Basking in the Glow of the (not so) Creepy Clown -2/11-Pictures, Final Thoughts, PTR!

oh that Guac makes me hungry!

Me too---and I just ate lunch! :laughing:

Hi Brook!

Whew! Finally here and caught least I made it before your last post! :laughing:

What an awesome trip you've got coming up!


LOL! Welcome Kathy! :goodvibes

I am SOOOOOO excited for our upcoming trip!!! I can't believe it's really happening, TWO weeks! It seems unreal!

Oh my gosh, the park is empty! I would LOVE to go at a time like this!!! Was this labor day week? Were the Halloween decorations and merchandise out yet? If so, I might need to consider this week for one year.
Great pictures! I don't blame you for taking the boat back. I can feel the heat through the pictures.:goodvibes

It was Labor Day week! And the parks are DEAD! We love early September, it's fantastic! We also almost always did what Touring Plans projected as the "best park" (we avoid EMH parks). And yep, MK was all decked out and at least some of the Halloween merch is out. :thumbsup2

What a great day at empy EPCOT! So glad that Henry got to Soar again and loves Test Track. My girls have not even done Test Track--- to loud in the que.

I am in total agreement of Cape May for breakfast. We really really liked it. Good food and fun, although I liked O'Hana's better... it is my favorite breakfast!

I never noticed how loud the queue is until you go through the one room that is soundproofed. The first time we went through it this trip (it had been a long time since I had walked through the regular queue) I remember saying "Ahhhhh". It's amazing how calming quiet is!

I so want to try 'Ohana breakfast! I think I would be a really big fan. I am going to keep it as a "possible walk-up" on my upcoming trip. We already plan to hit the Kona coffee bar while we are on the monorail, so maybe one of those days we'll detour to 'Ohana. Is the breakfast usually packed?

I am glad they took him back up to re-measure him.

I also hope they made a note to re-measure BOTH sticks and to adjust the one that was wrong. Being off a little bit can be such a pain and cause such heartache to a 39.99inch child.

We spent some time at the 39-40inch mark. DS was turned away at ToT despite being able to ride ST. DD was right at 46 I think for a trip to Kings Dominion and they had a great way to be consistent. They had measuring stations and would issue them a colored band based on their height. no measuring sticks at each ride, just show the band.

I loved the empty September crowds :love:

I was pretty amazed that the sticks were different height!! The one he clearly passed and the other he didn't. It was odd! I'm sure he's not the only kid that landed in that range that day. :confused3 I'm so glad we won't even have to think about it this trip, he's tall enough for the 40" rides and too short for the bigger ones!

I like that wrist band idea! It would save time too.
What a great update!!! I am a huge guacamole fan too! In fact, I have been known to eat it on pretzels when we are out of tortilla chips! :lmao:

I hope you get to meet up but isn't it nice to be able to just have no plans?! I think the days I decided to go with the flow were some of the best days of our trip!

Guac is good on everything! I've had it on pretzels too--YUM! Joe doesn't like it at all, so I always get his when we go for Mexican. :banana:

Yes, I have learned to love "no plans" days. They really recharge you for the busy ones, and they are great memories days! Everyone is so relaxed, without a care in the world---how vacation should be!

Great update! So glad Henry was able to go flying!

Me too! I felt so bad when they told him no inside!

These things - absolute joy in the faces of children (and the big people who love them) and the beauty of the surroundings - make me willing to pay the big bucks for Disney trips!

I have almost all of them, and it is fun to have them in my classroom. The kids love them, I get to sneak my Disney fix in, and they begin to recognize the countries' flags when they see them.

Exactly! It's such a joy watching the magic of Disney unfold in the little ones. :lovestruc Henry is very excited about this upcoming trip and remembers quite a bit from the last one.

You know, I never even thought about how educational they could be with the flags! :rolleyes: That gives me a good reason to buy a few....he he! What a GREAT way for kids to learn!

So cute that Henry did a happy dance when he found out he was able to ride Soarin' again!

Gotta love those empty Epcot days! I am still stunned that the wait for Mission Space was so long. I wonder if they had been having troubles with the ride or something. It just doesn't make sense. :confused3

Mmmm, that Mexican food looks very tasty! I am excited to try the new restaurant there.

Did I forget to explain the Mission: Space wait time thing??? Oops! :laughing: It read over 100 minutes, BUT, the time was just broken/off. It was practically a walk-on!

We are very excited to try the new Mexican CS too. All the food pictures coming back look amazing. It will be hard to decide what to get!

