Riviera Resale Values

I am not getting the vitriol towards RR resale in this thread. The ones in this thread who have made that purchase, myself included, seem pretty darn happy about our decision. Haven't those who criticize ever bought a used car that's a year or two old? You don't get that shiny new car experience and not everything is "perfect," but you get a great deal and aren't the one paying for the reduction in value when a new car is driven off the lot. I paid $134 in March (net $117 after deduction for the rental amount I received for the banked points for which I paid no dues.) Per the June report, the average resale is $151. That's a 29% increase in value in 3 months. Even if I chose to sell today and got the average June resale price, I'd get a return of 17% after payment of brokerage fee in just a few months. (I'm not doing so as next year's points have already been rented for $21 pp and that will be the way it is until the RR newness wears off.) That's a lot better ROI than my bank gives me. Granted, those of us who have purchased probably have other points we can work with but there's no reason to call the resale restrictions "cancer" or the resale purchasers (or even direct purchasers) "ignorant." There are valid reasons for purchasing both direct and resale (I don't recommend RR resale for the first time DVC purchaser unless the purchaser is planning on other direct or resale purchases.) In my case, I'm 61 and Riviera is where I will be staying with the grandkids I hope to have. In the meantime, I can rent out the points to reduce my asset cost.
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I am still on the sidelines with RIV. I love the resort love the rooms. I do not like the resale restrictions. Wish I purchased last year...but that ship has sailed. I do not think its worth the current direct price and resale would have to be really low for me to consider. I still think we may see class action suits once the resort is sold out and owners cannot use their points. I do not like the direction DVC took this resort and i think resale prices will reflect the restrictions for at least the first 25 years.
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I am still on the sidelines with RIV. I love the resort love the rooms. I do not like the resale restrictions. Wish I purchased last year...but that ship has sailed. I do not think its worth the current direct price and resale would have to be really low for me to consider. I still think we may see class action suits once the resort is sold out and owners cannot use their points. I do not like the direction DVC took this resort and i think resale prices will reflect the restrictions for at least the first 25 years.

There will never be a time where an owner will not be able to use their points at RIV. There will always be rooms to be booked

Just like any other resort with a first come, first serve booking, it may not be the exact time you want it or the exact room size, but there will be rooms to be had.

Now, if someone doesn’t book when they are first allowed and get boxed out, that is on them.

The risk for resale is if you have to cancel and can’t reschedule. That is true and one should not buy RIV resale if you aren’t willing to take on that risk.

No one is buying this resort without knowing the rules

Now, I get people are not thrilled with the direction and change DVD has and is making. That’s fair criticism if it is important to you.
There will never be a time where an owner will not be able to use their points at RIV. There will always be rooms to be booked

Just like any other resort with a first come, first serve booking, it may not be the exact time you want it or the exact room size, but there will be rooms to be had.

Now, if someone doesn’t book when they are first allowed and get boxed out, that is on them.

The risk for resale is if you have to cancel and can’t reschedule. That is true and one should not buy RIV resale if you aren’t willing to take on that risk.

No one is buying this resort without knowing the rules

Now, I get people are not thrilled with the direction and change DVD has and is making. That’s fair criticism if it is important to you.
I still have concerns but everything is speculative. The resort is gorgeous and I love the resort. I have thought about both a direct or resale addition. If direct prices have another incentive like last year I would probably buy direct. If resale settles at 100 or less I will buy a small resale.
I still have concerns but everything is speculative. The resort is gorgeous and I love the resort. I have thought about both a direct or resale addition. If direct prices have another incentive like last year I would probably buy direct. If resale settles at 100 or less I will buy a small resale.

I definitely agree it’s not an easy decision because there are differences one has to consider, especially if you buy resale.

I also agree that current pricing may not hold long term. We have no idea because I do believe decisions DVD makes for future resorts will impact it a lot.

If they start adding to more hotels vs building new and keep as part of same association as VGF with no restrictions, I can’t imagine it won’t impact it.

As you say, most is all speculation at this point for future. But the here and now has people buying it at a decent price for being only bootable at that one place.

At least right now if you have ore 2019 points and can stomach PV point charts, you can stay there a good chunk of the year without having to make the commitment!!!
There will never be a time where an owner will not be able to use their points at RIV. There will always be rooms to be booked

Just like any other resort with a first come, first serve booking, it may not be the exact time you want it or the exact room size, but there will be rooms to be had.

Now, if someone doesn’t book when they are first allowed and get boxed out, that is on them.
"You can book a room, just not what/when you want" is bordering on the pitfalls of other timeshares and why people judge them so negatively.

The great part of DVC with the O14 is that there are always options due to the number of rooms in the system. There were resorts that booked solid before 7 months but you always have SSR or others.

As an increasing number of people are locked into only Riviera, the rooms will get more and more difficult to book for peak times. If you travel at low periods and the resale prices get beaten down, it might be a great value though.

