Wk of June 22- WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Weird run for me today.

I did 4 miles. The first 2 were at R4/W2. I went out too fast for the first mile (12:05) which is waaay too fast for me in this weather. I slowed the second mile to 12:38, but kinda crashed on mile 3 and walked it. I decided to run the last mile with no intervals and did it in 11:19!!! That was pretty cool...the gross 83% humidity was not. I really like not having any major training going on this summer. It's nice to be able to do what I want and not feel pressured to maintain a current distance and pace.

What are y'all up to this summer?
Good Morning All!!

My name is Jim.
I took my big, giant, crazy step and signed up for the WDW 1/2 back in January, and the Expedition Everest Challenge since then.
Since then I got Verrrry lazy and have done no training. Last week I went back and revisited my C25K and am in week 2 again.
I think I need some inspiration, guidance and accountability from you folks here.
I am looking forward to getting to know some of you.
Good Morning Team: Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. I haven't posted on the main thread for a while, and I wanted to jump in before it gets away from me again.

I had a great LR yesterday. Except for the fact I couldn't get started until 9:30am because I had to drop DD10 princess: off at an overnight girl scout horseriding camp. That meant I was out from 9:30-11:30a in bright, full sun. It was getting quite warm out there. Anyway I did 12.2 miles in 1:52 min for a 9:11 mpm pace. Whoo hoo! I felt great. My Garmin died recently which means I'm just timing myself with various means (I discovered my iPOD had a stopwatch feature - who knew :confused3?). It's been really different running without the Garmin strapped to my wrist. I just go out and run the pace that feels comfortable. I took walk breaks every 2 miles or so, and still ended up with a good pace. I feel great about it.

I gotta get my base built up so I can rest on our upcoming Disney vacation. We're going July 11-20. It's actually the first time we've ever had a long vacation at Disney. Before we've only ever gone for long weekend trips. I can't wait. The kids, DD10 princess: and DD7 pooh:, don't even know we're going yet. Schools aren't out yet in New York, and I thought we'd wait until they get out of school.

Anyone here listen to the DIS Unplugged e-mail show? ;)

Mel- Very nice job on that last mile. uugh, I can't imagine running in that kind of humidity. I don't have a lot of race plans for this summer. I'm very excited about out Disney vacation coming up though. I might try to run a couple times while I'm there just to keep my legs loose.

Jim- You can do this. Stick with the thread, and we'll get you there. Right now just focus on the 5k goal. Don't worry about the 1/2 marathon yet. Just think about developing the habit of going out and exercising. This is a great group, and they will get you there. I was in the same spot as you just 2 years ago. If it wasn't for the WISH team, I wouldn't have finished my first marathon at Disney.
Good morning WISHers!

Hoping everyone's Sunday morning is going well.

Scheduled for 3 on the TM later this morning. After a half pot of coffee and a Clif bar. :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Jim - :welcome:

Mel - 11:19. WTG!! Official training for the Timberlake 1/2 begins on 27 July. Until then...:)

MSDave - WTG with the 12.2 miler!

Good morning everyone!

I don't feel worthy posting here as I have done ZERO walking/running since the Minnie. I need to get my rear in gear if I want to complete the Disneyland Half during Labor Day weekend. Just reading all of your posts will give me the encouragement that I need to get going. I admire all of you for getting out in this heat and humidity. You guys are my heroes!

Craig, is it possible for me to go from 0 to 13.1 miles in a little more than two months? :rolleyes1 :blush:

I have been doing some exercising despite my lack of running. I just got a new road bike and although I'm not tearing up the roads just yet, I am getting out there. I peddled 28 miles yesterday in two hours...which is slow, I know. I kept thinking that there are people out there that can almost run a marathon faster than that. Ha!

Jim - :welcome: This is the right place to be for encouragement and support. Good luck with your training efforts.

Mel - you are really getting fast. Good for you for getting out there in the heat in humidity!

Dave - great job on the 12-miler! That is an awesome pace!!!! I have not listened to the DIS Unplugged show but I want to. I just keep forgetting about it. Thanks for the reminder! :teeth:
Good Morning Everyone!

I am in Disney (Yes, I know I just lost my job, but what the heck. I had the plane ticket, I had my DVC, I had my AP)

Got up this morning and did 4.4miles around OKW and the path to SSR. The humidity here makes Atlanta look dry LOL! My time was under an hour so that's good for me!