Your description of the heat makes me want to be there right now! LOL! I am so sick of cold weather. And I know we haven't had it so bad this year so far, but I am just not a winter person. I am a lots of heat person sitting in AC. LOL!

I hear ya, I hear ya! This winter in NYC is tame compared to Minnesota, but I'm ready for it to be DONE. I look back to last year and wonder how we even lasted?! :eek: We didn't get snow here until December 26 - Minnesota gets it first snow usually in November. Plus, our snow will probably be gone by March--Minnesota will have snow until April. TWO more months of this yuck! I can't wait to be in FL!
what a great update! I love that little play area in mission space. My kids are too big now but I recall Eric getting stuck in there in 2004 and having to send Evan on recon. That whole area stresses me out though, it's so big, so many things beeping and flashing and major sensory overload I swear I lose my family every time we are in there. Granted, I have too many people to keep track of but I've lost Eric twice there now.

Your lunch looked SOOOO good! I can't wait to try the new restaurant and who knows, maybe the CS part too. It sounds SOOOO hot. YEAH for the right shoes.

I can understand the sensory overload of the Mission: Space aftershow area - we really stuck to just the playground and the little "send a postcard" things - there were several other areas I didn't even look at. I am certain Henry would have wanted to touch every single machine if we had explored! :laughing:

We almost did a TS for the sit-down...and who knows, maybe we still will! It sounds delicious. We will be doing the new CS for sure, Joe talks about it at least a couple times a week! lol

Fun update Brooke! So glad Henry got to experience Round 2 on Soarin! He looks like he is jumping for joy on his way through the queue!

Perhaps on this next trip they won't even need to get the measuring stick out!

He was so excited about getting to ride again! It's one of his top three for this coming trip too. We will probably try to hit it up our first night!

It would be great if we could just breeze past that measuring stick! But, even if they do have to measure him, I know he'll pass with flying colors! :woohoo:

SO sorry... I have been woefully behind.

THANK YOU for the Beach Club pictures. Totally feels like home. Isn't it funny (in the best possible way) how we can see a picture and immediately feel what it's like to the back there?

So happy you liked Cape May. All of my visits and I've never dined there. But I will be fixing that in May.

So glad you finally had a Mickey waffle. The waffle w/ powdered sugar at Sleepy Hollow refreshments in MK is one of my favorite snacks. YUM.

H is SO cute with all the characters at breakfast. I can't even pick a favorite. :goodvibes

OMG the drama in the Soarin queue. Thank goodness he passed the 2nd "test."

H is a little daredevil asking for TestTrack! So cute

I :lovestruc guacamole too. That looks delish!

I can't remember what else I wanted to comment on but am sure there was more. I love following along with you and your family. And how exciting that you'll be going back in <30 days!! :yay::yay:

No worries! I'm horribly behind on the DIS as well. I get almost caught up, then miss a couple days-and I'm way behind!

Your welcome for the BC pics! You had wondered if they re-did the lobby right? Did they? I can't recall from our previous trips in there. Regardless, it's BEAUTIFUL. I think this trip, since we can use SAB, we will be itchin' to stay there next. (and depending on a few things, we might have a late July trip....)

The Mickey Waffle with powdered sugar sounds AWESOME. I think I recall you (or someone else) mentioning that before and I didn't really "get it", but now that I've tasted the divine toasted goodness, the bit of sweet of the sugar with that breadiness....hello! Yep, I'm putting that on my snack list right now!

:thumbsup2 for finding yet another play area. Your picture of the Mission: Space building was really impressive. I hadn't noticed how cool that building really is. And yay for Henry being tall enough for Soarin' an TT. What fun!

I didn't realize there was a playground area in Epcot at all, but low and behold, there is! And it's air conditioned! :yay: It's pretty small, but enough to entertain the littles.

Brooke if I get Le Cellier I may have to spoil you with tons of Pretzel Bread... and uhm that complimentary cheese soup sauce (mmhmm if its for you its complimentary cheese soup sauce or whatever) we can consider it a celebration of Henry being cute ha ha (not hard to celebrate)

Another great update! I didn't realize there was a playground either and yay for the nice older little girl!

