What to do on NEW YEAR


Earning My Ears
Mar 3, 2001
Hi' guys! We're going to WDW for New Year and we want to do every "BEST" thing their is to do around New Year at WDW. Have any idea?? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> ....Oh, yes! Sorry for my spelling, but I'm french and trying my best....°o°
We have went to the Magic Kingdom for New Years Eve for the past 2 years and it has been a TOTAL BLAST!!!!!! They hand out party hats and horns,usually have DJ"s throughout the park,and the fireworks finale at midnight is just SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! It does get VERY crowded but if you arrive very early and use fast pass,you will have a wonderful time!!! If you have any more questions..just email me at ddr1@bright.net..I would be more than happy to help!!! I'm sure that you will have a great time no matter what you decide!!! I can't wait..we will be there again this NYE!!
We were at MK last NYE and it was absolutely amazing.
The atmosphere there was absolutely 'buzzing', especially when you saw evryone with hats on and blowing those horn things!

Must warn you though, that the park was very, very crowded--we arrived at around 7.30am and there was plenty of people there then.

Would love to experience it again. The midnight fireworks were really magical.



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