That would be a great name for a new Dumbo type ride or even a boat ride. Have a good Wednesday. I hope you get to see your daughter and grandkids sometime soon.

PollyannaMom, good to see you. I really do admire that you're taking the 2 classes and hope they have been fun and interesting. Planting 🌷sounds like a sunnier spring act of care to do. Thank you for helping new life bloom.

Thinking extra this morning of B&B and Footballmouse, and DisneyMommyMichelle, who hasn't posted in a long time. Prayers that all three are well.

Have a good Wednesday everyone🌸
Well. I spent quite a bit of time weeding today. It wasn't easy as my sinuses were making me feel dizzy getting up and down. I'll do more tomorrow morning before it gets too hot as we are going mid 80ties.

I cornered the market on worms, stinkbugs, spiders and ants. Wasps were out and I'm still looking for a little nest. It's probably under the deck. Loads of bees. No insecticides on my property, but Chemlawn visits my neighbor and sprays but they still get lots of weeds. The other side used to spray but now pulls by hand.

Now I'm watching tv for a bit and probably need another shower as I got sweaty, but I feel sleepy. Fresh air will do that!


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