Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)

Yesterday was a LONG day! I'm still exhausted. Foodl wasn't great, but wasn't as bad as it could have been. Breakfast was oatmeal square (4). Lunch Chick Fil A grilled, fries & cf diet coke. Dinner was the other Taco Bell nachos supreme. Haven't calculated points, but I know it wasn't good.

I managed to get packages ready and mailed before picking up lunch and DS19. Ran him to Dr. which actually went quickly. His BP was high and they want him to check it 3x/week and come back in 2 mo. Just walking in the building he began visibly shaking, plus he had not slept in over 24 hours and had caffeine. Hopefully it will improve. Ran to bread store , then DMV. Dropped DS19 where his car is so they can work on it more, managed 1 grocery before having to go potty pups. Took care of froz stuff and left immediately for 2nd grocery. Finished just in time to pick DD up from Choir practice and get home at 5:30 p.m. I had left at 10:30 a.m. UGH!!

Leftovers for dinner, then I started on Ebay. DH came home in a mood, which was not what I expected since he is leaving on a 4 day vacation tonight to visit his friends in KS. I gave him his packet of all his travel infoand he didn't want to read it, wanted me to recite it all for him. When I told him it was all in the packet, he went off, so didn't talk to me the rest of the night or this morning. Not sure what his problem is, but it happens every time he goes to KS, alone, for a visit. It is only 55 out today and he also wasn't thrilled when I asked him to haul all my winter clothes down from up high so I could go thru them and change out my dressers. Oh well..... I can't run around in shorts & tank tops when it's in the upper 30's in the mornings!

DS16 forgot his tank bag and work clothes at the gym last night so he left early for work. As soon as he left I tackled the mountain of clothes on my bed. I truly mean MOUNTAIN! I shop mostly at thrift stores and mostly on $1 day, so I buy a lot that I like and is good brands in hopes it will fit. If not, it goes to Ebay eventually.

I was pleasantly surprised that some things that fit or were tight last winter are now too big and some that I couldn't come close to wearing fit. My fav was a Weekenders outfit size XS!!! Yes, this brand runs big! It is a 'home party' line that a gym mom is selling, only I won't buy at the real prices. I keep picking up for $1 - $5 an outfit (would be $50-100) It is super comfy and is knit so it travels well and washes great. Plus, since it runs big it makes you feel good!

I still need to go thru my cedar chest for the folding stuff, but the closet is tried on. Now I have several to list on Ebay. I'm taking a leap of faith in myself. My very favorite Disney pants, top, jacket is too big in the rear/crotch, so I put it in the Ebay pile. I don't want to grow back into it, but it was hard to part with. I only wore it on trips when I flew for gym as it was comfy. Oh well...... time to find another! I will NOT grow!! I will NOT grow!!! I will NOT grow!!

Tonight I have to take DD to fencing right after school. Then do Ebay. I'm hoping for time to take a nice long bath. If DH had gotten the hot tub running I'd be in it, but I forgot to ask him over the weekend and I don't know how.

DD wants to go to Balloon fiesta in the morning and DS16 might crew for a balloon. That means 4 a.m.!!! I'm not sure I"m up for that. Tomorrow is special shapes mass ascension. It was rained out today, so I"m sure it will be packed if they can fly. Plus no school tomorrow.

Saturday I have to take DD to Los Alamos for a fencing tournament - about 2 hours away. She doesn't like me to watch, so I'll spend the time walking about their small town. They actually have trees & everything!! Sunday I'm hoping to SEW!! I bought all the stuff for covers for the dog cages and need to not procrastinate.

So, all that, plus the normal stuff and my weekend will be full to the max. DH gets home Monday night and I"m sure he will be exhausted and crabby. I'll likely be gone w/ DD at fencing when he gets here and he'll probably be asleep by the time we get home, so I won't have to listen to him until Tuesday. SIGH!!!!!!!

Did my WATP 4 mi this morning - 55 min. It is about the only thing keeping me sane.

Time to potty the pups and try to get some Ebay started.

Hopefully more later! Hope all y'all are having a good week!!
Julie -- How are you NOT exhausted!?!??!?!?! I am WIPED OUT for you! I hope that while DH is gone, you will seize some time for yourself and give yourself some early-to-bed nights.

