Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
disneyfanz04 Michelle NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hbardeleben Heather IL
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nstauffer Nikki MI
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
outonarun Teri CA
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Princess Nancy Nancy SC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
Rockclimber Dave NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
SoCalSnail Jim CA
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour!

I have made the decision to embrace my inner penguin and make peace with my current pace. The whole fam did the Boo Run 5K today. It was DH's first 5K ever and he really didn't train at all. He decided to just go out and run til he was tired then walk til he could run again. I told him I'd run with him and push the wild todd in the stroller, thinking I was doing him a favor :rolleyes: . Ummm...dude can run! Don't have official results yet and DH forgot to look at the clock, but he thinks he finished in 37 or 38 minutes. Us girls were behind him and crossed around 39:18, which is a PR for me (and I pushed the stroller the whole race). I get the same comment from him that DD13 made after the Chicken Little 5K..."Wow. I've never run 3 miles before". Sheesh...I've been training for how long and everyone in the family just goes out and does it :sad2: . Anyway, I've decided I just need to accept where I am and keep working at my own pace. Thanks to everyone for helping me through the slump last week!

DD13 did place 6th in her age group and got a ribbon! And we got to meet Chester :wave:

Cam...congrats on 14 miles on the TM! That's hardcore! Special vtach pixie dust to make sure things are ok :wizard:

Jen...wtg on your 10K! bonus points for running in the cold! Was there meat involved with this one? ;)

Angie...good luck on your Monster Dash tomorrow!

Nancy...congrats on your TM 5 miler! Sounds like TV torture! I eat a Snickers marathon bar before a LR, then take Clif Bloks every 2 or 3 miles with water during the run.

Teri...congrats on your run!

Matt...congrats on DW's pace improvement! How are your legs doing?

Bill...http://www.sarasotamarathon.com. Come on over! I did the half this year (which was the inaugural for both half and full). Easy, flat course except for the Ringling Bridge. Here's my race report from this year http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=1048548&referrerid=&highlight=sarasota+marathon
Actually just mailed my registration for the 2007 race. Scenery's nice, but stuff y'all can see everyday over on your side. Worst part was running on US41 (think of running along US1). But lots of water, nice weather and nicely done.

Mike...what percentage are you targeting for your heart rate? I'm wondering if I should dig out my monitor and see if that would help me know better when to push and when not.

After the race, we had another 'accidental' daytrip to MK to celebrate DD13's 8th consecutive quarter of straight A's. She decided she wanted to eat at Boma, so off we went. Nice day...MK was pretty empty...found all the people at EPCOT for F&W. No current plans for a trip next month but there's still time :rolleyes1

Good training everyone!
Angie - good luck tomorrow! You'll do great! :cheer2:

Jen - way to go on your 10k! :woohoo: And with the yucky weather and all - you should be so proud of yourself!

Mel - there is nothing wrong with being a penguin. If they give you a certain amount of time, why not use it, right? ;) I know I do! :teeth: Congrats to your DD! :cheer2:

I have been a total slug, yet again. I am not going to whine anymore here. And I am not allowing myself to post again until I get my you-know-what in gear. :rolleyes:
This week has been crazy busy with all the school activities going on and next week is going to be the same. I am afraid the holidays are upon us. I didnt get my xt in this week, but I got in all the steps I was supposed to. I will do my 6 miler today. I can't get up & go first thing anymore because its too cold. I think this is going to be a colder winter so I'm going to have to do some winter running clothes shopping.

DS was going to be Lance Armstrong for Halloween. We had him the bike shorts, yellow jersey (short sleeve) it was going to be really neat. I was on top of things & have had their costumes done for over a month now. But now its going to be too cold to wear shorts & we had to go get another one at the last minute. He's going to be Harry Potter now. Which is great, because he looks just like him!

Kristi- :cool1: this is me kicking your booty out that door. I know its hard with so much going on IRL, but just remember how quickly January is coming.

Cam- I am so proud of you girl! I would have gone insane, 2 miles is pushing it for me on the dreadmill. You rock! :woohoo: And your pace was great too!

Mel-Acceptance is a beautiful thing :goodvibes You are doing wonderful!!! Great job on the 5k. And had I not had a clock in the bedroom that set itself back automatically, I would have totally forgotten about DST ending.

Matt-DW is doing great! I know you are so proud of her. :thumbsup2 Take care of those shins.

