Spa Products


Earning My Ears
Dec 3, 2001
Ive read a lot of comments that the products at the spa are expensive. Can someone give me some examples?

I can give you some examples, remember this is just off the top of my head, but:

Aching Muscle Massage Oil - $49.00

Creme Protectice - senstive skin $84.00

That one was the worst - a little tube of moisturizer!

If you really want to know the prices - take a look at - they're the ones who run the spa - and have the products listed on their website
I can't speak for the spa prices on the cruise, but the GF Spa and my wallet are good friends. I use the Jurlique Lavender hand cream, about $45 for a 4.4 oz tube. Well worth it though, it works like a charm, and you only need a bit a couple times a day. I have SUPER dry skin, and have never found another product that works as well on my hands/cuticles.

All I can say is I bought a face cream (which I love) for a ridiculously high price...I didn't ask the price before buying, stupidly. :rolleyes: On this particular spa day, the attendant didn't bring out the sheet that INCLUDED the pricing, and the stuff I bought was over $100. It will last me a LOOOONNNG time for that price. :D
Hi All,

We cruised in 10/2000 and gave in and bought the Muscle-ease oil at the Spa. They had, of course, recommended a whole list of products, but I was prepared ahead of time (some info I got from reading these boards!). We did pay $40 for the oil, but after over a year we've only used about 1/4 of the bottle. It seems like it's going to last forever! And what's more - it works great. It takes care of things I've had to go to a chiropractor for in the past. Needless to say, it has turned out to be a great investment even though we were kicking ourselves shortly afterward.

I'm sure not all the products may seem worth their cost, but here's one I personally recommend.

Debbie :bounce:

Next Wonder cruise 12/02


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