A Change in Direction

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Timon-n-Pumbaa Fan

<font color=blue>Identifies with Pumbaa's Flatulen
Jul 7, 2007
FYI: I am speaking here only as a DIS'er, not as a moderator in the following statements.

The recent DIS policy changes that disallow discussions of politics and religion have caused a lot of people to reconsider their role here on the DIS. Many have decided to stick around full or part-time, others have just stopped posting, and still others have found new messageboards to call home. There isn't anything wrong with the choices that people are making. It's a free country and if you don't like how things are going for you here, then it's 100% your perogative to do what you feel is best for you. I have been doing quite a bit of thinking on the topic too in terms of my role as a DIS'er who is a part of the GLBT community.

Originally, this area of the DIS was intended to be a safe area for the GLBT community to gather to plan their trips to Disney resorts. I felt that this board had become too social, before I ever became a moderator here. There is just so much silliness, which is just too much for some people. It has been really difficult for us to keep the threads on topic, and I do know that I am guilty of doing it too. Really though, I can't imagine how the newbies must feel. Personally, I worry that we are not doing all that we could be doing with this forum. We have a wonderful group of people here who have a wide variety of Disney park experience that we could be and should be sharing. This doesn't mean that social and GLBT community issue threads should not be allowed, as long as they follow DISboard guidelines. I just feel that the main focus of the group should be tipped back towards being more of a trip planning oriented space rather than being more of a social space.

Is it time for this forum to make a change in direction? Feel free to post your thoughts. I am just putting this out there to see if others feel the same way and are willing to work to take us in that direction.

Thanks for reading this. :goodvibes
What's wrong with the silliness?

We can't have serious conversations about the issues we all face and now we can't have silliness and fun in here?

Why have the forum at all? We can do the majority of our Disney planning in the other topic specific forums. :confused3
I don't need a special GLBT board to plan a trip to Disney. :) I have been a member of the DIS for years. I haven't ever posted too terribly much, as I've never felt really welcome here. This board is not really all that different. :)

I feel invisible for the most part. No big deal, it just is. I stop by and post because I still want to feel a part of the LBGT community here on the DIS. I like knowing that there is a board where Disney loving LGBT folk hang out.

I think of it more as a community board for LGBT people, rather than a Disney planning board. We do share Disney experiences and information, but we share a whole lot more too.

I know that reading about the foster parenting experiences of one of our couples was a very moving experience for me and the others who frequent here. We all truly care how things work out for the couple and their foster child.

Reading about Rob and Scot's wedding was an inclusive experience, as is reading about King Louie's. We all loved the cake, the topper, the recounting of the special day and we all were pretty horrified at the thought of wedding crashers. I don't believe there was a single one of us who did not share in Rob's sense of loss and sadness with the closing of the AC.

How could we go a day without Rosie's irreverence and warmth and WallyB's incredible sense of humor and wit?

O'Mike, and ConcK are our very own CMs who take care of us here, and there. They both give of their knowledge and go out of their way to make Disney visits as special as they can be.

We have the coolest straight people going!

MM, our Syracuse connection, MiniCooperCraig... everyone here has a personality, adds a dimension to the boards, to the sense of community, to the sharing that we do here.

It's not a planning board for me, never has been. I may not feel much of a part of the community here, but I do recognize that one exists.

If this board's primary purpose is to function as a planning board, then I don't value it for that, rather for the people who come here and are silly, and funny, wise, witty and sometimes shocking. :)

Need a new direction? Not as far as I can see.
I never said no silliness, just maybe less of it. Less hijacking threads taking them in 15 different directions. I am not trying to dictate policy with this post, rather I am attempting to access the needs of the newbies, lurkers, and regular posters. Personally, I would love to see this be more of a planning space where the people of the GLBT community can plan trips with their BF, GF, SO, and/or kids & family without intolerance.
Hi Lindy,

I'm posting this as a relative newbie. The tone of this board is what attracted me to it and what keeps me coming back. I frequent the DISabilities board and they have a separate community board. I have a son with Asperger's syndrome, daughter with a hearing loss and DP and I are both Pooh Sized (of course I still feel I'm more like Ursula than Pooh, both in size and demeanor:rotfl:)

There are a group of us parents of "Aspies" that discuss everything under the sun about our children. I find it invaluable, it has helped both DP and I as we navigate the world with our son.

