P & P Party Rant.

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I am probably going to get flamed for this, but to me there is a difference between shopping on mainstreet and trying to get on a ride without a wristband. I think it would be fairly easy to keep mainstreet open for non party guests after 7PM for the same amounto f time as they do in a standard closing. If special P&P merchadise is an issue, then CMs could easy restrict that to wristbanded guests. Just don't allow those w/o wristbands to buy the P&P merchadise. But let them make their normal purchases. Many people plan on shopping mainstreet after the rides close, because keeping mainstreet open longer has always been the standard procedure. I just don't see what the harm would be to allow people in the storesfor the normal amount of time Mainstreet is usually open after closing.

I also think that the escort out was overkill. The OP said he told the CM he was leaving when his wife got back. The CMs could have just watched to make sure they left and if they did not then done something about it.

Just my 2 cents.

At 7:10 is was overkill, at pushing 8 P.M. not overkill.

Personally if I pay extra for a ticket (which I did) I really don't want to run into non wristband people in front of me in line if I want to shop on Main Street. I paid extra to be in the park with fewer people, that meant fewer people EVERYWHERE....not just on the rides.
I'll admit that I haven't read all the posts here. But, I was at the P and P Party that night. They made several announcements that the park was closing. At 6:00, as we were leaving the CP after dinner, they were announcing that the park would be closing promptly at 7:00 for a special party. We heard that announcement several times in the next hour. There were plenty of CMs along Main St., showing people where to exit the park at. There were CMs checking IDs for everything from bathrooms to shop counters, as well as the attractions, until about 9:00ish. Then, the wristband 'proving' slowed way down.
So, yes, Disney made it very clear that the park was closing for a special party. CMs were stopping people at 7:00 in order to see their wristbands. If someone didn't have one, they were told they had to leave the park immediatly. I'm sorry this has offended anyone, but it would have been very difficult to not realize that you had to leave at 7:00.
I am probably going to get flamed for this, but to me there is a difference between shopping on mainstreet and trying to get on a ride without a wristband. I think it would be fairly easy to keep mainstreet open for non party guests after 7PM for the same amounto f time as they do in a standard closing. If special P&P merchadise is an issue, then CMs could easy restrict that to wristbanded guests. Just don't allow those w/o wristbands to buy the P&P merchadise. But let them make their normal purchases. Many people plan on shopping mainstreet after the rides close, because keeping mainstreet open longer has always been the standard procedure. I just don't see what the harm would be to allow people in the storesfor the normal amount of time Mainstreet is usually open after closing.

I also think that the escort out was overkill. The OP said he told the CM he was leaving when his wife got back. The CMs could have just watched to make sure they left and if they did not then done something about it.

Just my 2 cents.

:sad2: What if all 10,000+ people entering MK that day had the OP's schedule. All 10,000 people rode their last ride at 6:59 and then perused Main Street at their leisure?

Thats why rules are in place. The Mall closes at 9, are you there at 9:45 in the fitting room, deciding if you like a dress?

You can argue the rule all day. but its clear. Park closes at 7 because a hard ticket event is going on. Which means as person who follows the rules you leave the magic kingdom at 7, not 7:45. DTD is open till 11, go there and peruse the world of disney. For the most part they have the same stuff as the emporeum.
They made several announcements that the park was closing. At 6:00, as we were leaving the CP after dinner, they were announcing that the park would be closing promptly at 7:00 for a special party. We heard that announcement several times in the next hour. There were plenty of CMs along Main St., showing people where to exit the park at. There were CMs checking IDs for everything from bathrooms to shop counters, as well as the attractions, until about 9:00ish. Then, the wristband 'proving' slowed way down.
So, yes, Disney made it very clear that the park was closing for a special party. CMs were stopping people at 7:00 in order to see their wristbands. If someone didn't have one, they were told they had to leave the park immediatly. I'm sorry this has offended anyone, but it would have been very difficult to not realize that you had to leave at 7:00

Goofy4Tink summed it up great. There were numerous signs, lots of announcements, and CMs everywhere telling people the park was closing. I would find it very unrealistic for someone to not realize that the park was closing for a special event and that you needed the wrist band to stay in the park. I was amazed that after all the announcements and CMs friendly reminders that the park was closing that there were people in the park acting like they had no idea they needed to leave. I actually heard a family coaching their children to keep walking if someone tried to stop them as they attempted to enter Toontown. I am sure they were not the only ones doing this. While the CM may have been a little gruff with the OP they are human. I bet they hear every excuse in the book why someone should be an exception to the rule.

I definitely don't want to pay the extra money for an after hours event if they are going to let non paying guest stay. There will always be someone who is offended that they are asked to leave but after clearly posting the park hours, making announcements, etc. what else can Disney do but escort a person out?
Pretty much every theme park I've been to has shops open near the front of the park for at least 30 minutes after closing, so I can understand the OP's frustration.
Pretty much every theme park I've been to has shops open near the front of the park for at least 30 minutes after closing, so I can understand the OP's frustration.

