packing cubes?

I have found they make my packing easier. I like that I can move a cube around to get to something and I don't have to really disturb the whole suitcase to get to it. I also just put the cubes in various drawers when unpacking and it makes unpacking a snap!! I organize like things into the cubes.

I use them all the time and have for years. Helps keep things organized and easy to find. I use cubes of different sizes and colors for shirts, pants and underwear, so it's easy to find a particular item. If I have checked luggage, I use one cube to contain a complete change of clothing in my flight carry-on just in case the checked bag gets delayed. When I get to the ship, the cubes go into the drawers or on the shelves.
They're very nice to have but if you don't want to spend the money just use large ziplock bags. I save the thick plastic zipper bags that sheets, shams and the like come in and use them. Nothing better that free and they are clear so it's real easy to see what's in each one.
I absolutely love my packing cubes! My husband and I each have a set of the Eagle Creek Spectre cubes which are super light weight. I travel carry on only, so every bit of weight counts, and I find that the cubes fit very nicely into the space of my pack. It's easy to keep things organized and I find I can fit so much more in less space with the cubes. Yes, they were expensive, but well worth it - they are well made and I know I will use them for a very long time.

I love mine. I use them for my gym duffel too. (Workout clothes in one, shower stuff in another, an empty one for used clothing.)
we have them in several colors. one for me, one for dh and a black set to put any dirty cloths we are bringing home in. you can throw them in the washer and they come out fine, just don't try and dry them in the drier.
as to useful, absolutely. I will never travel without them again. all sizes. small keeps underwear and socks as well as any personal products like toothpaste and toothbrush, meds, things like that. medium for tops and shorts, swimsuits. large for dress clothes that I don't want to wrinkle, less folds are better right? yes, you will not regret the purchase.
I love mine too! As others have said it is helpful for keeping things more organized. I have two kids but we often travel with one suitcase to cut down on baggage fees. The packing cubes keep everyones stuff organized without having to tear apart the whole suitcase. We also often road trip so different hotels from night to night. This is another time when packing cubes are handy. I pack everyones monday outfit in the bag I label monday and so on. nice and organized with minimal repacking effort needed. I keep finding more uses for them too...diaper bag, pool towels, etc
They're great! I have the eBags ones and the zipper has held up even though I really pull at it when I'm cramming things in. I use one medium one for each person (me, DH, DS6, DD3), and a couple smalls for underwear and socks. I can fit everything into one checked medium-sized luggage, and 2 regular sized backpacks as carry-on.
I will echo everyone else, love mine and cant imagine travelling without them now. Every member in our family has their own colour so when we unpack in our hotel/ stateroom the entire process is a breeze.
They are great! I bought mine from ebags. Everyone in the family has their own color. I ordered an extra set of the larger bags for adult clothes. My kids just put them straight in the drawers and chest. When we are going on multi trip vacation stops, I label the bags and we don't even open up the bags until we're at the next leg of vacation.
YES!!! I love my ebags packing cubes. As pp have said, each of the four of is has a different color. we recently went on a week long trip but stayed at five different hotels throughout. We packed each suitcase with one ebag for each person and just left what we didn't need for that night in the car. Super easy to unpack at your destination. I won't even go on an overnight trip without them.
I've started using the compression packing cubes about a year ago and I find them extremely helpful for me. I like to travel light so selecting the proper clothing and compression is key for me. I also prefer the lighter colored packing cubes because I can see through the material to determine what is inside without having to unzip it. Finally they also work as a place to keep dirty clothing separate from other clothing until you do laundry.
I love my packing cubes! When we travel, I always spread each person's clothes out among all our suitcases, in case of lost luggage. We all have different-colored packing cubes, so it's a snap to reorganize our wardrobes once we arrive.

Another reason I love a tight space such as a cruise cabin, I stack them and use them like bureau drawers to keep my clothes organized. My swimming things go in one, shorts in another, underwear in a third, so I can find what I want quickly.

Yet another reason I love them is that I think it cuts down on the chance of something falling out of your suitcase if it gets opened by TSA. It's easier for them to search the suitcase, and if you're really worried, you can throw a business card in each bag in case it does get list.
I invested in the Flight 001 Spacepack cubes and love them. I'm much better organized overall: packing, during the trip everything stays organized & tidy, dirty clothes are stored in the "dirty" side, and re-packing for home is a breeze. I adore them! I watch carefully for sales and picked up some on eBay. It was an investment but totally worth it!
Makes packing more organized, My wife finds that she packs more efficiently and thus gets more into the luggage than otherwise, plus she loves the speed at which she can unpack when we get to the cruise ship or hotel room. The cubes simply move from luggage to drawer.
I was really a skeptic, but bought them when they were on sale and went through ebates to get money back. Made them really a good deal, anyway I love them. Especially for our multi-stay vacations. Myself and my kids each have our own color, and each stop had it's own bag. So at each hotel I could bring out 3 small bags instead of going through one huge suitcase to find 1 shirt.
Love them too. Very handy as you can use a different color for each familymember. Keep things organized. Easy unpacking as you can just put them in the drawer.
Can't imagine going on a trip without one !


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