Mel, Youj are a better person that I. If I don't have a race to train for I am lazy and do nothing. So I have to keep something on the schedule.

Jim, Welcome!

Vic, Good Morning!

Susie. I went from 0 to 6.2 in about a month so anything is possible!

Have a good week everyone. I will be spending mine interviewing and making decisions (at least if the interviews go good I HOPE I get to make a decision) I have three strong possibilites, one good and the final option which is the toughest to decide on...going out on my own.......Hmm..)
Good Morning All


I too quickly read your post and absorbed "I am a big crazy giant," which got a reaction from me. There is inspiration and guidance galore here. Plus we have more than a few members with military backgrounds, so they can provide all the accountability you want.


That is pretty funny. "It's hot, it's humid, I don't have anything to train hard for, I don't feel that great anyway." So you bust off a final scorcher? Too funny.


Well you're not coming from zero. You did 9.3 a few weeks ago and are biking. I'm sure you can make it if you start up again soon, as you could get up to half the half if a couple of weeks I'd guess. I would like to hear what you thought of the DL Half. 23 years ago we were in Anaheim and I put on my running shoes and did some miles around the park and in the local neighborhood. I understand the company and others have spent a large amount of money refurbishing the area, so I'd love to hear your impressions.


It's good to see you. You have come so far and so fast in a few short years, congratulations. Have you told everyone the outcome of your multiple job situation? If you did, I missed it.


With half a pot of coffee and a cliff bar I think your body will want to do far more than 3. 30 sounds more like it.


I'm sure that was a very pretty route this morning. I also assume you could see the humdity in the air. Good for you.

I do have a comment about our buddy Howard. Honestly, I don't know how he does it. 1st WDW Half Marathon 2 days after kidney stones removed. A Jan 2008 Goofy with effectively no training. He goes sub-9 average for a 5K last weekend, with just a few weeks of training. Man, my first run after a 17 day hiatus, during which I walked a ton, was a total disaster. Legs hurt, diaphram hurt, brain whined the entire time that I should stop, what a mess. I lasted 4500 meters and declared victory so I could come back another day.

Howard, when you get match fit this fall, you need to go into an exercise phys lab and have a VO2 Max test done. I think you'll discover you have high level ability to take oxygen into your bloodstream and deliver it to your muscles.

My best wishes to you all in the heat and humidity. I grumble in December when you are running outside in nice weather, but I appreciate my ability to go out in good weather during our summer.

Hi guys and gals!

Mel: You go girl! You Rock! :thumbsup2 Keep up the good work with your training!:hug:

Vic: They had beer after the 8:30 AM 5K this morning. I didn't partake, but plenty did. I opted for a bacon and egg bagel, OJ and danish. :rotfl: Good stuff! ::yes:: I am picturing you on the TM looking like this --- :hyper:

Craig: I do have to correct you a bit. I ran my first Disney Half Marathon on January 7, 2006. I still was carrying around a big kidney stone with me. Less than a week before the race I was in the emergency room with the most dreadful pain you could imagine, diagnosed as a kidney stone. Since the New Year was that coming weekend, they opted to put a stent in me to keep the "duct work" open and flowing, opting to take care of the stone after the holiday. I got approval to run (with the stent in) and finished in 2:14:56 with a pace of 10:17 overall. It was a aweful experience I won't go into here, but I finished. You are too funny with regard to my capabilities... I put my running shorts on just like the rest of us, both feet at the same time. :rotfl:

That being said...

I am here to post my 5K results from this morning. All I can say is that I am glad I took it easy yesterday. Here are my results:

Miles: 3.1
Time: 25:32
Pace: 8:13

My Splits:


Cam, ran with me this morning. She ran/walked with another DIS'er Patty (from the Disney Weddings thread) and her daughter. She did great! :cool1: I think if she didn't PR, she got awefully close.

As far as my time, it is my 3rd best time ever! I have only finished better in two races one in September 2005 (my PR of 24:53) and December 2006 (25:15).

I didn't have any lingering ankle issues today during or after the run either. I am happy about that!

Tomorrow is a day off. I am supposed to XT today, I will be busy cleaning for house guests and packing for our trip to Disney whit coming Thursday. XT will have to wait!

Have a great day! Hi, again, to everyone!


