Wk of June 22- WISH Walking/Running Club


Did not finish is greater than Did not start. :thumbsup2

I'd say go for it, and you can do it. :banana:
Sitting here finishing my gin & tonic (with Mickey ice cubes!!)........

Debra & Frank I intend to turn myself over to runners for guidance on my shoes et al. Turns out one of the former Hanson-Brooks distance runners is a PT who also does video gait analysis. So why not let someone who understands running & the human boday have a crack at figuring things out!
Today I did an A/B/A test with my old shoes and new shoes long enough to : 1)make my knees hurt reeeeeaaaaal good and 2) determine that I don't like the new shoes. Next up? Cushioing insoles and maybe an ITB strap. Also sent a note to the doctor providing some "feedback". Didn't say what I would have loved to have said (he "phoned it in"), just gave a couple of recommendations.

Cam Running while on a Disney cruise staring at the beautiful blue sea. Wow--sounds like a great thing to me! My vacation next week consists of driving 14 hours to visit my Mom so she can see the dog! Although I will get to see my daughter and veg out and read trashy novels and eat--hmm, maybe not too bad!

I continue to swim and bike--Will not run next week at all--unless I see some little 5k on 4th of July.

Have a great evening everyone and GO FRESNO STATE!! (Sorry all you Georgia fans, gotta root for the underdog to win the College World Series)

Just popping in to say "hi" to all the big kids! No time to read any of the thread. I have all I can handle with the walker's thread and Team Ohana.

Hope all is well with everyone and hope to someday be able to get back and try to keep up with all of you. (Just didn't want you to forget me) :thumbsup2
Hey teammates! Frantically trying to pack 4 people for 10 days of vacation. Good thing I "sort of" have tomorrow off. Tried to get a workout in this afternoon after work, but DD guilted me into not doing it--something along the lines of "Mommy, please don't leave me!" with accompanying croccodile tears. Hoping to get to Zumba tomorrow afternoon, but not holding my breath

Debra--Hmmm, any risque stories from the weekend??? I guess the best was when I asked our waiter at Ohana how I could get a lei (sounds much funnier than reading it) and he said just ask me--so I asked our waiter for a lei, much to the amusement of our table, and probably those around me. It's amazing what I'll do after a cocktail or two!:rotfl2:

Okay, gotta run, DD needs a playmate!
Wow, Just reading all your posts is wearing me out.
Your commitment to your sport is amazing. I hope some of it rubs off on me.
Last night I did run # 3 on week 2 for my C25K. It was the roughest one of the 3, I was slower and hurt more.
Do you folks think I should move on to week 3 or revisit week 2 for a couple more sessions.
I appreciate the advive of the WISH experts and all of your encouagement.


Hello everyone,

Well I have a moment and can actually post. A quick update on what has been happening around here since the last post, about 3 weeks ago.:rolleyes1

Lynnda and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a dinner at Yachtsman Steakhouse and then watched Illuminations all without kids. However we did discover we just can't stay up as late as we used to. :lmao: We shocked ourselves and found other things to talk about than kids. Here's hoping the next 10+ are just as fun.

The weather has been trying to dampen any workout plans. The rain I would love but we seem to get more thunder and lightening instead of rain. I am almost to the point to see if I run faster when dodging bolts. :lmao:

Lynnda is running around all over town with the kids. I think she is definately busier than I am just keeping up with them. She has VBS this week and is enjoying the time in one spot.

I decided to try biking to work everynow and then and did it a couple of times before the previously mentioned thunder and lightening came around. Once again I may start taking my chances. :rolleyes1

Now to catch up a little...

Cam and Howard - Have fun on your cruise. Remember to take a Garmin and turn it on during your runs. It can be fun to show people how fast a training run you can really have. :lmao: Cam - Congrats on running the 5k. You are doing great with your training.

Judy - First foam rollers and now hammocks. I just can't comment on that... :rotfl:

Kristi - Sounds like a fun party. Make sure you post pictures of the obstacle course.