That's all I was trying to say. Its just confusing when this is the procedure for days when there is no party, and a hard closing for days when it is. If they made it clear ahead of time that it would be a hard clsing, then people could plan their main street shopping accordingly. Otherwise people will just assume it is like a normal closing and save their shopping until the end.
But clearly it is not a normal closing and the OP knew that. The Main Street shops are smack in the middle of those entering the P&P Party, wanting to buy the exclusive merchandise and enjoy other activities so it should have been obvious that a leisurely stroll for desserts and merchandise would not be the correct choice. What I truly don't understand is why there is any question that the OP was in the wrong, knew that and the correct action was taken? If you knew the rules and followed them, this would never have been an issue. Sometimes it seems that people don't believe that rules apply to them, especially at Disney and that is unfortunate.
tigger536 said:
That's all I was trying to say. Its just confusing when this is the procedure for days when there is no party, and a hard closing for days when it is. If they made it clear ahead of time that it would be a hard clsing, then people could plan their main street shopping accordingly. Otherwise people will just assume it is like a normal closing and save their shopping until the end.

First of all, this was not a normal closing (and there was plenty of indication that it wasn't a normal closing...it's not Disney's fault if people choose to ignore that information that's blatantly in their face). And even if it was a normal closing, Disney is under no obligation to keep ANY store open after the park is closed. If you're out shopping some place else...a mall for example...do you expect all the shops to stay open for you after the place has closed? Disney does it out of courtesy.

I have a hard time believing that the OP had no clue about this being a hard closing as other people have indicated just how much they stressed the closing through signs and announcements. And being that Disney doesn't do that on a typical night, that should have been a big clue that this was no ordinary closing. The OP is still at fault here. He did know what was going on and was even turned down at a store and yet he continued to break the rules.

And as someone else so wonderfully put it, ignorance is not an excuse. Disney is under no obligation to fulfill your shopping desires. You are under obligation, however, to follow their rules.
First of all, this was not a normal closing (and there was plenty of indication that it wasn't a normal closing...it's not Disney's fault if people choose to ignore that information that's blatantly in their face). And even if it was a normal closing, Disney is under no obligation to keep ANY store open after the park is closed. If you're out shopping some place else...a mall for example...do you expect all the shops to stay open for you after the place has closed? Disney does it out of courtesy.

I have a hard time believing that you had no clue about this being a hard closing as other people have indicated just how much they stressed the closing through signs and announcements. And being that Disney doesn't do that on a typical night, that should have been a big clue that this was no ordinary closing. You are still at fault here. You did know what was going on and you were even turned down at a store and yet you continued to break the rules.

And as someone else so wonderfully put it, ignorance is not an excuse. Disney is under no obligation to fulfill your shopping desires. You are under obligation, however, to follow their rules.

I was there that same night for the party. I actually appreciated them clearing the park and thought they did a great job of doing so. There were signs everywhere for the party and a huge display on each side of the entrance, I think it was mentioned earlier. Also, there was blow up crown and pirate hat at the entrance you drive through that would fit King Kong. If you knew the park closed at 7:00 you should've left by 7:00. Don't see what the issue is. I also spent lots of money including tickets to the party and appreciated seeing the difference hearding everyone out made. I also enjoyed riding BTMRR 3x in a row because of the low crowds.
I heard one person say they had a hard time with one CM but they just went to a different turnstyle and got in.

That doesn't make any sense to me because they let all party goers in with Halloween costumes throughout Sept & Oct for MNSSHP after 4:00p. :confused3

If I remember correctly, I think the poster you are referring to had trouble at 3:40 with an AP, and was told if they were in costume they had to wait until 4:00 to enter.
Some people here are being rude. The problem with typing is that tone of voice is not being conveyed necessarily as intended. It is completely inappropriate to call someone on a typo when the thread has nothing to do with that. Now, I'm going to voice this as opinion as someone who has never done an event. I can go for both sides. WDW needs to clearly state to people that MAIN STREET will be closing at 7pm along with everything else. I know at Disneyland they actually publish that Main Street is open an hour later than "park closing" for shopping. The majority of people do not research their WDW trip and would not have necessarily known the days of the party or that there was a "hard" closing on party nights. Someone could be there on a Monday and shop past closing, but Wed not be able to because there is a party. It's awfully confusing when sometimes you're allowed to and sometimes you're not. Now being that I talk on WDW boards I would know they don't stay open, but that's just me out of how many? Also, I think it's pretty ridiculous for people to be upset about someone staying 45 minutes late when you are allowed to enter THREE hours before your party is suppose to start without using a day of your ticket. They really need to go back to clearning it out before letting people in. I don't think it's fair on the part of regular customers to have the lines fill up because people who didn't pay to be in the park at 4 or 5 are in there going on the rides that I am using one of my days for. They could wait until after 7 to go on the rides like their ticket states. I do agree that people should leave, so don't flame me. I don't think non paying ticket holders should be in there to see any special events, but I think WDW needs to clear people out before letting people in. Obviously it DID work as they use to do it for years. Perhaps they should close at 5 and let people in at 6. 6-midnight is a pretty long time for a "party."
After reading through all posts, I came to this conclusion. The OP was in the wrong here. Sorry to say, but its true. The OP even asked someone who was dressed as to what was going on, but I am sure Disney made announcements and has signs everywhere for these types of events.

