Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Well now that the weather is cooperating over here, I got out tonight and did 4 miles with a 10:21 pace. That seems to be the best pace for me for that distance in the recent past.

I am impressed by anyone that can do any distance on the treadmill. I get bored and usually wind up stopping after 3.1 miles. I definately like being outside more.

Judy -- Good luck with Myst. :wizard: :wizard: for the rest of the week being better.

Mel -- Thanks for the info. I might have to think about doing the half this year. It would be a nice intermediate race after Disney.
Hi Everyone-

I have been struggling with a sluggish computer fo days. I know exactly how it feels too. It doesn't want to let me post and I am too tired to type out the same post twice.

I ran 15 miles on Saturday. It was so incredibly hard that I think it has depressed me. Up until now, I was excited about all the "firsts" I had achieved and then I hit the wall on Saturday.

I actually cried in front of my kids. I was so tired and my legs were so exhausted when I got home that the thought of climbing the stairs to take a shower was unbearable. However, I had to run the concession stand at the ball park for 3 hours and I was already late. Thank God for Ibuprofin.

How am I ever going to finish a marathon?

All of the sudden I have begun to doubt my ability to do this. What was I thinking? I am 40 years old and have three small kids, how can I do this? What am I going to tell everyone if I don't finish?


Wish Team!!!!!!!!! Okay, who can explain this to me: 6 miles on the treadmill in 1:09 on Saturday = terrible, long, and boring. 5.5 miles on the treadmill in 1:00 on Monday = wonderful, fabulous, did not want to stop running. I'm glad that my run last night was so great, but it's weird what a difference a couple of days make. I think I'm going to flop around my schedule this week and run my 40 minutes tonight and xt tomorrow night. If I go to the Community Center tonight, I wouldn't get home until after 7:00 and since trick or treating starts at 6:00, that won't work. Did Halloween sneak up on anyone else? I bought the candy last night and we never even carved a pumpkin. Heck, I didn't even plant any annual flowers this fall--training for this marathon has become all consuming and Christmas is right around the corner!!! I better start shopping now and maybe I'll be ready by December 24th.

Cecilia-- :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: you are going to be just fine for the marathon, so get the negative thoughts out of your head right now. You're going to show your kids what a little (okay a lot ) of hard work can accomplish because they see you training and they'll see you cross the finish line on January 7th. And they'll think, if my Mom can do that then I can do something hard and seemingly out of reach too. We're all here for each other and we're going to help each get to the start line and get to the finish line too. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Jim--I hear ya about the 14 miles, that has me a little nervous too! I've done 2 half marathons, so 14 will be the furthest I've ever gone. Good luck!!

Judy-- :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Mist!!!! Keep us updated.

Cam--How did Andy's cross country meet go? Crossing my fingers that he PR'd!

Dave--Love the pictures!! I think you are going to rock the marathon!

Kristi-- :cheer2: :cheer2: :banana: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: I'm so glad that you made it to the gym!!! And awesome job going a mile further in the same amount of time. To borrow a line from one of my favorite attractions at WDW: "and that's what we call progress!" :teeth:
Hey WISH team!

I have been absent due to some lack of training motivation...silly me! I should have been here so you all could kick my butt! :D :D :D

I ran the Grand Rapids Half Marathon this Sunday - cold and windy, but sunny at least! Yay! It was really good for me to do this, I think. I had a bad few weeks leading up to it and wasn't as ready as I should have been, but I am ready to buckle down and do this thing now! So, my time was 2:37:52 - for a pace of 12:03 - I was aiming for 12, so I was very close. That minute in the Porta-Potty did me in. ;)

Here is a family shot before the race:

Closing in on the finish (notice my best cheerleader)

With my first ever medal! :D

Once again I got lots of comments on my shirt - that made me smile!

I promise I am back to cheer you all on! I got my packet in the mail yesterday...and I cried! :rotfl:
Cruella de mom said:
All of the sudden I have begun to doubt my ability to do this. What was I thinking? I am 40 years old and have three small kids, how can I do this? What am I going to tell everyone if I don't finish?