Have a great Sunday everyone! January is coming quickly !!!
Well, today is my DD6's b-day. Six years ago on a Sunday I gave birth to my little 6 pound peanut. Now she is 6 years old and acting so grown up. Where did the time go??? Last night after my race she was talking about running, hmmmmm.... maybe I found her calling. She is scared of a lot of things and very shy. So maybe she can run! She is going to do the kids race at the Marathon, so that will be her first "real" taste of it. She usually runs around the block with me for race warm ups.

We have Trick or Treating today (hate that it isn't on Halloween). Does anyone else do that? The girls are excited, but the weather is still very cold. When I say cold, I mean the highs in the 30's and 40's. When there is wind, it is even colder.

OH and suprisingly, I don't ache today like I thought I would. My back and hip have still been bothering me, the only ache I have is my hamstrings. I think from pushing it up those hills.

MEL - No meat... Kind of made me sad. The race packet wa also kind of sad. This race was sponsored by the hospital, so we did get a first aid kit. But the after race food was skunky. I grabbed a bagel and it was so dry that I gagged. I trashed that. I only lived about 2 miles away, so we went home to eat and warm up.

Oh and the funny thing is that I live so close to the start of the race, but where I live it is flat. I guess once you cross the highway you are in the hills. I may have to do some training runs over there. Also, it really bothered me that they close down any of the streets. The start of the race was on a major road for about 1/2 mile. But they let traffic through as we were running it. Cars were impatient and swerving in and out of the runners. I didn't feel very safe. They had police at the intersections, I am not sure why they didn't re-direct traffic for 15 minutes to get us through that area.

OK, my girls are hollering. Have a great day all!
Well, DH and I got our runs in yesterday, but as I thought they were done in shifts. DH is having some real problems with wheezing while running--so I think he's going to make an appt. with the doctor this week to talk about the exercise induced asthma. I had a good 6 miler on the River trail here. So beautiful in the fall! And I finished in under an hour, really good for me. Today is a rest day and we are really resting, still in jammies!

Jen--How scary that they didn't have the traffic controlled for you. Congrats on finishing! Where exactly was the race??

Mel--congrats on your 5K! I took a peek at the Sarasota Marathon, but unfortunately it falls the same weekend as the Little Rock one we're doing--and I doubt somehow that DH would allow a trip down to your neck of the woods in March and April! And EEKK about running on US41--DH's grandpa lives right off 41 in Palmetto, and the traffic is scary!

Congrats to everyone else on your LR and races this weekend!
Good Morning WISH Team! I could finally do my LR outside. The heat and humidity have finally left Texas for a while. I apologize to all in the NE who are experiencing really cold temps, but I put up with 5 solid months of having to run inside on the treadmill because of temps in the 90s and humidity near 100%. I have got to celebrate running in the mid-60s this morning. :banana: I did 8 miles in 2 hours 50 seconds. It felt really good. I experimented with walk4/run1 and settled on walk8/run2. I am going to try to get back to walk3/run2 in training this week. That interval seems to work the best for me but since the DL 1/2 I have struggled to do it. Depending on how I feel at the end of the week, I will decide my intervals for the 9 mile LR next Sunday. The good news is that I should be able to get in all my workouts this week.

Here is to Cam on your 14 mile LR! :worship:
So i have no ability to comment on mental toughness. I was planning on doing 2 nine mile loops on the trail today. This is a single track trail that has about 1100 ft. of altitude gain. Anyway, it was beautiful, but i have a cold and i was really lonely!!! I did one loop, plus the trail access, so that was about 9 1/2 miles. I am so tired!! I did add up my miles for the week and ended up w/ 30 (not including the 13 of trekking in the woods for the adventure race). I am feeling a little guilty, but i also know that when trained for goofy, I never ran over 33 miles in a week, so if i look at it from that perspective, i guess i'm ok.

We'll be in santa barbara next week and i don't know if i'll run there or not. I am planning on a long bike ride tomorrow so if i rest for a week, it's probably no big deal and might actually be good for me :confused3
The race results are up already for my 10K ( and the 5K and 1/2 Marathon). Well apparently there weren't many 30 something women, because I came in 2nd. I didn't stay for the awards, so I am not sure if they will send me mine or not? Anyone know what is the norm if you miss the awards???

NucPharm - The race was in Weston, WI, right outside of Wausau. Marshfield Hospital built a big hospital here to compete with the Wausau Hospital. Well so far it doesn't because Wausau Hospital is rated one of the top in the country. I live about 2 miles from the new hospital.