You have to look at it this way, what if YOU (OP) was one of these ticket holders, how would you feel. These people did pay more than you did for a special event, why should it have to stop for you because you didn't manage your time correctly?

Everyone wants fairness right? If you saw CM's outside of every store along Mainstreet and after you spoke with one and they advised you that it was only for wristband guests then you should have left the park at that time.

I also don't feel we need the other side of the story from the CM. They were doing their job if it was 7:10pm and his wife was online waiting for the Mickey Ears, why did it take 30 minutes? I have been to that store many times and they operate quite quickly. I don't get the timeline.

Again if it was YOUR family being inconveianced (sp?) then you would understand why the CM did what they did.

The OP also stated that he had been to another special ticket event so you can't really say you don't know how they work.
I was the poster who called out the OP on the typo. Yes, it was uncalled for and out of line. my bad.

You can, however, read tone into typing. I read the OP as feeling entitled that he *deserved* to be there an hour past close and was offended that he was asked to leave. In his later posting (page 5?), he sounded much more reasonable and even-handed.

He says that he's been to other ticketed parties and has spent $10000s of dollars there. He also asked at 6:58 if he could still get on a ride.

In my mind, if he has been to parties and has spent that much money there and asked if he could still get on, he full well knew that he was there 'against the rules'. He didn't head straight for the exit - they sat down on Main Street to eat their snacks. We went onto Buzz at 6:58 and didn't depart until after 7:45 -- that is a pretty long saunter down Main Street. He could have headed for the entrance and sat down outside the gates and enjoyed his snack without violating the rules.

I think he was just caught and didn't like it.

Was that rude or nasty ? Nope, just my opinion. Trying to get back to even here.
Also, I think it's pretty ridiculous for people to be upset about someone staying 45 minutes late when you are allowed to enter THREE hours before your party is suppose to start without using a day of your ticket. QUOTE]

You are allowed to enter the park for the event that you PAID for, 3 hours beforehand. The person who stayed 45 minutes DID NOT pay to be there. The difference here is that you are questioning a Disney policy of letting partygoers into an event earlier while the actual problem here was that the OP knowingly broke a rule and then wants to be able to do whatever they want with it because they have spent lots of money at Disney.:scared1:
Some people here are being rude. The problem with typing is that tone of voice is not being conveyed necessarily as intended. It is completely inappropriate to call someone on a typo when the thread has nothing to do with that.
You pointed out one example of something you think is rude. One example does not equal some people since only one person said anything like that. Everyone else here has been perfectly civil in pointing out the flaws in the OP's situation. Just because someone disagrees with the OP doesn't make them rude. If you're going to take only one example, I'm sure all of us would appreciate it if you limit your "some people here are being rude" to only the one person that you're using as an example.

WDW needs to clearly state to people that MAIN STREET will be closing at 7pm along with everything else.
WDW specifically stated that the Magic Kingdom was closing at 7pm. There is absolutely no need for them to state Main Street as Main Street is a part of the Magic Kingdom. The closing times were everywhere, even published, and were even announced.

I know at Disneyland they actually publish that Main Street is open an hour later than "park closing" for shopping. The majority of people do not research their WDW trip and would not have necessarily known the days of the party or that there was a "hard" closing on party nights. Someone could be there on a Monday and shop past closing, but Wed not be able to because there is a party. It's awfully confusing when sometimes you're allowed to and sometimes you're not.
Disney is not at fault for guests not researching their trip. When Disney provides all the information, it's not their fault that the guests ignore the information that is freely available to them. Besides, this is a moot point. This is a situation where the OP knew he wasn't allowed into the stores without a wristband and yet he broke the rules. In all honesty it seems like he was upset because he was caught. If shopping is that important, head to Downtown Disney as someone else pointed out. For the most part, you're going to find the same merchandise.