First of all congrats on your LR.

Secondly, I am 41 and just started running 2 years ago. I have 2 small children and questioned my sanity for training for the marathon last year. The key to the long runs is to take it SLOW, they say 45-90 seconds per mile slower than your regular pace. So I usually run between 9:30 - 10:00 miles for runs 3-8 miles long, but once I get over 8 miles I run 10:30-11:30's. Keep it slow and walk when you need to.

Good luck, you can do this!

Cecilia - I am so sorry you had such a rough run. You know what, though. It happens to all of us. I had some real "stonkers" myself, where it took everything I had just to finish. I stop at a gas station and buy a 20lb bag of ice after each run (for my ice bath) and there were times I could barely climb the curb to walk in the store. Please don't doubt yourself. Even if it wasn't the best run, you ran 15 MILES!! I mean, how many people can say they have done that?! and now that you HAVE done it your next run is gonna be that much easier.
Bekah! WHy didn't you tell me you'd be there SUnday???? We would have done it too! We were debating for quite some time. I must admit, though. Come Sunday, we were so glad we were not there. That wind was awful! Plus, my legs were getting tired. Congrats!!!!

Cecelia - You had a bad run. Shake it off. You're not supposed to ae able to run a marathon yet. SOundsl ike your legs could use a rest though. Why don't you do some cold tubs adn maybe skip a run or XT instead of doing a run? You rlegs may than you adn it may be just what you need to get those negative thougths out of your head.

Ugh! Our run last night was cut short. The back of my hip and teh back of my knee hurt. HAmsting maybe? Only did about 22 minutes, did a cold tub. Iced this mornig and am doing Hot/Cold patches. Let's hope. :guilty: WOndering if it really is time for new shoes too, but that may be just an excuse. I may end up shopping Wednesday instead of running if I'm not feeling better.

I'm 42 and started training for my first event a month before my last birthday. I know how you feel. Training, kids, chores, activities, it all takes a toll. But if I can do this, YOU can do this. I firmly believe finishing is 90% mental.

Use today to rest and clear your head. But don't get down on yourself and certainly don't give up. Please hang in there.

Hi Everyone!

Got back Sunday from vacation in Salem. Celebrated our first anniversary once we got home. Anyhow here are some pictures from our Salem trip

Unfortunately, I didn't get any training done but hopefully I will get some done tonight.....if not tonight, definetely tomorrow! I feel so bad that I haven't done anything but I just wasn't able to.

I haven't checked everyone's posts but I will probably do that this afternoon.

Have a great day everyone!
Sorry everyone.....for whatever reason the link to my pictures....isn't working, I'll have to work on that!
Cruella de mom said:
I ran 15 miles on Saturday. It was so incredibly hard that I think it has depressed me. Up until now, I was excited about all the "firsts" I had achieved and then I hit the wall on Saturday.

I actually cried in front of my kids. I was so tired and my legs were so exhausted when I got home that the thought of climbing the stairs to take a shower was unbearable. However, I had to run the concession stand at the ball park for 3 hours and I was already late. Thank God for Ibuprofin.

How am I ever going to finish a marathon?

All of the sudden I have begun to doubt my ability to do this. What was I thinking? I am 40 years old and have three small kids, how can I do this? What am I going to tell everyone if I don't finish?

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Hang in there Cecilia!!! Focus on what you can do and DID do. You ran 15 miles!!!! That is a huge feat. Congratulations! Don't worry about your time, don't worry about how you felt, you were out there and got your steps in. Give yourself some time to recover from your long run. It does take a toll on your body. We're all in this together.

I ran 14 miles on Sunday, and was thinking "Oh my, I would still have 12 miles to go for the marathon." I'm 37 and have 2 small girls, and I've been struggling lately too trying to balance everything. I'm taking it one day at a time and one step at a time. To be honest, at this point, I don't know how I'm going to finish the marathon, but I'm pushing that out of my mind. I'm focusing on what is my workout this week. This week I have an 8 mile LR as a step back week. I know I can do that, and that is coming a long way from where I was when I started.