TXBelle - Whooo hoo for getting out there! It's funny because you are now getting to do outside runs and here it is getting so cold that I am doing more inside runs. I loathe the treadmill. I never felt that way until I started running.
Hi WISH Team! I'm back! JUST got in a couple hours ago. I've got massive amounts of laundry 2 weeks of vaca laundry, yech! I did manage to get steps in, but I missed the 12 mile LR. Not sure if I can fit it in this afternoon or not. I got 6 miler in on Castaway Cay fell on a stupid stone, sprawled out on the bike/walk trail there--minor scrape to my knee, minor twist to the ankle and lots and lots of dust all over me! I was a sight for certain. It was nice too that there were folks ready to help if I needed. I just said my pride was more injured and kept on with the rest of my trek. I also managed to train TM while on ship, ran the WDW Boardwalk--Swan/Dolphin--MGM area.

So, I was going to read what all everyone has been doing, I just know I may not do that any time soon. Know that you all were with me and kept me going. Will be checking the mounds of mail...mostly advertisements to see if packet came, but I'm thinking not.

Later kids!
Mel R

I would encourage you to take your gear to Santa Barbara and get in a run, even if it's a short one. I think you'll find the view as you run along the beach path, pacific ocean on one side, santa barbara mountains on the other, well worth it.

Today is 10 weeks to the full and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Did 13 miles today without difficulty, although right now sitting on the couch I am feeling pretty tired.

Good work by everyone. Race day will be here before you know it.

Also, for your data mining exercise Cam, I'm #4110 this year. I did register for the full very early, maybe in late January. This is also my 4th consecutive Disney Marathon or Half, and maybe that factors in. Also, maybe the numbers are clustered by corral letter, and if there are 15,000 marathon starters then my 4110 is where I should start and will likely finish.

Cam--way to go on the 14 miler! That is a looong way on the treadmill. I think I did 12 one time, and I was ready to go insane. Good job!

Christa--funny about stalking the mailman. I have my race packet, and Krista doesn't (which she is furious about, by the way :) ), and I've noticed that I haven't had to pick up the mail from the mailbox the past 5 days. She always beats me to it. Can I find some way to incorporate mowing the lawn into this??

Dave--good luck on your 14 (or 8) today.

Dana--wow, a 20 miler! Nice job! That should do a number for your mental toughness for the rest of training.

Jen--congrats on the 10K race! Are you kicking yourself for not sticking around for the awards?? Your trick-or-treating is tonight? Hmmmm, I should probably check the schedule for our area. If it's tonight, Krista and I may be running out to the store to pick up Halloween candy pretty quickly here. NO way will I miss part of the Steelers game to get Halloween candy, though. We'll hand out canned goods and pennies to the trick-or-treaters before I'll miss a snap of the game. That's ok, though, because most of these trick-or-treaters are Cincinnati Bunguls fans anyway. :rotfl:

Kelley--those dogs can be a pain on runs, huh? They always seem to come out of nowhere. I'm always surprised that people let their dogs roam free, especially the barking, yapping, chasing dogs. Do these owners not realize that their dog does this to everyone who passes the house??

Mel--good for you not worrying about your pace. And tell DH congrats on the 5K. Don't you just hate it, though, when people who don't train come in and run a race faster than the rest of us who train religiously? I remember a few years ago, my two cousins had a bet that one of them couldn't run 12 miles straight (neither of them are distance runners). So my cousin went out and knocked out 12 miles no problem. Punk.

Training's going well here. Did 7 miles yesterday morning and 15 this morning. Still trying to work out the logistics of these back-to-back weekend runs. Getting those runs spaced about 24 hours apart takes more coordination than I thought it would. I'm probably worrying too much about it, but I just want to make sure I'm ready for Goofy. Here's something I thought about today during the run--is anyone else planning to get a massage before the full or half marathon down at Disney? I'm thinking about getting one on Saturday afternoon after the half, because I think it would help the muscles for Sunday morning, but I've never had a massage before a long run before. That little word of advice about not doing anything marathon weekend that you didn't do in training keeps going through my head. So has anyone done this? Did it help?

Ok, gotta go now because the Steelers kick off in about 45 minutes and I promised Hines we'd go outside and throw the ball before the game.

Terri--here's some :wizard: for your Eagles. I see they're down by 7 with 10 minutes left in the game. Either way, good luck on the mile long walk back to your car. :)

Oh, one more thing. I picked up my first pair of Kayanos yesterday. I figure I'll use them on my 5 miler on Tuesday. I'm pretty excited to try them out, especially after hearing all the good things you guys have to say about them. Judy, I'm not quite to the point of taking them to bed with me yet, but I may get there.

Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!

Hi everyone!

Cam - add me to this list of admirers for doing your LR on a dreadmill. I get bored so easily. I can't imagine being on that thing for 14 miles let alone 5 miles - my maximum LR so far. ;)

Jen - congratulations on your 10K race. 2nd in your age bracket. Wow! Don't sell yourself short - you did great! The training is paying off! :thumbsup2

Mel - I joined a beginners running clinic last week even though I've been training for a couple of months now. The plan was to walk 3 minutes and then run 2 minutes for a total of 30 minutes (without warm-ups or cool-downs). Some of those beginners were running circles around me. It's just not fair, I tell ya! ;) I think you did well in the 5k! I would love to have that kind of pace time.

Lily - Welcome back! Hope you had a great time on your vacation. Oops on the fall. I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. I've fallen so many times in my life that my body looks like a war zone in some areas. Of all my falls, however, I never broke a bone. Go figure.

I'm sitting here watching the show, The Biggest Loser. I see these overweight people (300+ pounds) running much longer distances than I can. Now, how come they can run and I can't? It's not fair. I'm hoping it's an age issue (they are much younger than I am) because they definitely aren't any lighter than me. :crazy:

OK, enough whining. I did my 5 mile LR yesterday. My average pace was 15.20. Not good but better than last week. I'll keep pushing and hoping for the best.

Good luck with the training everyone!

Never, never, never give up.
- Winston Churchill
Well I did it, half marathon number 17 is done and dusted. Can't say it was my best performance ever, in fact I think it might have been my slowest one on this course ever. I took me 2.23, but they did make the course longer!!!

About two years ago they changed the course, everyone said it was too short, so last year they added a bit more. This year it was officially measured and it must still have been about 700 metres short as the loop they added took me about 5 minutes to run - and it was uphill, and trust me, this course does not need any more uphills!!

It was kind of fun though, we have to run up the big bridge over the harbour (if anyone can find a picture of Auckland, you'll realise why I didn't think the WDW half had any hills -now that's a hill!) and it's the only time of the year you can cross it by foot. It's a 2km steady climb up and you feel like the little train that could when you reach the peak, then tip back down again.Mind, you compared to Cam doing 14km on a treadmill, mine was a walk in the park!!!

I'm free of general aches today, but my knee is completely shot. It hurts when I bend it, it hurts when I straighten it, it hurts when I wibble it sideways (Which normally shifts it back into place)- so I now have the perfect excuse to lie on the sofa until Wednesday, hooray!

Hey all, well I went out and got blown around for 16 miles (in 2:20:38) this morning. My God, at one point I got hit from the side with one of the 50 mile per hour gusts they said we were having and it literally blew me into a fence and to the ground. Got back up and half mile later had to hurtle a fast moving trash can before it ran me down. This run was much harder than last weeks 20 miler because of the wind but I got it in and completed 2 long runs for a total of 26 miles this weekend.

Trying to catch up with everyone (most of these responses are from posts last week):

Chimera and Susie– the heart rate training goes something like this: always start with 180 BPM then minus your age, now here is where it can get complicated, if you are new to running/aerobic exercise you would subtract 10 points leaving your maximum aerobic rate (using me as an example - 180-47-10= target heart rate 123 for aerobic training); if you have been training for less than a year or returning from an injury that forced you out of training for more than 4 weeks subtract 5 (again me as example – 180-47-5 = target heart rate 128 for aerobic training); and lastly, if you have been training for more-than a year add 5 (my actual example 180-47+5=target heart rate of 138). The hard part with this program is that you must not train anaerobically (ABOVE YOUR TARGET HEART RATE) at all; if you go above simply slow down until you are below. It felt real slow for me for the first 2 to 3 weeks but now it feels so natural and each run is a bit faster than the last with the same or less effort. I was training with my heart rate in the mid 150s to mid 160s and suffering all the way. Now, no suffering just pushing on and on. For more info go to google and look up Dr. Philip Maffetone and maximum aerobic fitness – this will give lots of hits on the actual program in brief. Good luck!

CAM – I thought I was the only LDTMT (Long Distance Treadmill Trainer) here – I have been know to go as far as 18 miles in one basement dwelling effort.

Karen – I would not worry about time when you are negative splitting. Something I have a very hard time doing.

Terri - You are a better person than me going to the Eagles game, I cannot even watch them on TV because they frustrate me that much. When will we have a winning team in the Philly area again??????

