Basking in the Glow of the (not so) Creepy Clown -2/11-Pictures, Final Thoughts, PTR!

What a great update!!! I am a huge guacamole fan too! In fact, I have been known to eat it on pretzels when we are out of tortilla chips! :lmao:

I hope you get to meet up but isn't it nice to be able to just have no plans?! I think the days I decided to go with the flow were some of the best days of our trip!


These things - absolute joy in the faces of children (and the big people who love them) and the beauty of the surroundings - make me willing to pay the big bucks for Disney trips!


It would be kinda fun to collect the characters all dressed up in their World Showcase garb.

I have almost all of them, and it is fun to have them in my classroom. The kids love them, I get to sneak my Disney fix in, and they begin to recognize the countries' flags when they see them.
So cute that Henry did a happy dance when he found out he was able to ride Soarin' again!

Gotta love those empty Epcot days! I am still stunned that the wait for Mission Space was so long. I wonder if they had been having troubles with the ride or something. It just doesn't make sense. :confused3

Mmmm, that Mexican food looks very tasty! I am excited to try the new restaurant there.
Your description of the heat makes me want to be there right now! LOL! I am so sick of cold weather. And I know we haven't had it so bad this year so far, but I am just not a winter person. I am a lots of heat person sitting in AC. LOL!
what a great update! I love that little play area in mission space. My kids are too big now but I recall Eric getting stuck in there in 2004 and having to send Evan on recon. That whole area stresses me out though, it's so big, so many things beeping and flashing and major sensory overload I swear I lose my family every time we are in there. Granted, I have too many people to keep track of but I've lost Eric twice there now.

Your lunch looked SOOOO good! I can't wait to try the new restaurant and who knows, maybe the CS part too. It sounds SOOOO hot. YEAH for the right shoes.
Fun update Brooke! So glad Henry got to experience Round 2 on Soarin! He looks like he is jumping for joy on his way through the queue!

Perhaps on this next trip they won't even need to get the measuring stick out!
SO sorry... I have been woefully behind.

THANK YOU for the Beach Club pictures. Totally feels like home. Isn't it funny (in the best possible way) how we can see a picture and immediately feel what it's like to the back there?

So happy you liked Cape May. All of my visits and I've never dined there. But I will be fixing that in May.

So glad you finally had a Mickey waffle. The waffle w/ powdered sugar at Sleepy Hollow refreshments in MK is one of my favorite snacks. YUM.

H is SO cute with all the characters at breakfast. I can't even pick a favorite. :goodvibes

OMG the drama in the Soarin queue. Thank goodness he passed the 2nd "test."

H is a little daredevil asking for TestTrack! So cute

I :lovestruc guacamole too. That looks delish!

I can't remember what else I wanted to comment on but am sure there was more. I love following along with you and your family. And how exciting that you'll be going back in <30 days!! :yay::yay:
:thumbsup2 for finding yet another play area. Your picture of the Mission: Space building was really impressive. I hadn't noticed how cool that building really is. And yay for Henry being tall enough for Soarin' an TT. What fun!
Brooke if I get Le Cellier I may have to spoil you with tons of Pretzel Bread... and uhm that complimentary cheese soup sauce (mmhmm if its for you its complimentary cheese soup sauce or whatever) we can consider it a celebration of Henry being cute ha ha (not hard to celebrate)

Another great update! I didn't realize there was a playground either and yay for the nice older little girl!
Hi Brook! One good thing about our power being knocked out for 5 days is that it gave me lots to catch up on in your TR!
The photos of Henry interacting with the characters at Cape May are adorable! You have some really good ones!
I love that you take so many pictures of everything... resorts, parks, restaurants, flowers, beaches, PALM trees!!! The photos are so familiar, I think that is one reason they are so much fun to look through! :goodvibes
It's great that Henry made it on Soarin again... that is one fun ride! :thumbsup2
Are you getting excited about your spring trip? It's coming very quickly!
I felt so bad for Henry when he almost wasn't tall enough! I'm glad he got to ride after all. I like that wristband idea. Measure once and be done with all the suspense.

Did you mean to take this picture of a Hidden Mickey? I'm betting that you did, but just wanted to ask.

On previous topic. The monorail toy that my son got was fortunately only the monorail and nothing else, so it was only like 14.99. But still, not good that it broke. And the sales person even said now be careful, because it can break. So obviously they know about the problem. But hey alot of toys are like that, I just didn't want you to spend tons of money on the whole set and then it break.

Great update. Glad that Henry got to ride Soarin'. I tried to take pictures like you posted, on our last trip. Didn't do quite as good as you, but still okay.