Jeff and Tracy (along with Vic and others) - How do you like the 405. It definately looks nice and may be put on a to get list.

Angie - I think you were asking about training plans last week and amount of time to do it. Howard has a great 3 or 4 week Goofy plan that has gotten him to the finish each year. ;)

Carrie - So sorry to hear about Scott's dad. Hope you are able to get some relaxing time for yourself. Good luck in training for the tri. It is something I haven't quite gotten brave enough for.

Debra - You like chocolate, I never would have guessed. ;) Those are cool penguins that you found. Did you ever get everything moved into the new place.

Frank - Great job on the races. Those are some awsome times you posted.

Welcome to all new members that I haven't said hello to. Hope you are able to find support and get some questions answered.

Hello to all I missed but it is now time to put kids to bed before they destroy the house.

I guess the best was when I asked our waiter at Ohana how I could get a lei (sounds much funnier than reading it) and he said just ask me--so I asked our waiter for a lei, much to the amusement of our table, and probably those around me. It's amazing what I'll do after a cocktail or two!

Come out to Hawaii, lei's abound everywhere you look. At the airport, at the supermarket, at the drug store, we even have Lei stands downtown. May 1st is Lei Day, where we celebrate by wearing lei, and draping the King Kamehameha statue with lei, and even had a Guiness Book attempt at the longest lei.

Lei is tradition for birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, and really huge for graduations.

Er, wait a minute, are you talking about the same kind of... :eek:
Jeff and Tracy (along with Vic and others) - How do you like the 405. It definately looks nice and may be put on a to get list.


I got mine, and I'm testing it out. I'm amazed with all the gizmos you can do with it. My friends have the old 105's, 205's, and 305's. This is way smaller.

It picks up the satellites here in Honolulu fairly quickly. I did have connection problems yesterday when running through the high rise hotels in Waikiki. It missed some of the mileage, oh well. I think there are some issues with tree cover as well, but I'm talking thick overhead branches in some of the areas I run.

This morning I used it in running mode to track my bike ride in to work (another day of saving a gallon of gas in the Tacoma Truck :thumbsup2 ). I will see if it records if I switch to biking mode, even though I don't have the cadence attachment on the bike.

Fortunately, I found someone locally online who had a spare 405. He had already bought one for himself, and was given one as a gift. So he unloaded it to me, with no tax, no shipping fees, and well below the MSRP. I paid cash, so it was win-win for both of us.

Mine came with a heart rate monitor, so it's fun seeing how I've been putting the 'ol ticker to the test. :yay:

The USB connector works pretty easily. Use this to upload all my workouts to the Garminconnect site. Once you upload, you can check out the activities, and see how far, fast, and even a googlemap of your route. Pretty cool.

The battery seems like you have to charge it every 4 days, with several workouts in that time. If not using the GPS, then the charge should last longer.

While I kept telling my running friends I love my iPod for the music beat to run to, I never thought I'd invest in a Garmin. Now that's I've had it since Friday, I'm glad to have it.
Duckie: Hey girl are you out there somewhere??

Jeff: I used my 405 on a bike ride today, but just kept it on the running mode and it worked fine. It gave distance, time and pace all good. Awesome that you moved up one spot in the 2007 Honolulu Marathon!.

Debra: oooooo...Space Mountain, I like your thinking on that. I loved the chocolate penguins with the lime ribbon. I have never heard "Do the Funky Penguin", sing a few lyrics for me??

Frank: You have some awesome and speedy pace numbers there!!!!! I do try to remind my bosses about how I am always early, stay after and don't miss work much due to illness when WDW trips and marathon weekend come around.

Kristi: Can't wait to hear about the Indiana Jones party.

Carrie: I think you could do the half. I guess just listen to yourself and your body and if it says, "go for it", then DO IT!! I also do believe that who will be there shouldn't deter you from doing something you love to do!!

