BC or Poly conceirge


DIS Veteran
Jul 10, 2001
We are frequent visitors and are considering planning a trip this October.

Normally, we stay at the Poly, and occassionally in Conceirge. We have always loved the location of the building. We don't often use the conceirge services for planning, as we can easily do it on our own.

Off season we have stayed at either the YC or BC, because of the proximity to EC, which is where we generally end up each night. We also enjoy being able to hop the boat to MGM. We prefer the atmosphere of the Poly. It feels more resort-like or vacation like.

Still, the Poly is our favorite.

Now, for our question. We aren't sure what to try to book at the BC. I have searched but can't easily find much info on the BC conceirge (we have a water view booked now).

We're really having a tough time tyrying to decide where we'd be better off.

Any ideas/suggestions?



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