There is no separate LGBT community board so it seems the community and Disney parts are intermingled. But again, I think this is invaluable to many of us. I like being able to hop over and find out what's going on with my "brothers and sisters and friends". Sometimes it's about Disney, sometimes it isn't. But we share that Disney Bond. So even though we may not be talking Disney, we all kind of "get" each other.

Just my thoughts.

PS FOUR WEEKS FROM FRIDAY!!!! I think (I know) I'm more excited than my kids.:woohoo:
I've been a member of several boards over the past 10 years, and one thing has always remained constant with all of them: As soon as limitations and/or rules with specifications are introduced after the board has been around for awhile, people start to leave or just post less often. That's just an observation I've made throughout the years.

As for the planning portion, I personally didn't come to the GLBT board when I was planning my last vacation. I went to 3 or 4 of the other boards because they were more topic-specific about the vacation planning process. I came to the GLBT board to read about the experiences other GLBT people had, and to post a little about my experience. If this board was used only for asking questions about "Which WDW bars are most GLBT friendly?", there would probably only be a couple posts per day.

Lastly, I think because of the silliness that goes on here many friendships have been made. If the social aspect of the board was to stop I'd feel bad for the newbies because it'd be much harder for them to create any kind of bond with anyone. As odd as it may sound, I feel very close to about 6 or 7 of the people I chat with on here......and I've physically only met 1 of them. I'm hoping to meet more of them in the future.....but if we didn't chat like we do on this board I probably wouldn't have gotten to know these fellow "Disneyphiles".

That's just my 2 cents.
Ya' know...I'm not one of the more frequent posters back here in the G&L forum. I'm one of those political posters over on the CB.

With the change in policy here on the DIS, those discussions are no longer allowed. Fine. If you're a member of a board, rules must be followed or you can move yourself along.

If we begin to now put restrictions on THIS board (such as the ones you have suggested), what then distinguishes this place from any of the other boards here on the DIS?

As members of the LGBT community...surely we understand the importance of the camaraderie, support, and sharing of like experiences within our walls. Or do we no longer place value on such things?

P.S.-I type this from my hotel room in WDW. A trip I meticulously planned over the past several months here on the DIS. In my downtime, between planning, I came back here to this forum for laughs and to watch all these posters in all their glory. What an amazing group of people. Some may even say some o' these folks are quite fabulous.
FYI: I am speaking here only as a DIS'er, not as a moderator in the following statements.

The recent DIS policy changes that disallow discussions of politics and religion have caused a lot of people to reconsider their role here on the DIS. Many have decided to stick around full or part-time, others have just stopped posting, and still others have found new messageboards to call home. There isn't anything wrong with the choices that people are making. It's a free country and if you don't like how things are going for you here, then it's 100% your perogative to do what you feel is best for you. I have been doing quite a bit of thinking on the topic too in terms of my role as a DIS'er who is a part of the GLBT community.

Originally, this area of the DIS was intended to be a safe area for the GLBT community to gather to plan their trips to Disney resorts. I felt that this board had become too social, before I ever became a moderator here. There is just so much silliness, which is just too much for some people. It has been really difficult for us to keep the threads on topic, and I do know that I am guilty of doing it too. Really though, I can't imagine how the newbies must feel. Personally, I worry that we are not doing all that we could be doing with this forum. We have a wonderful group of people here who have a wide variety of Disney park experience that we could be and should be sharing. This doesn't mean that social and GLBT community issue threads should not be allowed, as long as they follow DISboard guidelines. I just feel that the main focus of the group should be tipped back towards being more of a trip planning oriented space rather than being more of a social space.

Is it time for this forum to make a change in direction? Feel free to post your thoughts. I am just putting this out there to see if others feel the same way and are willing to work to take us in that direction.

Thanks for reading this. :goodvibes

Sorry but to me you're the one that sounds unhappy with this board.
Maybe you need to start a GLBT TRIP PLANNING Thread or find a serious GLBT Board to join.
IIt's not a planning board for me, never has been. I may not feel much of a part of the community here, but I do recognize that one exists.

You're kidding right?

I've always thought of you as one of the people whose posts I look foward to reading!

You're definitely a part of this community. And to me, at least, and important one!