Sunny – pulling off a 3 hour effort after all your health issues is a much more impressive thing than my self-induced problems with running. Great job staying at it for 3 hours.

Paul – Awesome job on the Half!

Dave – Others may have faster times but I will bet they did not have such a great view at the start of their race. Any time is a good time for completing a half marathon. Great effort!

Judy & Krista – My motto in life (and what I say to people when they ask why I run) is: I run to eat (whatever I like)!
Sorry if I missed anybody but, as usual, time is limited. Have a great week and great job to all who are training. Also, PD for those in need.
Craig - I've heard that it is beautiful. I'll take my clothes and shoes for sure. We are transporting so much for their race that i need to keep it to a minumum. We have to take 3 paddles, 3 bikes, 3 race packs and 6 pairs of trail shoes, 3 pairs of bike shoes.... you get the idea. I will have to get a run in though and phil will owe me some time as i'll have the boy for his entire 36hour race!!

Steve - I went into the full last yr sore from the 1/2 (i ran the 1/2 in some shoes that should have been retired!!) Anyway, the full was fine. I am not so sure i'd want to get a heavy duty massage b/4 the full. I might get a sports massage and let them know that i was doing the full the next day. I think i would actually rather have it after the full then in between. :confused3

Jen - congrats on your race and for the award. that is really coool!
Mike - Congrats on the 16 miler. That was my original plan for Sunday, but my weenie-ness caused me to run 20 instead. I was afraid I was going to have to deal with those kinds of winds, but luckily between 11pm when the storm came gusting through and 5am when I started my run most of the wind was gone. I was willing to brave the rain, but not wind like that!! You are much braver than I!!

Kristi - No butt kickin' from me.... just remember how much better you feel when you go out and get your runs in. And Tiff is right... January is right around the corner.

Jen - My 5 yr old son is planning on running the kids races too. He loves to run, and goes with me all the time. Whenever he gets tired he just sits in the double stroller with his brother and takes a break. Then he gets out after he has rested and runs again. See how much of a good influence we are on our kids?! Why no trick-or-treating on Halloween?

Heather - Great job on your 8 miles!!

Lily - Ouch!! Sorry about the fall. Look at it this way though, you were running at Castaway Cay!!

Steve - I wouldn't worry too much about the runs being exactly 24hrs apart. I think as long as you do them on consecutive days you will be fine, that is just my opinion though as someone who has NEVER run the Goofy!! As far as the massages, your gonna have to wait for someone who maybe has tried one. I would be exactly like you, afraid to try something new the day of the race.

Escape - Try not to let those people get to you. I think it is wonderful that you were able to do 5 miles yesterday. There was a time that I wasn't sure I could run 5 miles, and if it makes you feel better I am only 26. There was a time 5 miles felt unobtainable, and you did it yesterday!!

Helen - Your knee sounds about like mine today!!

Well, here's my check in for today. My friggin' knee HURTS!! It doesn't really hurt to awlik, but it hurts to bend it or straighten it. Other than that I feel REALLY good. My legs are a tad bit sore, but I didn't take an ice bath yesterday like I usually do. My shins aren't any more sore than they have been after all of my other runs. So all in all I feel pretty darn good, and let me tell you that I no longer doubt wether or not I can finish this. Which is something I have been having trouble with over the past few weeks. I know that if I ran 20 (plus the 3 mile walk back to the car) and I am not immobile then given the next 10 weeks or so left to train I can definately finish my marathon!!

Take Care,
Well, if aggravation and frustration can burn calories, I probably lost 20 pounds at the game today.

Goofyguy - They drove me crazy. I can't believe a team could stink up the place they way they did today. They played with no heart or attitude! Ugh! I could just scream. (can you tell I'm mad! :furious: ) I probably did the mile back to the car in world record time! It was the first game in a long time where I didn't stay until the end.

Lily - Welcome back!

Helen - congrats on #17

I'm all set to get to the gym tomorrow. A friend is going with me, so no excuses for not getting up early!

Great job everybody on getting in your steps!

OK, back from Trick or Treating. I just hate that it is on the Sunday of Halloween. WE live in the 'burbs, but not all 'burbs have the same schedule. Some are today and others are on Tuesday. So greedy parents drop their kids off in our neighborhood so they can double dip. We are almost out of candy, then the door will close. And then there are the teens that don't even wear costumes... oh don't get me started.

So the reason they switched to Sunday is because of the after work trafic and unsafe conditions. I don't know tho, with all the crazy parents dropping off kids, the traffic is pretty heavy. It's just not the same... KWIM!


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