Cam: I'm sure you'll get some good WOs on your trip. (esp the fact the that is all you have packed so far). Plus how can you not do it with a sunrise, dolphins and great scenery.

Julie and Jean: :wave2:

Maura: I think your plan to lay off running for a week sounds good to me. Also I think having your gait and stuff analized is a good idea. I also say go Fresno State because Georgia beat Miami and I don't like Georgia anyway. (sorry GA fans.)

Stephanie: I like your story about getting a lei. :rotfl2:

Jim: Keep up the good work. I am not familiar with c25k, but I can tell you that with added distance and time, you can be a bit slower and a bit sore afterwards. I just recently went back to a hilly trail that I hadn't been to since the end of April and I was a bit slower and I was sore this morning when I got up.

Today was a day off for me. I had my massage this morning and he did some new stuff with the neck and head today. I got to see Kung Fu Panda, which was very cute and I laughed. Took my nephew for his birthday. I also did a 4.25 mile bike ride later in the day after it rained. Now just watching So you think you can dance and chilling.

Here is my comparison of the Garmin 205 versus the new Garmin 405.
Side View and then the front views.


205 is 2 1/8" wide and on the side is 3/4" thick. 405 is 1 3/4" wide and 5/8" thick on the side.
Hey ice cream buffs...

On July 1st, Dairy Queen is introducing their newest Blizzards... drumroll please...

Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookie Blizzards! Mmmmmm, are you drooling yet? :lmao:

Offer is good for one month only under a first-ever licensing agreement between Girl Scouts and Dairy Queen.

Whooosh, that sound was Deb, Shan, Scott, AmyBeth, and Tracy running out of their buildings to go stand in line... :rotfl2:
Jeff - While you are right about DLF, a DLF due to heat for me means possible migraine, even if I stop before I feel over heated. We went from 40s to 80s to 40s to 70s for lows the past month. Just haven't gotten acclimated yet. I know it's hard for you to comprehend. ;-) OMG, Thin Mint blizzards. Give me one with chocolate ice cream and I think I will be in heaven!

Bill - SOunds liek you did great with your anniversary planning. Tell Lynnda she owes you an extra kiss. ;)

Tracy - I have such Garmi envy. WHile I love my 201, to not carry the worldon my wrist woudl be nice. Think my pace would improve with the decrease in weight? :p

Jim - Can't help with C25K, but just wanted to let you know that if you keep at it, you will amze yourself one day!

Maura - Sure you don't wnat ot do a half in Brighton on the 4th? ;)

Stephanie - Oops, thought you were posting from vacation. Good luck ghgetting packed! I would have caved to teh tears too!

Judy - :rotfl: I'll never look at a hammock teh same weay again. ;)
Hi WISH Team! I haven't had much time these days.

I've only read on this page and want to respond to Jim if you are sore, it is ok to repeat a week. We all progress differently and staying at the level for another turn will not be a bad thing. Going too quickly through it could cause injury. See how you feel after the repeat week for the challenge of moving up to the next week.
Not much time for reading and even less for posting, but I just had to comment:

Tracy, I love the alternating colors of the names in your post. Very creative! :)
FLBill said:
Jeff and Tracy (along with Vic and others) - How do you like the 405. It definately looks nice and may be put on a to get list.

I THINK I'm finally getting a handle on it. I keep forgetting where on the bezel to tap to get it to go where I want. :lmao: I like to use the Garmin Training Center to log my times, but after the first couple of runs when I would upload (or though I was uploading) the information it wouldn't show up. After a little research I found I had to do an update for the Training Center to accept the information. Once I did that it's worked great. You can also upload your information to garminconnect.com. It's a pretty cool little gizmo. I also bought the foot pod to use on the TM. Once calibrated it, no problems.
Hola teammates! Got my 45 min Zumba class in tonight. Now it's off to Hilton Head for a week of relaxation! Have packed w/o gear, we'll see what I actually accomplish. Have a great week all and a Happy 4th!
Stephanie: Zuuuummmbbbbbbaaa.... Zoom and away you go on vacation. Have fun.

