No Flash Pictures Please --- Redux

Any new stories?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. All tales are welcomed!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I rode tuesday and the ladies behind DH and I wanted a picture when we loaded so he took it. Then the CM told the more flash pictures ladies! :) And they said...oh we just wanted one before we get going. So I was relieved. But then as soon as the music started this loud obnoxious creature from the back row of the boat began singing as loudly as humanly possible along with the words. *high five* you know how to say yo does my 2 yr old. But doesn't mean he does it. So she sang and sang until we didn't hear it anymore and when it started up again in the village she refrained from joining...Thank goodness. I was about to say something to her the first time and certainly would have had she sung again.
Unless it is Madonna singing in my boat, then no thank you. Perhaps a bit of light singing at the beginning would be o.k. However, at the top of one's lungs? Most definitely no thank you! (Cringe) I am glad that you were prepared to tell this much unwanted songstress, to zip it. Maybe one can tell someone in this case, please inside voice. If you do not know what it is, my two year old will be more than happy to tell you. he he! Seriously.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unless it is Madonna singing in my boat, then no thank you. Perhaps a bit of light singing at the beginning would be o.k. However, at the top of one's lungs? Most definitely no thank you! (Cringe) I am glad that you were prepared to tell this much unwanted songstress, to zip it. Maybe one can tell someone in this case, please inside voice. If you do not know what it is, my two year old will be more than happy to tell you. he he! Seriously.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well I tried to be patient for a few minutes and told myself not to go down to her level and thankfully my patience was rewarded by being quiet. However I know that I will be much more apt to speak quickly against such an offender in April as we'll have several first time riders with us! Hopefully the 13 of us will mostly have the boat to ourselves.
I am getting a new Nikon Dsomething for Christmas. DH won't tell me which one it is. I solemnly promise not to use the flash on dark rides. Not because it would bother others (that is also a reason) but because I am such a clutz I would drop the camera and break it. Or it would end up in the water on PotC and IASW. So it will stay in its bag on rides.
It sounds like that is going to be a very nice present, pigletforever.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I see someone pull out their camera while sailing about upon our pirates voyage, I begin to become a bit worried. I will wait to see what the guest does with their camera. If they take just one flash picture, I remind them reasonably politely, that no flash pictures are allowed. Normally one does not have an issue with the message.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am getting a new Nikon Dsomething for Christmas. DH won't tell me which one it is. I solemnly promise not to use the flash on dark rides. Not because it would bother others (that is also a reason) but because I am such a clutz I would drop the camera and break it. Or it would end up in the water on PotC and IASW. So it will stay in its bag on rides.

I am getting myself a new camera for Christmas! LOL I already have it actually but I haven't played with it yet. I've been able to resist the need. It's a Nikon Cool Pix that I got for super cheap!!!!! Brand new too, with a FREE memory card!! I can't wait to pull it out and figure it all out. I figure that between DBF and I we will have the 6 hr drive down to figure out how to use it and turn the flash off. :) LOL Enjoy your new toy!!!

When I see someone pull out their camera while sailing about upon our pirates voyage, I begin to become a bit worried. I will wait to see what the guest does with their camera. If they take just one flash picture, I remind them reasonably politely, that no flash pictures are allowed. Normally one does not have an issue with the message.

I usually let them have 2 flash shots before I start saying "no flash pictures please" over and over and over again......LOL

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oh, no! Flash pictures! Who ya gonna call! Flash busters! ;) ha ha! I wish that there were flash picture police on this ride, and for the HM as well. :) Now that would be cool.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To one and all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Totally forgot until you just mentioned it...when we rode HMH the couple like 3 buggies back from us was taking flash pictures!! And not of the ride but of the themselves...the girl was doing it. I was pissed but didn't shout as that may be just as distracting. I did however find it to be rude and distasteful!!
I am trying to figure out why one would want to take pictures of themselves on a dark ride? When it is further in the ride, anyway. I can understand, if just boarding, that is not so bad.
I wonder how they kept from getting sea sick. What with all of the spinning around, then say cheese!
Some people just do not get it! Or they do, however like to forget it! Because it works to their advantage that way. Oh, I forgot. Yeah, right, I am sure that you did not.
Times like those, it would be nice if a camera fairy could do a fly by. Seize the cameras, and not give them back until the ride is clean over.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merry Christmas!~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Hanukkah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To one and all! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kristine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Would anyone like to add to these tales of the sea? Or Haunted Mansion etc. for that matter.
Not 'til we get back. :) But I got my new camera (Nikon Coolpix S210) and it's got a museum setting.....says it's specifically for taking pictures in dark places where flash is not allowed!! Can't wait to try it!!!! :)

That sounds very interesting, a museum setting. I love visiting museums. It will be nice to see how that setting does work. I hope that it works out perfectly. We will know if it does not, when someone says, Hey down in front, no flash pictures please, it is the policy, thank you. :) he he!
Well according to the settings......which I have looked over extensively wanting to know how to turn the flash off at the very least......the museum setting had NO, we will see!!! I'll share what I was able to get upon my return! :)
I use the "available light" type setting or set for manual with a long exposure. Its usually blurry but can be cool sometimes.
Pas de flash de photos s'il vous plaît Merci beaucoup

keine Flash-Bilder bitte Danke

Sin flash imágenes por favor Gracias

in flash non immagini si prega di Grazie

No flash pictures please Thank you

ingen flash billeder bedes Tak
I am sorry you feel that way. I for one, am not tired of seeing it at all. Matter of fact, I am the one that began it. Might I suggest that if you would prefer to not see it, then just do not pay attention to it. Please really and thank you.
Also, please define "silly" For it is not silly when people take flash pictures, and disturb other guests. Not to mention, going against Disney policy. I am so sorry really, that Disney's rules, some how offend your delicate sensibilities.
I most profusely apologize for your feeling that way regarding not only their policy, but this thread as well.
My previous post, is in several different languages. I do not see anything silly about that either. I am sorry if foreign languages some how disturb you. That certainly was not my intention.

Thank you


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