Take care of yourself, Julie. It is obvious that no one else is going to do it for you! And be sure to get puppy kisses as frequently as possible -- they will certainly help to energize you.

I hope the balloon fest is wonderful tomorrow -- that is something I'd really like to see someday. Enjoy!

Sending you a :hug: and some :wizard: for a quiet, peaceful weekend! Good luck to DD on her fencing match and to DS if he gets to crew for a balloon.
This afternoon did not go as planned, as usual.

A friend of DS16 called at 2:30 and several people didn't show up for work so DS16 couldn't leave Chick Fil A and go to gym. He did the responsible thing and stayed until 8 p.m.

DD and I left for fencing and ran thru drive thru for her. I got a cf diet coke. Fencing was supposed to be from 4 - 6 so I planned to eat after. Fencing lasted until 8:30. I quickly ran to Costco to buy DS16 more Adidas shirts for winter - the really nice absorbing ones for $18 vs $45. Grabbed roll up sandwiches as I was starving and blood sugar was plummeting since I had had lunch at 11:30. Then DD and I went to Starbucks. So at almost 9 p.m. I had just over 1/2 my points for the day. NOT GOOD!!!

And I ate/drank so fast that my stomach really really hurt.

Finally got home after 9. No Ebay, no bath, no energy, no submitting psychology. Trying to wear out the pups so I can get some sleep.

The good news is that we are NOT going to Balloon Fiesta in the morning. After working 10 hours today DS16 doesn't feel like getting up at 3 a.m. to crew. Sleeping in won't happen, but at least I can sleep til a normal time. We might go to the Balloon Glowdeo and fireworks tomorrow night.

Even better news is that one of the fencing dads volunteered to take the girls team to the tournament on Sat so I likely won't have to go! YEAH!!! I'll just have to drive her across town and then pick her up. 30 min each way sure beats 2 hours driving each way for about a 90 min tournament. Maybe I'll get some 'me' time, yet!
Congrats on the weight loss the other day Julie!!! That is great. Every little bit helps. Dh was suppose to come to Albequerque (I know I spelled that wrong, sorry) on Monday but it got postponed. He was suppose to meet with some management company or something but the legislature is having a special session to deal with the gas and fuel issues so that has delayed his meeting and won't be coming. I was so hoping he'd make it to see the balloons and bring home pics. That is one place I will go before my life is over. I so want to see that.

Hope you have a good weekend and find some time for you!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
OMGoodness Julie!!! You are a very busy person! Please make sure that you take time for you......

Hope you are having a wonderful Friday! Relax and enjoy your day if you can!
Hi Julie!

I am sending you lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for some Julie-time this weekend! I hope you have a great weekend! :sunny:
Hey Julie!!

Wow, still getting lots done I can see!! I take a few days away from the DIS and I think you might be doing even more than before! hehe! Hope that you got some relaxation time this weekend, and that you didn't need to drive to the fencing tourney today!
Keep up the great work!!!

Mike :goodvibes
Sunday night and I feel the weekend hasn't begun.......UGH!!!!!

Back to Friday..... Since we were going to Balloon Fiesta, I had to take DS16 to work - I was NOT going to let him ride his cycle in that traffic. Dropped him off at 10, came home, woke DD, did a small bit of Ebay and a couple loads of clothes. Left at 1:30 to pick up DS16 and take him to gym, along with all our stuff for Balloon Fiesta. DD and I exchanged a shirt at Costco, walked thru Whole Foods and by the time we were done, DS16 was done with workout. Off to Balloon Fiesta. We had decided to eat dinner there... Got them pizza and nachos and walked looking for something for me. I finally gave in to Shishkaberries - chocolate covered strawberries on a stick. DD and I split one so she had a huge chunk of fresh pineapple in choc and I had 3 berries. Still hungry, but balloons were about to glow. Up until we went to Balloon fiesta, I had had only 7 pts, so had 15 left to use. For the first time since we've lived here, a Special Shapes glow, wasn't a dud due to wind. Before it got dark DD, DS16 and I spent almost an hour walking the perimeter of the park - my only exercise, but it was just a couple minutes under an hour, so that was good. DD and I walked another several laps inside the park looking at the glow and taking pics. DS16 cell went dead and he was supposed to meet friends, so he went to the car to get his spare battery and never made it back. We met up with him at the top of the HUGE hill during fireworks. (BF park sits in a 'bowl') On the way out I bought an order of 'Texas Taters' - home made potato chips - I'd never tried them. Most of them blew away walking up the hill. I had maybe a dozen during fireworks. Good, but greasy. DS16 made plans to go play DDR w/ friends and DD and I headed to car. Unlocked the car and promptly LOST MY KEYS!!! We searched for almost 20 min, called DS16 and they were stuck in traffic about 1/2 mile away. He RAN over to us and helped find the keys, then RAN back and they had gone less than a block! Finally got home at about 9, too tired to do much and puppies were WILD! they had been locked up since 1:30. So, we finally got to bed just after midnight.