Epcot looked so empty, so nice.
Ohhhh thank goodness for the right happy your little aviator was able to fly with you :goodvibes :yay: for not having to worry about this on your next trip :thumbsup2
Look at empty Epcot :yay: how nice not to have any plans and be able to gaze lovingly at tall palm trees and blue sky :cloud9:
Oh my your guacamole looks delicious!! I think I would be hovering over it protectively until I ate it all :laughing:
Looking forward to what you think about WHW....I have never gone :confused3

I finally caught up Brook! :thumbsup2

I really loved all of your updates!!!

I wish I would've read sooner because those "Storybook Collection" books were all on sale at Toys R Us on Black Friday! They're originally almost $15 or more I think...but they were on sale for $6 a piece just the one morning! They put a limit on them online...I thought it was said "Limit 10 per customer!" Anyway, I got Luke the Christmas version & the Playhouse Disney one. My nephew has the one that you took a picture of & he makes my mom read it to him every weekend! They are really great books! I took one of Luke's on our last Disney trip & we read it a little on the plane & almost every night before bed. I don't remember which we had, before I bought the others after Thanksgiving, but its the one with Brother Bear in it.

I'm glad you were able to have your DIS-meet! I loved seeing all of your pictures, especially from the Boardwalk & Beach Club resorts!!! When we had our pics taken at the Beach Club last trip, we fell in love with it!!! Unfortunately I don't think its in the budget for next trip, so I think we're staying at Port Orleans French Quarter.

All of the pictures of Henry at the parks are adorable!!!! I love seeing his reactions to all the characters & rides! I'm glad he was able to ride Soarin & some of the other rides he wasn't tall enough to ride before. I know I'm excited to see what Luke can ride next trip!

Glad to see you enjoyed Cape May! I love the characters costumes with the beach theme! Henry's pictures with all of them are sooo cute...I love how he kissed Minnie! :-)

I think I had about a million other comments but I can't remember them all right now! Love all the updates & the pics!!! Can't wait to read more & I promise to follow along better!
What great updates!! We also really liked Cape May! The pics of Henry and Minnie were tooo cute!! So glad he made it on Soarin!! looks like a fun but hot Epcot day!!
Did you mean to take this picture of a Hidden Mickey? I'm betting that you did, but just wanted to ask.

On previous topic. The monorail toy that my son got was fortunately only the monorail and nothing else, so it was only like 14.99. But still, not good that it broke. And the sales person even said now be careful, because it can break. So obviously they know about the problem. But hey alot of toys are like that, I just didn't want you to spend tons of money on the whole set and then it break.

Great update. Glad that Henry got to ride Soarin'. I tried to take pictures like you posted, on our last trip. Didn't do quite as good as you, but still okay.

Epcot looked so empty, so nice.

I'm glad I saw this post about the monorail toy sets. We thought about getting one for this past christmas for my 2 yr old but decided against it for now! I will now wait until he is a little older and maybe they can fix the problem in the mean time. Plus he has way too many choo choos as it is! He is a choo choo freak!
I was mistaken...Andy is actually kissing Minnie and Markie is looking at her as if he loves her (which he did for the longest time). Here's the pic:


Now back to read your latest update.

Aw, that's an adorable picture!!! I love his facial expression!!! I think Minnie is the first love for many, many little boys. :cutie:

lovely update!

I bet Henry was soo excited to be tall enough for Soarin' ! :goodvibes

It is nice to get the boat back to the Boardwalk when it's a really hot day :cloud9:

Btw I love all your photos!

Emma princess: x

Henry was SO EXCITED running and dancing down that Soarin' queue! Both times! I was so glad he passed the measure test the second time, and I'm really glad we won't have those problems at all this coming trip!

Brook, what a great update. I can't believe how empty Epcot is...I love those kind of days.

:woohoo: for Henry making the height for Soarin'. Wait, he's too short???? No, not possible. :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: for the third measuring stick and Henry "flying" over California. It is so neat to see how excited how he is on Test Track. I'm with you on Mission -- not happening! :sick::sick::sick:

I'm not a big fan of Mexican food, but that stuff looked yummy.

Joe loves Mission Space. He's crazy! :laughing: I rode once and that was ENOUGH. I might try the green side when Henry is tall enough and see how that goes, but otherwise, I'm quite happy in that dump shop.