Hang in there Cecilia!!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Hi Team!

Cecelia: :grouphug: I know exactly how you feel. I literally cried at the end of my 10 and 12 mile long runs. They hurt...my injuries hurt....my body was just broken when I finished. And yet I know I had things I HAD to do with my kids! The thought of going to a soccer game or taking my daughter to her Cheetah Girls concert literally made me question my sanity! I completely understand where you are coming from. You are doing so well. You're consistently posting great runs. Just let this one go...it's in the books...you completed it...you are going to do so great in the marathon!

Judy: :grouphug: So sorry you hare going through all the stress with Mist :(. I'll keep you in my thoughts and truly wish you the very best outcome :goodvibes .

Carrie: PD for your leg :(. Maybe a bit of rest will take care of those aches. I've taken it easy now since my 12 mile run. Slowly the pains are getting better. I'm just trying to gear up for this LR Saturday. Just don't push yourself girl!

Bekah: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Congrats on that Half!!!! WTG!!!! You must be so proud of yourself!!!!

Dave: :thumbsup2 Thank you so much for sharing pictures. Congrats again on the half marathon. I hope you are getting your confidence back about the marathon! You are just doing so well....you've battle through injuries and run in tough conditions. You should be so proud of yourself and all the progress you've made in the past 7 months!!!! I know you can do this marathon and I truly wish you the best of luck in breaking the news to your wife!!! :goodvibes

As for me....did an easy 6 on Saturday. Legs felt GREAT for a change :goodvibes . I'm hoping the tide has turned for me here with injuries. Still doing the PT. I'm very nervous about Saturday's 14 miles. However, thanks to Craig's post in my journal and reading here what Colleen posted about pace and long runs...I think I need to chill out on my pace for the LRs. I'm just so competetive with myself that I think I'm pushing the pace far too much. If I just pull back a bit and run easy pace for the LRs and not try to kill it....I think I might do myself a world of good! In addition to that I'm really considering pulling back in the training a bit....for instance...no weeks of 4 runs...substitute the ski machine for one of the runs those weeks. I just don't think my legs can handle it right now with the 3 injuries that i'm nursing. I was going to run this morning but I'm fighting off an extremely bad headache...and I know the run would be brutal. Maybe later I can squeeze it in :rotfl: . OK...who am I kidding lol. Maybe later I can do the ski machine and run wed/thurs instead.

Have a great week everyone!!!
Happy Halloween Team!

Cecilia--Congrats on finishing your LR!!!! :grouphug: I sometimes have serious doubts that I'll ever be able to finish a marathon--with being a mom, wife, part-time employee I wonder when I'll ever have "enough" time. But that's why we're here as a team--to support each other during the hard times :grouphug: and cheer for the great times!!! :cheer2: I love the quote from yesterday about the mind having to tell the body what to do b/c the body will always be too tired, etc! Sending lots of positive vibes your way!

Well, I had a stonker yesterday! And it was only 3.5miles. B/c I went into work last night when DH got home I had to use our home treadmill instead of hitting the gym. And I really think our treadmill is not calibrated right--I always have a much harder time running on ours than at the gym--DH just thinks I'm crazy--Oh well, here's hoping that my 4 miler today goes better than anticipated since I'm home again today!

Hope everyone has a nice Halloween--we are skipping the door to door stuff and I"m taking the kids to the church for a fall festival of sorts. DH doesn't know when he's getting home tonight,so that's the best option for me being able to handle both kids.
Judy - :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Mist's trial. I am keeping her and you in my prayers and hope all goes well.

Kriti - Congrats for getting back in the game. :cheer2:

Jim - Best of luck on your LR this weekend. :woohoo:

Cecilia - You CAN do this!! Put in the steps and the race is your reward. I am pushing 40 with three kids also and it is totally doable. Just work on the mental part and the body will follow. Each LR makes you stronger, both mentally and physically. Congrats on the 15 miles!! :cool1: We'll all be there cheering you on at the finish. :grouphug:

Krista - Glad you had an inspiring TM run!! :banana:

Bekah - Congrats on your 1/2 marathon and love the pics!! Your family is so beautiful.

