Sturgis Motorcycle Rally...HUGE Crowds expected

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Montana Here about 5-8 hours from Sturgis depending if you take the Interstate the entire way or cut off and take the US Highway route across two reservations. Also 3-5 hours from Yellowstone depending on which way you go again. Putting these together because it is not unusual for those going to Sturgis to go spend time in Yellowstone and then continue onto the Black Hills, with a high number of them going over the Beartooth Highway right into a small resort town that is not even an hour from me.

Our numbers have been going up but according to our county health official it is because of family barbecues, and weddings, and funnerals. None of it is because of completely opening up the state of Montana to tourists including those from hot spots, none of it is because of Sturgis, none of it from protests even though if you look at the numbers there is an increase withing 10-21 days after ever single on of these events.

Teams that would have normally played american legion baseball but due to their not sponsoring went independent this year in order to play were able to have a tournament with fans in attendance, but local high school teams will not be able to play with even one parent per child in attendance and socially distance the parents around the gym or stadium because those parents have cheered each others kids on for years and will socialize.

My kids are homeschooled and don't do any sports though my oldest did a season of volleyball and one of soccer in elementary school to try them out. None of my nieces or nephews that are old enough to play school based sports do at this time so my family is not effected by this. Still I feel bad for the parents especially if there should be an injury and they have to wait for a call to be able to go meet their child at a hospital provided the game is a local one instead of being able to be there for their child.

A former boss who became a good friend of mine a few years ago had her son get injured in a high school soccer game. This injury was enough to send him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a broken leg. That was hard on her, but it was even harder when she got a call from the coach to meet them at the hospital because he ended up being injured again in a practice. She says it would have been 10 times harder if it was a game that she was not able to be at and even more if that game was out of town. Parents are not going to go and sit at a hotel room out of town and not watch the game so this means that kids are going to be without a family member in a time of need if there is an injury that can not be treated on the field.

But remember that none of the increase in cases is because of events like Sturgis and I am in one of the hardest hit counties in my state if you look at the actual numbers. We are not allowed to look at the fact that since my county is one of the highest populated in the state of Montana that when you look at both the percentage of cases per population and the numbers per 10K we are much lower in cases than a number of smaller populated counties in Montana.

Here is a list of towns in SD that are also effected every year by the Sturgis Rally as many of the attendees stay in these towns and unofficial gatherings end up being held in those towns.

Belle Fourche
Hill City
Black Hawk
Cheyenne Crossing
Rapid City

To a lesser degree as these only get used on a really big attendance year for last minute overflow attendees that only seem to go one time and should have said I really wanted to go but since I didn't book early enough not this year instead I will book now for next year and go then but don't and then they complain about how much they had to drive to attend anything. These are also my list of safe places if your going to insist on staying anywhere near the Black Hills during the rally even if you don't plan on attending and plan to avoid Stugis if you don't have friends or relative houses to stay at. (My advice is if your not going even on a year we are not dealing with covid, don't and avoid the area if you are planning on going to other points of SD such as the Aberdeen, Mitchelle, Brookings, or Sioux Falls areas. Trust me when I say that both the option of dropping down from ND or taking US highways will still let you find places to stay and eat along the way. Plus bonus you get all sorts of roadside historical sites you might have never seen or at least read the marker about what happened there).
Hot Springs
Sundance, WY
Four Corners, WY
New Castle, WY
Montana Here about 5-8 hours from Sturgis depending if you take the Interstate the entire way or cut off and take the US Highway route across two reservations. Also 3-5 hours from Yellowstone depending on which way you go again. Putting these together because it is not unusual for those going to Sturgis to go spend time in Yellowstone and then continue onto the Black Hills, with a high number of them going over the Beartooth Highway right into a small resort town that is not even an hour from me.

Our numbers have been going up but according to our county health official it is because of family barbecues, and weddings, and funnerals. None of it is because of completely opening up the state of Montana to tourists including those from hot spots, none of it is because of Sturgis, none of it from protests even though if you look at the numbers there is an increase withing 10-21 days after ever single on of these events.

Teams that would have normally played american legion baseball but due to their not sponsoring went independent this year in order to play were able to have a tournament with fans in attendance, but local high school teams will not be able to play with even one parent per child in attendance and socially distance the parents around the gym or stadium because those parents have cheered each others kids on for years and will socialize.

My kids are homeschooled and don't do any sports though my oldest did a season of volleyball and one of soccer in elementary school to try them out. None of my nieces or nephews that are old enough to play school based sports do at this time so my family is not effected by this. Still I feel bad for the parents especially if there should be an injury and they have to wait for a call to be able to go meet their child at a hospital provided the game is a local one instead of being able to be there for their child.

