Wk of June 22- WISH Walking/Running Club

Late night drive by.

I rode the bike to/from work today. Garmin came along, but didn't quite work like I thought it would, since I don't have the bike cadence thingamajigy. Need to get one of those on eBay!

Anyways, the security guard at my building laughed when he saw my bright green WISH shirt. He made the comment, no one is going to miss you on the road wearing that shirt! :rotfl2: I totally took it as a compliment.

Got home, and decided to take my brand new cycling shorts back to Sports Authority to exchange. Before I even tried them out, I found 3 holes in the right leg. Didn't want it to tear any farther, so back for a better pair.

Came home, and gave the bike a mini tune up. New green slime into the inner tubes. Adjusted the handlebars that were crooked, and tightened the seat rack which was loose. Need to get some new brake pads soon. :scared1:

I will do my 8 miles with Les the Guru tomorrow. Tradewinds have settled down again, so it's been hot the last few days.

65 days until the Disneyland Half everyone (for those who are counting, he he he).


My new GARMI 405!!! This is me checking it out as it is charging.

Oh dear, I thought I had it bad setting up my new toy. You actually took a photo with it, WHILE WAITING 3 HOURS TO CHARGE! :lmao:

We'll have to figure out how to send each other workouts via the Garmin Connect website.

Deb: I've been using the iPod with Nike+. Mileage is never right, but the time running always was, when comparing to my chronograph on my wrist watch. Running without music on Sunday was something new for me. I need my tunes, so I'll be using my iPod as well.

Also, Deb, if you start running now like I told Leanna in Canada a month ago, you'll make it with plenty of time to start the Disneyland Half.

Carrie: Pixie Dust to your father in law. We lost my dad over 5 years ago to a combination of cancers. It's never easy for family or the person who is ill. Keep a positive mental attitude, we're all rooting for you all. :wizard:
Carrie Good to see you back, if only for a moment. Sending good thoughts you and Scott's way for his dad. Good for you for signing up for the tri--I'm a little chicken, but getting closer. I did watch the Total Immersion video, but most of the drills they demonstrated involved two people, and there's only me, so I fast forwarded through it. BUt 2 tri books I checked out from the library had very similar drills in it, and I did those for a while (after a while, I couldn't see the point!) Good luck with it all.

Debra I have no sound, logical data to prove I'm not an overpronator. It's just that I have never had it pointed out to me by the running shoe guys (and they would know) and also--this sounds weird--when I walk barefoot, I feel fine. When I walk in shoes, I actually feel like my right foot supinates instead (total sensation of walking on the outside edge of my foot.) Plus, the ortho guy just didn't "seem too into me" as a patient, hence my reluctance to trust his diagnosis--especially when he didn't even watch me walk.

Tracy Nice toy! I went to REI and ooked at Garmins. They were out of the 405--they tended to go quickly, but did have the 305. Yikes, they are about 5x the size of my wrist! Don't think I could wear one. Is the 405 much smaller? Have fun with it!

As for me 40 minutes in the pool today. A few laps of using a kick board. Wow--I didn't realize I could swim backwards!!:lmao: That sure is what it felt like. Using my legs as the sole means of getting to the end of the pool was a slow proposition.

So if I am going to do a tri, I need a new bike. Off to the store with DH (the bike guru) to find one that's just right.

Hi, everyone, we are in the home stretch towards vacation and work will be insane these last two days.

I've decided to shake things up a bit on the TM and didn't run today, but instead put it at a 4.0% incline and did 30 minutes at 4.0-4.2 mph. I am definitely feeling it in my legs already. I am hoping this type of session will help with the hills that are inevitable in the 5ks around here. ;)

Debra -- Yes, my personal trainer is very easy on the eyes in a totally "Howard" kind of way. He is about our age, very clean cut, strong looking but not "ripped" (which would totally intimidate me), and he has a great, encouraging personality. :goodvibes

Maura -- As much as some people might boo me, I'd look for advice at the running store, but that's just because I have gotten such great advice on shoes at our running store. The last time I was there, the very first pair of shoes the guy suggested were a dream come true. Good luck!

