Lots of noses out, lots of walking and eating, not following the distances when waiting in line, it is really crowded, if this is 25% I would be shocked to see it at 100% and I’ve been here during Easter week.

We just returned home this morning after an 8 day stay. I saw two noses our entire trip and minimal eating and walking. I agree some people did not always stop on the lines correctly, but I never felt like other parties were on top of us.

Social distancing while walking does not happen very often, but it did not bother me as we passed by very quickly.

If you have concerns about the above I would encourage you to not visit at this time.
Can we talk abo merchandise. So as a Disneyland vet it’s possible this is always how it has been, but it’s the same merchandise everywhere we go. I’m not sure this is a Covid thing or a WDW thing. At Disneyland there are deff some merch only available in certain places in the park. A CM told me that many of their suppliers are still furloughed and so they don’t see much new merch. I visited Disney springs on Wednesday night and looked around. I’m glad I did that because then through all the parks this week I’ve been able to walk away and wait until we visited springs to buy. But it got a bit old seeing the same exact stuff everywhere... again not sure if this is a Covid thing or not. The new make a wish stuff is all over the parks. I got the cup.
We just returned home this morning after an 8 day stay. I saw two noses our entire trip and minimal eating and walking. I agree some people did not always stop on the lines correctly, but I never felt like other parties were on top of us.

Social distancing while walking does not happen very often, but it did not bother me as we passed by very quickly.

If you have concerns about the above I would encourage you to not visit at this time.

We just returned, last Sunday, from a 9-day stay. We saw way more than two noses a day. We saw cast members telling several people a day to put their masks on properly, or gesturing for them to pull them over their nose. I do agree that walking around and eating/drinking isn't a big problem, but we did see it frequently. We also experienced a number of people crowding in behind us in line, completely ignoring social distancing. My guess is if you aren't looking for it, you don't see it.

When occupancy limits were being enforced in shops, we didn't have much of a problem with distancing, but there were a few occasions where it was not enforced and was a bit crowded for comfort.

That said, I do believe the parks are at 25% capacity. All you have to do is look at most open areas, these would typically be very crowded with people. The wait times are as long as they are is because they have limited capacity. Also, it is due to the closures of many attractions (shows), restaurants, and shops.
We just returned home this morning after an 8 day stay. I saw two noses our entire trip and minimal eating and walking. I agree some people did not always stop on the lines correctly, but I never felt like other parties were on top of us.

Social distancing while walking does not happen very often, but it did not bother me as we passed by very quickly.

If you have concerns about the above I would encourage you to not visit at this time.
We have been here all week and this was the first time I felt uncomfortable. For most of the week everyone was doing a great job, we felt good at all 4 parks, But today at MK not sure why but things were just not done well. We got in line for haunted mansion and the group behind us kept coming up to us, when we were doing the switchbacks groups ahead were not distancing so groups stood right next to each other. We left after 2 hours because we just didn’t feel comfortable. All the other days were great.
Saturday night in Disney springs certainly brings the crowds. Social distancing pretty much not a thing and the worst mask compliance we’ve seen in our 5 days here. 2-3 People flat out not wearing them as they walk around. We would still come but if something like that would really bother you I would avoid the weekend. We were able to get a walk in table at paddlefish around 4pm. Long line for world of Disney right in the sun but it moves fast.

I think after 5 days here’s what I have to say about masks and social distancing.

forget about social distancing. The only place it’s really being followed is the ride lines. Personally I think they need to do away with the social distancing markers and such. I know this thread isn’t to debate Covid protocols. I can just say that the new “rules” being followed is that to be exposed you need to be exposed for 15 minutes or longer without face masks. No one is social distancing outside the lines. We line the street for the calvacades, shop next to each other, take every inch of available seating throughout the park. It’s just not happening. It doesn’t bother me one bit but if it will bother you best not go.

other then tonight in Disney springs mask compliance has been very high.
Day 3: 10/24 Hollywood Studios

At tolls by 8:45 about 9 deep at all tolls. Opened tolls at 8:58

In line for MMRR by 9:20. Line started moving almost immediately. Off at 9:57, scored BG 23!