A former boss who became a good friend of mine a few years ago had her son get injured in a high school soccer game. This injury was enough to send him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a broken leg. That was hard on her, but it was even harder when she got a call from the coach to meet them at the hospital because he ended up being injured again in a practice. She says it would have been 10 times harder if it was a game that she was not able to be at and even more if that game was out of town. Parents are not going to go and sit at a hotel room out of town and not watch the game so this means that kids are going to be without a family member in a time of need if there is an injury that can not be treated on the field.

But remember that none of the increase in cases is because of events like Sturgis and I am in one of the hardest hit counties in my state if you look at the actual numbers. We are not allowed to look at the fact that since my county is one of the highest populated in the state of Montana that when you look at both the percentage of cases per population and the numbers per 10K we are much lower in cases than a number of smaller populated counties in Montana.

Here is a list of towns in SD that are also effected every year by the Sturgis Rally as many of the attendees stay in these towns and unofficial gatherings end up being held in those towns.

Belle Fourche
Hill City
Black Hawk
Cheyenne Crossing
Rapid City

To a lesser degree as these only get used on a really big attendance year for last minute overflow attendees that only seem to go one time and should have said I really wanted to go but since I didn't book early enough not this year instead I will book now for next year and go then but don't and then they complain about how much they had to drive to attend anything. These are also my list of safe places if your going to insist on staying anywhere near the Black Hills during the rally even if you don't plan on attending and plan to avoid Stugis if you don't have friends or relative houses to stay at. (My advice is if your not going even on a year we are not dealing with covid, don't and avoid the area if you are planning on going to other points of SD such as the Aberdeen, Mitchelle, Brookings, or Sioux Falls areas. Trust me when I say that both the option of dropping down from ND or taking US highways will still let you find places to stay and eat along the way. Plus bonus you get all sorts of roadside historical sites you might have never seen or at least read the marker about what happened there).
Hot Springs
Sundance, WY
Four Corners, WY
New Castle, WY

It is going up but you know it isn't from Sturgis? How. If they say from funerals, and barbecues, why couldn't it be from a much larger gathering like Sturgis? And also those people went on home to other places where they live, coming from anywhere. It was so bad where I live, luckily it is way down but very scary. I know people that have been sick and even died from it personally. Two of the people I know that had it also have had lasting effects from it. One heart issues that they never had before. Another still having lung issues having had it months back.
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Well it has now spread as far as New Hampshire. Nice job Sturgis.
New Hampshire has very strict rules about traveling from other states into NH, even residents. I know, because we are trying to get to CT next month and we have to cool our heels in a "safe" state for 14-days before arrival. We have to be out of any of CT's list of naughty states for 14 days before we can enter. We looked at NH as a possible place and scratched NH right off the list.

I wonder if the 6 sick Sturgis people quarantined themselves when they came home ...
It is going up but you know it isn't from Sturgis? How. If they say from funerals, and barbecues, why couldn't it be from a much larger gathering like Sturgis? And also those people went on home to other places where they live, coming from anywhere. It was so bad where I live, luckily it is way down but very scary. I know people that have been sick and even died from it personally. Two of the people I know that had it also have had lasting effects from it. One heart issues that they never had before. Another still having lung issues having had it months back.

This is what our county health department head is saying on the increase in numbers in my county. I am rolling my eyes and going male bulvine excretement because the timing of case increase coincides too darn close to different events where there was a large gathering of people or an increase in people coming into the state and county when the mandititory 14 day quarantine for visitors and residents who had traveled out of state unless an essential worker was removed. We have had huge spikes within 10-21 days of everyone of those events yet they are not the cause instead it's only from people having a barbecue or a wedding reception or a 4th of July gathering (though I wish my neighbors hadn't but not because the number of people put me at risk-my house is a good distance away and I locked myself inside and didn't come out and socialize. It would have been nice not to have the noise still going at 3 AM and I suspect at the size of some of the fireworks ones that were either illegal or pushing towards the legal if set off by a licensed technician and there is adequate fire supression services on site. Which they did not have the 2nd part at all and I doubt on the first as well).