Tracy -- Very nice new toy! Great picture! You look so excited to have it! Have fun! :)
Hi Cam! :love: :goodvibes :hug: :cloud9: I'm buying the first round of Conch Coolers! :banana: :rolleyes1

I got out this morning...

Miles: 3
Time: 29:39
Pace: 9:53

11:16 :-)headache: - hill, soreness, that breathing thing, etc.)

Have a great day everyone!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! :yay:

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Thanks everyone!

Jen - :hug: :hug: Didn't realize things had gotten so bad with your mom. I am so sorry. I worry so much about you and your stress. SO, these words come out of love: Get your butt in gear or we will just have to stop by and kick it when we go through!!!! ;)

Maura - SO what tri are you doing? We are doing a beginner one in Middleville. FOr being Middleville, it is in the Middle of nothing. ;)

Tracy - COngrats on Garmi!

Ang - Hope to see yo uat SA RnR, porvided we can get good flights. Wish SW would release November.

Debra - Thansk for thining of me. Hope you do better listening to your body soon. Due to rain and out of town work and one instance fo packing 2 shirts and no pants :headache: , I have not doen yoga in 5 weeks. My body misses it.

Cam & Howard. ::yes:: Yes, he is green with envy. I am so jealous. You 2 need a break, though!

Jeff - I have heat issues when it's 65. Don't knwo how you do it.

Stephanie - Yup, wasy jealous of you too! Hope you're havign fun!

Jackie - A week off sounds heavenly. Hope it gives you all you need! Sleep...mmmmmm.....:cloud9:

Liz - That tri is a no go for Scott now. he's really bummed. He was going to do that one on his own to see what he coudl really do. Going to try to convince him to leave me behind fro Middleville now, as I am 10 min behind him in the swim. We'll see. This one's further esat, but 1.5 hours south of us. Wanna' come?

Well, I swam just over a half mile in my ater time last night. 1 min crawl adn 2 min rest stroke. I'd get hit by a wave adn choke, though, adn have to take a break. DOn't know how you ocean swimmers do it! Heck, I can't even comprehend swimming in Lake MI.

Tonight is yoga. Can't wait.
Catching up, a little.

Kira - :hug: Hope teh meds works fro dd adn that her liver is not effected by them. Yes, ther are worse things tha tcan happen, but no parent wants their kids to suffer and a lif eof meds does not sound fun to me. :wizard: :wizard:

Dave - Good to see you! Congrats on the WDW trip!

Ok, only about 2.25 weeks to go. :p
Carrie (& Scott):

:hug: , :goodvibes and pixiedust: for you and your family at this time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.


Liz - That tri is a no go for Scott now. he's really bummed. He was going to do that one on his own to see what he coudl really do. Going to try to convince him to leave me behind fro Middleville now, as I am 10 min behind him in the swim. We'll see. This one's further esat, but 1.5 hours south of us. Wanna' come?

Well, I swam just over a half mile in my ater time last night. 1 min crawl adn 2 min rest stroke. I'd get hit by a wave adn choke, though, adn have to take a break. DOn't know how you ocean swimmers do it! Heck, I can't even comprehend swimming in Lake MI.

Carrie - sorry to hear about Scott not being able to do that one. Hopefully you'll be able to talk him into doing the Middleville one for himself. If you want to send me the link, I'll take a look and see what's up.

As for swimming in Lake MI - you just don't do it off Chicago beaches. Water is an un-natural shade of green. :eek:
Hey all you Wonderful WISHers!!!

Carrie: Thanks. Choking on the water while swimming, not sure if that works or not?. Please be careful out there!!

Cam: That incline workout sounds like a nice change for you. I'm sure it will help you with those 5k hills.

Maura: Yes, my new Garmin 405 is smaller than my 205 (which is the same as the 305). I will meaure and compare them for you and take photos side by side to show the comparison. Good luck with the bike search.

Jeff: My Garmi buddy!! I wonder if you could just keep the 405 set to running while on the bike and at least you could get distance and time. Not sure is that would work or not. I need to get on Garmin Connect I just have the software on my laptop that I was using with the 205. I could send you the Mount Trashmore route.