Also, I think it's pretty ridiculous for people to be upset about someone staying 45 minutes late when you are allowed to enter THREE hours before your party is suppose to start without using a day of your ticket.
That's because Disney allows hard ticket holders to enter that early. Not to mention that the park is still open. Disney does not allow people, however, to stay after the park has closed if you don't have a ticket for the party. People who enter three hours early aren't breaking the rules. People who stay after they've been told to leave are breaking the rules. And when I pay x amount of dollars to have the privilege of being there, I don't personally appreciate someone staying an excessive amount of time because they feel they are above the rules. Many non ticket holders try to stay for the party they've never paid for. We've seen it happen. Who is to say how much longer they would have stayed had a CM not confronted them about it? Because in all honesty if they were willing to disregard one CM's indication they needed to leave and couldn't shop...well, I'll leave it at that.

I don't think it's fair on the part of regular customers to have the lines fill up because people who didn't pay to be in the park at 4 or 5 are in there going on the rides that I am using one of my days for.
It's not like anyone who got in was getting in for free. So please define "regular customer." Last year I did MNSSHP. I paid for park hoppers for every single day we were at WDW plus we paid for MNSSHP. So just because I wasn't required to use part of my hopper after 4pm doesn't mean I didn't spend the money for that ticket. So really, WDW got more of my money. We could sit here all day dissecting what's fair and what's not. Bottom line is that WDW has rules in place...and people entering early is not against their rules.

6-midnight is a pretty long time for a "party."
The party doesn't start at 6pm, it starts at 7pm. And really, it doesn't matter what you think is long or not. What matters is that people pay for the right to be there and Disney has rules about what time non ticket holders need to leave. Those guests need to follow those rules no matter what they may think of those rules.

I do agree that people should leave, so don't flame me.
I'm sure you won't take it as such, but I am not flaming you...simply pointing out the flaws in your argument. Perhaps you would understand the situation a lot more if you actually spend the money to attend a hard ticket event.
OP,"Can you feel the love tonight?" What time does the P&P start? 7:00- so WDW should let these people in at 7:00.
Maybe the OP's wife was stuck in a long line at the check-out because so many P & P people were in line buying stuff.
Look,I've been on these boards for about 3 years and I promise I had no clue about this P & P thing and I frequent all of the boards on the DIS. I though it was the Pirate boat ride or whatever they call the attraction that leaves from the GF.
Just because some of you knew that this hard ticket attraction was going on doesn't mean that everyone knew. BTW, WDW has not always put signage about an event up bright and early,especially if the event is sold out.
OP,"Can you feel the love tonight?" What time does the P&P start? 7:00- so WDW should let these people in at 7:00.
Maybe the OP's wife was stuck in a long line at the check-out because so many P & P people were in line buying stuff.
Look,I've been on these boards for about 3 years and I promise I had no clue about this P & P thing and I frequent all of the boards on the DIS. I though it was the Pirate boat ride or whatever they call the attraction that leaves from the GF.
Just because some of you knew that this hard ticket attraction was going on doesn't mean that everyone knew. BTW, WDW has not always put signage about an event up bright and early,especially if the event is sold out.
People who were there that same night have already reported on this thread that signs were all over the place, they were published, AND they made announcements.
Again, it's not Disney's fault if people don't research the information that Disney freely provides for them. To give a good example of this, you said you had no clue what this event was...yet the information has been posted all over this site. You just assumed to know what it was and didn't look into it. And so you have a classic example of a person not researching what's going on. That's not Disney fault and they shouldn't be blamed for it.
OP,"Can you feel the love tonight?" What time does the P&P start? 7:00- so WDW should let these people in at 7:00.
Maybe the OP's wife was stuck in a long line at the check-out because so many P & P people were in line buying stuff.
Look,I've been on these boards for about 3 years and I promise I had no clue about this P & P thing and I frequent all of the boards on the DIS. I though it was the Pirate boat ride or whatever they call the attraction that leaves from the GF.
Just because some of you knew that this hard ticket attraction was going on doesn't mean that everyone knew. BTW, WDW has not always put signage about an event up bright and early,especially if the event is sold out.

Several posters have stated that they have gone to P&P, even on the SAME night that the OP was there, and there were announcements and banners and even a large blow-up decoration. And the people who were waiting in a line for event merchandise PAID to be there in line.
I don't understand why people feel the OP was 'wrong'. The park closes every night, and every night, people stroll through the park after it has closed and are not out of the park at the posted closing time. Disney, in the training of their ride CM, showed that it was perfectly acceptable for the guest to be in the park entering a ride at 6:58. So obviously, you are not supposed to have exited the park by 7:00 pm even though those that have purchased the P&P ticket seem to feel an entitlement to the park at that exact time. Disney will allow people into the parks for an hour to make a purchase and does so without having a CM hover over the guest. Lighten up folks, the OP wasn't in the wrong, just doing what we do everyday but doing so at a time when the regular rules weren't in place.
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