I was being overly sarcastic in my post because it appears to me that pressure to open up the gates into a national park that are in MT, pressure placed on our native reservations and tribes to open up areas to tourists and those who openly admitted that they were coming to escape hot spots around the country including a major one that boarders a national park and one entrance is on that side, protests and marches around the state which while they did all remain peaceful and other than maybe a bit of worn grass didn't cause any destruction still had large numbers of people in a small area, or events like Sturgis were the reason for the increase in case not only in my county but statewide if you look at the data within 10-21 days following ever single one of the examples I just gave. It will be interesting to see more on Sturgis as we are still in the 10-21 days for the end of it. Yes this also includes the fair that I do not think should have happened in my area at least the part that was open to the public which was rides, carnival games, food booths, and other items for sale. Yes they had the youth programs but those were restricted on attendance as well as other proticals in place. Here is the list

Non animal projects
Assigned times for judging with check in 30 minutes prior. Times were based on last name with the exception of those who had a large number of exhibits and those families were notified by an official of the change in the general time for them.
Assistance was not given for putting exhibit tags on items though they did have supplies there (I had misunderstood so we actually had a bin with tape, stapler, yarn, scissors, paper clips, safety pins, and rubber bands with us and just sat off the side and did our own) that you could use with one family at a time allowed at each table. The helpers assigned to that area were only doing things like replacing the roll of tape and wiping things down with sanitizing disposable clothes and sprays in between groups. Otherwise the only help you got was in the lines of use a safety pin to put the tag on your sewing item, or is that a paper plate your cookies are on you can use the stapler and staple it on suggestions.
You were assigned a table to sit at and wait with a worker assigned to escort members of your family with their exhibits to each of the judging tables for their project areas. Most of these workers had 2-4 tables, because I have a special needs child we had a worker assigned just to us that was actually staying with my one child and was telling my other child to go to this table number it's over this way. (that child of mine is high school age and that privledge was extended to all the high school age participants unless they were on a list of those who have a history of not following instructions. Which were go straight there and come straight back do not stop and visit with your friends at other tables, if you need to you can use the restroom but you better wash your hands both in the restroom as well as at the stand outside the restroom. Only going if the adult assigned to your table said to go to a table number.
Masks required for everyone
Only those exhibiting and one parent allowed (so no younger siblings not old enough tagging along though they would have made an exception for excusively nursing infants that there was no other adult to bring the children exhibiting.
There was the option of doing tele judging for those not comfortable doing so in person.
Only best of class items and those nominated for best of class and put up for the sale were exhibited during the week.
All best of class nominated that did not get a best of class and were not put in the sale had a date to be removed. A later date was for all best of class items not in the sale and all items not sold to be picked up unless other arrangements made.

Animal exhibitors
Assigned area by species and then by family
Unless in the show ring were to be at their assigned area with the exception of the restroom or entering and exiting
limit of 4 family members per day able to attend and this had to be the same members for each day
masks required as much as possible in accordance with state guidelines on the governors mandate
Assigned gate to get into the fairgrounds
Restricted to the livestock areas that were restricted to the general public. This area was only opened up to registered buyers for the auction on the last day which had social distancing and they buyers were not told that the owner of the animal you purchased was not going to be bringing you your photo of the exhibitor and their animal like they normally do. Instead those would need to be picked up at the payment receipt table.
Allowed to have a pass onto the main grounds once a day to go get food from a food stand but due to this requiring going and getting the pass, checking out with the time, quite a distance to go in order to stand in the line for the only entrance for the general public (that could have been closed for capacity though it never was because less people came then expected), go get your food order,exit back out the gate so they have an accurate count of the number of people on the grounds at one time, and check back in no one took advantage of the opportunity. If you didn't bring food it was less of a hassle to go to your vehicle and drive to a fast food place drive thru and pick up food and bring it back.
Check in daily as to who was there incase there was an outbreak they had names and contact information for tracing, currently on day 12 of the last day of fair count out of the 21 but those who had animal species that exhibited at the first part of the fair are on day 18-20 depending on the type of animal.

I am sure that if there is case of covid-19 in an exhibitor or someone connected to an exhibitor that there will be an announcement via email of the fact and instructions to quarantine for a period of time and if you have the following symptoms to seek medical attention.
This is what our county health department head is saying on the increase in numbers in my county. I am rolling my eyes and going male bulvine excretement because the timing of case increase coincides too darn close to different events where there was a large gathering of people or an increase in people coming into the state and county when the mandititory 14 day quarantine for visitors and residents who had traveled out of state unless an essential worker was removed. We have had huge spikes within 10-21 days of everyone of those events yet they are not the cause instead it's only from people having a barbecue or a wedding reception or a 4th of July gathering (though I wish my neighbors hadn't but not because the number of people put me at risk-my house is a good distance away and I locked myself inside and didn't come out and socialize. It would have been nice not to have the noise still going at 3 AM and I suspect at the size of some of the fireworks ones that were either illegal or pushing towards the legal if set off by a licensed technician and there is adequate fire supression services on site. Which they did not have the 2nd part at all and I doubt on the first as well).