Another excellent update! OH, what I wouldn't give to be out of this snowy NJ winter and amongst the blue skies and palm trees of Epcot! The Fountain of Nations is one of my favorites too. So beautiful. Did you know that the person who designed that fountain later went on to design the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas? Nothing but the best from Disney! :thumbsup2

I HEAR YA! And today, what is up with the ice?! UGH. I'm soooooo ready for vacation to be here. Just 24 more days for me. :hyper:

I did know that about the fountain! I actually posted about that here, on this TR or the previous one perhaps? The same designer also did the new fountain at Lincoln Center, it's not nearly as large-scale as either the Fountain of Nations or the Bellagio, but still very cool! He started his water design career right there at Epcot!

As I sit in our beloved Boardwalk waiting for laundry to get done I decided to do some Dising and catch up on all I have missed!!!!!

LOVE the private Boardwalk entrance!! Between that, the Boardwalk, and Storm Along Bay I don't think I will be able to stay anywhere else!!! I loved being able to enter that way into EPCOT!!!

Loved your EPCOT morning!! YAY that Henry got to ride Soarin' what a great ride!!!!!

I read this post the other day and just pictured you there in those beautiful rooms enjoying it all...and I was instantly jealous!!! Sounds like you enjoyed the Boardwalk and that VIP entrance! Isn't it awesome???

I loved days at Disney when you just go with the flow, no plans, if you ride something great if not enjoy the view. The last couple of trips we have hit the four parks and done the most rides and shows and the last two days we just relaxed and had fun with no plans except ADRs. The March trip this year we are taking a break from the parks and going to a Braves game, then after the game doing whatever.

Your no plan EPCOT day sounded wonderful and relaxing. Hey for Henry riding Soarin' and Test Track. My DH does not like Mission Space, but I love the dump shop. I have never noticed the video postcard maker. I will need to check it out.

The Mexican Donald Duck was so cute. My next collection from Disney might need to be a character from each country. My refrigerator cannot take many more magnets.

Joe converted me into slow, relaxing days-the more the better. Part of me still wants to run around like crazy, and ride EVERYTHING, but I know it wouldn't be good for him or Henry. Plus, those slow days are starting to hold some of our best and treasured moments AND they make the busier days easier to handle since we aren't totally out of steam. Our upcoming trip later this month will be full of "no plans" days...I can't wait!

Isn't that Donald adorable? I think a character from each country would be a lot of fun to collect!

Love the update Brook! So glad Henry could ride TT and Soarin. I dont think Alexa is close to 40 inches yet...I will have to measure her...and we go in 4 months. Hopefully she will grow a bit by then!
Alexa loved the pictures of Henry in the water splashers (as she calls them). She said she wants to go in the splashers too!
We always eat at the Mexican CS when we are there. I love their nachos...drool...they are so tasty! The CS was closed on our last trip, but they had the little kiosk and we got to enjoy us some nachos too! Cant wait to eat there in May...its set for our first day:thumbsup2
That Miss Deeve is hilarious...Ive never seen her that I can remember.

I hope Alexa makes it! Bring tall shoes! :laughing:

We are really looking forward to trying the new Mexico CS! I've perused the menu many times - and am loving some of the food pictures I've seen too. It looks soooooooo good!

I love Deevy! She's so funny, it's absurd and hilarious!! I wish they had her walking around the various resorts so you'd randomly run into her, that would be pretty fun!

You just can't beat that location! :lovestruc

Yea for TT and Soarin! It is so exciting to hit the mark and be able to ride the "big" rides... next will be the mountains! :)

Joe and I truly fell in love with the location of the Boardwalk. We look forward to staying there again and trying the Beach Club. I think we have the best of both worlds this coming trip, Boardwalk + BLT! :hyper:

I really wish the Barnstormer was open so Henry could try it out again...I think he'd like it now that he's older. We haven't tried a roller coaster in about a year...but he did NOT like it then. Perhaps this summer we'll make it to Hershey Park or something and he can try out a smaller one...I hope he loves them!
It looks like he's looking at those wonderful, amazing shoes of height!

I'm so glad he was able to ride even after the multiple measurings. That would have been really tough to be told you could ride and then have it pulled out from under you.

We have a playground story like yours. It happened at a McDonald's when Lauren was a couple of years old and Judy was pregnant with Marlene. Lauren followed a girl up to the top of a tube slide and then the girl's parents called her that it was time to leave. Zip, she's gone. That left Lauren up there alone, afraid, and crying. Judy was too preggo to go after her, so who got to go? Yeah, dear ol' dad. Not an easy piece of maneuvering for a grown man.

I saw that Mexico kiosk after we had recently eaten and was wishing I'd waited to get that. It looked so good!

I'm looking forward to your review of Welcome Home Wednesdays. We haven't done that yet and I'm wondering if it's worth heading over for it if you're not staying at the Boardwalk.