Jeff: thanks for the blizzard info, you guessed correctly on the wooosh because that is what I will do to try out the blizzard, maybe after one of my long walks on a Sunday!! I also dream of Mickey Mouse being pres one day. Still loving the 405 and I used my HR monitor tonight. Max heart rate was 181 at one point while I was doing a fast mile in my 4 miles tonight. Pretty cool!!

Carrie: As Jeff pointed out to me earlier that both wrists need to have about equal weight otherwise you start to go in circles like me and then you need an alignment adjustment. However, it is lighter than the 201, so your times would be faster11

Juile: Thanks for the compliment on my color foray, I try to be fun when I can with the posting.

FLBill: I am lovin my new Garmi 405 so far. I use it for my walking and on a few bike rides. I just leave the setting on running for the bike and it works pretty good since I don't have the bike cadence thingy. Connecting the HR monitor is pretty much instantaneous, connecting to computer is good and automatic download to the garmin connect website is great!

I did a 4 mile walk tonight and I used my HR monitor for the first time, that was pretty interesting. I need to go get my little ice cream snack so I can watch So You Think You can Dance results show.

Where is AmyBeth, Scott and Duckie?????? Especially Duckie???????

Hi everyone else and have great evening.
Frank: You're smokin' fast! :worship: Have I ever told you that I think your location, Strongsville is just so appropriate for you? It looks like you're doing mostly local races? That a work thing? Just curious.

Aloha Jeff: The question is, without Les running with you did you feel you had permission to slow down? I'm thinking, no, it's the heat. But that's just speculation--who knows, you might be a slacker without Les to keep you in line? :rotfl2: Morphine? That's an odd one. Congrats on moving up a place. It's too bad about the negative PR for the marathon, though.

P.S. Did I hear someone say Girl Scout Cookies and ice cream? :listen: Why am I still online?

Tracey: Love the lime green and orange colors in the names. Makes me think of sherbet--a nice change of pace from ice cream. (I tell you, it's the heat that gives me this one track mind. Well, the song lyrics to "Do the Funky Penguin" are quite complicated. Something like this: Do the funky penguin/do it right now/Do the funky penguin/do it right now. Not very complicated, as it's one of the novelty dance songs, but it does make me want to pick up my feet. And if you could hear me sing it, you'd giggle because it's be off-key. Btw, I'm glad you had a great day with DN. Seeing Kung-Fu Panda sounds like a great way to spend the day!

Aloha Jeff, Vic, Tracy: Sounds like the Garmin 405 is a good deal. Thanks for testing it out and reporting back to us. I'm putting it on my gift-list. Now, whether that means I'm giving it to DOOD or wanting someone to give it to me....I say, why the either/or? There are now TWO runners in my household--we'll just need to get used to it!

Kristi: I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the IJ party pics. It's just the kind of themed party I'd like to hold--for myself.

Carrie: I'm so glad you enjoyed yoga! Like many people, I think you can do the half--especially if you took it nice and slow. The question is, would you be happy with doing it with little training AND with the possibility of running into people who would see you performing in less-than-top condition. (Not that I think you SHOULD care, but you know...how you feel about that is a real concern, so I don't want to dismiss it. Those folks though--meh. I'll bet you can take most of them in a fair fight. Er, race.) I think the opportunity to do a race you've wanted to do, combined with seeing family, would outweigh most of the negatives--but only you can decide what your level of current training will allow you to accomplish and if it's worth it.

Cam: I think you're gone now, but I'm very impressed with the prep work, including working with your PT, that you've done for your DCL trip. It's going to rock! :cool1: And packing WO is a commitment, especially with all the luggage issues that come with today's flights! Here's hoping for some frolicking dolphins--and some other frolicking! Hammocks should be involved, I think.