As are many of the rest of you. Heck, MOST of the rest of you. I've made friends here. Friends I wouldn't have if we'd stuck to the topics around planning trips to Disney.

As for concerns about newbies not being able to find their way around our silliness, I don't see it. We're always very welcoming and helpful to new posters. We offer them help and encourage them to get involved. We answer their questions, and most imporantly we CARE. We want to help them have the best experience possible, here on the boards AND on their vacation.

My perspective is that many, many more people have come forward after reading our silly ramblings and said something like "I've been lurking here for a while, and you all seem like a friendly welcoming group, so I've decided to start posting." That makes me smile. EVERY single time it happens.

I think about kenman who was terrified of being gay and was close to killing himself. He asked us for our help because we were off topic, talking about a TV movie. If we'd limited our conversation to a smaller number of topics, he'd never have reached out for our help. That's a scary thought to me.

And once people have FOUND us, then they can ask questions about planning a Disney trip and benefit from our experience. If we've all drifted off to other parts of the iternet because we can't have our fun here, then they don't benefit from our being here so they can ask.

I think our forum works well as it is. It's not broken, it doesn't need fixing.
I think our forum works well as it is. It's not broken, it doesn't need fixing.

Well said.

When I was a "newbie" and when my hunny introduced me to the dis I found a group of folks here on the GLBT board that weren't hung up on the daily details of life - they are irreverent (love it!) out going (excellent!) and generally a welcoming group.

I have had the fortune of meeting a few folks from the dis, in fact I was on the TA cruise that had ove 300 Dis'ers. Many have stayed in touch and that thread is alive. But somehow, this is the forum that is my home page for the dis.

I like the joking around, yea, sometimes the threads get hijacked. But, if one is in a conversation with a group IRL the conversation migrates around as well. If it stays on ONE topic and only ONE topic it becomes dull.

Please, don't say we need "adjusting" we are just fine - we like who we are.

And we like you too! Just the way you are.
Not really my business... I mean I am "only" a CSP....

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the ongoing craziness/fun. I love it! Its great and its what brings the sense of community. As said above... if its planning, this isn't my place. I read the DISabilities board (of course), but I am not really active on the DISabilites community board... I don't fit there (and that is a completely separate story, and more personal). I have loved being here since I popped over. Certainly I am not loved by all, but who cares. I got over popularity in middle school. I certainly still adore it :).

Also as said above.... setting rules is going to completely change the community built...

Should it change? No..... not in my opinion.
As soon as limitations and/or rules with specifications are introduced after the board has been around for awhile, people start to leave or just post less often. That's just an observation I've made throughout the years.

I am fried both physically an mentally, thanks to work, but I have to say something here.

Yes the Dis in general has some new rules. But I really don't see how that has any impact on our forum. The new rules are no "political or religious debate". When is the last time we talked Politics or Religion? Yes we share information concerning laws that concern our community occasionally, but we never debate....do we?

Please don't stop posting here because you feel you are loosing some sort of freedom of speech! It's the same forum, same people, same topics, same silly fun! If someone does cross the line, Lindy and I will take care of it via a friendly reminder, that's all.

Now I'm off to a well deserved adult beverage! :thumbsup2
Hey Mike next time I am in town the drink is on me. After all these changes and recent changes you are probably ready for a stiff drink.

Hang in there

Well, I am with the majority here; I would be terrilby saddened to see this board become "just" a planning board. It is the friendship, silliness and funny slant on life that makes this board so appealing to this girl:goodvibes Like mykidsintow I am straight, but I still think it is part of my business because this is by far the most welcoming and friendly board on the DIS and you have all made me feel like a part of it. (not picking on you mykidsintow--I know what you meant--just adding to show how welcoming and not intimidating this group is)

Honestly, when I see a "planning" question posted by a new poster or an old friend I have ALWAYS seen the person get real, serious answers first thing and the silliness follows along later (sometime still within a page or two, but the answer is there first). Actually, if we weren't all checking in here nearly daily to "hang out" with our friends, many of those planning questions would go much longer without answers or have much less input because we might never see them at all (I wouldn't read much here if it were PLANNING only, or even planning mostly).

I also have to tell DVC~OKW~96 that I have always seen you as very much ha part of this board. I have certainly noticed your posts both here and on the CB--you are far from invisible:hug:(and I like seeing you post, of course:upsidedow)
I am fried both physically an mentally, thanks to work, but I have to say something here.