Headed to Toy Story Mania said 30 was walk on through long winding queue

Headed to Alien SS said 30 was 16

Went to RNRC said 60 was 37, my wife and one kid went first I child swapped it and then got in ToT line said 55 was 35.

Got called for RISE at 12:00 had to finish RNRC child swap first and saved ToT child swap for later

Entered RISE 12:35 off 1:12. Wife than did her swap for RISE

Had 50s Primetime lunch at 1:40 seated 1:50

After lunch got in line for Disney Jr 3:30 show at 3:15.. just made the cut for capacity

Went to SDD said 60 was 46, had to child swap it and did our swap back to back

After I was done with child swap I met up with wife and returned a kid to her for Frozen Sing-a-long for 5:30 showing. I went with my son to use our ToT child swap from earlier

They did Frozen. Son and I went to Star Tours said 20 was 10. Then walked around Batuu and waited for them for Smugglers Run. MFSR said 40 was 45, wife than swapped out. That was the last thing for the day!
What time are they letting people into Epcot when the park is scheduled to open at 11:00 a.m.? International Gateway vs parking lot?
9am (if the park opened at 10) or 10am? Not saying it didn’t happen but I haven’t heard of it starting that early.
We were the 4th family in line for temp check. Straight through security and immediately to the ride. The temp scan was at 9am so maybe 905am on the ride. They did not hold us at all. We were on the second train.
I’m at Pop right now.
Today was our EPCOT day. I got up early, so I could post what time the lines are starting. MK and AK both had people lining up at 6:45.
We go to MK tomorrow, so I will post back on our experience.
The skyline to HS and EPCOT was empty at that time.
We got in line at 9 and it was long but moved quickly.
We got to the transfer station and were held there for EPCOT till 9:50.
We got into Epcot at 10:05. Walked into WS and headed to Soaring.
Frozen was a crazy line, will attempt to ride it tonight.
They held us at Soaring till 11 am for the ride.
Overall the day was pleasant so far at Epcot😊
When you are allowed in to Epcot before 11, was anything open in World Showcase?
When you are allowed in to Epcot before 11, was anything open in World Showcase?
Yea allowed to enter. Nothing was open. We were able to go to the ride we wanted and wait.
We went to Soarin and waited like 6th in line for park opening to ride.
Day 3: 10/24 Hollywood Studios

At tolls by 8:45 about 9 deep at all tolls. Opened tolls at 8:58

In line for MMRR by 9:20. Line started moving almost immediately. Off at 9:57, scored BG 23!

Headed to Toy Story Mania said 30 was walk on through long winding queue

Headed to Alien SS said 30 was 16

Went to RNRC said 60 was 37, my wife and one kid went first I child swapped it and then got in ToT line said 55 was 35.

Got called for RISE at 12:00 had to finish RNRC child swap first and saved ToT child swap for later

Entered RISE 12:35 off 1:12. Wife than did her swap for RISE

Had 50s Primetime lunch at 1:40 seated 1:50

After lunch got in line for Disney Jr 3:30 show at 3:15.. just made the cut for capacity

Went to SDD said 60 was 46, had to child swap it and did our swap back to back

After I was done with child swap I met up with wife and returned a kid to her for Frozen Sing-a-long for 5:30 showing. I went with my son to use our ToT child swap from earlier

They did Frozen. Son and I went to Star Tours said 20 was 10. Then walked around Batuu and waited for them for Smugglers Run. MFSR said 40 was 45, wife than swapped out. That was the last thing for the day!
Sounds like a great day with timing and multiple kids!
This will probably be my last post unless something crazy happens today. We are heading to MK this morning and then have to be back around 1 for MDE back to the airport. But I wanted to show the bud line today. On Friday we arrived at 7 am magic kingdom bus line and we’re about 15 folks back but made the first bus. This morning we left our room a little earlier because we needed to drop luggage. At 645 we are still about 10 groups back. So just know that by 7am today, Sunday, you wouldn’t catch the first bus. However they send bud after bus after bus.. so this is the line by 7am for a MK 9 am opening from pop.


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I just came back from a trip 10/18-10/23 staying at Carribean Beach Resort.