I was being overly sarcastic in my post because it appears to me that pressure to open up the gates into a national park that are in MT, pressure placed on our native reservations and tribes to open up areas to tourists and those who openly admitted that they were coming to escape hot spots around the country including a major one that boarders a national park and one entrance is on that side, protests and marches around the state which while they did all remain peaceful and other than maybe a bit of worn grass didn't cause any destruction still had large numbers of people in a small area, or events like Sturgis were the reason for the increase in case not only in my county but statewide if you look at the data within 10-21 days following ever single one of the examples I just gave. It will be interesting to see more on Sturgis as we are still in the 10-21 days for the end of it. Yes this also includes the fair that I do not think should have happened in my area at least the part that was open to the public which was rides, carnival games, food booths, and other items for sale. Yes they had the youth programs but those were restricted on attendance as well as other proticals in place. Here is the list

Non animal projects
Assigned times for judging with check in 30 minutes prior. Times were based on last name with the exception of those who had a large number of exhibits and those families were notified by an official of the change in the general time for them.
Assistance was not given for putting exhibit tags on items though they did have supplies there (I had misunderstood so we actually had a bin with tape, stapler, yarn, scissors, paper clips, safety pins, and rubber bands with us and just sat off the side and did our own) that you could use with one family at a time allowed at each table. The helpers assigned to that area were only doing things like replacing the roll of tape and wiping things down with sanitizing disposable clothes and sprays in between groups. Otherwise the only help you got was in the lines of use a safety pin to put the tag on your sewing item, or is that a paper plate your cookies are on you can use the stapler and staple it on suggestions.
You were assigned a table to sit at and wait with a worker assigned to escort members of your family with their exhibits to each of the judging tables for their project areas. Most of these workers had 2-4 tables, because I have a special needs child we had a worker assigned just to us that was actually staying with my one child and was telling my other child to go to this table number it's over this way. (that child of mine is high school age and that privledge was extended to all the high school age participants unless they were on a list of those who have a history of not following instructions. Which were go straight there and come straight back do not stop and visit with your friends at other tables, if you need to you can use the restroom but you better wash your hands both in the restroom as well as at the stand outside the restroom. Only going if the adult assigned to your table said to go to a table number.
Masks required for everyone
Only those exhibiting and one parent allowed (so no younger siblings not old enough tagging along though they would have made an exception for excusively nursing infants that there was no other adult to bring the children exhibiting.
There was the option of doing tele judging for those not comfortable doing so in person.
Only best of class items and those nominated for best of class and put up for the sale were exhibited during the week.
All best of class nominated that did not get a best of class and were not put in the sale had a date to be removed. A later date was for all best of class items not in the sale and all items not sold to be picked up unless other arrangements made.

Animal exhibitors
Assigned area by species and then by family
Unless in the show ring were to be at their assigned area with the exception of the restroom or entering and exiting
limit of 4 family members per day able to attend and this had to be the same members for each day
masks required as much as possible in accordance with state guidelines on the governors mandate
Assigned gate to get into the fairgrounds
Restricted to the livestock areas that were restricted to the general public. This area was only opened up to registered buyers for the auction on the last day which had social distancing and they buyers were not told that the owner of the animal you purchased was not going to be bringing you your photo of the exhibitor and their animal like they normally do. Instead those would need to be picked up at the payment receipt table.
Allowed to have a pass onto the main grounds once a day to go get food from a food stand but due to this requiring going and getting the pass, checking out with the time, quite a distance to go in order to stand in the line for the only entrance for the general public (that could have been closed for capacity though it never was because less people came then expected), go get your food order,exit back out the gate so they have an accurate count of the number of people on the grounds at one time, and check back in no one took advantage of the opportunity. If you didn't bring food it was less of a hassle to go to your vehicle and drive to a fast food place drive thru and pick up food and bring it back.
Check in daily as to who was there incase there was an outbreak they had names and contact information for tracing, currently on day 12 of the last day of fair count out of the 21 but those who had animal species that exhibited at the first part of the fair are on day 18-20 depending on the type of animal.

I am sure that if there is case of covid-19 in an exhibitor or someone connected to an exhibitor that there will be an announcement via email of the fact and instructions to quarantine for a period of time and if you have the following symptoms to seek medical attention.

But I am sure that there will those that say that they never should have let the kids exhibit their projects and should have just canceled if it comes out that there was an outbreak in the general pubic attendance areas of the fair and not saying that the carnival and market place portion of the fair should have been skipped this year (we couldn't have that because of money).