Ooooh, I've been there-at McDonalds, climbing to the very top due to a crying child. :headache: I was just about to contort my body through the tubes at Mission: Space but very thankfully, I didn't have to!

Review of WHW coming up soon, hopefully today. I'll say this though-it was fun, and there were prizes and snacks....but I don't think I would go out of my way for it. If you are at Epcot that day and need a break, or if you happen to be nearby, or have a really relaxing trip with lots of "free time" it would be a fun and different option.

Oh my heart just sank for Henry when he was too short at the second measuring! Thank goodness they took him back up to the front and tried again :goodvibes

I love the TT ride photo with you and Joe both instinctively putting your arm across Henry before the big 'crash'. I still do that to my almost 15 year old when we have to stop quickly...

How was the guac in Mexico? I really like it as long as it's not really oniony, if it tastes too much like onions I won't eat it so I'm always afraid to order it.

I am SO glad that CM suggested we try again at the front with a manager watching! I felt so bad for him, he was so excited and then just deflated. I'm also glad the CMs are watching that closely and sticking to the rules. :thumbsup2

As for the bracing your child Mom STILL does that to me and I'm 31. :rotfl: When I was a teen I used to complain about it, but now I get it!

The guac was VERY good! I don't remember an onion-y taste at all...though I like just about any guac and I am a fan of onions. It was very fresh, and I don't recall any strong flavors it it at all, pretty smooth and even. We will eat at the Mexico CS this coming trip, I probably will get guac again, I'll try to remember to take a better note of the overall taste. :goodvibes

It looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing day at Epcot! I'm glad that Henry was able to ride Soarin! What a bummer that would have been! He looks like he loved both Soarin and TT! You and Joe are raising him well! ;)

Henry knows how to draw just a handful of things...a car, people, a firetruck and....a Mickey Head. :laughing: I was so proud!! ;)

Gee! So much to comment on!

First off, I think this was the Meet I completely either blew off, or spaced. Either way, I think I was not part of it. :sad1:

Love me some Mexican food in any way, shape or form. Nummy! I totally hope the new place is as good as it was. I know some folks really don't care for it, but I really enjoyed the several times I've eaten there.

HOWEVER, now that I've done the Cava, I may opt now for appies and a marg in there.

YAYAYAYAYAY ! for Henry getting to Soar again!!! It must be so exciting for him to be a big boy for that and TT!

It was HOT! ;) maroo should have had the in-room water playground jets on our first day. :lmao:

no plan... I'm so ambivalent on this- good for some days, NOT good for others.

As I was writing about the meet I thought you weren't able to join it for some reason--I think you ended up in a different park that day or something. But don't worry about it! :hug: (the meet didn't happen! :laughing:)

I love Mexican too - so does Joe and Henry. We can't wait to try the new CS! We only ever ate at the old CS once, the poor reviews of it worried me, even though our one meal there was fine (from what I can recall anyway). I shouldn't have let them deter me though! I've read so many great reviews of the Cava. The food looks delicious!

Uh-oh...your comment on the "no plan" days makes me a bit nervous since our upcoming trip is full of them. Did you end up just feeling like you wasted a couple days?

In-room water jets....:rotfl: Maybe they would have changed the "greeting". ;)

Aw I was so glad to see that Henry got to ride Soarin this time:yay:. Seeing the pics of Soarin gave me chills. I just love it!!

Such beautiful pics of the palm trees & blue skies:cloud9:.

I have never heard of Deevy but she cracked me up with her "There's a lot of chunk in this trunk":rotfl::lmao:

The McDonalds around here usually has the shakes for a couple of weeks so hopefully you will get yours somewhere.

I cannot wait to see those blue skies and palm trees again! It's been gray out for far too long (though, the the winter here is MUCHHHHHH shorter than MN!). I need some sunshine!

Deevy is hilarious, isn't she?! I love it! I think it's a bit bold and daring on Disney's part, which I like-it truly appeals to adults. And it's not too far over the line, just dancing at it from time to time! :laughing: She is a riot!

I reallyyyyyy hope I can get that shake while we are down there! I have it in my notes and I will be on the hunt!

Instead of Goofy's Barnstormer, we were off to the giant pink house!

Henry was VERY intrigued when I told him this was Minnie's house!






He really liked her paints and could NOT understand why he wasn't allowed to use them. ;)


He could have sat here and pushed the popcorn button for an hour if I had let him!

I for one will greatly miss Minnie's house. On our first trip, it was nearly empty and Katie really did have lots and lots of time to hang in Minnies house--thrilled that she could touch everything. I think she DID spend an hour in there. :cutie: The visit to Mickey's house after was so disappointing because she couldn't touch anything.


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