I flew down on Southwest, 75/175 seats filled per the flight attendant. After research and thought, I chose to sit in the back of the plane,4 rows from the back. I figured that would be the emptiest section, and if anyone wasn't wearing a mask and coughed, their germs would go forward, so I would have low exposure potential. I didn't want to be in the very last row in case of people standing and waiting for the lavatory. I ended up with my entire row empty except for me, and empty rows in front of me and behind me. Since I was going to have to wait for my checked bags anyway, this seating made me feel safer.

I arrived at the resort about noon and my room was not ready, so I checked my luggage and went to AK, arriving about 1. I did Kali x2 listed 30 minutes, 15 minutes wait. Then I did the Safari, and ITTBAB. I ubered to DS. There was a long line to get into World of Disney but it went quick, then dinner at Jaleo. OMG Jaleo. It was so amazing, and is now a must-do for any future trips. There was a bus waiting when I got to the circle, so a quick trip back to get my luggage and check into my room. Bell Services said that CR usually has 12-14 FT bell services staff and 6-7 PT. Only 4-5 FT staff were brought back to Bell Services. That says a lot about the number of people at the resort.

Day 2 at MK. I made the mistake of trying the Mickey Waffles at Centertown Market QS. They are as awful as others have said. I honestly didn't think it was possible to make them that bad. At least the eggs and sausage were good. I arrived at MK about 11:30. Shopped then had lunch at Liberty Tavern, which was terrific. Did HM (listed 40 waited 20) Then BTMR x2 listed 40 but walkon as it had started to rain. HM listed 40 waited 15. So strange not to see the Liberty Bell waiting for riders. Peter Pan listed 40 waited 25. Got a a drink at Cosmic Rays and relaxed for an hour while it rained buckets. About 5 pm I walked on Astro Orbiter, then got in line for 7DMT listed 60 waited 30. I left the park about 6:20 and there was a bus waiting.

Day 3 HS. I ubered to Yacht Club for an early reservation at Ale+Compass. Uber dropped me off at the Convention Center, and there are no signs there about how to get to the resort, so I wandered around lost for a few minutes. Great food at A+C. Headed towards HS about 8 - that walk seemed endless. Lots of joggers out. It's amazing to me that someone can walk so much at WDW and still have energy to jog. There were about 200 people in front of me by the time I reached HS, and by the time they let people go to the temperature booths, there were about 800 behind me. Stay left as there are twice as many temp check stations on the left. I went right to SWGE - only 5 others went with me, so we had the whole things to ourselves. I was the first on on Falcon, and I have to admit, I nearly cried when I jumped her to lightspeed #geek. I walked on a second time, then walked on TSMM all before 9 am. I was able to get BG 61, but no one else near me got a BG. I went back to the resort for lunch and some pool time. I made the tragic mistake of having the fish tacos at Centretown Market. Learn from my mistake. Don't eat them. They were so incredibly awful I still can't believe they tried to pass them off as food. I headed back to HS about 1:30. BG 61 called at 2:45. ROTR was every bit as amazing as people say. Did AS listed 15 waited 5, Star Tours listed 20 waited 10, Got a rontoroast at Docking Bay 7 (yummy!) and called it a day. I would have liked to do more rides but everythign else was listed at 85 minutes or more, which I figured was probably at least an hour's wait, and I simply wouldn't wait that long.

Day 4 Epcot. had a bowl of cereal in the courtyard outside of my room, then headed to Epcot. Walked on Soarin x 2, Land 2 x, then got the Pulled Pork at the Hawaii booth. headed to Figment where there was a 10 minute line. A line at Figment!at12:30 on a Wednesday - Crazy! Headed to SE listed 20 waited 40. They didn't take a picture of my face and put it on Future Me. Grabbed the corned beef nachos and steak chimichurri at Flavors of Fire (yum!) then headed into the World Showcase. Lines at Mexico and Frozen were hideously long so I skipped them. I got a glass of wine at Tutto Gusto. The trains weren't running by Germany. At that point my SIL texted me asked me to buy a bunch of presents for her family, and Epcot didn't have what they wanted. I headed to DS for a quick shopping trip, then back to my resort. I tried to Doordash dinner, but while the app showed multiple restaurants as available, when I tried to order I got a message saying I was outside their delivery area. I tried Roayl Indian, Carrabas, Millers Ale House, 360 American bistro, and Chilis. Literally could not find a Doordash restaurant that would deliver to CR. i call the front desk who couldn't help. I then tried Uber Eats, and was able to order successfully from Millers Ale House - the same restaurant that said i was outside of delivery range for Doordash. It made me wonder if the real problem was trying to order via Doordash. This was not a good day. So much is walled off or closed at Epcot, and lines were very very long in the afternoon. Then not being able to get dinner. I thought seriously about cutting my trip short and leaving a day early.