I like the way you think! :rotfl: A celebration of Henry's cuteness. :laughing:

I'd have to pass on the cheese soup though...not a fan! :scared1: Can you believe it? Overall, I'm not a big fan of cheese-I only like it in certain instances-but I had to try the soup anyway on a past visit. Joe; however, did like it, so we'll be more than happy to devour it all. And I bet Henry would like it too! I'll gobble the pretzel bread though...soooooo good. I was thrilled to eat it over at Biergarten during last year's trip too. I wonder if they sell it anywhere else...:scratchin
Hi Brook! One good thing about our power being knocked out for 5 days is that it gave me lots to catch up on in your TR!
The photos of Henry interacting with the characters at Cape May are adorable! You have some really good ones!
I love that you take so many pictures of everything... resorts, parks, restaurants, flowers, beaches, PALM trees!!! The photos are so familiar, I think that is one reason they are so much fun to look through! :goodvibes
It's great that Henry made it on Soarin again... that is one fun ride! :thumbsup2
Are you getting excited about your spring trip? It's coming very quickly!

Oh no! Five days?!?! That is AWFUL. No hot water and spoiled food??? This is one crazy winter, isn't it? Yesterday I read that Oklahoma was getting 12 inches?! What in the world?!

I'm always amazed that we can come back from every trip with over 2,000 pictures. I have a zillion of the same things from every trip, but I just can't help myself! I wonder how many it will be after 15 days. :scared1: And how long is that TR going to take?!?! I better take good notes. :laughing:

I am sooooooo excited for the next trip! I want to get this TR over so I can start sharing all about it. I can't believe how quickly it's coming up, we are going to be in the teens before I know it!

I felt so bad for Henry when he almost wasn't tall enough! I'm glad he got to ride after all. I like that wristband idea. Measure once and be done with all the suspense.

I like the wristband idea too! It would save a ton of time. But, I'm really glad we won't have to worry about it this coming trip, he'll pass that 40" stick no problem!

Did you mean to take this picture of a Hidden Mickey? I'm betting that you did, but just wanted to ask.

On previous topic. The monorail toy that my son got was fortunately only the monorail and nothing else, so it was only like 14.99. But still, not good that it broke. And the sales person even said now be careful, because it can break. So obviously they know about the problem. But hey alot of toys are like that, I just didn't want you to spend tons of money on the whole set and then it break.

Great update. Glad that Henry got to ride Soarin'. I tried to take pictures like you posted, on our last trip. Didn't do quite as good as you, but still okay.

Epcot looked so empty, so nice.

I can't remember for sure if that's why I took it -- but probably. I am awful at finding them, so when I do, I get pretty excited! :laughing: Maybe when Henry starts to hunt for them on his own I'll get better at it by helping him.

I wonder if that same monorail is the one they sell with the tracks and all? That set is $100!! I'll keep your experience in mind, maybe it will be one of those toys I keep in his closet and only pull out from time to time...

I have tried quite a few times to get decent pics on Soarin' and finally this trip I got them! They are a bit dark, but that's okay. Now I just wish I could remember what settings I used....! :rolleyes:

Ohhhh thank goodness for the right happy your little aviator was able to fly with you :goodvibes :yay: for not having to worry about this on your next trip :thumbsup2
Look at empty Epcot :yay: how nice not to have any plans and be able to gaze lovingly at tall palm trees and blue sky :cloud9:
Oh my your guacamole looks delicious!! I think I would be hovering over it protectively until I ate it all :laughing:
Looking forward to what you think about WHW....I have never gone :confused3


It was such a beautiful and relaxing day at Epcot with no crowds! It was hottttttt,but worth it!

I finally caught up Brook! :thumbsup2

I really loved all of your updates!!!

I wish I would've read sooner because those "Storybook Collection" books were all on sale at Toys R Us on Black Friday! They're originally almost $15 or more I think...but they were on sale for $6 a piece just the one morning! They put a limit on them online...I thought it was said "Limit 10 per customer!" Anyway, I got Luke the Christmas version & the Playhouse Disney one. My nephew has the one that you took a picture of & he makes my mom read it to him every weekend! They are really great books! I took one of Luke's on our last Disney trip & we read it a little on the plane & almost every night before bed. I don't remember which we had, before I bought the others after Thanksgiving, but its the one with Brother Bear in it.

I'm glad you were able to have your DIS-meet! I loved seeing all of your pictures, especially from the Boardwalk & Beach Club resorts!!! When we had our pics taken at the Beach Club last trip, we fell in love with it!!! Unfortunately I don't think its in the budget for next trip, so I think we're staying at Port Orleans French Quarter.