While it would have been upsetting for my kids not to exhibit their items this year we didn't have money into animals purchased or raised from our own before this all hit (market beef are tagged for show in January and have to be owned by December so well ahead of everything hitting, sheep, hogs and goat r tagged in early May and have to be owned by early April so about the time we had a shut down in MT) that others did.

I do not think that the public portion should have taken place. I do think that they should have taken a list of food trucks willing to still come knowing that the sales numbers would have been down and send that out to the exhibitors and their families asking for a vote on 3-4 that would be there all week and another 1-2 for each day with the top ones getting the opportunity. Especially since in a normal year the families that participate are more than willing to go support the booths ran by local organizations and businesses. We will pass by the carnival owned buger stand and walk further to go support the scouting programs.

My oldest wanted to go only to check out a jewlery stand ran by a local person that we have the contact information for (I think this person also sells on etsey but not 100% sure) and a food stand ran by a local place. Guess what we can go visit them anytime so I said nope not happening this year sorry kid.
Someone will ask for proof of my previous post...
If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms:
  • You do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one.
The CDC is another arm of the WH now.

Or...they have new data such as was the reason given to change from no masks to everyone should wear masks...

They are only evil when you don't agree with the guidance. Same goes for me. I have thought they were useless since the mask guidance. But, that's who we have chosen to listen to.
The CDC has actually reduced the guidance for testing to those experiencing symptoms. No symptoms = no testing.

Not smart with schools starting. We had an asymptomatic teacher who got tested before school started. Glad the district had everyone test or her she could have spread it to every kid and other teachers.

She still doesn't have symptoms but her entire family does now.
Someone will ask for proof of my previous post...
If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms:
  • You do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one.
Of course, that doesn't say to NOT get a test, just that you don't NEED to. Which makes some sense to me. Would you go get a strep or flu test if you haven't had symptoms and haven't been around anyone with symptoms? Yes, people get annually tested for cancer, but would women get a mammogram daily? Guys get a prostate exam daily?

If you really want to increase testing...
1) Every employer should test every employee every day (at least multiple times a week).
2) Employees don't need to quarantine following the test (unless they have symptoms).
3) Results should be available within 24 hours.

This would be similar to what the professional "bubble" sports are doing. The same should be done for schools.
The CDC has actually reduced the guidance for testing to those experiencing symptoms. No symptoms = no testing.
While Dr. Fauci was under anesthesia in surgery!

"I was under general anesthesia in the operating room and was not part of any discussion or deliberation regarding the new testing recommendations," Fauci told CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. He added: "I am concerned about the interpretation of these recommendations and worried it will give people the incorrect assumption that asymptomatic spread is not of great concern. In fact it is."
Of course, that doesn't say to NOT get a test, just that you don't NEED to. Which makes some sense to me. Would you go get a strep or flu test if you haven't had symptoms and haven't been around anyone with symptoms? Yes, people get annually tested for cancer, but would women get a mammogram daily? Guys get a prostate exam daily?

If you really want to increase testing...
1) Every employer should test every employee every day (at least multiple times a week).
2) Employees don't need to quarantine following the test (unless they have symptoms).
3) Results should be available within 24 hours.

This would be similar to what the professional "bubble" sports are doing. The same should be done for schools.

Can you have asymptomatic flu or strep and pass it on to people? I'm not being snarky. I'm just curious because i have never heard of that happening.
Or...they have new data such as was the reason given to change from no masks to everyone should wear masks...

They are only evil when you don't agree with the guidance. Same goes for me. I have thought they were useless since the mask guidance. But, that's who we have chosen to listen to.
I haven’t talked to a medical professional who believes these revised guidance is a change for the better. So, I cannot understand what “data” they would have used to justify the change.

Of course, that doesn't say to NOT get a test, just that you don't NEED to. Which makes some sense to me. Would you go get a strep or flu test if you haven't had symptoms and haven't been around anyone with symptoms? Yes, people get annually tested for cancer, but would women get a mammogram daily? Guys get a prostate exam daily?

If you really want to increase testing...
1) Every employer should test every employee every day (at least multiple times a week).
2) Employees don't need to quarantine following the test (unless they have symptoms).
3) Results should be available within 24 hours.

This would be similar to what the professional "bubble" sports are doing. The same should be done for schools.
You clearly miss the whole point of testing for an infectious disease.
And, yes, it would be great if every place could test like the NBA does. Unfortunately, the US doesn’t have the resources to do so at the moment.
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