Debra: Hey, I did more of that drippy sweating stuff after work. My flavor in the freezer ( i had some tonight) is Edy's Slow Churned Cookies and Cream. I had a bit of milk in the bowl with Hershey's Shell topping! YUM!!! Yours sound good also. Work, ugh sometimes I just try to block it all out.

As for me: I was back at one of my most favorite places tonight after work.............. Mount Trashmore!!!! I missed my ol stomping grounds (walking grounds.) And boy are my gluts feeling those hills and trails. Used my new Garmi too was it was a nice end to a stressed out day at work again. The one preg girl was still sick at 4am so she didn't come in. Another girl in still limping around with her broken toe/jammed other toe and sprained mid foot. ANother girl was late and didn't feel good all day, she came to work with a migraine. Hey I was there and put on my "happy face" and just went on. (Debra: none of the girls trains with me. The preg one use to walk with me until she got married and had to get home. I do have a lady the use to work for us and she will do some local 5ks with me. She is a jogger.) I felt like someone who works at WDW. I was "onstage" and didn't let any of the other stuff affect me. But my visit to Mount Trashmore and using my Garmi405 was a great end to the day.

Have a great evening everyone!!
Aloha Jeff: It sounds like you're really enjoying the bike commute to work thing. And that you're eye candy for the security guard. I'd love to do DL, but DOOD and I are cutting back on trips. Same all over, I suppose.

Maura: .
...he didn't even watch me walk.
Hoo boy, I wouldn't have listened to him either. I'm with Cam, in that I trust the staff at my local running store. (Small, independent, knowledgeable.) Are you enjoying the swimming--it certainly sounds like a challenge!

Cam: Woo hoo for hill work! You sound totally energized since running your 5Ks! And it sounds like you've signed up for a lot of ones to keep you moving forward and feeling motivated!

Howard: Despite your soreness, hills, and breathing issues, I think you did a great job with your 3 miles!

Carrie: It sounds like you're enjoying the challenges of swimming, at the very least. Hmmm, it looks like, Maura, and Liz can exchange notes, too, maybe even on swimming in Lake MI if either of you choose to go that route eventually. Here's PD for your first yoga class in over a month! (Wowsa. You'll be so happy you did it, I know.

Tracy: Wow, it certainly sounds like you were onstage today--and the healthiest person at your work! I'm glad you have Mount Trashmore as your your happy place. Splash Mountain it ain't, but it still sounds like a good place to go to relieve some work stress.

As for me: It was a Penguin day for me. Penguins, penguins, penguins, everywhere I turn. And, like many of us, penguins make me think of John Bingham, about running, and about the courage to start. So it was a nice to have these little reminders throughout the day, even if today was a XT day for me. I share them with you, my WISH running buddies!

First, I'm reading the first Laurell Hamilton book (her Blood Noir is on the NYT best seller list); it turns out the main character, Anita Blake, collects stuffed penguins. This reminds me, of course, of Bingham--and AmyBeth and Scott.

Second, I'm listening to my local college radio and I hear "Do the Funky Penguin" by Rufus Thomas (of "Funky Chicken" and "The Breakdown" fame).

Third, I'm shopping for Burdick Chocolate online. (Yes, I frequently buy chocolate online. I was a member of a chocolate of the month club--and the only reason I cancelled it was because they repeat vendors after the first year.) And I see these ever-so-perfect chocolates. They're wedding favors packaged with a lime green ribbon!


Waddle on, friends! :goodvibes
Wow, when you don’t get on here as often as you want the thread can really get away from you. I’m sure I will miss some people but here goes:

Jim- Welcome to the boards. As many others have said you can find a lot of advise and inspiration here.

Susie- Good luck on getting the miles back up for the DL half. The biking can really help even if you don’t get the running in.

You Florida Runners- I can’t imagine the humidity down there. When I lived there I had just started running and was out of there before all the humidity. God luck and stay hydrated.