All of the pictures of Henry at the parks are adorable!!!! I love seeing his reactions to all the characters & rides! I'm glad he was able to ride Soarin & some of the other rides he wasn't tall enough to ride before. I know I'm excited to see what Luke can ride next trip!

Glad to see you enjoyed Cape May! I love the characters costumes with the beach theme! Henry's pictures with all of them are sooo cute...I love how he kissed Minnie! :-)

I think I had about a million other comments but I can't remember them all right now! Love all the updates & the pics!!! Can't wait to read more & I promise to follow along better!

Thank you for your reviews on the Storybook Collection!!! And what a deal at $6! Perhaps I will look online a bit before we go and see if I can get a better price, I do think the one at Disney is somewhere between $12 and $15-which isn't too bad either for that big of a book. I didn't even realize they had others in the collection too!

It is so much fun taking the little guys on those big rides and seeing them light up in the wonder of it all! I might have Henry try Splash this trip (that's 40", right?) and see what he thinks of it. Maybe we'll find a video online first....Hmmm....
What great updates!! We also really liked Cape May! The pics of Henry and Minnie were tooo cute!! So glad he made it on Soarin!! looks like a fun but hot Epcot day!!

Isn't Cape May awesome? We will hit that one up again, but this upcoming trip we had Henry pick between Cape May and Hollywood & Vine-he picked H&V for Handy Manny and Oso. Plus, we are doing Chef Mickey's, so he already gets to meet those guys. Makes sense, but I'm going to miss Cape May!

I'm glad I saw this post about the monorail toy sets. We thought about getting one for this past christmas for my 2 yr old but decided against it for now! I will now wait until he is a little older and maybe they can fix the problem in the mean time. Plus he has way too many choo choos as it is! He is a choo choo freak!

Henry too. :rotfl: We have the wooden Thomas track set (and another set from Ikea), and are slowly collecting more and more trains. Percy, 2 Thomas', Toby, Henry, Hank and some other non-Thomas ones. And of course, he always wants more! I wish we had room for a Train Table, they are so cool!

I for one will greatly miss Minnie's house. On our first trip, it was nearly empty and Katie really did have lots and lots of time to hang in Minnies house--thrilled that she could touch everything. I think she DID spend an hour in there. :cutie: The visit to Mickey's house after was so disappointing because she couldn't touch anything.

Me too! I will miss it! They are so cute and clever! I think they would fit in just fine over in that new Circusland area by Dumbo. They could even just re-theme them a bit like Mickey & Minnie are getting ready to be in the circus or something. I was a bit disappointed by Mickey's house the first time I went through too. It's strange that you can play in the one, but the other is just a walk-through. :confused3
Brook---about a train table...Caleb has a train table that goes flat to the floor and when you are done using slid it under the bed or couch if you can. maybe that is something you can look into for Henry someday if he really wants one! Ours is a hand me down from my 10 yr old nephew who has outgrown it but Caleb LOVES it! He sits in the middle and moves his choo choos around. My SIL said it was around $200 then and that was probably 8 years ago. You might want to check to see if they still make something like that or something used like that. Ours have the wooden magnetic trains that are generic but he does have some wooden thomas ones and they work on it! He also has the thomas take and play sets and some thomas plastic trains, books, flashlight, bath toys, movies...he is just a little bit obsessed. His whole christmas was pretty much thomas things. course he calls him Tom it is soo cute! We told him he has choo choo on the brain and he goes "choo choo bain" LOL!
Yesterday I read that Oklahoma was getting 12 inches?! What in the world?!

The official airport total for us was 11.8 inches :sad2: We don't deal well with this kind of weather around here either. The northeast part of the state was hit alot harder, I think heard they got close to 20 inches - that's nuts! AND they said we may have another opportunity for snow coming in next Monday :scared1:
Ohhh the many adventures on the Island of Sodor...
Baylor was such a fan of Thomas and Friends!
I think he started at age 2 and lost interest about 7ish.
We kept it all! In fact just started adding to the set when Hunter was born found some large pieces on clearance at TJ Maxx. So one of these days the train table and tracks will come out with with all the set up. Oh the hours he would spend playing along with the videos and DVDs!:goodvibes
I know Baylor will be back at it with Hunter and Harper...
We left off after we had spent a morning at Epcot and were now back relaxing for a bit at the resort.

Just before 4:00 pm we headed out of the room and down the Boardwalk to the Atlantic Dance Hall. We were on our way to Welcome Home Wednesday, which is a weekly "game show" for DVC members. It's basically a fun way to advertise offerings for DVC members and to promote the latest resorts. There are prizes and freebies too.