Day 5 MK got to the bus stop at 7:30 and there were 5 family in front of me. Only one family could get on the first bus, but a second one showed up by 8:10 and I was at the park by 8:30. Walked on BTMR as Splash wasn't running yet, then got in line for Splash about 8:45. it started promptly at 9 and had a fun ride. Then Pirates (listed 30 10 minute wait), HM (Listed 30, waited 10), Mermaids (listed 20 waited 20), Carousel (listed 35 waited 20), Space Ranger (listed 40 waited 30). Carousel of Progress (waited 10) Had lunch at Pecos Bill's - the carnitas was a lot better than I thought it would be. Visited the Hall of Presidents., did some shopping. I walked over to Rivera and got the cheese and charcuterie platters from the Petit Cafe. I took them back to CBR, grabbed a glass of wine, and had a simple dinner in the gardens at Cay Carribean where I could hear the pool music. This ended up being a great day, and I'm glad I didn't go home early after all.

Day 6 AK and home. Got bell services to pick up my luggage about 6:30. Got to the bus stop at 7:30 and in the park by 7:40. Got the end of the FOP line by 7:55 and was off the ride at 8:31. Headed straight to Navi and off it at 9:30. Walked on Kali x 2, then Safari listed 20 waited 10. Lunch at Satuli canteen. Have you noticed how many dishes have the same slaw on it? It was on the fish tacos, the rontoroast, the carnitas bowl, and now on the chicken bowl at Satuli. Food services must make that stuff in a vat. Everest was down, so no roller coaster for me. :( I shopped for a bit, then headed to the bus at noon. I spent an hour at the pool (showers are closed, but you can rinse off at the outdoor shower by the hot tub), and headed back to the airport on the Tragical Express. 85/143 seats filled on the flight home. Soooo tired.

As someone who generally goes to the park once per year, I will not return for a long time. On day 1, you are just glad to be there, and you think the lines are manageable. On Day 2 you see how few places there are to eat, and that dinner is a real problem. The best option is Disney Springs, and frankly, after a day at the park, I don't always want to bother with that. By day 3, you see how much is closed - food carts, rides, shops, character meets - and you realize how much is missing from the Normal. Full Price isn't worth it. By day 4, you are just so tired of lines. Lines for the bus to get to a line for the temperature check to get to a line for security to get to a line to magic band into the park to get to line after line after line for rides or food. The experiences are fun, but a ride is 2 minutes and you spend 20 in line. If you are local where this is normal because you didn't have fast pass, you'll be ok. But as an occasional visitor, it got old fast.

Like many people, I've had a really terrible year, and it was nice to have something to plan for and look forward to. It was nice to walk so much that I was too tired to worry or grieve. But if this is your first time? Or you only go once a year? or you are paying full price? I'm not sure I would recommend it. I think WDW is best right now for people who go frequently enough at a low enough cost like locals or APs that the value will still be there for the cost.
I know Disney Springs has been in bad shape, mask usage wise, since day one. But does anyone have experience with Disney Springs early morning on weekdays? We will be doing a mid-December resort only stay at Saratoga Springs and would love to walk over to DS, but only if it's safe to do so. We are fine with early morning since we have littles that rise early anyway.
There's no evidence that Disney Springs is unsafe at any time but obviously there will be less people there anytime the parks are open. They don't open until 10am so not sure what you consider "early morning".

The unsafe part is debatable sure. But the very low mask usage is not. We don't want to be around large crowds ignoring the rules.

We are looking for feedback from someone who's as actually been there on a weekday morning to see what thats like.


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