Colleen - Great pacing advice. I had no idea you've only been running for two years - now I'm even MORE impressed :)

Carrie - :wizard: :wizard: for your current pain. I hope it works itself out. New shoes may do the trick also.

Jodi - Welcome back. I can't wait to see the pics from your trip.

Dave - The balancing act is always tough. One day at a time is the best approach. Don't let those fears of doubt get you down. You have come SO very far.

4 miles of speedwork for me this morning followed by an advanced pilates class. I think I am coming down with a cold which is something I do not want right about now.

For all of us struggling with marathon mental issues and questioning our sanity and our ability to cover the distance, we just need to be strong and keep believing. Fear is such a limiting thing and sometimes we just have to keep the faith. I ran Goofy in January and have been running for years. I still question my ability to run 26.2 in January. Dave's concept of one day at a time helps to keep the overwhelming mileage in perspective. Whenever my mind is wavering, I think of you guys and know you are all out there putting in the steps, so there is NO reason for me not to. Thank you all for being such an inspiration when I really need it the most. :grouphug:
To Cecilia and all struggling with ever longer runs:

Colleen has it absolutely right. The key is to slow down and make sure you get the distance without straining yourself to the breaking point. Long Slow Distance, LSD, builds your endurance. If you go fast and nearly break down it sets you back for a few days and your training suffers. On shorter days its okay to drive the tempo some, but when you are out on a really long one, pay no attention to pace, just be comfortable and get the miles.

And you'll make it on January 7, keep that in mind. The training is far harder than the race (well at least until mile 18 or so :teeth: ). During training sessions you are fatigued from the previous days' work. On race day you'll be tapered and fresh, springy legs and running on high octane fuel from the excitement.

And, during the race you'll be out with others. It's a million times easier to run when someone is on your shoulder.

Hang tough. You are setting a great example for your children. They'll learn the link between effort and outcome. Effort doesn't guarantee success, but lack of effort is a guarantee for failure. Seeing it in mom or dad is one of life's valuable lessons.

OK, I finally parked the car. No drive by this time :car:
But I'll probably forget half of my comments :rolleyes:

Colleen-- I loved your race report. Your steady pace is AWSOME!
Dave-- I loved the Niagra Falls pics. Gotta love that shirt :woohoo: Great Job!
Beka-- Congrats on your half.
Jen-- Congrats on your 10K
Mel-- congrats on the 5K PR. A PR is a PR :banana:

Wow, we are a bunch of serious racers!

Judy-- I went back and saw your sorrows are over Mist. I'm so sorry. :wizard: Here's hoping and praying the judge will do the right thing.

Kristi-- in my 6 years of being a gym rat, I can't count how many times I dreaded going and told myself, "I'm just going to go, suit up and do something light, that's better than nothing". Most often I would find the umph to do a decent workout. Keep going even when you dread it and you'll move mountains :woohoo: SOmetimes its just about keeping the routine.

Cecilia-- I'm 43 with two kids and more than a full-time job. I stress about fitting it all in, too. But if you believe it, you can do it! Don't lose hope :grouphug: And most of all, like Colleen and Craig said, slow down. Keep your LRs as slow as you need them to be to finish without undo pain.

Heather-- before I finished the sentence and saw Garage Sale "SHOES" popped into my head :rotfl2: Keep those babies under lock and key.

OK, I'm sure I'm forgetting about 10 people, but I have to hurry off to a Halloween costume parade at DS's school. It's quite silly really, I'll rush out of work, lose my parking spot just to watch him walk across the stage in the auditorium and he won't even see me!

My WO today:

TM .5% grade 6 miles in 1:04:30 (10:45), then I reset the machine and did one more mile at 1.5% grade in 12:40. Adding the two for a 7 miler, the pace came to 11:01. Definitely improving.

Gotta dash.... :moped:

Thank you Everyone!

I really needed the encouragement.

I had heard other people struggle with it but that was the first time I had actually experienced that kind of doubt. DH says it the exhaustion from trying to do everything I used to do AND train for a marathon. He wants me to cut out one of my runs each week. No can do. So I have decided to cut out cleaning the house.