And Mrs. Deevy See herself hosts it.

I find Deevy to be hilarious. If you haven't watched her videos, take a gander over at It's a bit "edgy" for Disney, dancing the line of child-friendly and adult material sometimes (don't worry, it's still clean!).

Deevy is the "namesake" of DVC...or so she claims. :rotfl:

So we are on our way, walking along the beautiful Boardwalk...of course I can't resist taking pictures...



Little boy, big Boardwalk!



There is a DVC office and model right here in case you ever want to stop in.


Henry is still pretending he's a train on the tracks when walking on the Boardwalk, he's got his arm up here, blowing the whistle. I wonder if he'll do that again this trip? :cutie:


24 days, 24 days.



I want to do this sometime.

I apologize for the lack of pictures in this update from here on out...but I will try to describe it all!

We walked into the Dance Hall being greeted by various DVC CMs and asked to fill out a little slip of paper with our info for the drawings. Also right in front were several baskets from the Disney florist, just showing what type of things they could do. They were all pretty impressive! If we had a reason to order one, I wouldn't hesitate to trust their work.

We went into the main hall and were given two little tickets apiece. One was for a drink, one was for a snack. Both were on the far side of the room, so we moved in that direction to make our choices. The choices weren't fantastic, but it was fine-can't complain for free, right? I think for drinks it was coffee, water or lemonade. And for snacks there was a white cheddar popcorn and...something else....which is what I chose and can't remember. :laughing:

By the time we had everything all the tables were filled up, which was a tad frustrating to me because Henry would do better at a table-and I could distract him with the various "Mommy tools" I had brought along. So, if you want a table, go early! :goodvibes

We found some seats on the main floor, which turned out to be fine-Henry was quite entertained through the entire thing and behaved pretty well overall.

The show started shortly after we sat down. They brought up four volunteers to be on the game show. It ran Jeopardy style, and if the panel was stumped, they allowed the audience to answer. The questions ranged from Disney history, to specific DVC things. If an audience member was answering correctly, they got a prize-often times a DVC pin. And after each question there was an explanation of various DVC offerings-a perk, info about what certain resorts have that others don't (ie AKL has a conceriage level for DVCers). They would also randomly draw people's names for various prizes throughout the show. One young tween gal they specifically called on because the question was about the Jonas Brothers. Of course she knew the answer...and they asked her, "What do you think your prize is?" Her response: "A surprise appearance of them?" :lmao: Well, no....but she did get SHOWERED with JoBros stuff. A Wii (or some video system) game, CDs, a shirt, and more. She was in awe...and I was tearing up for her. :rolleyes: It was very cool.

Deevy was co-hosting with another gentleman and their banter back and forth was very entertaining, they had the entire place laughing. Overall, it was a great presentation and we learned a lot!

After the game show was over, each person that played got a prize package of random DVC stuff (an umbrella, a collapsible cooler, a little beach chair and more). Then they had a bunch more prizes to give away, so they started to draw names.

And finally they got to the last prize.

A portrait package at one of the resorts.

And drumroll please............

I won!


Henry insisted on going up there with me, lots of kids did with their parents, it was cute.


I wish I could remember what they asked Henry!

I could NOT believe I won something, let alone exactly what we were planning to do the very next day before we checked out!!! :yay::yay::yay:

I was grinning ear to ear as the event wrapped up and quickly scurried down to get in line so I could get my picture made with the one and only Deevy See. After all, she is pretty important, without her there would be no DVC! ;)


On the way out the door we were all given white DVC hats. Joe was thrilled because he has wanted a plain DVC baseball cap since we bought-in, but wasn't ever able to find one he liked.

We really enjoyed Welcome Home Wednesday, and will probably do it again this trip since we'll be staying part of our trip again right there at the Boardwalk. It's a fun event, takes about an hour and you will walk away with at least something-a hat or a pin. I wouldn't go out of my way to do it, but if you are in the area, or just need a break at Epcot or DHS, it's worth a little trek over. However, it is for DVC owners (and their guests) only. They do check your membership card at the front door.

On our way back to our room we marveled at our good fortune.


I was amazed...I never win anything.