Maura- If you find a good running store they should do a detailed measurement of your foot (arch height, how much your foot elongates when you step, etc) and watch you run on a treadmill. They can give you good advise on what shoes work for you and let you do A/B comparisons on a treadmill all you like. I was told that I over-pronate and when I went to the local Fleet Feet they watched me run and said I have one of the most neutral gaits they have ever seen. Lesson: Always get a second opinion.

Cam- Congratulations on your first 5K…here’s :drinking1 to many more

Carrie- I hope the FIL pulls through. Two of my best friends are cancer survivors and it is not pleasant watching people go through these things.

Jen- Running really can help with stress if you can find the time.

Tracy- Sounds like you are going to be short handed at work soon. I just went through that. There are 3 of us in our department and the other 2 have had kids in the last two years. While they are both the fathers instead of the mothers they still took some time off and end up coming in late or calling off with the kids. I just remind them of all the time I covered for them when I put in for things like biking Tuscany and the podcast cruise.:rolleyes1

Debra- Nice penguin chocolates. This post might look like one of your pretty soon.

Now as for me. This weekend was a double race weekend for me. I had a 4 miler Friday after work and a 10K on Sunday. I had set a goal of 26 minutes for the 4 Miles and 40 minutes for the 10K. I am very glad to say I managed to hit both goals. I finished the 4 miler in 24:37 (6:09 pace) and the 10K in 39:51 (6:26 pace). I also figured out the half marathons I will be doing in the fall. There is one here in Strongsville in September (the River Run Half Marathon) and one in Columbus in October (Nationwide Better Health Half Marathon)

That’s it for now. Happy training all.

Now as for me. This weekend was a double race weekend for me. I had a 4 miler Friday after work and a 10K on Sunday. I had set a goal of 26 minutes for the 4 Miles and 40 minutes for the 10K. I am very glad to say I managed to hit both goals. I finished the 4 miler in 24:37 (6:09 pace) and the 10K in 39:51 (6:26 pace).

Holy smokes Frank! :worship: You rocked those pace averages. Are you trying to qualify for the Olympics???

I got out and ran 7 of the usual 8 miles. My buddy, Guru Les took a day off from running :scared1:, that's a first! Anyways, my pace was a cool 9:30, just taking it easy.

Have a great Wednesday everyone. Where have all the WISHERS gone? Been awfully quite on the threads lately.

Oh yeah, the 2007 Honolulu Marathon winner was disqualified for testing positive for morphine today. Whooo hoooo, I moved up one place. :rotfl2:
Total :moped:

Carrie & Jen - tons of :hug: coming yor way!

- nice new toy! :thumbsup2

I have been lurking again. Way too much going on. The big Indiana Jones birthday party is this weekend. I spent yesterday afternoon paper mache-ing giant punch-balls. I still have to devise the obstacle course I am sending the Indys-in-training on. :scratchin I wanted to have it outside, but I am thinking the weather is not going to cooperate. :worried: Anyway, I will post pics later - this should be fun. This party is just monopolizing my time right now.

- did you end up seeing Collective Soul?
Liz - COme to my side of the lake. It's pretty blue. Well, unles the big city upstream has a big rain storm. :mad:

Debra - Ahhh...My body is so happy. OMG! Chocolate penguins! Too cool!

Tracy - Ugh, what a day. Glad you could relax at your favorite stomping grounds. :rotfl:

Frank - WTG!!! That is awesome!

Jeff - GOtta laugh. You tell Frank he's fast adn then post about your "cool" 9:30. Yeah, there's nothing coll or relazxing about that pace for me!

Kristi - Wow, you are the cool mom! Hope it's a great successs!

Howard - :hug: back at ya'!

OK, finally did yoga last nihgt. FUnny, best my hammy's felt in 3 or 4 weeks. You's think I'd learn.