Mel: Hey Humid Girl - I'm in that club also. I think next summer will be a non training summer. This summer is the first one for me because for some stupid reason I thought doing the DL 1/2 and getting the special medal for doing both coasts would be something cool. :confused3 . I will just hope to finish it with the way the heat is looking. Nice run!!

Jim: Hi and Welcome!! I'll see you at the WDW 1/2!! I am not doing the EEC but I might do the ToT. Keep up the work and training and let us know how you are doing. If you need a kick in the butt let us know that to and we are more than willing to do that too.

Dave: I'm jealous of your upcoming trip to WDW. Please just a reminder to bring your sunscreen, water, small personal fans and ponchos. Have a great time!!

Vic: I hope you have scheduled a potty break in there somewhere after that half a pot of coffee:hyper: .

Susie: Hey girl I guess I'll be seeing you at the DL 1/2. And by the way,..uummmm...please start to try and train!!!! I don't want to find you laid out of the side of the road in Anaheim CA!! I did a 7mile LD walk today. I think you can do it. Let us know how your doing!!

Carl: WDW!!! I'm Jealous!! and welcome to the Florida Humid Club!! We are a great group of people, we drip alot, but are still a great bunch of tenaciuos(sp) people.

Craig: Hi! I'm glad someone around here can enjoy there summer runs.

Howard: Great 5K!! Very NICE!!! I think your new name should be WISH racing GOD!!

Debra: I wore my "toe socks" this morning and everything went fine!! Glad to hear you are mostly moved in.

Duckie, Scott and Amybeth: Hope all is well with you guys! Check in when you can.
Liz and Maura: :wave2:

As for me, I did 4 drippy miles yesterday morning and 7 pouring miles for my training for walking the DL 1/2. (Drippy and pouring for those that aren't a part of the Humid Club, describes the sweat coming off your body) I did have one of those evil fly/bee/wasp thingy trying to attack me at mile 1.92 and stayed with me until about mile 2.03. I hate those things!! I had to run at one point. My 7 miles today was a steady pace 7 miles trying not to psuh too much with the heat and such. I am relaxing and iceing my left hamstring. I had some chocolate milk. Later on is NASCAR and ice cream for desert after dinner.
Take care everyone and :grouphug:.
Carol: Hope you're having fun in the World for the rest of us.

Jim: Welcome to WISH, now go get your DVC so we can WELCOME YOU HOME:thumbsup2.

Howard: WTG on your 5K, you must have placed in your age group? Those were some flying splits! :banana::worship:

Mel: Keep up the good workouts, stonker or not, it's better than sitting on the couch, or being idle. ::yes::

Craig: Does every day here in the islands count as a "summer" run? I sure think so :laughing:.

Tracy: Do you like NASCAR because you're used to going 'round and 'round in circles at Mt. Trashmore? :rotfl: Way to stick it out in the humidity. (You too Mel).

BIG Vic: Coffee, is that what makes you go fast in your NASCAR? Hmmm, I'm not a coffee drinker, but if we could invent a coffee expresso shot or Capacchino in a GU like packet, we'd be rich!

The clinic has our first bus run this morning. We pay $2 to be driven out past the farthest point of the marathon (Sandy Beach), and run the last 10-11 miles back to the race finish line. This gives the newbies the chance to see what the race course looks like in terms of what it looks like to finish. We throw in a pretty mean hill up the backside of Koko Head Crater, which isn't on the race course, but it's a great hill workout! :lmao:

Taking my new Garmin out today, see how it does on the inaugural run.

Last night I was having tightness in my calves. Realized I hadn't stretched. Reminder to all, listen to your body, it tells you when you need to take care of something. Pain is a signal to stop, drop, and stretch. :faint:

Have a great day everyone, will check back in this afternoon.
Jeff: hehe:rotfl2: , round and round at mount trashmore. I am planning on doing just that on Tuesday after work as long as the weather holds out. I just recently got into Nascar (like 3-4 yeas ago) when I found out my dad was kinda into it. Now I think I'm more into it than my Dad. I started out liking my Dad's driver Sterling Martin and then a new driver took over his car, a rookie named Kasey Kahne, so he is my driver and I love watching it. I have the Pit Command where I can listen in to the radio between the driver and pit crew and watch it live on the computer. It's a road race today so not much of an oval so not much of doing only left turns.
Jeff you made me laugh so hard I was on the floor!!:lmao:
Hi y'all. (Are northerners allowed to day that?;) )

Ah, Sunday. A nice day to rest--which I didn't. I tried out my new shoes, which I bought because the ortho doc said I overpronate, which I really don't believ. Anyway, my knees hurt right away--not good- and my right leg felt "strained". Coincidence? Not sure. So this week I will do an A/B comparison with my old shoes --all indoors of course so I can bring the new ones back and try something else. On the plus side--I ran my miles at 9 mpm pace with a .5 mile at 8:30. It felt really good cardio-wise. I think I can run faster if my legs would cooperate!