Except at Disney. :wizard:
Welcome Home Wednesday sounds really neat! That's great they offer something like that for you all. Being a member is on my wishlist but for a family of six, it's kinda pricy. Someday maybe! Congrats on winning the portrait package! :thumbsup2
Brook---about a train table...Caleb has a train table that goes flat to the floor and when you are done using slid it under the bed or couch if you can. maybe that is something you can look into for Henry someday if he really wants one! Ours is a hand me down from my 10 yr old nephew who has outgrown it but Caleb LOVES it! He sits in the middle and moves his choo choos around. My SIL said it was around $200 then and that was probably 8 years ago. You might want to check to see if they still make something like that or something used like that. Ours have the wooden magnetic trains that are generic but he does have some wooden thomas ones and they work on it! He also has the thomas take and play sets and some thomas plastic trains, books, flashlight, bath toys, movies...he is just a little bit obsessed. His whole christmas was pretty much thomas things. course he calls him Tom it is soo cute! We told him he has choo choo on the brain and he goes "choo choo bain" LOL!

Oh wow! That would be PERFECT!! I didn't even think about a collapsible style. Thanks for the tip!!

That is soooo funny about "choo choo brain"! :lmao: It's amazing what they say, isn't it? And it gets even funnier as they get older and these intelligent sentences come out of these little tiny bodies. It's amazing what they learn and say!

The official airport total for us was 11.8 inches :sad2: We don't deal well with this kind of weather around here either. The northeast part of the state was hit alot harder, I think heard they got close to 20 inches - that's nuts! AND they said we may have another opportunity for snow coming in next Monday :scared1:

OH MY WORD! That is unreal!!!!! Is everyone doing okay? I can't even imagine a functioning society down there in that mess. Are all the businesses closed and such? Eeeek...what a mess and a shame. :sad2: What is going on this winter??? So strange!

Ohhh the many adventures on the Island of Sodor...
Baylor was such a fan of Thomas and Friends!
I think he started at age 2 and lost interest about 7ish.
We kept it all! In fact just started adding to the set when Hunter was born found some large pieces on clearance at TJ Maxx. So one of these days the train table and tracks will come out with with all the set up. Oh the hours he would spend playing along with the videos and DVDs!:goodvibes
I know Baylor will be back at it with Hunter and Harper...

:rotfl2: Henry insisted on watching Thomas ALL THE TIME this summer and then moved onto Bob the Builder. That lasted until just recently, now he doesn't have a favorite-we get some variety during our morning cartoon watching-it makes for a happy Momma. ;)

And those toys are pricey, so good idea to hold onto them! After the grandbabies grow up you can make your money back on them via eBay! :laughing: I was able to snag Toby for $5 and was pretty pleased with myself. I'd love to get Henry some of the bigger sets, the crane and stuff. I'll have to keep an eye out at TJ Maxx!
Welcome Home Wednesday sounds really neat! That's great they offer something like that for you all. Being a member is on my wishlist but for a family of six, it's kinda pricy. Someday maybe! Congrats on winning the portrait package! :thumbsup2

Resale is pretty low right now. I think Vero beach and the Boardwalk are both around $60 a point, which is a steal! I wish we could add-on right now....someday!

I am still a bit in awe of winning that package. It's a $125 value, and I was ready for fork it over. I put off booking the session all week long, sorta kicking myself for procrastinating, but now I'm glad I did! :laughing:
Congrats on the win at Welcome Home Wednesdays! That's a great prize!!

When are you going to do your photo shoot?

Woo Hoo for going to Disney THIS month!
That means we are going NEXT month!
That's awesome that you won!!!

When you started to mention what they do there, and that they have prizes, I had a feeling that maybe you won something. It's a shame it wasn't the Jonas Brothers stuff. ;)
Congrats on the win at Welcome Home Wednesdays! That's a great prize!!

When are you going to do your photo shoot?

Woo Hoo for going to Disney THIS month!
That means we are going NEXT month!

We did our photo shoot the very next day-before we checked out. That will be coming up soon!

Our trips are getting so close!!! I can't wait! :hyper:

You won! How exciting!

I was SHOCKED! And I'll say lightening strikes twice at Disney....:rolleyes1

That's awesome that you won!!!

When you started to mention what they do there, and that they have prizes, I had a feeling that maybe you won something. It's a shame it wasn't the Jonas Brothers stuff. ;)

Oh ya, I was totally broken hearted over that JoBros stuff, hence the tearing up and all. :lmao:
Congrats on winning the package. That's awesome!! That's great that they do that for DVC members.

:banana: Woo Hoo for going to Disney this month!!:cool1:
Wow, what a win! Congrats!!!! Can't wait to see the pics.

And a big WHOO HOO!!! for going this month!:jumping1:


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