Will be interesting to watch going forward for sure.
"You can book a room, just not what/when you want" is bordering on the pitfalls of other timeshares and why people judge them so negatively.

The great part of DVC with the O14 is that there are always options due to the number of rooms in the system. There were resorts that booked solid before 7 months but you always have SSR or others.

As an increasing number of people are locked into only Riviera, the rooms will get more and more difficult to book for peak times. If you travel at low periods and the resale prices get beaten down, it might be a great value though.

Will be interesting to watch going forward for sure.

That is why buying something like RIV resale is not going to be for everyone. You really have to know the pitfalls of owning it. I think where you are going to see the biggest impact going forward is for those who do not own RIV...and want to stay there... as the movement when there are more resale points in the system won't be the same as some of the other resorts. So, those 7 month bookings will be harder to secure.

I still don't think we will see any level of the resale impact for at least 10 years. Right now, a lot of people buying RIV are buying to use the points there as there is not a ton of movement so far at 7 months.

It will definitely be an interesting thing to monitor!!!
I highly doubt resale will settle at 160 for RIV. Resale is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Not enough direct points sold yet to see where resale lands.

With the way resale has gone up, it could be where RIV settles. A rising tide floats all boats.
"You can book a room, just not what/when you want" is bordering on the pitfalls of other timeshares and why people judge them so negatively.

The great part of DVC with the O14 is that there are always options due to the number of rooms in the system. There were resorts that booked solid before 7 months but you always have SSR or others.

As an increasing number of people are locked into only Riviera, the rooms will get more and more difficult to book for peak times. If you travel at low periods and the resale prices get beaten down, it might be a great value though.

Will be interesting to watch going forward for sure.

I think it’s already difficult to book at peak times now. If you don’t book at your 11-month window, you need to be flexible on your dates. Even “non-peak” times fill up just before the 7-month window opens, making it difficult for non-owners to book. More RIV resale owners are not going to make booking at peak times any more difficult at 11 months.
At some point, I can see us only staying at RIV. The closeness of the amenities is very appealing to us as we age, not like some of the other resorts where you have to walk a great distance, take a bus or drive to get anywhere within the resort. So our direct points will be used just as resale points will be used.
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As an increasing number of people are locked into only Riviera, the rooms will get more and more difficult to book for peak times.
I'm a more recent resale owner who doesn't have any ability to book at Riviera. I'd love to stay there every now and then and would be willing to pay a premium to purchase transfer points in order to do so. I bet there are others in a similar boat to me. I'd expect to see Riviera transfer points go for quite a bit (in the Beach Club range of $20+ per point). This would give resale Riviera owners the ability to sell transfer points at a premium and then use some of the proceeds to rent at other resorts. Sure, it takes a little effort, but is still a workaround to give Riviera resale owners some flexibility.
I'm a more recent resale owner who doesn't have any ability to book at Riviera. I'd love to stay there every now and then and would be willing to pay a premium to purchase transfer points in order to do so. I bet there are others in a similar boat to me. I'd expect to see Riviera transfer points go for quite a bit (in the Beach Club range of $20+ per point). This would give resale Riviera owners the ability to sell transfer points at a premium and then use some of the proceeds to rent at other resorts. Sure, it takes a little effort, but is still a workaround to give Riviera resale owners some flexibility.

Just bought my second Riv resale yesterday and that is exactly my plan.
I am not getting the vitriol towards RR resale in this thread. The ones in this thread who have made that purchase, myself included, seem pretty darn happy about our decision.

I agree that any resale contract can be sold for roughly what you bought it for if you want to unload soon. Yay! It's a feature I love! But that's also true for buying resale at resorts with more flexibility and better properties. Heck, I'd argue that's true for Beach Club, which is a terrible value -- or VGF which costs the same and has the same chart, but is VGF instead of RIV.

I can't defend RIV's chart, but resale buyers who did their math and want that chart, power to you! It still makes sense against cash. Heck, I would be on your seventh class whatever color card if it were cheaper! There's still time. Maybe I'll be a RIV resale buyer later on.
My only fear with Riviera Resale is that as it gets nearer to selling out, it’s going to be totally booked out at 11 months. Nobody will probably be able to book at 7 from other resorts.

will even 11 months eventually be a rush to book studios

Only about 1% of a resort flips each year to resale on average over the long term. So while it might be accurate it has more to do with RIV being popular because its very nice and is on the Skyliner to Epcot/HS.

Also unlike various other resorts RIV is fairly well balanced when it comes to points/rooms across the booking categories unlike say a CCV which has huge swaths of points dumped in to Cabins.

It would possibly be more so an issue 10/20/30 years from now as a large number of contracts are resale. By then though more of the original direct owners might be actively looking to stay in other resorts thus alleviating the 11 month strain some.

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