8/24 Roll Call!!

Originally posted by Credit Man
Hope you are feeling better soon, Anne. Its to close to be messing with hives:eek:

Thanks! Regretfully my food allergies have gotten much more severe over the past year. It used to be a mild annoyance, now I have to watch everything I eat :(

I got home last night to hear a message from my hair salon, my hairdresser's grandmother passed away and my appointment is cancelled. I have used the same person for a year now, after being forced to switch when the lady that cut my hair for nine years retired. Needless to say I'm not happy about having a "stranger" cut my hair right before I go away :(

On top of that one of my ferrets died yesterday, he wasn't doing well Sunday so we took him up to the vet Tuesday night after spending a couple days with supportive care and antibiotics. It turns out that he had massive kidney failure that had caused a systemic bacterial infection and shot his BC up to over 600 (120 is normal) this put him into a seizure that Phenobarb couldn't control, and the decision to euthanize had to be made.

Just a bad day.

Creditman, If you are still out there and not completely overwhelmed with getting things together have a safe and happy trip.

We will see you next weekend.

Patti:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Thanks, Patti. Still here. Looking forward to meeting up with you, also. We are all in for a great adventure, and quality time with family and friends.
I hope everyones journey is safe and easy and we all find ourselves boarding the ship on the 24th in good health and good spirits.
Hi Patti, We will definitely have to have drinks together to celebrate our anniversaries. We leave on the 23 and will be staying at the Radisson. We are really getting excited. :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hi everyone, So excited can't wait!!!!!!!!!I have to work 1/2 day friday, taking hubby to dr for his back. Oh well, I'll have a great time. Happy Anniversery karen and ralph. Wanda, drinks at the Raddison, our daughters are so much alike!!!!!I think they will have a great time with everyone. My 15 yr old is still giving us a hard time, he would rather work!!!!!crazy kid.....Patti can't wait to meet you!!!GrannyMary hope your knee is better. Creditman have a safe trip see you on deck 10. Can't wait to see all the green ribbons. Pam
Twin crazy,
Pgavin and my family are going to try to connect on Friday evening at the Raddison to have a drink. You and yours should try to join us. Hopefully any others out there that will be on the cruise will also join us. Our last name is Carpenter, just ask for us at the desk or leave us a message,
We'll be at the Radisson, too. I haven't mentioned this to DH yet, I'll have to see if he's up for it. If not, maybe I'll come alone!

Sounds great Patti-the only thing is that we do not arrive at the airport until 8:55. It will be around 10 when we get to the hotel. What time are you arriving or anyone else for that matter???

Karen, Gregg and I will be (should be) arriving around 7pm. We have a stop in Jacksonville earlier. We are going to leave a message at the desk for Wanda and her family. Our last name is Gavin. We have 3 children, Bryan 15, Jerry 14 and Amy 8. We are also catching the shuttle over in the morning. Our vacation begins on Monday, trekking down to Myrtle Beach for the week and on Friday driving to Florida. Can't wait to meet you all. We are bringing the lap top, so I will try to keep in touch with the disboard. Pam
Shari, Tell your DH he will have plenty of time to rest on the ship and you must come and meet us all!!!!!! Our last name is Gavin, look for us. I'll be the blonde with the tall drink in her hand after our long drive I'll need it. see you soon. Pam
Sounds great Pam. We are flying in from Norfolk, VA on Friday. Our children are Alec and Brooke (5). They are so excited. We moved from South Florida a year ago and every time we go back we drive. This is their first time flying and cruising. Please leave us a message if you are up and about around 10 so that we can at least say hello. Our last name is Raulin. We are sooooo excited. Karen
Karen, We are not staying at the Radisson on Friday. We don't fly in from Virginia until Saturday morning. I did not know about these boards before I booked everything so was not aware that it would be better to fly in the night before.

We will see you all at the port or on the ship Saturday.

Gosh only another week. I can remember a year and a half ago when we were saying oh my we have so long to wait.

Starting the packing frenzy, "do we have this, do we have that".LOL

See you all soon.

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Patti, we will see you on Saturday then. Where are you coming from in Virginia? We live in Williamsburg. Karen
we'll be coming in from Lynchburg, Virginia. Unfortuately we will be driving to fla. Uck, but we're going to do some fun stuff along the way to break up the trip. I can't wait to meet everyone!
good question, I was hoping there was a pool area and hopefully we could have a drink by the pool while the kids enjoyed the pool but I don't know if this will be possible or not


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