I THOUGHT Saturday would be restful........

Up at 6 w/ pups, Left at 8 to take DD to fencing. Made Cinnamon rolls(the pillsbury kind). I made the SF for me and ate 1 - 2 pts - It was OK, frosting was kind of like cold gooey marshmallow. While I'm waiting in the fencing club for them to leave DS19 calls. Asks me is "mike" the roomie who helped him move had been over to get his stuff. I truly didn't know anything here was his except a guitar and I haven't seen him. DS19 then proceeds to tell me that they discovered the 'mike' is WANTED in several states for some serious stuff. They had him 'removed' from the house DS19 is staying at 2 days prior. Said if 'mike' shows up to not let him in and call the police. WONDERFUL!!! DS19 said he needs to come over and get rid of 'mikes' stuff from my house. He explained what was going on, and it's BAD!! Fortunately, they found out before they all were implicated just by association.

So, after dropping DD I ran by where they are working on DS19's car which STILL isn't running. Home to care for pups and change out more drawers. Tried to nap but DD called. Laid down again and about 30 min later she called to say they were 45 min away, so I had to leave. Picked her up and went to get gelatto. My entire food Sat was salt & vinegar chips & gelatto - great, huh???? Home to take a bath and try to relax before doing Ebay. Just get in and DS19 calls wanting me to bring him a multimeter, a change of clothes and some sodas. So, I box some food/drinks, spend 45 min finding DH's multimeter and DD and I leave. On the way back we stopped at Starbucks and I had a peppermint mocha decaf NF. Finally home at about 9 to start Ebay. DS19's former girlfriend calls and chats until 10:30. She & her family are friends and she is concerned about DS19. Finally got the house shut up, dogs taken care of and into bed at 11:15, DS16 calls from work at 11:45 and says he's on the way. Back up to let him in, briefly talk and send him off to bed. No exercise...... unless STRESS counts!

Today...... got the kids up at 9 as we were going to go to Breakfast - it's my fav meal and DH HATES to go. Leave for IHOP at 9:45, as we pull in DS16 who is driving nearly doubles over in pain. Sit in the car for 20 min before going in, 30 min wait. DS16 makes 2 long trips to bathroom and when we are next in line says we need to go home. This of course Tics DD off royally!! Back home and I have....salt and vinegar chips for breakfast/lunch. Later I had a banana w/ ff pb. Had to take DS16 to a meeting at work. DD and I decided to go get some dinner - she had a Sonic Blast & chili cheese fries. I succumbed (that doesn't look spelled right) and had a sonic blast, and cheese curds. I guess it's not too bad since I really haven't eaten, but.... No exercise again today.

We've had rain and hail off and on most of the day. It's 49 out now and going to be mid - upper 30s. And I have no HEAT!! DH hasn't winterized our swamp and turned the furnace on yet.

DD has a bad earache and I'm not sending her to school in the morning. I'm sure she's infected. I'm exhausted, have a sore throat and my ear is hurting, too. I'm 99% sure I have a sinus infection.

So, It's almost 9 and I need to do Ebay and get to bed. DH will be home tomorrow late afternoon.
Wow Julie! :earseek:

You are such an amazing woman! :goodvibes You do so much for so many people. ::yes:: You are definitely a blessing to many! :grouphug:

I hope that you and DD start feeling better soon. Ear infections and sinus infections are no fun at all. :wizard: and prayers on the way for both of you.

Thank you so much for stopping by my journal with eBay :wizard: and encouragement! Your support means a lot to me. :hug:

I'm sending you some eBay :wizard: :wizard: as well! :goodvibes

Have a great Monday Julie! :sunny: Remember in all the busyness of life, to take good care of you, too. :hug:
Julie -- I know I've said this before, but I get worn out just READING about what you are LIVING. Please listen to your body and slow down and rest!
Sending a :hug: and :wizard:
Wow, Julie. I really hope you get a break soon!