Mel Kudos for the good run. Unlike you, I really need something to train for, which is why I'm a little off right now.

Jim Welcome! There are many with wisdom on this board--I'm not one of them!

Dave Great long run. Have a great time at WDW.

escape I'm sure you'll get back into it and do great at the DL 1/2.

CarolA SO good to hear that you have lots of interviews and hopefully, lots of options for a new job. And why not chill at WDW. A little time away can help put all this in perspective.

Craig I'm sure you will be back to your usual wonderful pace in no time. My goal for the WDW '09 is to run one mile with you in my sights--then I know I would be doing well!

Howard So I've never sent you a shout-out although you've deserved many--for graduating and for all your great races. COngrats on your latest race!

Tracy Howdy, girl! I keep reading all your posts where you are off walking great miles/times. Keep up the great work! (And chocolate milk and ice cream--how decadent!)

Off to a HS graduation party, then finsish making the Pork Carnitas for dinner (Chipotle SLaw, cold beer---AAAAHHHHH!!!!!)

Good Morning All


It's good to see you. You have come so far and so fast in a few short years, congratulations. Have you told everyone the outcome of your multiple job situation? If you did, I missed it.
Craig- Thanks for asking. I may not have told people over here on the main thread. I accepted the job at SUNY/Geneseo. I am now the director of the teaching and learning center at SUNY/Geneseo. I had to take a slight paycut in moving from the private University of Rochester to the SUNY system, but I think it's going to be a better job for me and a better fit. Plus, at least one member of the family will be bringing in a steady paycheck and not be dependent on research grants. Good luck with your training. I'm sure you'll be back in top form in no time. Are you heading out to Colorado again this summer?

Thanks for the great news. I'm very pleased for you. Being entirely dependent on research grants for you rmonthly paycheck has to be stressful. Congratulations on more stability in the SUNY system. I found out last fall that Rochester has lost 2 very well known academics in my field, so it sounds like the financial situation isn't great there. So I guess double congratulations are in order for your move. Now the important part, since you have small children. Do faculty in the SUNY system get any type of tuition break or reciprocity? That would make your new position excellent three times over.

I did my third run since returning today, and yes, each one is a bit better than the first. The funny thing is the legs are far better than the abdomen/diaphram. I suspect I'll be pretty sore there for a couple of days after today's effort.

Thanks for asking, but no Colorado trip this year. We looked into a quick trip out and back, and the airfare was a shock. We don't really need to be there this year, so no trip to the mountains. Very Heavy Sigh!

Which, Maura, was quite a bit slower than you were today. My goal for the WDW half is sub-2, even if only 1 second, which is 9:09 per mile. It sounds to me like that's right around your likely pace. My goal for the WDW full is to take it easy and have fun, something I've not really done on my previous WDW marathons.

Maura: Carnitas, I'm likin that!! yum yum. (I need a smiley that is rubbing the tummy.)Pretend this smiley is eating carnitas. popcorn::
Hi, everyone! I have been missing all of you, but have been totally swamped with work and life and getting ready for vacation (oh, and planning a vow renewal, too. :bride: ), but I figure if I am EVER going to get caught up, I'd jump in today and just hang on for the ride. :grouphug:

Mel – I give you so much credit for running in those conditions. I just cannot imagine it! Congratulations on that super-fast third mile!

Jim – C25k is a great way to get back into the groove of running. This thread will pick up over the next few months as more people get into their half and full-marathon training plans. I have found that sticking around here is the best way to stay motivated and disciplined. Looking forward to hearing about your training!

Dave – How great to see you here! The the idea of running without the Garmin sounds so intriguing! I am so high strung about the pace showing there. It sure would be nice to just go out and run and then just see what the time is at the end. I hope your family is well! Any plans to get to Delaware this summer?