Dilema of teh day. There's a half in my hometown on the 4th. I coudl neevr do it becuase we always have peopel out here. I have not done more than 5 in 3 weeks. I do not do heat and sumemr has taken my confidence away. May be my only chance to do this race, though, and it could be coupled with a chance to see out of town family. GOnna' do 8 Saturday and see. Oh, the other down is seeing poeple (Including old CC coach that I don't care to see) that I have not seen in over 20 years adn 50 pounds ago when I coudl do a 5K in less than 21 min. :( Must keep telling myself that I wouldn't even dream of a half marathon then, though. Think it would help if I ran with my 3 Mickey medals? :rolleyes1
Jen, sweetie, I am so sorry for all you are dealing with. Sending you a huge :hug: and lots of pixiedust: I hope your Mom starts doing much better.

Kristi -- The party sounds amazing!!! WOW!! Please don't ever tell my kids just how much planning COULD have gone into their birthday parties. :laughing:

Carrie -- I'm sorry I'm not able to give any advice on the 1/2 marathon dilemma. I am all for just doing 5ks right now and waiting for cooler weather to train for a 1/2.
ETA: I DO NOT think you should let your decision be influenced by who you will see. You have accomplished great things over the past couple of years, and you may find that some of those old running acquaintances have not progressed in their distance and endurance the way you have (and incredibly so!), so that may be just the ego boost you need. :hug:

Geez, I cannot believe the paces some of you are running. :worship: I am so outrageously impressed!

Debra -- I hope you are enjoying your new digs and that life is calming down a bit! :hug:

My workout this morning was a 10 minute mile on the elliptical set on "hill plus" and then 30 minutes of upper body strength training with the personal trainer. I had him show me how to do some free weights and universal machine setups so that if there is equipment like that at the resort or on the WONDER, I may have the courage to do something other than the treadmill, bike & elliptical. :cool1: I very optimistically packed 2 workout outfits for WDW and 3 for the ship (not much else is packed, but I do have my running clothes & running shoes! :lmao: ). My goal is to use them for their intended purposes. Last year, I mostly walked the running course on the ship. I am really, really hoping to run at least a couple miles on it this year as the sun rises and dolphins frolick within my sightrange. :love: :cloud9: :woohoo:
Greetings Race Team -

This morning I actually got up on time and hit the TM. YAY! :woohoo: I have decided I need to be faster, therefore I am upping my speed both on the TM and outside. However, I will never in this lifetime be as fast as....

Frank - :eek: You are incredibly fast!! :worship:

Cam and Howard - :sail: Bon Voyage! :boat: Careful on the hammocks! :rolleyes1

- Oh my Jenn....my heart goes out to you. :hug:

Kristi - No, it was Blind Melon. I must be getting old. I thought they and Blues Travellers were nothing but loud. :headache:

Debra - Love love love the chocolate penguins especially since they are sporting the Lime! :thumbsup2

Note to Cindy in MA: I saw your friend on Sunday. She recognized me (or more likely the shirt) from the Bigelow. :goodvibes We decided we want you to do the Bigelow this year too and we were going to talk you into it. ::yes::

Charlie has decided we need to do the local "Four on the Fourth" next Friday. I think I have created a monster here. He looks for a race now ever weekend. :laughing:
Judith wrote: Cam and Howard - :sail: Bon Voyage! :boat: Careful on the hammocks! :rolleyes1

I think I know what this means. :worship: :hyper: :smokin:

Nothing is ruled out at this point in time. :rolleyes1


I think I know what this means. :worship: :hyper: :smokin:

Nothing is ruled out at this point in time. :rolleyes1



Howard! :eek: Get you mind out of the gutter! It was nothing of the sort!

I'm sure you heard how I sat on the hammock and flipped right over, much to the amusement of all those already on Castaway Cay that morning. :blush: THAT'S what I meant! ;)
Oh, how I wish I had time this week to read all of the posts. Since I don't, I just wanted to jump in and say hi.

It's a crazy week for me. This week we have three family birthdays, not to mention the other two we already had this month. We were away for the weekend (part of DD and DS b-day present was an overnight trip to NYC), and now I have to make a cake for my mom's b-day and plan my son's b-day. I'm not able to fit much running in this week, but I'll have to make up for it next week since I know I'll be eating a lot of cake this week. :banana:

I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to catch up soon!


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