I just went to the gym and ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Usually after two rest days, I am stiff and achy for the the first 2 miles of the next run but I loosened up after about half a mile and felt great. I kept having to push the speed up because I was over running the treadmill. Maybe all the pain of that long run has actually grown some muscle! Imagine that, a million runners before me actually know what they are talking about.

Thanks again for all the encouragement. I feel stronger already. I can't wait to meet everyone in January. It will be here in no time.

Oh, and for whomever is keeping track - I am staying at the Coronado Springs with all the other TNT runners.

Cruella de mom said:
Hi Everyone-

I have been struggling with a sluggish computer fo days. I know exactly how it feels too. It doesn't want to let me post and I am too tired to type out the same post twice.

I ran 15 miles on Saturday. It was so incredibly hard that I think it has depressed me. Up until now, I was excited about all the "firsts" I had achieved and then I hit the wall on Saturday.

I actually cried in front of my kids. I was so tired and my legs were so exhausted when I got home that the thought of climbing the stairs to take a shower was unbearable. However, I had to run the concession stand at the ball park for 3 hours and I was already late. Thank God for Ibuprofin.

How am I ever going to finish a marathon?

All of the sudden I have begun to doubt my ability to do this. What was I thinking? I am 40 years old and have three small kids, how can I do this? What am I going to tell everyone if I don't finish?


Cecilia- Take a deep breath and relax. Not only can you do this, you ARE doing this. Having small children and finding time to train with all of life's pressures is not easy, but you can do it. Everyone has bad training runs. It happens to even the elite racers. It could be something you ate or didn't eat; it could be you did not get enough rest the night before; it could be you started too fast. There are so many factors that go into a LR, it could be one or more of these things or you just could have had an off day. It happens. What you should NOT do is doubt yourself. If you train properly, you can and WILL finish the marathon. We all have self-doubts along the way and lose our motivation. Just put in the steps, and you will achieve your goal. Remember that there is no need for speed, you just have to put in the steps. On January 7th, you will be at that starting line at EPCOT and have what many others will never have: the courage to start. All of your WISH teammates will be with you to cheer you along the route and hug you after you cross the finish line. You can do this, and you are not alone!

Judy- I sure hope they do not let that witch take Mist back. Who could be so cruel to such wonderful animals? And let her have them as cold weather and snow is upon NY? Simply insane!

I did 3.35 miles on the TM today at the gym. I went back to walk3/run2, and it felt great. I am back on track!

Carrie- You cannot get injured! You have to do 9 miles with me this weekend!

Sunny- DS may not see you, but it will mean the world to him to know that you are there. Keep it up Supermom!
TXBelle said:
Carrie- You cannot get injured! You have to do 9 miles with me this weekend!
I know! That's the worst part of it! :sad2:

Worst case: I will rest 'til then and skip the 14 or do a pool work out. Maybe a littel retail therapy that morning, too? :teeth: That may be perfect therapy. Not skipping completely, but not hurting myself. It's gotten better as the day goes on. That could be the advil, though. :confused3

Cecelia - Glad you're feeling better about things and you felt better today!!!

Now, if my packet's not there tonight, there'll be heck to pay! :rotfl:
Cruella de mom said:

I had heard other people struggle with it but that was the first time I had actually experienced that kind of doubt. DH says it the exhaustion from trying to do everything I used to do AND train for a marathon. He wants me to cut out one of my runs each week. No can do. So I have decided to cut out cleaning the house.


That's the spirit. House cleaning was the first to go on my over-booked schedule, too. Cooking came next. Unfortunately, bill paying fell by the wayside, too, but I rectified that by going to all automatic online billing. Laundry is done on an "as need basis", as in "oh no, no one has anything to wear tomorrow!" and a load gets thrown in. THere are plenty of corners to cut, but running just ain't one of 'em ;)

In fact, I am always mortified if someone actually darkens my doors. My Mom is so sweet, she tells me, just hang your finisher's medals around the living room and let them know you have a life!



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