The baloon festival sounds lovely--what a fun event!

I hope things calm down with the kids and that everyone is healthy and squared away soon. You're doing a great job managing--I give you a lot of credit for that.

Sending :wizard: your way!
Hi Julie,

Whew....you are a busy woman. How do you do it??? Please take some time for yourself, you need it!!!!

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Keep up the good work.
This is a test post. Tried to post a Week 5 for Red Team and it doesn't appear. HMMMMMM.......
Off and Running!

DS16 has today off work, so it was to be a busy school day for him. But.... The Dr's office we originally went to when we moved, lost the record of his MMR booster, so had to get him in today which took the better part of an hour.

Did WATP 4 mi this morning early. Today is Ebay mailing day so I have to package stuff, hopefully in time to take it and also get DS16 driver's license on his way to gym at 3. We finally got DS19 off our policy so DS16 can have his license now.

Breakfast 1 cookie (1). DS16 wanted chinese, so I picked it up. 1 Egg roll(3) fried rice and I got the mixed vegs w/ tofu. Not sure how much I"ll eat of it.

Tonight we have a meeting at the Cyber Academy, so not sure what I'll do for dinner. DD has choir until 5:30 again.

Hopefully this will post - I've tried to start a new week 5 thread for red team and it hasn't posted. Guess the boards are having trouble.

More later....
That is an appropriate title for my day!

Had DS16 load packages in my car. Get to the DMV express, take a number, sit down. The staff are chatting, talking, playing games, not waiting on anyone. After 15 min one looks up and says "did anyone tell you that our system is down state wide? Don't know when it will come back up". So we go across the parking lot to the car to get my packages. I open the car and only see boxes, not the wheeled carts that have priority bags. Ask DS16 and he says he only saw boxes, didn't see the 2 heaping wheeled crates full of bags. So need to make another trip tomorrow to both places.

DS19 came over. Car still isn't fixed. Went to Cyber parents meeting. It was the stupidest waste of time .....'this is how you log in"......DUH!!!! Went on for over an HOUR!

DS19 borrowed the van to go put in some applications......as we are getting home from Cyber my cell rings. He tells me he backed in to a small concrete pole. My bumper is hanging off and the tail gate won't close all the way. UGH!!!!!!!!

DH goes ballistic, believing that DS19 did it on purpose. Duh....accidents happen. Yes, he feels bad, but he's a guy and he's not going to go to pieces and gush all over apologizing. NOT a good day.

I'm going to give up listing Ebay on Wed. NOTHING sells good, but if I relist to end on another day it does fine. WEIRD!! and Frustrating!!

So, I'm not listing the rest of today's ebay and I'm going to go to bed. Hopefully to sleep.

Thanks for being there to listen!

Tomorrow MUST be better!!
Today has been better, but I'm TOTALLY exhausted and have been on the 'vanilla tootsie roll/cf diet pepsi diet' much of the day.

Food so far - 14 vanilla tootsie rolls 7 pts, 2 cookies 3 pts, vegs 1pt, rice 4pts, egg roll 3 pts. and 2 cf diet pepsis and a decaf coffee.

My back is in knots from stress. This morning DH told me I needed to find someone and have the van FIXED by the time he gets home tonight. DUH!!! I managed to get 1 estimate - outrageous - and they would keep the van EIGHT days!

I did get to DMV to get DS16's license and got my pkgs mailed and a few more pics taken. Other than that I'm almost too tired to function. I have to get ebay done tonight, tho, and hem DD's dress for the choir concert tomorrow night.

More later. DH just pulled in and I'm not prepared for the confrontation.
Hi Julie!

Glad to hear that today was a bit better. Sorry that your son got into the accident, glad he was not hurt. I hope that DH can understand that fixing the van will not be an instant thing probably. You are getting lots done so I hope that you can rest a bit this weekend! Hope your DH's homecoming was not too rough! :)

Mike :goodvibes
Hi Julie,

Oh I am so sorry things have been totally crazy for you. Hopefully things will slow down and you can relax.

Hope you are having a better day today. Happy Friday!!!!


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