Judy: We both just draft off Frank, I think. If he'd just slow down a tad. You think he would do that for us? :rotfl2: Yay for Charlie's commitment to racing--it's good to have everyone running in the same direction, isn't it Almost as good as some nice, leisurely hammock-time. :rolleyes1

Howard: I love Judy's version of the hammock story, designed for the family-friendly DIS, I'm sure. You just stick to your version on YOUR trip. But no pictures, okay?

Julie: Happy b-days to all your clan. I hope they enjoy their cake--with or without ice cream. (Save a slice for me!) Good luck squeezing some runs in your busy, busy weekend!

Maura: The Hanson brothers! Woo hoo! They're great! And even better that you gave the doctor some feedback--someone will get something useful out of the exchange, at least. Too bad it wasn't you. And you know, now I have to go have a gin and tonic. I'm SO susceptible to (good) suggestions.

Stephanie: Ooh, Zumba. Everyone in the Zumba class, on the rare occasions I see them, seem so happy! As for the risque stories, I love how you're willing to be upfront and ask for a lei. In my experience, it's better to ask directly for what you want because the chances are much better that you'll get it. Plus, you're a woman who obviously knows that the proper follow-up to a Disney cocktail is a good lei. (Okay, I've tortured that one enough--don't want to get points now!)

Jim: Ditto what Lily says (good advice as always, Lily!) I think it's perfectly okay to visit any training day or week that you feel necessary. C25K is only a rough outline of one possible way to get up to the 5K marker. I've done it, and going through it again to work on speed, and am repeating weeks as I see fit. I think it's especially important to pay attention to what your body needs instead of rigidly following a schedule if you are prone to injury, btw. And if you're hurting, listen to your body! :thumbsup2

Bill: Wow, your 10th anniversary sounds marvelous on all accounts. Memorable, intimate, fun. Well done! I hope your next 10 years are just as filled with love and laughter as the first 10. And lots of fireworks! And to answer your question, I did manage to get moved in & relatively injury-free. Plus I rewarded myself with the occasional scoop of ice cream or nibble of chocolate. (Hey, Jeff and I run to eat.) These are the small gifts life gives me. :goodvibes

As for me: Well, I know I'm have officially moved into my new digs. I got my first on-street parking ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street, which presumably interfered with street cleaning. Just plain old forgot that it was the 4th Wednesday of the month. My fault, entirely. But what burns my gizzard (who taught me these phrases?) is that they didn't clean the street--and I suspect they won't for quite a while.

In training news, I did my 4 miles. The speed thing isn't coming easily to me, but I've got some time before January training kicks in. Hopefully I'll convince my body that faster gets it the ice cream sooner.

Add my thoughts to the shout-outs. Just a partial list: Ms. Duckie, Steve & Krista & Carter, AmyBeth, Scott, Claire, Ang, Shan and on and on and on. I know it's a down time during the summer. Just know we think about you and :love: you!
Tricia (TnTsParty): I see on the Calendar thread you are doing a local 5K in Deerfield. Cool, keep me up on any events you may do because I'm around in the area and could meet up with you to do one. I'm doin the 5K in Weston FL on July4th at 7am.
Shout out to everyone, have a great Aloha Friday.

I was stuck in a training seminar all day Thursday. It was just okay.

I rode my bike in/out of work. The hill home seems to be getting easier.

I went for a 6 miler with Guru Les and another buddy Stephen, both left me in their dust. Garmin ran out of battery just short of getting back to the starting point.

We got back for our monthly BBQ. Menu included Italian dressing chicken, grilled salmon, rice, baked beans, boiled peanuts, pickled mango, and Mrs. Fields cookies for dessert. Five of us enjoyed the nice cool evening, and we once again had a hula halau practicing their dance right in front of us. Imagine nice tropical breezes, live Hawaiian music, and pretty hula dancers. Perfect evening I must say. No body mooched this month, yay! :thumbsup2

Up ahead, Princess #1's belated birthday party at the water park on Saturday. All day event with 5 of her girlfriends in tow.

Oh, and friends visiting as well. Busy weekend!


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