Yes the Dis in general has some new rules. But I really don't see how that has any impact on our forum. The new rules are no "political or religious debate". When is the last time we talked Politics or Religion? Yes we share information concerning laws that concern our community occasionally, but we never debate....do we?

Please don't stop posting here because you feel you are loosing some sort of freedom of speech! It's the same forum, same people, same topics, same silly fun! If someone does cross the line, Lindy and I will take care of it via a friendly reminder, that's all.

Now I'm off to a well deserved adult beverage! :thumbsup2

Mike I am sure it has been a terrifically hard week for you. You deserve the drink of your choice (or 5) for sure.

I hold no malice towards you (nor any other moderator) but I do disagree with the new policy. Silencing serious discussions by everyone because a few people were intentionally baiting and rude is just not right in my view (it seems like in the end the bullies win because they get to make everyone else stop posting becasue of their antics)--but I don't get to decide and that is okay.
I do feel I have to respond to this though. I cannot remember ever (before the new rules) comming to this board and not seeing at least one and usually 2-3 threads on the first page that would now not be allowed. Weren't two threads locked from the first page here when the new rules took effect? (comming back to edit and say I did see the post explaining WHY they were locked and it makes lots of sense. I am not complaining about that--just pointing out that such threads have been here pretty often and recetly) I don't remember things getting out of hand or contentious (mostly everybody was on more or less the same wave length) but discussion did happen and I think it was nice to have a "safe" place to share our ideas about politics which more directly impact the GLBT community. Maybe I am misunderstanding the new rules. Can we still "share information regarding laws which concern our community" and our feelings about them if it does not turn in to a heated debate? I was under the impression we could not:confused3 Please know I am not trying to badger you (or any mod) I am just really and truly confused--it seems like the new rules are open to many differing interpretations, the more often I see a mod post on the rules the more confused I seem to become. Maybe I am just a dunce!
I never said no silliness, just maybe less of it. Less hijacking threads taking them in 15 different directions. I am not trying to dictate policy with this post, rather I am attempting to access the needs of the newbies, lurkers, and regular posters. Personally, I would love to see this be more of a planning space where the people of the GLBT community can plan trips with their BF, GF, SO, and/or kids & family without intolerance.

Thank you for the clarification. :)

I think that other than the occasional LGBTQ planning specific question, the board would be slow if this were the new direction and that would be a shame. After all, where else could I talk about my love for Lady Gaga? ;)

I love the fifteen different directions and I've never seen a thread hijack where the OP seemed to mind. That's one of the wonderful things about conversation and it's fun to see where they end up. The worst forums are the ones where the moderators come in and post "stay on topic".

I also think that newbies and lurkers will be just fine. I'm not a frequent poster in this forum, but I always feel welcomed when I jump in and I bet anyone else would too. :goodvibes
I've been more of a lurker than a poster here but felt I needed to chime in. Please do not change this board! Its such a refreshing break from the rest of the boards. I don't think there's another board that has such a strong sense of community as this one. It would be a shame to see any aspect of it change.
As for concerns about newbies not being able to find their way around our silliness, I don't see it. We're always very welcoming and helpful to new posters. We offer them help and encourage them to get involved. We answer their questions, and most imporantly we CARE. We want to help them have the best experience possible, here on the boards AND on their vacation.

My perspective is that many, many more people have come forward after reading our silly ramblings and said something like "I've been lurking here for a while, and you all seem like a friendly welcoming group, so I've decided to start posting." That makes me smile. EVERY single time it happens.

Yes! Speaking as a lurker extraordinaire, I started reading this board every day because of the general silliness and fun on your wedding planning thread. I wouldn't change a thing! (So smile! :thumbsup2 )
Community is what you make of it...

If our one of our own mods is struggling with the change of direction this forum has had, along with the change in direction they themselves are struggling, I don't have much hope that larger "changes" are going to be either imposed or put forth.

I don't often speak up in these forums, more often I attempt to help people, however I did about the recent change in regards to the politics and religion. Will the change prevent me from posting, no, because there is still some valuable resources, but the change has forced me to reconsider my decision to sponsor it, and use their auxillory services through weblinks.
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