Hey, Vic! LOVE your pre-training diet! Gotta have the coffee!! The clif bar is just a bonus! :lmao:

Susie – I hope your “training up” for your half goes well! :goodvibes

Carol – I’m sorry I haven’t been around and didn’t know about the job situation. Sending you good WISHes and pixiedust: for an easy and satisfactory resolution. In the meantime, enjoy your time at Disney. Great pace, BTW!! I LOVE that path around SSR and OKW. Awesome place to train!

Tracy – I LOVE your post-workout diet even more than Vic’s pre-workout menu! Sorry about the bug attack, but great job!

Jeff – except for the “HILL” part, what an awesome idea for the bus run!! Many of us don’t even remember the last 8 miles or so of a marathon course, so it would be pretty awesome for the newbies to get to run it when they are feeling pretty strong, and can take in their beautiful surroundings. :thumbsup2

Maura – Great pace! I really hope you find the solution with the shoe situation. It certainly sounds like the new ones aren’t quite suited to your gait. Good luck finding the right shoe!

Craig – I’m sorry you are having a rough time with your runs after your vacation. I hope you are at least enjoying them, even if they aren’t optimal yet.

Back soon to update on my training.
Okay, hoping to post here and get re-motivated and start to feel better about things.

The great news is that my workout partner (Patty a/k/a pjstevens) and I have finished the Couch to 5k plan and ran our first 5k Thursday night. It was a wicked course and I'd been suffering stomach cramps all day. I was so glad not to be DNS and was outrageously proud of Patty's completion of her first race EVER. Finish time was 44:45. :woohoo:

Today was the 5k we were originally planning to do after C2 5k (we jumped into the other one because it is for one of our family's favorite charities). Today's course was marginally easier, but it was still wicked hot and humid.

My official time – 41:37; Garmin time 41:26. I am pretty sure this is a new PR, though I am so disappointed in my inability to yet reach my sub-40:00 goal that even a PR isn’t quite doing it for me these days. I suppose that shopping yesterday from noon until 8:15 pm wasn't the best "day-before-the-race-you-want-to-PR" regimine. :confused3
As I was lamenting by text to my dear friend Judy (honeibee) about this sad state of affairs, my workout partner called me to tell me I’d finished 4th (and she was 5th) in our age category! LOL! This is my first race EVER registering as a “RUNNER”, so maybe I should be thrilled.

Female Age Group 40 to 44
Place Last Name First Name City State Sex Age Div Place Time Pace
21 Warrington Jeanne F 41 1 00:21:21 06:54
58 Gillette Maria F 44 2 00:26:02 08:24
123 Weber Michele F 41 3 00:39:07 12:38
129 Keener Cam F 44 4 00:41:37 13:26
130 Stevens Patricia F 44 5 00:41:39 13:27

I am trying to be thrilled with the fact that I am now RUNNING almost my entire distances, but I am hoping to see some significant improvement soon. I have been working out 6-7x/week and started working with a personal trainer last week. I am doing all upper body stuff with him because I am still very weak in my upper body (and particularly on the right side, where I tore my trapezius in September). My goal is to get the darn scale moving again and to take off some inches (before my wedding gown arrives in October!).

So, believe it or not, in addition to the hours and hours spent on the elliptical and bike each week, the week of 6/8 I ran 10.62 miles total (runs of 2.66, 3.14, 2.82, 2 miles) and the week of 6/15 I ran 9.15 miles (runs of 3.05, 1, 2, 3.1 miles). I am hoping to get into/stay in the routine of running 1-2 miles minimum each day with longer runs scattered every few days while we are at WDW and on the ship.

You have come so far, perhaps farther than anyone I know with your walking to wogging to running. I am so impressed. You are the poster child for steady progress over the past 4 years. Martha and I are proud to be one of your peeps.

Thanks, Craig! :hug: :lovestruc You know I couldn't have done it without all the encouragement you gave me starting in the late winter of 2005 and even now-- I'm surprised you didn't get sick of my whining a really long time ago! ;) I really, truly appreciate all the love and support of you and Martha and all my "peeps." Hey, by the way, it is awesome to realize that my "peeps" now are walkers, woggers & runners. Very cool way to maintain a mostly non-sedentary lifestyle outside of work. WISHers rock! :cool1: :love: party:


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